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      • 韓國 茶生活 敎育場 硏究 : '茶生活' 法人禮를 中心으로

        구영본 誠信女子大學校 情報産業大學院 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 硏究는 法人體(社團, 財團)를 중심으로 茶生活 敎育場의 施設, 敎育環境과 敎育課程 別 敎育內容을 연구하여, 우리의 傳統 茶生活의 重要性을 認識하고, 보다 바람직한 茶生活 敎育을 誘導하고 活性化하여 茶生活의 擴散에 필요한 基礎資料를 提示하고자 함에 그 目的이 있다. 이를 위하여 茶生活 敎育의 變遷에 대해 알아보고, 近代와 現代 茶人을 중심으로 茶가 그들의 日常生活에 미친 영향을 살펴보고 그들의 茶生活 행적에 대해 조명하였다. 또 현재 法人體 茶生活 敎育場을 중심으로 施設 및 敎育環境과 敎育課程 및 敎育內容에 대한 事例調査를 하였다. 이상을 통하여 얻은 硏究結果는 다음과 같다. 硏究對象은 文化觀光部로부터 설립인가를 받은 10곳의 社團法人과 1곳의 財團法人 茶生活 敎育場이며, 이들 敎育場은 대체로 韓國의 傳統 茶文化를 硏究하여 올바른 茶文化의 補給 및 이를 통한 國民의 情緖純化와 社會安定에 기여함을 그 목적으로 하고 있다. 각 敎育場 茶生活 敎育課程은 基礎課程에서 硏究課程, 指導者課程, 指導者硏究課程 等과 어린이, 예비신부, 외국인을 위한 特別課程도 있었다. 茶生活 基礎課程은 6-24개월이었고, 段階別 課程은 1년 6개월-4년이었다. 段階別로 茶文化에 대한 전반적인 내용을 깊이 있고 다양하게 교육 될 수 있도록 行하고 있었다. 行茶禮法을 指導할 때 쓰이는 다기는 백자, 분청, 청자 등 다양하게 사용하였다. 茶器 選擇基準은 사용이 편리하여야 하고, 茶色을 살펴보기에 좋은 것을 택하는 것으로 나타났다. 각 敎育場 별로 정해진 行茶禮法이 있는 경우는 11곳 중 9곳이었고, 東茶頌文化會와 우리茶文化聯合會는 정해진 行茶禮法이 없었으며 行茶禮法에 대해서도 상황에 따라 변할 수 있다고 하였다. 茶生活敎育에 쓰이는 敎材는 자체적으로 만들어 사용하거나 각 敎育場에서 발행된 敎材를 이용하고 있었다. 敎育을 담당하는 指導者는 行茶禮法에 익숙하며, 이론에도 밝아야 하겠지만 人性을 고루 갖추어야 바른 指導者가 될 수 있다고 보았다. 현재의 茶生活指導者들은 대부분이 特別活動, 禮節館 교육을 통하여 學校敎育에 參與하고 있었으며, 茶生活과 禮節을 指導하고 있었다. 學校敎育에서 茶生活敎育의 必要性을 묻는 질문에 11곳 모두 그 필요성을 역설하였고, 幼稚圍 敎育에서부터의 茶生活敎育이 가장 바람직하다고 하였다. 學校敎育課程에 茶生活 敎育을 必須科目으로 指定하도록 하여 자라나는 어린이, 靑少年에게 情緖的 安定을 주는 敎育이 이루어질 것을 희망하고 있었다. 茶生活敎育의 大衆化와 함께 日常에서 茶를 生活化하기 위해서는 茶와 茶器의 價格이 저렴해져야 한다고 하였다. 茶生活이 擴大되려면 간편한 行茶禮法이 있어야 하며, 茶生活을 시작하는 사람들을 위한 指針書가 꼭 必要하다고 하였다. 현대를 사는 우리들에겐 先祖들의 얼이 담긴 傳統文化의 하나인 茶文化를 더욱 발전시켜 후손들에게 傳承시켜야 할 사명이 있다. 가정, 학교, 사회에서 傳統 茶를 通하여 마음을 순화시키고 禮節을 지킬 수 있도록 하여 우리 삶의 眞髓를 찾아내어 바른 價値觀을 세울 수 있도록 指導가 되어야 할 것으로 요망된다. The goal of this study is to recognize the importance of our traditional tea life, lead and activate more desirable education of tea life, and expand the tea life, by studying the present situation of guidance place of tea life centering around corporation, the curriculum and the education contents. So as to attain this goal, this researcher examined the change course of tea culture, examined how tea which is one of traditional culture is close to daily life centering around the tea people of recent times and modern times, and illuminated the achievements of tea life of predecessors. This researcher studied the general environment of education place, the curriculum, and the education goal centering around the education place of tea life which was made into corporation now. As for the survey tool of this study, this researcher grasped the actual state of education plans of tea life, by extracting, correcting, and supplementing the questionnaire about the education and method of tea life through the study of kind of literature cited of the science of tea ceremony. To summarize the funding obtained through above course is as follows: Study subjects are 11 education places of tea life of corporation which was founded by the Ministry of Culture and Sight-seeing and which was obtained sanction, and the foundation goal of education place is to arrange right tea culture by studying the traditional tea culture of Korea and contribute toward the emotion purification of people and the society stability. At each education place, there were the stages of study course, teacher course, and leader course etc. in the course of introduction of tea life. Especially, there was the course for children, preliminary bride and foreigner. Generally, basic course was for 3-6 months, and the stage course was 1 year. As for the education contents through the curriculum to be suitable for stages, tea culture from whole education to deep and diverse education was being performed. Leaders to lead tea life should learn performing tea ceremony and the knowledge about traditional tea should be rich. But, well-rounded personality is required as the qualifications of leaders, above all. And, the reinforcement for the training of such leaders is necessary. As for the education facilities to be necessary for education, it emerged that cushion was being used as the