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      • 탈영토화하는 공간에서 '다문화공생'

        구지영(Koo, Ji-Young) 한국해양대학교 국제해양문제연구소 2010 해양도시문화교섭학 Vol.- No.2

        As a way to cope with changes resulted from globalization and remove ethnic conflicts, "multiculturalism/multicultural co-existence has become the issue since the 1990s. This is one of ethic and educational methods to respect diversity and uniqueness of personal culture, and also coexist in the relations between minority that has long existed in a nation-state and immigration that has generated by globalization since the late 1990s. However, this saying itself is a "good concept" without any doubt to raise opposition but has a different meaning depending on when and where it is used. With the urgent request for "social integration" with rapidly increasing numerous "others" due to globalization, current "multicultural co-existence" is used as a political alternative of political and social issues that a nation-state faces. The "multicultural co-existence" of this political aspect faces some criticisms of the discourse"s inconsequence unlike the original "good intention". Is "multicultural co-existence" a concept that should be discarded due to its logical contradiction? Is the original "good intention" of respecting diversity and of symbiosis(公利共生) possible to practice? This study aims to look into "multicultural co-existence" from the epistemological perspective by having the problem awareness and discussing as follows. First, based on the fieldwork data in Qingdao, China, the study overviews "new" immigration generated by globalization and their created space to cross the boarder. Second, after introducing the relation with "others" in everyday life through cases, it aims to point out paradox and limits of "multicultural co-existence" from the "social integration". Third, as one of epistemological changes to realize "multicultural co-existence", it aims to discuss the usefulness of "cultural interactions" focused on the individual"s cultural identity. Modernity itself becomes today questioned as the deterritorializing space expands, and it is expected that constant meeting between "self" and "non-self" caused by "globalization from below" becomes free from fixed boundaries and is connected to be the new ethic of symbiosis.

      • KCI등재

        동북아시아 해항도시의 접촉과 갈등에 관한 사례연구

        구지영(Koo, Ji-Young) 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2014 한국민족문화 Vol.52 No.-

        본고는 지구화시대 도시에서 발생하는 접촉과 갈등을 경제관계가 심화되고 있는 1990년 이후의 동북아시아, 그 관계의 결절에 위치한 중국 해항도시, 그리고 이곳을 무대로 이동하는 한국인을 사례로 고찰한 것이다. 사례는 2003년부터 칭다오와 다롄에서 수행한 참여관찰과 인터뷰를 통해 수집했다. 연구내용과 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 제조업 현장, 자영업 현장, 일상공간의 접촉과 갈등을 이주자의 이력과 실천을 통해 살펴보았다. 한국인은 노동집약적 중소제조업의 경영난과 금융위기 후 구조조정의 여파 속에서 활로모색을 위해 중국으로 이주했다. 중국인(조선족 포함)과의 접촉은 고용-피고용, 임차-임대, 경쟁업자 등 주로 경제관계를 매개로 이루어졌다. 둘째, 투자유치를 위해 마련된 공식·비공식 특혜로 이주와 창업이 용이해져 한국인의 경제 및 사회공간은 급속히 확대되었다. 갈등의 대부분은 이러한 비공식적 정주와 경영과정에서 발생했는데, 2000년대 후반 한국인사회가 위축되면서 그 갈등은 증폭되었다. 셋째, 이주자는 자신이 경험한 갈등을 국적이나 민족을 통해 설명했다. 이 말들은 접촉과 갈등을 직접 표상하기보다는 관계를 재구성하고 서열화를 실천하는 근거로 작용했다. 한편 2000년대 후반부터 한국인 인구가 감소하고 남아있는 사람들이 현지화 경향이 강해지면서 갈등해석에 새로운 요소들이 개입하기 시작했다. 넷째, 조직 활동을 통해 갈등조정 양상과 이것의 제도적 포섭 여부를 살펴보았다. 한국인회는 내적 모순과 역량 부족뿐만 아니라 중국 내 인정의 문제로, 갈등을 조정하고 교섭을 주도하지 못하고 있다. 본고의 사례는 경제관계의 심화가 사회적 공생으로 이어지기 위해서는, 정치경제적 변동이 증폭시킨 이주민사회의 모순과 갈등을 조정할 수 있는 새로운 가치와 제도적 틀이 마련되어야 한다는 것을 보여준다. This paper presents an investigation into Northeast Asia, where contacts, conflicts, and economic relations had been growing intensive in cities in the globalization era since 1990, the seaport cities of China located at the nodes of those relations, and Korean people moving to them. The study introduced the contacts and conflicts of the manufacturing field, self-employed business field, and everyday life space through the careers, practices, and words of migrants, thus looking into the interpretation and mediation patterns of those conflicts. The findings were as follows: first, the contacts were generally based on the political and economic relations. Korean people moved to China to find a way out in the middle of management difficulties at labor-intensive small- or medium-sized manufacturing business, financial crisis, and restructuring. As the migration and business obstacles decreased thanks to official and unofficial favors given to attract investments, the unofficial economic and social space across the borders got expanded. Korean and Chinese(including ethnic Koreans living in China) people made contacts with each other mainly through economic relations such as employer-employee, renter-rentee, and competitor relations. Conflicts happened in the processes of unofficial settlement and management. The unofficial areas for Korean people have rapidly withdrawn since the middle 2000s, which has amplified the conflicts. Second, migrants explained the conflicts they experienced through nationality or race. Their words worked to reorganize conflicts endlessly rather than representing them directly and became a ground to practice the ranking of relations between different races and nations. As the localization and settlement of migrant communities got reinforced since the late 2000s, various elements including gender, social class, and educational background started to intervene in the interpretation chart of conflicts. Finally, diverse organizations were formed to mitigate and mediate conflicts. Religious gatherings, clubs, and alumni meetings where a good number of migrants belong are mitigating conflicts at the social and psychological level. However, the associations of Korean residents, which are usually supposed to mediate political and economic conflicts in the migrant communities, fail to function as a window for negotiations between the two governments due to their representativeness issue.

