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        독일(獨逸) 낭만주의(浪漫主義)의 종교적(宗敎的) 경향(傾向)에 대한 연구(硏究)(1)

        강두식 한국독어독문학회 1977 獨逸文學 Vol.19 No.1

        Friedrich Schleiermachers $quot;Die Reden' uber die Religion$quot; (1799) Bind ine Art Laienpredigten. Diese Predigt war in der Zeit die einzige Gattung der Rede, die aus Literatur entstand. Er will seine Ho¨rer zur Religion fu¨hren, indem er ihnen den ewigen Wert, die innere Wesen, die Entstehung, die Form and Wirkung der Religion deutet. Er. spricht abet nicht von Gott, nicht vom religio¨sen Gegenstand, sondern von der Religion, vom religio¨sen Zustand. Dies bezechnet den nachkantischen Ursprung seiner f edanken. Er unterscheidet nicht zwischen Religion and Religio¨sitat and zwischen den objektiven Wesenheiten, in denen sick Religion offenbart and subjektiven Anlagen, wodurch man sie hat oder ausu¨bt. Er hielt seine Reden zwar an $quot;die Gebildeten unter Religions-Vera¨chtern$quot;. Aberdiese Vera¨chter heißt nicht Angreifer order SpStter, sondern die Zeitgenossen wie F. Schlegel u.a., die ta¨tiges Verlangen nach Religion nicht haben. Solchen Menschen das Bedu¨rfnis zu erwecken, das ihn selbst er'fullte, and ihnen seine hachste, religio¨se Inhalte notwendig zu machen, die Religion nicht nut vor der Bildung zu rechtfertigen, sondern Bildung selber mit Religion zu durchdringen, das ist Zweck seines Reden. Seine Religion ist kein Denken wie die Metaphysik, kein Handeln wie die Moral: sie ist Anschauung and Gefu¨hl des Universums. Das ist seine positive Bestimmung ihrer Form. Seine Religion sieht and fu¨hlt im Menschen wie in alien Einzelnen and Endlichen das Unendliche; also ninmt $quot;alles Besehra¨nkte als Darstellung des Unendlichen hin.$quot; Also Anschauung und Gefu¨hl geho¨ren zusammen als religio¨ser Gegenstand and Zustand. Beide. zusammen, seelisch vereinigt, machen das religio¨se Erlebnis aus. Er nennt die Gefuhle das Selbstta¨tige in der Religion and meint damit das, was Menschen zur Universalita¨t bildet. Hier verra¨t sick deutlich, daß Schleiermacher unter Religion eigentlich Bildung versteht.

      • KCI등재

        의료기관의 서비스지향성이 고객지향성, 직무만족, 서비스가치에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        강두식 한국경영교육학회 2009 경영교육연구 Vol.56 No.-

        This empirical research examined the effects of organizational service orientations on business performance since the service orientations had been considered very importantly for delivering excellent service quality and customer value in many studies. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among service orientations, customer orientations, employees satisfactions and service values in medical service organizations. A model and hypotheses on the basis of this model were developed. And data from employees in medical service organizations were collected using questionnaires. Respondents were asked to assess service orientations, customer orientations, employees satisfactions and service values of their organizations. The results obtained were as follows; first, service orientation factors had a positive significant effect on customer orientations, employee satisfactions and service values. Second, employee satisfaction had a positive significant effect on customer orientations and service values. 본 연구는 의료기관의 서비스지향성이 의료기관 종업원의 고객지향성, 종업원 직 무만족, 종업원이 지각하는 서비스 가치에 어떠한 영향을 미치는가를 알아보는데 그 주요 목적이 있다. 이러한 연구 목적을 달성하기 위해 본 연구에서 설정한 서비스지향성 구성요인과 고객지향성, 종업원 직무만족, 서비스 가치와의 관계에 대한 모형을 설정하고 의료 기관 종업원을 대상으로 수집된 자료를 이용하여 적합성을 검토하였고 이론적 고찰 을 통해 도출된 가설들을 검증하였다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        제주도 초등학생의 체질량 지수가 신체능력검사와 식·생활습관에 미치는 영향