education was being made centering around tea ceremony education through performing tea ceremony and that the teaching materials for lessons were being prepared for itself or lecturers were being prepared. In addition, it was equipped with basic education facilities such as video or slide photo etc. for the education about the reflection material to be based on education. Goal that education subjects receive education is to practise polite life with the method to perform tea ceremony that one may drink through traditional tea culture and to enjoy the beautiful leisure life, spread tea culture, so that tea life may be expanded, and receive the education for being the leader to be able to guide by the culture activity through tea. It is being made centering around the special activity or the education at etiquette hall in schools. It was the opinion of all the education places that tea ceremony education should be made from the kindergarten state which is the lowest stage of school education. For the activation of education of tea life, education institutions to be able to guide tea and etiquette professionally should appear, and the study of teaching material to be able to guide tea and etiquette should be made. Besides, education that generals participate positively should be made, as the price of tea and tea vessel becomes cheap. And, the publicity for this education is very important. Publicity and education through mass media for the settling of traditional tea culture as the culture that everybody may enjoy which is not the culture material for special people are important. In international culture exchange also, the positive support from government is necessary so as to inform the excellence of our traditional culture through tea and share it. In addition, it is considered that it is necessary to cope with import opening by the development of diverse teas. Moderns have the mission to have to hand down the tea culture which is one of traditional culture in which the spirit of ancestors is being included as our traditional spirit culture to posterity by developing it all the more. Schools or home and general society should guide one to establish right sense of value by finding out the essence of life from the inside of tradition of race through enabling one to purify mind and observe good manners through traditional tea. In consideration of this present situation, the importance of education of tea life on generals should be recognized, education should be made, so that right tea life may be made, and various efforts for activation will have to be performed at the same time.

      • 凍結貯藏 期間에 따른 加熱方法과 包裝方法이 Hamburger patties의 理化學 및 物性學的 特性에 미치는 影響

        구영본 建國大學校 大學院 1989 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This study was carried out to investigate the physical properties and cooking loss by cooking method, and pH, TBA, VBN, color and cooking loss by packaging methods during frozen storage periods at -18℃. 1. The values of the pH in each theatment increased during the storage, but it was not effected by packaging methods. 2. The color-value increased up to 66.3% rightly after frozen, but it was rapidly decreased with frozen storage periods, and the color-values of the samples on the condition of vacuum packaging showed higher than those of other packaging methods. 3. TBA and VBN increased with frozen storage periods, and the sample of vacuum packaging showed the lowest value but the un-wrapped sample showed the highest value. 4. While the significant cooking loss was not showed by frozen storage periods, it was effected by packaging methods, so the sample of vacuum showed the lowest value and the sample of un-wrapped showed the highest value. Cooking method also effect the value, and the value of microwave was higher than that of pan-fried. 5. The hardness of micro-wave showed the highest value, and the value of pan-fried was the lowest one among the cooking methods. On the other hand, elasticity of micro-wave was higher than that of pan-fried.