      • KCI등재

        일반논문 : 동아시아 해항도시의 이문화 공간 형성과 변용 -부산 초량동 "차이나타운"을 사례로

        구지영 ( Ji Young Koo ) 동아대학교 석당학술원 2011 石堂論叢 Vol.0 No.50

        본 연구는 동아시아 해항도시의 이문화공간이 시공간적으로 형성된 특정한 권력관계와 의미의 틀 속에서 구성·재구성되어왔다는 것을 부산시 초량동 ``차이나타운``을 사례로 고찰한 것이다. 이를 위해 본고에서는 다음의 논의를 전개하였다. 첫째, 선행연구의 정리를 통해 한국화교의 특징과 연구의의를 살펴보았다. 현재 부산 ``차이나타운``의 모태가 되는 조계지는 교류의 거점인 해항도시에 대한 청조의 세력 확장으로 성립되었으며, 이것이 화교들의 이주를 촉진시키는 계기가 되었다는 것은 자연발생적인 경향이 강한 타 지역과는 상이하다. 둘째, ``차이나타운``을 유형별로 분류하였다. 지금 개발이 진행 중인 초량 ``차이나타운``은 쇠퇴한 유래형에서 관광지형으로 전환하는 중에 있다. 이것은 일본의 ``차이나타운``처럼 주변화된 혼종공간이 ``중화적인 테마파크``로 장소성을 부여받으며 주류사회로 편입되는 과정이기도 하다. 셋째, 초량 ``차이나타운``의 모습을 시간적 틀과 공간적 틀로 나누어 고찰하였다. ``청관거리``는 개항과 식민, 한국전쟁 시에 대외 교류의 거점으로 위치하다가, 강력한 중앙집권적 국민국가의 성립과 더불어 주변화된다. 이후 국제관계의 변동에 가장 민감한 영향을 받으면서, 1980년 이후의 부산 도시개발에서 도태되어 ``잊혀진 공간``으로 존재했다. 하지만, 1990년대부터 경제의 지구화와 한중수교라는 정치경제적 변화로 다시금 이곳의 ``중화적인 것``이 주목을 받는다. 본고에서는 개발과정에 대한 현지조사를 통해 ``차이나타운``을 둘러싼 각 주체들의 해석과 실천이 매우 다양하다는 것과, 이 해석과 실천이 어긋나고 만나는 과정에서 이 장소는 끊임없이 구성·재구성되고 있다는 것을 규명하였다. The study is intended to consider the case study of the ``China Town`` in Choryang-dong, Busan in order to prove that the cross-cultural space of an East Asian seaport city has been structured and restructured in the specific power game(correlation) formed temporally and spatially and in the framework of the meaning. For this, the following three discussions are developed. Firstly, the features of Korean Chinese and the meaning of the study was considered by means of precedent studies. The establishment of their settlement, which was the matrix of today`s ``China Town``, was different with other regions in the view that it was due to the expansion of Chinese settlement for a seaport city and the important point of transportation. Secondly, the study looks into the commonness and difference while arranging ``China Town`` existing differently depending on the regions and eras. The Choryang ``China Town`` under development is being transited from the declined origin type to tourism attraction type, which was also the procedure endowed as ``Chinese Theme Park`` from a mixed space like the ``China Towns`` in Japan and melted down in a mainstream. Thirdly, the appearance of the Choryang ``China Town`` was considered by dividing into temporal and spatial frames. The place was originally located as the important point in the time of opening of the port, colonization and the Korean War but ousted outside as the centralized authority government was established. The place just existed as a ``forgotten space`` as it was weeded out of the city development of Busan since 1980`s and maintained the foreignness by being affected by the international order between and among U.S., Russia and China. From 1990`s, the effect of globalization and the political and economic changes such as the diplomatic relation between South Korea and China made the place for the ``China-like``. Also, it was found in the field survey that the interpretation and practices of each entity for the development of the ``China Town`` were so various and the place identity continued to be structured and restructured at the point of conflict between the foresaid practices.

