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      • KCI등재

        K-식(式) 침전관(沈澱管)에 의한 간질충란(肝蛭蟲卵) 간이검사법(簡易檢査法)에 관한 연구(硏究)

        김교준,김상근,허민도,Kim, Kyo Joon,Kim, Sang Keun,Hu, Min Do 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 1982 Korean Journal of Agricultural Science Vol.9 No.2

        피내반응법(皮內反應法)에 의(依)해 간질(肝蛭) 양성반응(陽性反應)으로 판정(判定)된 유우(乳牛)를 대상(對像)으로 분편검사(糞便檢査)를 실시(實施)하여 충란(蟲卵)을 확인(確認)한 후(後), 현재(現在) 사용(使用)되고 있는 간질(肝蛭) 충란검사법(蟲卵儉査法)들의 단점(短點)을 개선(改善)하기 위하여 잔재물(殘滓物)을 성력적(省力的)으로 제거(除去)하는 사(篩)의 조합법(組合法)과 K-식(式) 침전관(沈澱管)을 고안(考案)하여, 인위적(人爲的)으로 분즙(糞汁)에 충란(蟲卵)을 혼입(混入)하여 K-식(式) 침전관법(沈澱管法)에 따라 검사(檢査)한 결과(結果) 현재(現在)까지 보고(報告)된 타방법(他方法)들에 비(比)하여 조작(操作)이 간편(簡便)하고 검출율(檢出率)도 높아 이상적(理想的)인 방법(方法)으로 사료(思料)되었기에 그 개요(槪要)와 결과(結果)를 보고(報告)하는 바이다. 1. 간질충란(肝蛭蟲卵)을 여과(慮過)하고 잔재물(殘滓物)을 제거(除去)하기 사(篩)의 조합(組合)을 3단계(段階)(100mesh, 150mesh, 250mesh)로 조합(組合)하여 성력적(省力的)인 방법(方法)으로 개선(改善)하였다. 2. 3종(種)의 침전관중(沈澱管中) 제(第)III형(型)의 침전관(沈澱管)에 의(依)한 간질충란(肝蛭蟲卵) 회수율(回收率)이 가장 높았으므로 제(第)III형(型)을 K-식(式) 침전관(沈澱管)으로 지칭(指稱) 채택(採擇)하였다. 3. K-식(式) 침전관법(沈澱管法)에서 A-II, A-III, B-III, C-III형(型)의 1구(回) 경검성적(鏡檢成績)은 99~100%였으며 A-I, B-II, C-I 및 C-II형(型)은 71~91%였다. 4. A형(型)($5m{\ell}$, 5-10침전(沈澱)), B형(型)($10m{\ell}$, 10-10침전(沈澱)) 및 C형(型)($15m{\ell}$, 15-15침전(沈澱))은 각기(各其) 특징(特徵)을 가진 방법(方法)들로서 판정시간(判定時間)을 단축(短縮)하는데는 A형(型)이 가장 유용(有用)한 방법(方法)이었다. 5. K-식(式) 침전관법(沈澱管法)은 다른 검출법(檢出法)에 비(比)하여 가장 검출율(檢出率)이 높은 간편(簡便)한 방법(方法)이었으며 E. P. G가(價)도 동시(同時)에 얻을 수 있는 이상적(理想的)인 방법(方法)으로서 임상응용가치(臨床應用價値)가 매우 높은 것으로 사료(思料)되었다. These studies were carried out to investigate of detection of Fasciola egg from positive cattle faces in the intradermal reaction method by laborsaving composition of sieves and Kim's sedimental tube method. The results obtained are summerized as follows: 1. Detection method of Fasciola eggs was improved by 3 meshes(100mesh, 150mesh, 250mesh) for filtration of fecal fluid contained Fasciola eggs. 2. III type of tube in the 3 kinds of sedimental tube had the highest recovery rate of Fasciola egg. Thus, this type of tube was selected and called as Kim's sedimental tube. 3. A-II, A-III, B-III and C-III type by Kim's sedimental tube method had the recovery rates of eggs in the 1st dropping as ranged 99 to 100% and A-I, B-II, C-I and C-II as 71 to 91%. 4. All types as themselves contained the special aspects. In the these type was useful to determine the results in the urgent cases add to shorten the time of the diagnostic procedures. 5. Kim's sedimental tube method high recovery rate and convenient procedures as compared with other detection methods reported. In addition, through this method can also obatained E. P. C. value. Therefore, it is desirable that Kim's sedimental tube method be recommended by clinicians.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        K-식(式) 침전관(沈澱管)에 의한 간질충란(肝蛭蟲卵) 간이검사법(簡易檢査法)

