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      • KCI등재

        제주산 우뭇가사리로 부터 추출한 한천의 품질 및 용액 특성

        강훈이(hoon I KANG),고문섭(Moon Sub KO),김현주(Hyeon Ju KIM),김성우(Sung Woo KIM),배태진(Tae Jin BAE) 한국수산과학회 1996 한국수산과학회지 Vol.29 No.5

        To bring out the functional properties of Agar-agar extracted with 0.01N H₂SO₄from Gellidium amansii produced in Che-ju Udo and its fluid properties were investigated. The yield of agar from Gellidium amansii produced was 32.7%, the content ratio of agarose and agaropectin was 79 to 21, gelation ability was 0.19% and jelly strength was 413.8 dyne/㎠. Agar-agar solution showed the movement of non-Newtonian fluid and pseudoplastic property was emerged as its concentration go higher. The yield stresses in the range of 0.5∼5% agar-agar solution were 0.09∼1.21 dyne/㎠ at 80℃, 0.12∼5.29 dyne/㎠ at 60℃ and 4.84∼58.37 dyne/㎠ at 50℃.

      • 새우젓 품질향상을 위한 제조방법의 개선

        강훈이(Hoon I KANG),강태중(Tae Joong KANG),김현주(Hyeon Ju KIM),최옥수(Ok Sao CHOI) 전남대학교 수산과학연구소 1994 수산과학연구소논문집 Vol.3 No.-

        Changes of chemical components and compositions of fatty acid in fermented shrimp added additives such as ethyl alcohol and sorbitol to improve the quality were discussed. The ranges of moisture, lipid and protein contents in products during fermentation at 15℃ for 120 days were 60.3-64.8%, 1.4-2.0% and 10.3-12.3%, respectively and the remarkable change of those contents in fermentation period was not observed. Lipid oxidation in the fermented shrimp with 5% of ethyl alcohol and 5% of sorbitol decreased slightly as compared with that of control during fermentation period. The major fatty acids were 16:0, 22:6, 20:5, 18:1, 16:1, and 18:0 in raw sample and products. In the changes of fatty acid compositions, saturates were increased while polyenes were decreased slightly during fermentation period.

      • 양식산 염장미역 및 건조미역의 최적 가공조건

        강훈이(Hoon I KANG),강동수(Dong Soo KAKG),김성우(Seong Woo KIM),김명희(Myung Hee KIM),손정호(Jeong Ho SOHN),정길수(Kil Soo CHUNG) 전남대학교 수산과학연구소 1997 수산과학연구소논문집 Vol.6 No.-

        This study on the stability of chlorophyll in sea mustard, Undaria pinnatifida, during blanching, salting and air drying was carried out. Raw sea mustard was blanched for 30 seconds in the various temperature. The blanched product was salted with table salt after centrifuged after 48 hours for dewatering. In addition, sea mustard was dried in a drier to make clear the dehydration mechanism during the forced air drying. The drier was designed to controll the temperature, relative humidity and velocity of air. The most effective blanching temperature and time for maximal residual amount of chlorophyll was 90℃ and 30 seconds. The soaking in 1% chemical solution for 20 minutes showed more desirable results than blanching in 1% chemical solution. Oyster shell powder, reed ash and 0.5% Ca(CH₃CO₂)₂with 0.5% MgCO₃solutions were more effective than the 1% solution of other chemicals. The most reasonable ratio of added salt to dewater the product for 48 hours was 25% in w/w. The amount of total organic acid and volatile acids revealed no correlation with the amount of added salt. The optimal condition during drying at 80℃ and 90℃ with different relative humidities was effective at 80℃ with 30% relative humidity.

      • KCI등재

        제주산 우뭇가사리로 부터 추출한 한천용액의 유동특성

        강훈이(Hoon I KANG),고문섭(Moon Sub Ko),김현주(Hyeon Ju KIM),김성우(Sung Woo KIM),배태진(Tae Jin BAE) 한국수산과학회 1996 한국수산과학회지 Vol.29 No.5

        To bring out the functional properties of Agar-agar extracted with 0.01N H₂SO₄from Gellidium amansii produced in Che-ju Udo and its rheological properties were investigated. The flow behavior indexes in the range of 0.5∼5% agar-agar solution were 0.62∼0.69 at 80℃, 0.46∼0.67 at 60℃ and 0.34∼0.64 at 50℃, The consistency indexes were 0.12∼1.26 ㎩·S^n at 80℃, 0.12∼7.28 ㎩·S^n at 60℃ and 3.9∼19952.6 ㎩·s^n at 50℃. Consistency index`s existence nature to concentration is two straight line relation which have different slopes on the border of 2% concentration of agar-agar solution and existence nature of temperature followed Arrhenius equation. And the activation energy, in the range of 0.5%∼5% agar-agar solution, were 0.09∼13.51 ㎉/g·㏖.

      • KCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        말쥐치 내장유의 정제 및 이용에 관한 연구 - 2. 말쥐치 내장유의 이용

        강훈이(Hoon-I Kang),大島敏明(Toshiaki Ohshima),小泉千秋(Chiaki Koizumi),김동연(Dong-Yeon Kim),이응호(Eung-Ho Lee) 한국식품영양과학회 1992 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        EPA 및 DHA 함량이 높으면서 폐기되고 있는 말쥐치 내장유의 효율적인 이용을 위하여 정제한 말쥐치 말쥐치내장유를 정어리 및 명태고기풀에 각각 첨가하여 어묵의 품질개선을 시도하였고 아울러 저장중 품질안정성에 대하여 살펴보았다. 고도불포화지방산을 다량함유하고 있는 말쥐치내장유의 첨가로 인해 어묵의 품질개선을 시도하였고 아울러 저장중 품질안정성에 대하여 살펴보았다. 고도불포하지방산을 다량함유하고 있는 말쥐치내장유의 첨가로 인해 어묵의 지질은 고기풀의 지질에 비하여 5~6% 증가하여 지질산패가 우려되나, 대두단백, 물 및 말쥐치내장유로 유화커어드 (emulsion curd)를 만들어 고기풀에 첨가함으로 인해 산소와의 접촉 기회를 줄이면서 항산화제인 sodium erythorbate를 첨가하고 저온으로 저장하기 때문에 대두유로 만든 어묵과 비교하여 지질산패도는 높지 않았다. 뿐만아니라 말쥐치내장유를 첨가한 어묵의 조직감은 첨가하지 않은 어묵에 비하여 개선되었고 또한 저장중에도 안정하였다.<br/> 이상의 결과로 볼 때 고도불포화지방산이 다량 함유되어 영양학 및 생리학적 기능이 우수하면서 튀김유등으로 소비가 곤란한 정제 말쥐치내장유를 저온저장 식품인 어묵, 어육소시지 등에 일정량 첨가하여 제조한 후 일상식으로 섭취한다면 폐기되는 말쥐치내장의 효율적인 이용과 동시에 국민보건 향상에도 기여하리라 판단된다. For the effective utilizing of refined filefish viscera oil, it was added to fish meat paste based products as a dietary supplement of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The storage stability and physicochemical properties of the product(kamaboko) was tested. lipid oxidation of kamaboko could be retarded and texture expressed as jelly strength could be enhanced by adding of emulsion curd prepared from water, refined filefish viscera oil and soybean protein and sodium erythorbate during the storage at 5℃. These results suggested the possibility that the refined filefish viscera oil containing highly polyunsaturated fatty acid, especially EPA and DHA could be used as a food ingredient for dietary supply of the lipids.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        향신재료를 이용한 Oleoresin제조에 관한 연구 - 3. 마늘 Oleoresin의 속성제조

