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      • KCI등재

        우리 나라 역대 정부의 차관 임명 기준과 그 특성

        배병용,민병익 한국행정연구원 2003 韓國行政硏究 Vol.12 No.3

        본 연구는 김대중 정부의 중앙행정부처를 기준으로 국무위원의 지위를 가진 장관을 직접적으로 보좌하는 차관을 중심으로 1948년 정부수립 후부터 김대중 정부에 이르는 역대 정부의 모든 차관의 출신배경, 경력배경, 재임기간 및 취임연령 등의 자료를 정리하여 정부별 임명특성을 살펴보는데 연구의 목적을 두고 진행하였다. 본 연구에서 나타난 주요 결과를 요약, 정리하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 역대 정부 차관 임명에 있어 실적성의 정도를 살펴본 결과 대체적으로 최근 정부로 올수록 실적성이 증가하고 있다. 둘째, 정실성의 정도를 살펴보기 위해 출신대학, 동향여부, 고위군인 출신여부 등을 분석한 결과, 출신대학의 경우 서울대 집중현상이 매우 높았으며 임명권자의 출신대학이나 그 성향, 군출신, 그리고 출신지역이 차관 임명에 영향을 미쳤다. 셋째, 엽관성의 정도를 살펴보기 위해 정치인경험여부를 살펴본 결과 장면 정부에서 가장 높은 비율을 보였다. 끝으로, 차관 임명에 나타난 지역대표성의 정도를 살펴 본 결과 호남이 가장 과소 대표된 반면 영남이 가장 과다 대표된 것으로 나타났고 충청지역은 적절히 대표되었다. 본 연구는 대한민국 초대 정부부터 최근 김대중 정부에서 임명된 차관들의 방대한 배경적 자료들을 발굴하고 정리하여 기술적 통계를 제시하고 간략한 가설적 설명을 부가한데서 그 의의를 찾을 수 있으나 그 임명 배경을 충분히 설명하지 못한 한계를 가지고 있다. 따라서 앞으로 차관 임명의 배경에 대한 심층적이고도 충분한 설명이 요구되며 보다 분석적인 연구가 수행되어져야 할 것으로 믿는다. government. The upper government tries a power of influence to maintain about the local government. And the local government will pursue the autonomy through a strategic confrontation to the upper government. This paper paid attention to the factors which influence on local autonomy are policy motivation and the leadership of mayor. We exploded the discussion to the research object a scholarship policy in the Sung-nam city to be unfolded in theoretical such background. After a local autonomy, there is very dynamic interaction between the upper government and local government in the process of agenda setting and decision- making of local government. Such dynamics prepared the space which the local politics can be achieved. The research about local administration which we advanced and staied in a functional and institutional existing level. It will be said that we have the meaning that the point which can make the extension of the local politics to prepare the motivation. This paper aims to describe the characteristics of Vice-Ministers of Korean Governments from Rhee Seung Man government to Kim Dae Jung Government. We made the criteria for analyzing characteristics of Vice-Ministers, such as merit, patronage, spoils, and regional representativeness. There are several characteristics of Korean governments' appointing vice-ministers. Firstly, recent governments has appointed vice-ministers based on the merit criteria. Secondly, patronage had affected on appointing vice-ministers. In other words, the appointer(presidents and prime minister) appointed many vice-ministers based on the his college or university and birth place, and presidents who were from the military appointed vice-ministers often based on military service career. Thirdly, spoils had affected on appointing vice-ministers considerably. Especially, there were many vice-ministers who had political experiences with the appointer in Jang Myun government, because the government was parliamentary government. Finally, Honam region has been represented least in the appointed vice-ministers.

      • KCI등재

        社會經濟的 條件과 市民의 政治的 關心 및 效能感

        裵炳龍(Bae Byung Ryong) 한국지방자치학회 2000 韓國地方自治學會報 Vol.12 No.3

        This article purposes to verify the impacts of socio-economic conditions on political interests and efficacy. In addition, this article purposes to verify the impact of socio-economic conditions on political paternalism and fatalism, and to verify the impact of political paternalism and fatalism on political interests and efficacy. In order to verify, 250 citizens of Chinju were randomly sampled and surveied Aug. 17-27, 1999. The results are as followings. Firstly, the least educated cutizens are most fatalistic. Secondly, non-educated citizens have most political interests and higher educated citizens have more political interests than other level of the educated citizens have. Thirdly, the high occupational position has the lowest political paternalism. Fourthly, citizens of the most highly educated and high level of income have internal political efficacy. Fifthly, fatalism is negatively related with external political efficacy, and political paternalism is negatively related with internal political efficacy. In colclusion, modernazation theory of political and efficacy is partly verified.