        김교준,김상근,허민도,Kim, Kyo-Joon,Kim, Sang-Keun,Hu, Min-Do 대한수의학회 1983 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.23 No.1

        The studies carried out to investigate the detection method of Fasciola eggs from positive cattle feces in the intradermal reaction method with laborsaving composition of sieves and Kim's sedimental tube method. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. The detection method of Fasciola eggs was improved by 3 meshes (100mesh, 150mesh, 250mesh) for filteration of fecal fluid contained Fasciola eggs. 2. Third type of tube in the 3 kinds of sedimental tube had the highest recovers rate of Fasciola eggs. Thus, this type of tube was selected and called as Kim's sedimental tube. 3. A-II, A-III, B-III and C-III type by Kim's sedimental tube method had the recovery rates of eggs in the 1st drop as ranged 99 to 100% and, A-I, B-II, C-II as 71 to 91%. 4. These Type of tubes were useful to detect Fasciola eggs and to shorten the time of the diagnostic procedures. 5. The Kim's sedimental tube method showed high recovery rates and convenient procedures as compared with other detection methods reported. In addition, the EPG value can also be obtained by this method. Therefore, it is desirable that the Kim's sedimental tube method could be recommended to clinicians.

      • KCI등재

        Micrococcus pyogenes var aureus에 의한 유산양(乳山羊)의 괴저성유방염(壞疽性乳房炎)에 관한 임상학적(臨床學的) 연구(硏究)

        김교준,Kim, Kyo Jun 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 1976 Korean Journal of Agricultural Science Vol.3 No.1

        유산양(乳山羊)의 자연발생(自然發生) 괴저성유방염(壞疽性乳房炎) 6예(例)에 대하여 임상소견(臨床所見)을 관찰(觀察)하는 한편 분리균(分離菌)에 의한 인공감염시험(人工感染試驗), 각종항생물질(各種抗生物質)에 대한 감수성시험(感受性試驗)을 통(通)하여 치료법(治療法)을 확립(確立)할 목적(目的)으로 실시(實施)한 시험성적(試驗成績)을 다음과 같이 요약(要約)한다. 1. 유산양(乳山羊)에 자연발생(自然發生)한 6예(例)에 유방염(乳房炎)은 임상소견(臨床所見)에 있어 이미 보고(報告)된 우(牛), 면양(緬羊) 및 산양(山羊)의 저성유방염(疽性乳房炎)과 같았다. 2. 환산양(患山羊)에서 분리(分離)한 Micrococcus Pyogenes Var Aureus는 병원성(病原性)이 강(强)한 균주(菌株)로서 산양(山羊)의 유방내접종(乳房內接種)에 의하여 괴저성유방염(壞疽性乳房炎) 또는 경도(輕度)의 유방염(乳房炎)을 일으킬 수 있었다. 3. 산양(山羊)의 괴저성유방염(壞疽性乳房炎)은 유선간질내(乳腺間質內)의 대소정맥지(大小靜脈枝) 혈전(血栓)이 형성(形成)되었을 때 야기(惹起)될 수 있다. 4. 환산양(患山羊)에서 분리(分離)한 Micrococcus Pyogens Var Aureus는 Penicillin에 대(對)하여 6예중(例中) 2예(例)만이 내성(耐性)이 있고 나머지는 모두 Strepomycin, Chloromycetin, Oxytetracycline, Erythromycin, Achromycin, Aurcomycin, Neomycin 및 Kanamycin등과 같이 예민(銳敏)한 감수성(感受性)을 나타내었다. 5. 치료시험(治療試驗)에 있어 괴저부(壞疽部)가 편측성(片側性)이고 한국성(限局性)인 것은 외과적(外科的) 유방적출술(乳房摘出術), 심(甚)한 괴저(壞疽)와 한계(限界)가 광범(廣範)하여 유두(乳頭)까지 괴사(壞死)한것은 유두절제술(乳頭切除術)과 근육주사(筋肉注射)하고 괴저(壞疽)가 경미(輕微)한것은 유두관내주입법(乳頭管內注入法)과 유방조직내주사법(乳房組織內注射法)이 가(可)할것이다. Six cases of gangreous mastitis of goats infected spontaneously were observed clinically and pathologically in Daegu and Daejeon district. and with strain isolated purely from the infected goats, the artificial infection to the animal was examined, the sensitivity of strain to the antibiotics was tested and clinical treatment was carried out. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. In the six cases approximately same clinical findings were observed as the previously published literatures on gangrenous mastitis of cattle, sheep and goats. 2. The micrococcus pyogenes var aureus was highly virulent strain which was the causative organism for the gangrenous mastitis by inoculating in the udder. 3. The gangrenous mastis was probably occured by the formation of thrombosis in veins of udder. 4. In the sensitivity test, the micrococcus pyogenes var aureus resited for penicillin in 2 cases among the 6 strains, but sensitived for streptomycin, chloromycin, oxyteracycline, erythromycin, achromycin, neomycin and kanamycin in other 4 and in all case. 5. The treatment for gangrenous mastitis may be extirpated the gangrenous region surgically in the case of unilaterally or locally affected, treated by muscle injection or teat-operation in the case of severely or diffusely affected and infused antibiotics up to teat canal or treated by mammary tissue injection in the case of slightly affected.

