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      • KCI등재
      • 「-ていく」·「-てくる」와「-kada」·「-oda」의 대조 연구

        도기정 남서울대학교 1996 남서울대학교 논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to compare the Japanese language of 「-teiku」 「-tekuru」 with the Korean language of 「-kada」「-oda」. As a methodology, the usage of the two languages is classified by space and time (aspect) dimensions. The result shows that the usage of the two languages is similar in a space dimension, but much different in a time (aspect) dimension. Specifically, Japanese language of 「-tekure」 which means occurrence cannot be translated into korean language of 「-oda」 but into 「-nada」. The usage of 「-teiku」「-tekuru」 and 「-kada」「-oda」 which show transformation is basically similar. However, 「-oda」 of wanted transformation and 「-kada」 of unwanted transformation can be used with exception from a speaker standpoint.

      • KCI등재

        『とはずがたり』의 敬語硏究 - 雅語的 表現을 중심으로 -

        도기정 일본어문학회 2015 일본어문학 Vol.68 No.-

        本稿では中世鎌倉時代に執筆された自傳的女流日記である『とはずがたり』に用いられている敬語表現について考察した。本作品が宮中生活を素材にしただけに、多くの種類の敬語を使用しており、そのほとんどが平安時代の敬語の用法を継承するものが多いが、いっぽうでは従来の用法とは異なる新たな敬語表現や中世敬語の特質とも言える待遇性を持つのが頻出する。その最たるものとして「侍り」と「申す」があげられる。『とはずがたり』には当時の口語である「候ふ」があるにもかかわらず、非当代語である「侍り」が会話文によく用いられていて注目される。これは平安時代を代表していた「侍り」表現を通じて、昔の栄華と当時の郷愁を懐かしく感じさせる表現効果を出すために、「侍り」が意図的に使用されているのである。地の敍述においても、作者が不特定多数の読者に対して、いわゆる雅語 的表現ともいえる「侍り」と「申す」が「みやび」、「古めかしさ」や「丁重さ」、「重々しさ」といった文章の表現効果を示すために用いられていて語法上に一つの大きな特徴を成している。

      • 『とはずがたり』의 待遇表現 : 尊敬表現을 중심으로(1)

        도기정 남서울대학교 2004 남서울대학교 논문집 Vol.10 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to consider the usage of the honorific terms that are used in Towazugatari, written in the Kamakura period, which have been overlooked without detailed research, in an attempt to study the honorific terms of the Middle Ages. There are many kinds of honorific terms in Towazugatari, most of which originated from the linguistic usages of the Nara/Heian period. Besides this succession, there are some other honorific features of Middle Japanese aside from those that have been commonly used with regard to civility. This dissertation will classify the honorific expressions into three types; 'Sonkei expressions' (尊敬表現), 'Kenzyo expressions'(謙讓表現) and 'Taisha expressions'(對者表現). The first type of honorific expressions that will be discussed is Sonkei expressions': 1) As some words which included the meaning of high respect in the Heian period get weaker in their own civility, they get to combine with the auxiliaries such as '-(ra)ru' and '-(sa)su' so that some complex honorific verbs ('oseraru' and 'tamawasu) are derived. The term, '-(ra)ru', which was not used very often in the female vocabulary from the Heian period is combined to common verbs or honorific terms such as 'mosu'; consequently, such forms as 'iwaru' and 'mosaru' are derived. 2) In the Kamakura period, the form of 'go(on)-ari' (御-あり) which has been used ever since the Heian period started to be used in various ways, along with 'go(on)-naru' (御-なる). This usage came to be applied to expressions representing commands like 'go(on)-are' and negative expressions like 'go(on)-nashi' (御-なし).