      • KCI등재후보

        칭다오 일본인사회의 접촉과 갈등에 관한 통시적 연구

        구지영(Koo, Ji-Young),권경선(Kwon, Kyung-Seon) 부산대학교 인문학연구소 2014 코기토 Vol.- No.76

        이 연구는 중국 칭다오 일본인사회를 사례로, 동북아시아 초국적 관계의 결절에 위치한 해항도시의 접촉과 갈등을 고찰한 것이다. 연구 시기는 독일점령기에서 제2차 일본점령기가 끝나는 1945년까지와 노동집약적 제조업의 진출로 일본인 이주가 재개되는 1990년 이후이다. 연구방법은 역사자료, 문학작품, 선행연구에 대한 분석이며, 필요에 따라 인터뷰자료를 활용했다. 연구내용과 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 시기별 접촉양상을 살펴보았다. 타자간 접촉은 정치관계, 산업구조, 인구구성, 거주양상에 따라 상이했다. 특히 1910년대 후반부터 1930년대까지는 인구증가와 계층분화로 생업 및 거주공간에서 다양한 접촉면이 형성되었다. 둘째, 갈등을 유발하는 요인과 표출양상에 대해 살펴보았다. 갈등은 주로 식민?반식민 상황, 즉 정치군사적 비호를 통한 일제의 민족차별과 그것이 양산한 경제관계의 불평등에서 발생했다. 또 이것은 반일감정과 같은 민족관계나 노동쟁의와 같은 계급관계로 표출되었다. 셋째, 1990년 이후의 일본인사회는 타자간 접촉을 최소화해 공적 기억으로 계승된 민족갈등을 조정할 수 있는 접촉공간을 만들지 못했다. 아울러 최근 발생한 중?일간 정치적 충돌이 이주민의 일상으로 침투하면서, 이 갈등은 공적 기억에서 사적 체험으로 구체화되고 있다. This paper presents an investigation into the contacts and conflicts of seaport cities located at the nodes of transnational relations in Northeast Asia with the case of Japanese community in Qingdao, China. There were two research periods : one lasted from the German rule to 1945 when the second Japanese occupation ended, and the other started in 1990 when the migration of Japanese people resumed due to the entry of labor-intensive manufacturing. As for methodology, the study analyzed historical materials, literary works, and previous studies and utilized interview data when necessary. The research content and findings were as follows: first, the study examined the patterns of contacts by the periods and found that contacts with others varied according to the patterns of political relations, industrial structures, population organization, and residence. Especially various contact surfaces were created in occupation and living spaces due to the increasing population and differentiation of hierarchy from the late 1910s to the 1930. Secondly, the study also examined the causes of conflicts and the patterns of their expression. Conflicts were usually created in colonial and anticolonial situations, namely discriminations against peoples by the Japanese Empire through political and military protection and resulting unequal economic relations. They were expressed in national relations such as anti-Japanese feelings and social class relations such as labor disputes. Finally, the Japanese community had failed to build a contact space to offset the national conflicts inherited as a public memory by minimizing contacts with others since 1990. As recent political clashes between China and Japan were penetrating into the daily lives of immigrants, those conflicts were specified as a private experience from a public memory.