      • 유우의 성주기 및 수태율에 미치는 Prostaglandin $F_{2\alpha}$의 영향에 관한 연구

        김교준,김상근,Kim Kyo Joon,Kim Sang Keun 대한수의사회 1981 대한수의사회지 Vol.17 No.3

        These experiments were carried out to define the effects of prostaglandin $F _{2\alpha}(PGF _{2\alpha})$ on estrous cycle and fertility in Holstein cows. Five mg of $PGF _{2\alpha}$ dissolved in l.0ml physiologic saline was given int

      • KCI등재

        유우(乳牛), 산양(山羊) 및 견(犬)의 유즙내(乳汁內) 잔류항생물질(殘留抗生物質)에 관한 연구(硏究)

        김교준,Kim, Kyo Jun 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 1975 Korean Journal of Agricultural Science Vol.2 No.1

        It is well known fact that antibiotic residues in milk of cows create significant problem for the fermented dairy industry and public health because of inhibition of starter activity and of creation of allergic disease. It can be assumed that antibiotic residues in milk of other aniimals also can create some problems for their infants as in the case of humen. For the above mentioned reasons, present studies were undertaken to determine concentration and duration of antibiotic residues in milk of cows, goats and dogs following intramuscular or intravenous injection and intramammary infusion of penicillin, streptomycin and oxytetracycline at usual dosage. The cylinder-plate method was used for their assay. The results obtained were summerized as follows: 1) Following the intramuscular injection of penicillin, the antibiotic was detected in milk of cows up to 72 hours, in milk of goats 48 hours and in milk of dogs 60 hours of postinjection. The mean peak concentrations were recorded at 12 hours as 0.136 I.U./ml in cows. 6 hours as 0.773 I.U./ml in goats and 3 hours as 1.192 I.U./ml in dogs. 2) Following the intramuscular injection of streptomycin, the antibiotic was detected in milk of cows and goats up to 36 hours and in milk of dogs 24 hours of post-injection. The mean peak concentration were recorded at 6 hours as $0.26{\mu}g/ml$ in cows and at 3 hours in goats and dogs $0.45{\mu}g/ml$ and $0.36{\mu}g/ml$ respectively. 3) Following the intra venous injection of oxytetracycline, the antibiotic was detectable in milk of all the test animals up to 48 hours of postinjection. The mean peak concentrations were recorded at 6 hours as $3.5{\mu}g/ml$ in cows $2.4{\mu}g/ml$ in goats and $2.0{\mu}g/ml$ in dogs respectively. 4) Following intrarnammary infusion of penicillin in amounts of 100,000 I.U. for cows, 20.000 I.U. for goats and 10,000 I.U. for dogs, the penicillin residues in milk of the infused quarter perssisted to 72 hours in cows and 84 hours in goats and dogs. 5) Following intramammary infusion of streptomycin in amount of 500mg for cows, 100mg for goats and 25mg for dogs, the streptomycin residues in milk of the infused quarter persisted to 72 hours in cows and goats and 60 hours in dogs. 6) Following intramammary infusion of oxytetracycline in amount of 500mg for cows, 100mg for goats and 25mg for dogs, the oxytetracycline residues in milk of the infused quarter persisted to 72 hours in cows and 60 hours in goats and dogs. 7) A corelation between the residual antibiotic concentration and milk yield in cows and goats was observed; That is, the lower in the milk production showed a higher the concentration of an antibiotic residues and a longer the time in persistance. 