      • 通貨主義(Monetarist) 인플레이션 理論 一考察

        玄紋吉,都基偵 東亞大學校 1995 東亞論叢 Vol.32 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to summarize and evaluate the "Monetarist Inflation Theory". The beginning of the new debate in inflation theory can be characterized by the attempt to explain the inflation proces as 'causal'. Does inflation orginate in the labor market or can it be explained by the rate of growth of the money? Later, with acceleration of inflation, the emphasis shifted to explaining inflationary expectations. The treatment of expectations distinguishes the new inflation models from the traditional theory. Monetarism as discussed in Chapter I is defined by the following four propositions : 1. Stability of the private sector. The private sector of he economy is inherently stable. The economic system returns automatically to a full-employment equilibrium after a disturbance ; the unemployment rate returns to the 'natural' rate. 2. Long-run neutrality of money. Any rate of growth of th money supply is compatible with a full-employment equilibrium, although different rates of inflation result. 3. Acceptance of the short-run Phillips curve. A change in the rate of growth of the money supply first alters the rate of real economic growth(and hence the unemployment rate). In the long run this real effect vanishes and there remains only a permanent increase in the trend rate of inflation(acceleration theorem). 4. Dislike of activist economic policy. There is dislike of activist demand management policy, either monetary or fiscal, and preference for long-run monetary policy "rules" or prestated 'targets'. The stability postulate is not at the head of the list by chance. Actually, the assumption of an inherently stable economic system is a presupposition of monetarist theory. The stability of the market as an economic system is assumed, not proven : in particular, it is asserted that the labor market is always approaching equilibrium; that is, the rate of unemployment is equal to the natural rate, which represents only frictional unemployment. On the basis of the stability postulate, monetarism excludes the possibility of a Keynesian underemployment equilibrium characterized by an excess supply of goods and labor. Here Monetarism steps across the bundaries of pure economic theory and assumes ideological aspects. The second theorem of monetarism simply formulates the long-run quantity theory. In the steady, when all variables are correctly anticipated, the rate of growth of the money supply completely determines the rate of inflation. In other words, a full-employment equilibrium is indenpendent of a fully anticipated rate of inflation. Whereas the long-run quantity theory is relatively trivial, the third theorem of monetarism has greater importance. One can designate this as short-run quantity theory, which maintains that an acceleration in the rate of growth of the money supply temporarily raises the rate of real economic growth and, hence, reduces te rate of unemployment. The subsequent inflation leads to an adjustment in the economic system. During this adjustment process, the rate of real economic growth again returns to the orginal rate. Thus, the acceleration in real growth achieved through a faster rate of money growth is only temporary. Brunner labeled this principle the 'acceleration theorem'. Most monetarit authors, such as Friedman, Brunner, and Laidler, use this principle theorem plays a central role in the analysis of the short-run adjustment process. In that respect, it figures prominently in the 'standard' monetarist model. The main aspect of proposition 4 is the rejection of discretionary fiscal and monetary policy. The main policy issue, therefore, is to replace activist economic policy by rules like the constant growth rate rule for the money supply or constant rules for fiscal policy. Monetarists, on the other hand, contend that the orgins of inflation are always excessive monetary expansion by the authorities. Monetarists would then accept the dictum put forward by Friedman that : "Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon in the sense that it is and can be produced only by a more rapid increase in the quantity of money than in output."

      • 『とはずがたり』의 待遇表現 : 尊敬語를 중심으로

        도기정 남서울대학교 2004 남서울대학교 논문집 Vol.10 No.-

        中世敬語の硏究の一環として、『とはずがたり』に用いられている尊敬語を中心にその使い方と特質について考察を行った。 これをまとめると次のごとくである。 1) 「宣はす」の哀退とともに「仰せらる」が「言ウ」の尊敬語として使われているが、 平安期よりその敬度が低くなる。 「聞ク」の尊敬語の「聞こす」はその用例が見られないが、「聞く」に「一(さ)せおはします」·「一給ふ」(四段)·「一(ら)る」などをつけた形式のみある。 2) 「思し召す」が「思ウ」の尊敬語として使われ、「見ル」の尊敬語として「御覽ず」と「御覽ぜらる」が代表的に用いられている。 3) 存在·往來に關するものとして「アル」·「イル」の尊敬語「おはします」が主に使われている。 平安時代の和文によく現れる「おはす」は平安期よりその敬度が低くなっている。 このほか往來をあらわす「行ク」·「來ル」の尊敬語として「おはす」があるが、 公卿級以下の人物にも使われていて敬度が低く、 皇室に關係する人物を待遇する場合は「御一あり」·「御一なる」のような形式を用いられている。 4) 「與エル」の尊敬語として「賜(給)はす」と「たぶ」があるが、「賜(給)はす」が「たぶ」よりその敬度が高い。 5) 「寢ル」の尊敬語として「御殿ごもる」が6回、「御よるになる」が7回も使われている。「召す」が「乘ル」の尊敬語として「奉る」,「參る」よりその使用頻度が高い。 また「召す」は「着ル」と「呼ブ」の尊敬語として用いられ、 その中世的な用法の多樣性が認められる。

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