      • KCI등재

        지구화 시대 한국인의 중국 이주와 초국적 사회공간의 형성

        구지영(Koo, Ji-Young) 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2011 한국민족문화 Vol.40 No.-

        본 연구는 중국 칭다오 한인사회를 사례로 지구화시대 한국인의 이동과 초국적 사회공간의 형성에 대해 고찰하는 것이다. 지금까지 중국으로 이동한 한국인에 대한 연구는 거의 대부분 기업 활동이 중심이었다. 하지만, 연구의 초점을 기업에서 일상공간으로 옮겨보면, 실제로는 기업 활동과 직접적인 관련이 없는 다양한 사람들이 이 속에 포함되어 있다는 것을 알 수 있다. 본고에서는 칭다오시 시남구(市南區)의 한인 집단거주지의 일상공간에 대한 현지조사를 바탕으로, 다음 세 가지 연구 주체에 초점을 맞추어 오늘날 한국과 중국을 잇는 초국적 사회공간의 양상에 대해 파악하고자 했다. 첫째, 1990년대 전반에서 2008년까지 칭다오의 한국인 사회를 기업관계자 뿐만 아니라 다양한 배경을 가진 사람들을 포함하여 총체적으로 파악하였다. 이를 통해 기업진출을 계기로 시작된 한국인의 이동은 모국의 사회경제적 변화와 밀접하게 연동되어 단기간에 급증하였고, 이 과정에서 이주사회의 내적 분화가 이루어졌다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 둘째, 이주 동기에 대한 수사(rhetoric)를 통해 경계를 넘는 행위의 주관적 의미에 대해 고찰하였다. 조사지의 영세 자영업자들은 대체로 한국사회의 중심-주변의 위계구도에서 주변화된 사람들로, 칭다오로의 이동은 주변으로부터의 탈출로 그려지고 있었다. 또 이 공간적 이동은 그들의 상상 속에서 상징화된 ‘중국’을 그 중심-주변의 구조에 편입하는 과정이기도 했다. 이 상징화된 ‘중국’이란 ‘지금의 중국’을 주변화시키고, ‘앞으로의 중국’에 동일시하는 양면성을 내포하고 있다. 셋째, 이렇게 칭다오를 공간적 위계질서로 편입하는 것은 이곳에서의 일상을 한국 사회의 기준에 맞춰서 계획하고 실천하게 했다. 이는 끊임없이 한국적인 공간을 복제하는 것으로 귀결되었다. 2008년 이후 지구적 규모의 경기변동과 중국의 정책변화는 이 공간에 직접적인 타격을 주었다. 위안화 평가절상으로 인한 생계의 압박과 ‘투자자’라는 사회적 지위가 흔들리는 상황에서 많은 사람들이 제3국으로 이동하거나 귀국하였다. 본 연구는 지구화시대 사람의 이동은 상상된 경계를 구성·재구성하며 국경을 넘어 부유(浮游)하는 사회공간을 형성한다는 것(형성할 수 있다는 것), 다른 한편 이공간은 권력과의 관계에서 그 한계를 지닌다는 것을 드러내는 하나의 사례가 될 것이다. This study is to consider the meaning of transnational social space and migration of people in the era of globalization by the example of Korean town in Qingdao, China. So far, most of the study on Korean immigrants in China were focusing on corporate activities. However, if we change the focus to everyday life of Korean people (which is not directly related to corporate activities), we can find that diverse people are in it. This study is to identify the aspect of transnational social space of Koreans by focusing on the following three themes based on the filed research on daily life of Koreans in the Qingdao Korean community. First of all, this study deals with not only the Korean business related population, but also various peoples of the Korean community in Qingdao from the early 19ffis to 2008. It was found that the number of Korean immigrants surged within a short period in relation to the economic changes of Korea in the initial stage and there was a internal segmentation in that process. Secondly, this study consider the subject meaning of the action crossing the borders through the rhetoric regarding the immigration motives of the self-employed running small business. These people belonged to the fringe group at the hierarchy system of Korean society and their movement to Qingdao means the escape from the fringe. Such movement was also the process of incorporating China symbolized in their imagination into the structure of center and fringe. It has duality since this symbolized China make the 'current China' become the fringe and attempted to be equal to the 'future China'. Thirdly, as the Qingdao was incorporated into the spacial hierarchy system, the daily life of Koreans there was based on the standards of Korean society. This resulted in continuous copying of Korea in the land of China. Since 2008, the global economic changes and policy changes of Chinese government has affected the Korean community in Qingdao. Many Koreans moved again to the third country because of appreciation of yuan and endangered position as the investor. This study is about one example of transnational Korean community in the era of globalization. To sum up, this transnational community seems to be floated, not to be rooted in one place, through the process of construction and re-construction of the conceptual boundary.