8) Intramammary transfer of the antibiotic from an infused to non infused quarters, in dogs, was observed following the intramammary infusion of penicillin. streptomycin and oxytetracyclne in amounts of 10.000 I.U. 25mg and 25mg respectively. However, no transfer by 100.000 I.U. or 20.000 I.U. of penicillin. 500mg of streptomycin and 100mg of oxytetracyline was observed in cows and goats. 9) In dogs, minimum dosage of antibiotics for transfer fro in treated to untreated quarters following intramammary infusion were 2,500 I.U. of penicillin and 5mg each of streptomycin and oxytetracycline. 우유내(牛乳內)에 잔류(殘留)하는 항생물질(抗生物質)은 starter의 발육(發育)을 억제(抑制)함으로써 산소유제품(酸素乳製品)의 제조(製造)에 막대(莫大) 한 손실(損失)을 가져올 뿐만 아 니라 유우(乳牛)를 음용(飮用)하는데 인류(人類)에 과민병(過敏病)을 비롯한 각종(各種) 질병(疾病)을 일으킬 수 있다는 것은 주지(周知)의 사실(事實)이다. 그러나 기타(其他) 가축(家畜)에 있어서도 모유내(母乳內)에 항생물질(抗生物質)이 출현(出現)할때는 이것을 포유(哺乳)하는 자축(仔畜)에게도 인류(人類)에서와 같은 장애(障碍)를 초래(招來)할 수 있다는 점(点)도 간과(看過)할수 없는 일이다. 이러한 관점(觀點)에서 본연구(本硏究)에서는 유우(乳牛), 산양(山羊) 및 견(犬)에 penicillin, streptomycin 및 oxytetracycline을 근육(筋肉) 또는 정맥내(靜脈內)에 주사(注射)하고 유방내(乳房內)에 주입(注入)할 경우(境遇) 유즙내(乳汁內)에 이해(移行) 또는 잔류(殘留)하는 농도(濃度)와 지속시간(持續時間)을 cylinder-plate법(法)으로 실험(實驗)한바 그 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 1) penicillin을 근육주사(筋肉注射)한 후 유즙내(乳汁內)에서 검출(檢出)할 수 있는 penicillin의 최고농도(最高濃度)는 유우(乳牛)가 12시간(時間)에 0.093~0.214(평균(平均) 0.136)I.U./ml, 산양(山羊)이 6시간(時間)에 0.58~0.974(평균(平均) 0.773)I.U./ml, 견(犬)이 3시간(時間)에 0.823~1.482(평균(平均) 1.192)I.U./ml였으며 유즙내(乳汁內) 잔류지속시간(殘留持續時間)은 각각(各各) 60~72시간(時間), 36~48(時間) 및 48~60시간(時間)이었다. 2) streptomycin을 근육주사(筋肉注射)한 후 유즙내(乳汁內)에서 검출(檢出)된 streptomycin 최고농도(最高濃度)는 유우(乳牛)가 6시간(時間)에 0.09~0.47(평균(平均) 0.26)${\mu}g/ml$, 산양(山羊)이 3시간(時間)에 0.17~0.64(평균(平均) 0.45)${\mu}g/ml$, 견(犬)이 3시간(時間)에 0.32~0.96(평균(平均) 0.63)${\mu}g/ml$였으며 유즙내(乳汁內)의 잔류지속시간(殘留持續時間)은 각각(各各) 6~36시간(時間), 12~36(時間) 및 12~24시간(時間)이었다. 3) oxytetracycline을 정맥주사(靜脈注射)한 후 유즙내(乳汁內)에서 검출(檢出)된 oxytetracycline의 최고농도(最高濃度) 유우(乳牛)가 6시간(時間)에 1.5~3.2(평균(平均) 2.4)${\mu}g/ml$, 견(犬)이 6시간(時間)에 1.5~2.4(평균(平均) 2.0)${\mu}g/ml$였으며 잔류지속시간(殘留持續時間)은 유우(乳牛)가 24~48시간(時間), 산양(山羊)및 견(犬)이 36~48시간(時間)이었다. 4) penicillin을 유방내(乳房內) 주입(注入)한 경우 주입방(注入房) 유즙(乳汁)에 잔류(殘溜)하는 시간(時間)은 유우(乳牛)가 48~72시간(時間)이었으며 산양(山羊) 및 견(犬)은 72~84시간(時間)이었다. 5) streptomycin을 유방내(乳房內) 주입(注入)할 경우 주입방(注入房) 유즙내(乳汁內)에 잔류(殘溜)하는 지속시간(持續時間)은 유우(乳牛) 및 산양(山羊)이 48~72시간(時間)이었으며 견(犬)은 48~60시간(時間)이었다. 6) oxytetracycline을 유방내(乳房內) 주입(注入)한 경우 주입방(注入房) 유즙(乳汁)에 잔류(殘溜)하는 시간(時間)은 유우(乳牛)가 48~72시간(時間), 산양(山羊) 36~60시간(時間)이었으며 견(犬)은 48~60시간(時間)이었다. 7) penicillin, streptomycin 및 oxytetracycline을 유방내(乳房內) 주입(注入)한후 주입방내(注入房內) 잔류항생물질(殘留抗生物質)의 농도(濃度)와 지속시간(持續時間)을 검토(檢討)한 결과 유우(乳牛) 및 산양(山羊)에 있어서는 필유량(泌乳量)과의 관계(關係)가 인정(認定)되었고 고