        강두식,최태희 한국초등체육학회 2009 한국초등체육학회지 Vol.14 No.3

        This study was performed to 651(330 boys, 121 girls) elementary school students in Jeju, and as the result of comparative analysis of the effect of Body Mass Index(BMI) on events of physical ability examination and children eating habits is as follows. 1. Actual condition of obesity It present that there are 494 children(75.9%) as a normal group, 91 children(14.0%) as a obesity-risk group, and 66 children(10.1%) as a obesity group. There is no significant difference in obesity level by each school year, but in obesity level by gender, girls are more than boys in normal group by 258 children(52.2%), and in a obesity-risk group and a obesity group, boys are more than girls by 55 children(60.4%) and 39 children(59.1%) respectively. 2. Relation between events of physical ability examination in each group As the result of analysis of relation between physical ability examination in each group, a normal group has good record significantly in 50m run, Sit Up, standing long jump, and 1000m long distance run-walk as compared to a obesity-risk group and a obesity group. However there is statistically no significant difference between groups in Sit and Reach. 3. Relation between weight, physical strength, and exercise habits in each group Children in a obesity group are concerned about their weight much more than a normal group, and most of children indicate the food intake control and exercise method as a right method of weight control. On the one hand, it is presented that they did not recognize their physical strength level exactly. There is no significant difference between groups in exercise habits such as exercise type, exercise frequency, and exercise time so on, and there are 145 children(22.3%) who participate in exercise program, 181 children(44.8%) who take exercise two days or less a week, and 264 children(40.6%) who take exercise for less than 30 minutes a day. 4. Relation between eating habits in each group As the result of analysis of relation between eating habits in group, there is no significant difference. Special thing is children in a obesity group had a vegetable-centered meal more than a normal group and a obesity-risk group, ate less food for a snack, and did not have an unbalanced diet very much. This study was performed to 651(330 boys, 121 girls) elementary school students in Jeju, and as the result of comparative analysis of the effect of Body Mass Index(BMI) on events of physical ability examination and children eating habits is as follows. 1. Actual condition of obesity It present that there are 494 children(75.9%) as a normal group, 91 children(14.0%) as a obesity-risk group, and 66 children(10.1%) as a obesity group. There is no significant difference in obesity level by each school year, but in obesity level by gender, girls are more than boys in normal group by 258 children(52.2%), and in a obesity-risk group and a obesity group, boys are more than girls by 55 children(60.4%) and 39 children(59.1%) respectively. 2. Relation between events of physical ability examination in each group As the result of analysis of relation between physical ability examination in each group, a normal group has good record significantly in 50m run, Sit Up, standing long jump, and 1000m long distance run-walk as compared to a obesity-risk group and a obesity group. However there is statistically no significant difference between groups in Sit and Reach. 3. Relation between weight, physical strength, and exercise habits in each group Children in a obesity group are concerned about their weight much more than a normal group, and most of children indicate the food intake control and exercise method as a right method of weight control. On the one hand, it is presented that they did not recognize their physical strength level exactly. There is no significant difference between groups in exercise habits such as exercise type, exercise frequency, and exercise time so on, and there are 145 children(22.3%) who participate in exercise program, 181 children(44.8%) who take exercise two days or less a week, and 264 children(40.6%) who take exercise for less than 30 minutes a day. 4. Relation between eating habits in each group As the result of analysis of relation between eating habits in group, there is no significant difference. Special thing is children in a obesity group had a vegetable-centered meal more than a normal group and a obesity-risk group, ate less food for a snack, and did not have an unbalanced diet very much.

      • KCI등재

        릴케의 후기시(後期詩)와 철학(哲學)

        강두식 한국독어독문학회 1976 獨逸文學 Vol.17 No.1

        Seit 18. Jahrhundert hat die deutsche Dichtung mit Philosophie im engen Zusammenhang gestanden. F. Schlegel sogar behauptet, Dichtung solle mit der Philosophie eins werden. In der Tat konnen wir die Philosophie von Kant, Schelling und Fichte nicht aus den Augen lassen, um die Dichtung des 18. Jahrhunderts zu verstehen. Das bedeutet aber nicht, daß es keinen Unterschied ga¨be zwischen der Dichtung und der Philosophie. Jede hat ihr eigenes Gesetz. Dieser Zusammenhang und Unterschied sollen aufgekla¨rt werden. Ho¨lderlin hat in seinem Hyperion auf diese Frage geantwortet: $quot;Die Dichtung ist der Anfang und das Ende dieser Wissenschaft (Philosophie). Wie Minerva aus Jupiters Haupt, entspringt sie aus der Dichtung eines unendlichen go¨ttlichen Seins. Und so la¨uft am Ende auch wieder in ihr das Unvereinbare in der geheimnisvollen Quelle der Dichtung zusammen.$quot; Hier ist also ein Begriff von Philosophie gemeint, der sie in ihrer scho¨pferischen Qualita¨l wurdigt. Es ist nicht die Philosophie im Schulsinne, die Holderlin gemeint hat, sondern, wie Kant sagt, die Philosophie nach ihrem Weltbegriff. Alle große Philosophie geho¨rt diesem Bereich der scho¨pferischen, der dichterischen Genialita¨t zu. Also wohnen Dichter und Philosoph zwar nahe beieinander, dock auf getrennten Gipfeln. Rilkes Duineser Elegien und Sonette an Orpheus ko¨nnten in dem Umkreis der Philosophischen oder sogenannten Gedankendichtung einbezogen werden. Es gibt aber solche Gedankendichtung, wie die philosophischen Gedichte Schillers, deren innere Logik mit dem Medium unseres Bewußtseins, wie es das Tageslicht ist, nachvollzieht und aufnimmt. Das Licht der Vernunft vermag sie zu durchdringen. Aber die Duineser Elegien und die Sonette an Orpheus haben eine andere Quelle, sie sind in andersartigen Schaffensvorga¨ngen empfangen. Es ist sehr schwer, diese Andersartigkeit zu kennzeichnen. Die sonnenhafte Helligkeit des Geistes ist die Quellenschicht dieser Werke, wie bei Schiller. Sie entstammen einem gnadenhaften Drange in die na¨chtigen, unbewußten, dunklen Bereich des Daseins. Statt apollinischer Klarheit des Bewußtseins brauchen wir orphisches Dunkel, um sie zu deuten. Diese Art Gedicht entspringt also wohl aus ahnlichen Quellen wie das Ma¨rchen, der Traum, der Mythos, also aus der mystischen Welt, den im Umgang des Alltags verdeckten Schichten. Um Rilkes spate Werke, wie die Duineser Elegien und die Sonette an Orpheus richtig verstehen zu kdnnen, brauchen wir unbedingt seherische Fa¨higkeit, die mit der Gedankenwelt der deutschen Mystik ganz verwandt ist.

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