      • KCI등재

        The Meaning of Experience From a Design Perspective: An Interpretative Review

        구지영(Jiyoung Koo),나건(Ken Nah) 한국디자인리서치학회 2023 한국디자인리서치 Vol.8 No.1

        경험은 여러 학문적 지식을 바탕으로 다양한 관점과 측면을 포함하고 있다. 경험을 다루는 연구는 시간이 흐름에 따라 새로운 지식이 발견되고 지속적인 발전을 거듭하고 있음에도 불구하고 디자인 관점에서 경험을 해석하고 이해하는 것은 쉽지 않은 주제이다. 디자인 분야에서 경험을 이해하는 것은 매우 중요한 사안이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 문헌 연구를 통해 디자인과 경험의 관련성을 고찰하는 데 연구의 목적이 있다. 또한, 본 연구는 디자인과 경험의 관련성을 개념적으로 정의하고 디자인 관점에서의 경험의 의미를 해석하기 위해 각 용어에 대한 의미, 개념 및 특성에 대한 구체적인 분석을 진행하였다. 결과적으로 경험에 대한 다양한 시각을 디자인 관점에서 평가하기 위한 핵심 요소를 제안하였다. 제안된 경험적 요소는 다음과 같은 네 가지의 관점을 포함하고 있다: 내러티브(Narrative), 템포럴(Temporal), 이모션(Emotion), 미닝(Meaning). 본 연구의 결과는 향후 경험 디자인의 개선 방안을 위한 고려사항 및 평가로 활용될 수 있다. Experience is being approached from a multidisciplinary perspective, involving knowledge and research from across different areas of expertise. In spite of extensive research in the field of experience, it has yet not clearly emerged and developed as a research for design application, thus interpreting and describing experience in terms of design perspective is a complex subject. Specifically, with regards to understanding the relevance of design and experience, the need for clear interpretation of experience from a design perspective is seen as critical. This paper contributes to a rudimentary understanding of design and experience based on a thorough review of literature. The objective of this paper is to make close comparisons between design and experience and determine the degree of relatedness among one another to examine and identify the meaning of experience in rational terms, specifically from a design perspective. Therefore, the paper aims to provide an overview into the meaning, provenance and detailed analysis of design and experience, and also carefully reviews across a number of key attributes of both terms. As a consequence, the paper will propose a set of four distinct determinants of experience as an important feature to consider from a design background, which are Narrative, Temporal, Emotion and Meaning. In this interpretative review, the different research and analysis emerging in literature on design and experience has been reviewed and discussed, the results and recommendations drawn from this study may be utilized as a vehicle for the development of best practice guidelines for further research in the experience design area.