      • 개량된 방법에 의한 견의 정이술의 증례보고

        김교준,김명철,권오덕,Kim Kyo-Joon,Kim Myung-Cheol,Kwon Oh-Deog 대한수의사회 1987 대한수의사회지 Vol.23 No.2

        Ear trimming was performed with improved method experimentally on 10 dogs, raised in animal hospital in Chungnam national university. Desired length of each ear was measured and each ear was notched with scissors. A pair of intestinal forceps is fixed to

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        항균제내성의 검사요령과 임상적응용

        김교준,Kim Kyo-Joon 한국임상수의학회 1984 한국임상수의학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        The author carried out bovine mastitis test by California Mastitis test(CMT) for the milk from dairy cows in the surburbs of Taejeon. In order to select prefer commercial therapeutic antibacterial agents for mastitis treatment, Staphylococcus aureus were isolated from the CMT positive milk and the strains were tested for the tolerance test to the agents. The results obtained were summarized as follows : 1. The tolerance test appeared graduate tolerance in cases with continuously repeat of therapeutic agents. 2. The antibacterial agents revealed strong tolerance were D-and E-ointments. 3. The antibacterial agents revealed suspect tolerance were A-and F-ointments and ampicillin, penicillin, kanamycin and streptomycin. 4. The antibacterial agents revealed non or rare tolerance were B-and G-ointments and chloramphenicol, erythromycin and oxytetracycline. 5, It is concluded that the use of 3-day-interval in turn with antibacterial agents selected by tolerance test may be beneficial.

      • KCI등재

        엔거술(円鋸術)에 의한 축우(畜牛)의 전두동염(前頭洞炎)의 치료예(治療例)

        김교준,김덕환,김명철,권오덕,Kim, Kyo Joon,Kim, Duck Hwan,Kim, Myung Cheol,Kwon, Oh Deog 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 1987 Korean Journal of Agricultural Science Vol.14 No.2

        단각후(斷角後) 세균감염(細菌感染)으로 발생(發生)한 전두동염(前頭洞炎)의 1예(例)에 엔거술(円鋸術)을 시도(試圖)하였고 세유액(洗游液), 항생제(抗生劑) 및 단백분해제(蛋白分解劑) 등의 병용(倂用)으로 치료효과(治療效果)를 보였다. 장기간(長期間)에 걸친 꾸준한 치료(治療)가 요(要)하게 되므로 단각후(斷角後)에 철저(徹底)한 방부(防腐)와 단각부(斷角部)의 보호(保護)로서 치중(置重)하는 것이 바람직하다고 생각된다. The authors made an attempt to trephinize in a cow with frontal sinusitis caused by bacterial infection after dehorning. Combination therapy with irrigating solution, antibiotics and proteolytic agent was effective in the patient. As it takes for a long duration to cure the patient, it is considered that complete prophylaxis such as preservation and protection for dehorned area is desirable.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        우유(牛乳)의 잔류항생물질(殘溜抗生物質)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

        김교준,Kim, Kyo Jun 대한수의학회 1973 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.13 No.1