      • 한국 茶儀禮에 대한 史的 考察

        구영본 성신여자대학교 2007 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        우리나라의 다문화를 살펴보는 일은 우리의 삶과 문화를 보는 것이며, 문화전통과 함께 현재와 미래를 보는 것이기도 하다. 차는 우리나라에 있어 사원을 비롯하여 궁정과 귀족과 민간에서 하나의 의례문화로서 자리하였다. 우리 전통사회에서 고조선 시대에서는 자연숭배가, 삼국시대에는 부처와 자연에 대한 다의례(茶儀禮)가 행하여졌다. 차는 제사에 바쳐져서, 사자(死者)의 영혼을 달래고, 제사를 지내는 자의 복을 기원하는 다의례로 행하여졌다. 고려 이전에는 사원과 궁정․귀족계층에서만 행하던 의례가 고려시대에 이르러서는 왕실을 중심으로 의례가 국가적으로 널리 거행되었으며, 민간에까지 널리 퍼지게 되어 차와 관련한 의례의 규범이 생활의 주요한 한부분이 되었다. 조선시대에는 유교를 국시로 삼으면서 유교적 의례에 따라 다문화가 이루어졌다. 조선시대에는 고려만큼 번성하지는 못하였으나 차는 의례로 엄격하게 행하여져 왔다. 우리 문화 속에서 다사(茶事)는 작은 문화이지만 다문화 속에 표현된 의례는 사원․왕실․사대부․일반 서민 등에서 다양하게 행해졌다. 이에 본 연구는 우리나라의 다문화 속에 나타난 의례의 다양한 성격과 특징을 생각하고 다문화의 의례가 지닌 깊은 의미를 다음과 같이 고찰하였다. 첫째, 우리나라의 다문화의 변천과정을 살펴보고 둘째, 우리나라의 다문화에 나타난 의례의 특징과 사원, 궁중, 민간에 나타나는 의례의 실상을 시대적으로 분류하고, 분석하였다. 그리고 우리나라의 다문화의 의례에 나타난 특징은 무엇인지 살펴보았다. 우리나라 다문화의 전래와 변화를 살펴보면 신라시대를 궁정과 사원을 중심으로 하는 특수한 계층의 다문화로 ‘귀족차 시대’라고 말 할 수 있다. 고려는 신라의 불교를 그대로 수용하면서 호국불교로서 궁정과 사원에서 의례가 다양하게 거행되는 이른바 ‘사원차 시대’이다. 조선시대에는 『주자가례』를 받아들여 불교적 의례가 유교적 의례로 변해 가면서 사대부․문인들의 차생활이 중심이 되는 ‘문인차 시대’로 구분할 수 있다. 그러나 신라의 토속신앙에서 출발한 불교문화는 중국의 선종의 영향을 받으며, 고려시대 고유의 의례로 발전하였고, 조선시대에 차를 구하지 못하여 정갈한 물 한잔으로 올리는 것으로 의례를 행한 것은 우리나라에서는 토속 신앙으로 남아 있는 민간의 풍속이 유․불․도교와 만나면서 고유한 우리문화를 만들었기 때문에 우리 다의례는 여러 종교가 혼입된 문화로 발전한 것으로 보아야 할 것이다. 본 연구는 삼국시대에서 조선시대까지의 다의례에 대한 고찰을 통하여 한국에서의 다문화는 중국과는 다르게 격식을 갖춘 다의례 속에 있었으므로 일상적인 음다문화에는 미치지 못하였으며, 일상에서의 다의례는 사라졌으나 의례 속에 좀 더 격식을 갖춘 문화가 만들어졌음을 알 수 있었다. 사원의례에서 차가 공양물로 올려지면서 중국의 청규에도 없는 다게(茶偈)가 만들어 진 것이나, 조선시대에 이르러 사원의례는 각 전(殿)과 부도에서만 행해지는 의례로 축소화되는 현상이 되었으나 의례에 대한 다양한 경서들의 출판은 의례의 격식을 강조하는 우리나라 다문화의 특징이다. 왕실의례에서 수로왕의 제사에서 예를 갖추어 올리는 데에 정성을 다하는 공경의 의미가 있었다. 왕실에서 사신을 맞이하는 빈례는 상대방을 존중하는 의미이며, 그것은 의례의 절차가 구체적으로 전하는 기록으로 그 중요성을 알 수 있다. 왕실에서 주다례가 행해진 것처럼 민간에서는 잠신다례(蠶神茶禮)와 생일다례를 지내기도 했는데, 그 기저에는 오례(五禮)나 속절(俗節)에는 없지만 정리(情理)로서 다의례를 행한 것을 알 수 있다. 의례중에 차가 선품(膳品)이 된 것은 다른 제물과 함께 소중한 것으로 여겼기 때문이다. 손님에게 선물하거나, 대접한 것도, 하사품으로 쓰인 것도 어떤 것과도 바꿀 수 없는 중요한 것의 의미와 신성한 영물이라는 인식이었다. 차를 마시는 사람은 다성(茶性)의 덕을 갖춘 사람이라는 철학적인 이유에서도 찾을 수 있다. 우리나라에서 행한 다의례는 예의를 갖추고 정성을 표현하는 마음과 구복을 기원하는 마음, 수신을 위한 도구로서 격식을 만들었다고 볼 수 있다. 이렇듯 한국의 다문화를 고찰하면 다사(茶事)는 단순히 차를 마시는 것이 아니라 의례이며, 철학적 정신이 담겨 있어 아름답고 오묘한 문화임을 확신하게 된다. 차 한 잔을 마시기에 앞서 차를 의례로 높인 선인들의 정신을 다시 살펴서 오늘과 미래의 생활 문화 속에서 재현할 수 있는 마음가짐이 필요하다고 여겨진다. To investigate the Korean tea culture is not only to investigate our life and culture but also to examine cultural tradition and its present and future. In Korea tea is settled as a part of ceremonial culture at temples and Courts and among the aristocracy and the people. In our traditional society, nature worship was performed in the era of Gojoseon and tea rituals were performed for Buddha and nature in the era of the Three Kingdoms. Tea was offered for a memorial service to comfort the soul of the dead and to pray for happiness for those who held a ceremony. The rituals, which had been performed only at temples and Courts and among the aristocratic class before the era of Goryeo, were widely held on a national basis primarily by a royal family and spread even into the populace, making norms of tea rituals an important part of living in the era of Goryeo. In the period of Joseon whose national policy was Confucianism, tea culture developed according to Confucian ceremonies. In the era of Joseon, it failed to flourish as much as in the period of Goryeo but tea was strictly used for ceremonies. While an tea culture is a small form of culture in our culture, ceremonies expressed in tea culture were held in various forms at temples and Courts and among the aristocracy and the populace. This study considered various