      • 동북아시아와 해항도시 靑島

        구지영(Koo, Ji-Young) 한국해양대학교 국제해양문제연구소 2013 해항도시문화교섭학 Vol.0 No.9

        This study was conceived by the intention to trace the historical origin of coexistence and conflict and broaden the perceptual horizon of relationships with others through sea port cities in today"s world confrontations and conflicts were growing sharp as much as economic relations were becoming intense. Proposed in the study as the starting point was Qingdao, a modern city that made its first appearance in history in the late 19th century. The main discourse discussed “colonial city Qingdao” between the late 19th century and the former half of the 20th century and “transnational city Qingdao” after reform and opening. The three major research findings were as follows: first, the planning and management of the ruling subjects such as Germany, Japan, and China determined the directions of Qingdao"s urban structure and functions. The formation of a traffic network around Qingdao brought about man and goods transportation with the city as the base and separated the coast spreading out to overseas from the inland. Such spatial separation(or integration) and polarization were the structural characteristics that have continued on till today through the colonial period. Secondly, Qingdao became urbanized by the subjects of management that were replaced at a short interval with no foundation of the old town compared with other cities, which has influenced the nature of the city today. Finally, its historical experiences in the late 19th century work both as the possibilities and limitations for its interactions today. As for the possibilities, the urban infrastructure and traffic network built during the colonial period have become the basis for interactions. The marginal people that entered the scene during the colonial period such as the Korean-Chinese have expanded the scope of interactions between Korea and China both in quantity and quality in Qingdao today. On the other hand, the relationships that were formed in a forceful and abnormal manner those days restore the various contemporary conflicts with national(ethnic) conflicts and work as the fundamental limitations of interaction.

      • KCI등재

        개혁개방 후 다롄의 산업구조 변동과 일본기업

        구지영(Koo, Ji-Young) 동북아시아문화학회 2016 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.46

        The purposes of this study were to examine changes to the industrial structure of Dalian after its reform and opening in its relations with foreign-funded enterprises(especially Japanese ones) and review the possibilities and limitations of Pan-Yellow Sea Zone. The cases cited in the study for demonstration purposes were based on participant observation and interviews conducted in Dalian in 2015. The body of the research divided the period from 1984 when Dalian was appointed as an open coastal city to 2015 into ① early days of opening, ② investments in labor-intensive manufacturing, ③ propulsion of industrial advancement, and ④ all-out reform, examining each of the periods in terms of central government"s policies, Dalian"s implementation, and changes to the size and nature of foreign investment. The findings were as follows: first, Dalian served as a subject of economy to take the lead in forming the Northeast Asian zone under the approval of central government since its reform and opening. It especially worked on the formation of relations with Japan as part of its policies. Second, it formed mutually supplementary economic relations through spatial division of production based on cost gaps until 2013. Those relations are recently turning into competitions or absorbed into the Chinese market due to the New Normal and the full-blown reform of Chinese economy. Third, the activities of seaport cities such as Dalian were basically dependent on the decisions of central government with only flexibility granted to them at the implementation stage. Fourth, there has been an expansion of economic exchanges in breadth, but it has not led to the political integration of new stage due to the complex entanglement of interests among the powerful nations. Finally, the increasing political and economic uncertainty will highlight further the experiences of Dalian, which has moved practical negotiations forward in various areas, as the source of possibilities for sustainable relations.

      • KCI등재

        동북아시아 이주와 장소구성에 관한 사례연구

        구지영(Koo, Ji-Young) 동북아시아문화학회 2013 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.37

        Qingdao is the “special district of Korea in China”. This study took a field survey between 2003 and 2013 and examined the process of downtown Korean enclaves being formed, growing, and becoming extinct. The study looked into the commercial spaces of the Korean enclaves in the southern districts dense with the city hall, financial institutions, and upscale apartment buildings among the representative Korean enclaves in Qingdao; first, the study divided approximately 120 establishments run by South Koreans and ethnic Korean residents in China into the category of food service, non-food service, technological service, and professional service. The ethnic Korean residents in China engaged in accommodation and brokerage like real estate, whereas South Koreans distinguished themselves in the areas of relatively high value added such as fashion and beauty. Second, the establishments were mostly in a bad management state due to the rapid rise of rents, unsystematic store contracting system, and smaller customer groups than expected. The duration of business was short within six months, and 30% went bankrupt within a year. However, there was an ongoing inflow of new self-employers until 2008. Finally, the increasingly massive size of the service category and the external growth of the Korean enclaves were directly connected to South Korea and northeastern areas where they came from. In addition, the self-employers there attracted manpower, capital and resources from their native towns, thus maintaining the management of their establishments. Large-scale service providers backed up by multinational capital entered the city in full scale due to the urban development projects between the local government and market in the second half of the 2000s, which resulted in the higher prices of land and commodities in the downtown. The cases show that the living spaces of migrants during the age of globalization cannot settle down at one place and float around the places formed by power and market.

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