        The antibiotics are usually used for the medical treatments or the other purpose for cow and almost of them are transfered to milk. Moreover a serious problems on public health are caused by misuse or overuse of antibiotics. These studies were conducted to determine the rise and fall of antibiotics in the raw milk which is milked from the cow treated with antibiotics. The number of samples examined were 500 which were taken from 36 cows, and the antibiotics in milk were detected by cylinder plate assay method. The results were as follows: 1) When penicillin, chloramphenycol and streptomycin were infused into a udder, they were detected up to the period of 84 hours, 36 hours and 60 hours after injection in the milk from the same udder, however in the milk from the other udder streptomycin was not detected but penicillin and chloramphenycol were detected up to 72 hours and 24 hours after injection. When streptomycin and penicillin were injected intramusculary, streptomycin was not detected in the milk but penicillin was detected up to 60 hours after injcetion. 2) When penicillin, streptomycin and chloramphenycol were infused into the udder, the lesser amount of milk was produced, the more antibiotics were detected in the milk. 3) It is necessary policy for the public health to inhibit to be sold the milk up to 3 days or more after the injection on antibiotics or to add food blue to mastitis drugs.

      • KCI등재

        피내반응법(皮內反應法)에 의한 대전지방(大田地方)의 축우(畜牛) 및 산양(山羊)의 Fascioliasis에 관한 조사연구(調査硏究)

        김교준,Kim, Kyo-Joon 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 1977 Korean Journal of Agricultural Science Vol.4 No.1

        대전시(大田市) 근교(近郊) 우시장(牛市場) 도축장(屠畜場) 및 목장(牧場)에서 한우(韓牛), 유우(乳牛), 재래산양(在來山羊) 및 유산양(乳山羊)에 대(對)하여 피내(皮內) 반응법(反應法)을 응용(應用)하고 간칠증(肝蛭症) 감염실태(感染實態)를 조사(調査)하여 가축별(家畜別), 연령별(年齡別) 방목지별(放牧地別)로 조사(調査) 관찰(觀察)한 결과(結果)를 보고(報告)한다. 축우(畜牛)와 산양(山羊)의 간칠(肝蛭) 감염율(感染栗)은 한우(韓牛)에서 평균(平均) 양성율(陽性率)은 31.0%, 유우(乳牛)에서 평균(平均) 양성율(陽性率)은 38.7%, 재래산양(在來山羊)에서 평균(平均) 양성율(陽性率)은 33.8%, 유산양(乳山羊)에서는 평균(平均) 양성율(陽性率)이 26.9%였다. 축우(畜牛)와 산양(山羊)의 연령별(年齡別) 조사성적(調査成績)에 있어서는 1세(歲)에서는 모두 양성율(陽性率)이 낮으며 2~6세(歲) 이상(以上)에서는 비교적(比較的) 높은 양성율(陽性率)을 지속(持續)하였다. 방목지별(放牧地別) 조사성적(調査成績)에 있어 한우(韓牛)는 하천유역(河川流域), 유우(乳牛)는 계곡(溪谷)과 습지(濕地)에서 각각(各各) 높았으며 평원(平原), 고조지(高燥地)와 무방목지(無妨牧地)에서는 모두 낮은 양성율(陽性率)이었다. 간질충(肝蛭蟲) 기생수(寄生數) 조사성적(調査成績)에 있어 한우(韓牛)와 재래산양(在來山羊) 다같이 기생수(寄生數)가 적은 편(便)이라 모두 경(輕)한 감염상태(感染狀態)이며 양성반응(陽性反應)에 대(對)한 검출율(檢出率)은 한우(韓牛)와 재래산양(在來山羊)에서 각각(各各) 92.5, 94.1%였다. To investigate the condition of infectious rate of fascioliasis in the farm animals. This survey was carried out, by the interdermal reaction from different animals, ages and pestures in Daejeon Suburbs and Cattle market and Abattoir. The average positive rate of infectious reaction were 31.0% in Korean Cattle, 38,7% in dairy Cattle, 33.8% in Korea native Goats and 26.9% in dairy Goat. The positive rate was higher at the age of 2~6 that compares with at age of yearling. From survey on the river side area, valley and wet area, the rate of positive was occured higher, than from plain, high land and in case of animals have not been grazing. And the detective rate of liver fluke among the positive reaction was occured 92.5% in Korean Cattle and 94.7% in Korea native Goat.

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