properties and characteristics of ceremonies found in Korean tea culture and examined deep meanings of the ceremonies for tea culture as follows: First, it investigated the process of changes in Korean tea culture. Second, it classified and analyzed characteristics of ceremonies found in Korean tea culture and real aspects of ceremonies found at temples and Courts and among the populace according to different times. As for introduction and changes of Korean tea culture, it can be said that Silla was the era of 'aristocratic tea' in the sense that a specific class based on the Court and temples enjoyed it. Goryeo was the era of so-called 'temple tea' when Buddhism had been inherited from Silla and held various ceremonies at Courts and temples as guardian Buddhism. Joseon can be classified into the period of 'literati tea' when the aristocracy and the literati became the center of tea life as Buddhist ceremonies changed into Confucian ones with the introduction of Jujagarye. However, Buddhist culture which started from folk belief of Silla developed into ceremonies unique to the era of Goryeo under the influence of Chinese Zen Buddhism and offering of a glass of clean water, because of failure to obtain tea, in the period of Joseon developed into unique culture through the encounter of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism with folk customs, which was left as folk belief in Korea; therefore, Korean tea ceremonies should be regarded as the development into mixed culture of many religions. According to consideration of tea rituals from the era of the Three Kingdoms to that of Joseon, Korean tea culture, contrary to that of China, failed to reach daily food and tea culture because it was present in formal tea rituals; while daily tea rituals disappeared, more formal culture developed in various ceremonies. As tea was offered as consecration for a temple ritual, Dage was created which was not present even in Chinese Cheonggyu; temple rituals were reduced into those for each Jeon and Budo in the period of Joseon; however, Korean tea culture with emphasis placed on formality of a ritual is characterized by publishing of various Confucian classics related to rituals. A royal ritual has a meaning of respect by putting devotion to a memorial service for King Suro with the utmost. A visitor-welcoming ceremony by which a royal family received an envoy had a meaning of respect for the other party, importance of which is proved by records of concrete procedures of the ceremony. Just as a royal family held Judarye, so the populace held Jamsindarye and Saengildarye, which demonstrates that a tea ritual was held for reason and sentiment although there was Orye or Sokjeol in its basis. Tea became a present during a ritual because it was valued along with other offerings. It was given as a present to a guest, offered, or used as an Imperial gift because it was considered to be a spiritual thing and more important than anything. There is also a philosophical reason that those who drink tea may possess the nature of tea. Korean tea rituals have created formality as a tool for moral training with the mind of being courteous, expressing sincerity, and praying for living. In short, as for Korean tea culture, a tea event can be a ritual, not simply drinking tea, but beautiful and profound culture with a philosophical mind. It is necessary to reconsider the spirit of our predecessors who developed tea into a ritual and represent it in present and future living culture before drinking a cup of tea.

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