        배태진(Tae-Jin Bae),강훈이(Hoon-I Kang),김현주(Hyeon-Joo Kim),최옥수(Ok-Soo Choi),하봉석(Bong-Seok Ha) 한국식품영양과학회 1993 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        마늘의 일시 대량처리의 한 방안으로서 마늘 oleoresin의 추출에 대하여 검토하였다. 마늘 oleoresin의 수율면에서 최적 추출용매로는 사용한 11종의 용매 중에서 methyl alcohol이 가장 효과적이었으며, 마쇄시킨 마늘의 입자 크기는 20mesh 이하 및 시료 중량에 대한 용매의 적정 혼합 비율은 1 : 3(w/w)이었으며, 추출수율을 기준으로 추출온도 25℃에서 적정 추출시간은 4시간이었고, 이때의 oleoresin 수율은 21.3%였다. 저장 온도 (5℃, 25℃ 및 40℃)에 따른 total pyruvate 함량의 변화는 저장 초기에는 증가하고 저장 일수가 길어 질수록 다시 감소하였으며, 저장온도가 낮을수록 증감의 폭도 적었다. 저장 중 색택의 변화는 Hunter scale로써 나타낼 경우 저장 일수의 경과에 따라 L 및 b값은 다소 감소하였으나 적색도인 a값은 크게 증가를 하였으며, 저장 온도가 낮을수록 증감의 변화가 적었다. 또한 pH의 변화는 저장 60일 동안 5℃ 저장의 경우 전체적으로는 pH의 변화가 거의 일어나지 않았으며 저장 온도가 높을수록 pH가 다소 증가하였다. This study was intended to investigate the effects of solvents, particle size of a sample, sample to solvent ratio, temperature and time on the extraction of garlic oleoresin. Among eleven solvents used for oleoresin extraction from garlic, the optimal solvent was methyl alcohol. The most appropriate particle size of garlic, extracting temperature and mixing ratio of garlic to methyl alcohol were 20mesh, 25℃ and 1 to 3(w/w), respectively. On the basis of yield in oleoresin extraction, optimum extracting time was about 4 hours. The yield of oleoresin under the above-mentioned conditions was 21.3%. “L” and “b” as color appearance were decreased, whereas “a” was increased slightly during 60 days storage at 5℃, 25℃ and 40℃. Changes in the pyruvate content showed close relation to pH value. During storage pyruvate content of garlic oleoresin was decreased as increasing storage temperature.

      • 분말젓갈의 저장중 품질안정성

        배태진(Tae Jin BAE),강훈이(Hoon I KANG) 전남대학교 수산과학연구소 1998 수산과학연구소논문집 Vol.7 No.-

        Dried and fermented sauce was manufactured using low-usefulness marine fishes, and their stability during storage at 24±4℃ for 90 days were investigated. Moisture contents of dried and fermented sauce using hair tail, gizzard shad and kangdale were 4.2%, 3.7% and 4.0%, respectively. Total nitrogen and amino nitrogen were 3.9%, 4.1% and 3.7%, 3.2%, 3.4% and 3.1%, respectively, the ratio of amino nitrogen in total nitrogen were 82.1~83.8%. The hygroscopity using hair tail, gizzard shad and kangdale at Aw 0.88 were 6.9%, 7.5% and 6.8%, and solubility were 84.6%, 93.8% and 88.4%, respectively. When storage at 90 days, the contents of chemical composition were little changed. Moisture, crude lipid, pH and TBA value were little increased, and stable on bacterial growth. Free amino acid contents in dried and fermented sauce used hair tail, gizzard shad and kangdale were 4,318.1㎎%, 4,681.3㎎% and 4,183.7㎎%, respectively. The major free amino acids in dried and fermented sauce were glutamic acid, leucine, lysine and phenylalanin in hair tail, lysine, isoleucine, glutamic acid and leucine in gizzard shad, and glutamic acid, proline, leucine and phenylalanine in kangdale. And their rates in total free amino acid were above 40%, 45% and 48%, respectively. And during storage period, ordors and contents of amino acid composition were not changed.

      • 새우젓의 일반성분 및 지방산조성의 변화

        배태진(Tae Jin BAE),강훈이(Hoon I KANG),강태중(Tae Joong KANG),김현주(Hyeon Ju KIM),최옥수(Ok Soo CHOI) 전남대학교 수산과학연구소 1994 수산과학연구소논문집 Vol.3 No.-

        Changes of chemical components and compositions of fatty acid in fermented shrimp added additives such as ethyl alcohol and sorbitol to improve the quality were discussed. The ranges of moisture, lipid and protein contents in products during fermentation at 15℃ for 120 days were 60.3-64.8%, 1.4-2.0% and 10.3-12.3%, respectively and the remarkable change of those contents in fermentation period was not observed. Lipid oxidation in the fermented shrimp with 5% of ethyl alcohol and 5% of sorbitol decreased slightly as compared with that of control during fermentation period. The major fatty acids were 16:0, 22:6, 20:5, 18:1, 16:1, and 18:0 in raw sample and products. In the changes of fatty acid compositions, saturates were increased while polyenes were decreased slightly during fermentation period.

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