      • 정치적 행동 설명요인(說明要因) 간의 상관관계 : 환경요인과 심리적 요인 간의 관계

        배병용 경상대학교 경남문화연구소 1986 慶南文化硏究 Vol.9 No.1

        In order to explain political behavior, we have employed two kinds of factors or variables. They are environmental and psychological factors, By the way, we have used general framework of studying political behavior that environmental factors influence psychological factors(organism) and then psychological factors influence political behavior, This study aims to investigate the interrelation between these two kinds of factors empirically, Five environmental factors(father's education, father's occupation prestige, participation in voluntary organization of school, participation in classroom decision making, parent's and teaches advice to girls about social activities) and two psychological factors(self-confidence or self-strength, and dominance or power orientation) were selected, and theoretical explanations were made, Accordingly, 10 hypotheses were suggested. Seven hundred and seventy-nine questionnaires from middle and high school students were employed in this study to test hypotheses. 9 hypotheses were adopted and one hypotheis was rejected(father's occupation prestige-dominance of student). As a result, we found that environmental factors influence psychological factors(organism). In the future, we need to investigate the influence of psychological factors on political behavior.

      • 日本의 公害관련 市民運動에 대한 理論的 考察

        裵炳龍,金明淑 경상대학교 1988 民族統一論集 Vol.1988 No.4

        1. The objective of this study is to criticize the previous analyses of the citizens' movements related to environmental pollution in contemporary Japan and to suggest systematic conceptual scheme for the analysis of those phenomena. 2. Since 1955, Japanese Citizens have suffered from environmental pollution resulted from the rapid and great industrialization. However, governmental bureaucracy, Diet political parties and large interest groups could not cope with that problem. Therefore, many citizens and community citizens' associations created movements and achieved their goals. 3. Four big pollution incidents happened in the 1960s. Those victims and their families suffered from pollution, and they had great grievances toward firms which produced pollution and various agencies which did not solve problems. Thus, they made various protest activities and legal challenges in the courts of Japan for compensation. After all, they won a lawsuit. At that time, some organizations and publics were concerned with problems of victimes. However, those movements were led by the victimes. Those initial incidents produced a greater public awareness of the consequences of industrial pollution. Since four big incidents, environmental movements gradually, oriented their goals toward prevention. The first case of prevention movements is Mishima-Namazu movement which took place in 1963-64. When this movement evolved, many citizens and associations(antipollution expert, neighborhood associations, farmers and fishers groups and housewives and so on) participated in the movement. 4. Antipollution movements in Japan from 1960s to 1970s have been analysed by both the social psychological theory (e.g., Tsurutani)and resource mobilization theory(e.g, McKean & Lewis). Though those initial movements formation can be explained by the organizations and general publics concerned with pollution problems, they can be properly explained by the grievances of the victims(social psychological theory). Although the later movements can be explained by the potential griavences toward planned Combinato, they can be properly explained by the neighborhood associations(resource mobilization theory). In addition to the above, many other factors, such as traditional psychological factor(community consciousness), traditional structural and organizational factor(herited mobilization system), various community associations and heightened political efficacy which were the effects of democratic system after the Second World war, high level of education and high quality of life need accelerated by the economic growth, would affect on the formation and activation of citizens' movements positively. 5. Finally, citizens' movements have resulted in high political efficacy and progressivism, the open organizations in recruitment and decision making, and division or convergency of many opposited parties.

      • 政治參與의 槪念과 決定要因에 관한 硏究 : 環境 關聯 市民運動을 中心으로 With the Environmental Citizens' Movements

        金明淑,裵炳龍 경상대학교 1991 民族統一論集 Vol.1991 No.7

        Environmental Citizens' Movements is political participation because if seeks to influence goverment. It has several characteristics as a political participation. First, it is a collective action of which unit is not an individual but a group in the course of contacting government, while an individual is a unit of action in participating Citizens' Movements. Second, Citizens' Movements has many modes of action which involves illegal action. Therefore, the concept of participation is not confined to democratic and legitimate actions. Third, Citizens' Movements is a voluntary organization, but occasionally they are organized by stimuli and mobilization from other groups. Fourthly, middle class citizens participate Citizens' Movement in the city, but most of people in the particular areas which are polluted do regardless of their socio-economic status. Fifthly, most of those who actively participate citizens' movements are in the mid thirties and the mid forties. the shorter they reside there, the more they participate. Sixthly, modernization and urbanization increase income and affect the formation of the free organizations which relate to the eruption of Citizens' Movements generally, This is proper to Citizens' Movements in the city, but residents' grievance is the direct cause of Citizens' Movements in the country. Seventhly, citizens who participate Citizens' Movement come to have high political efficacy through becoming members of movements' organizations. This is similar to the logic of previous studies. However, the course of citizens' organizations and the activity of the organized Citizens, Movements are influenced by the established environmental organizations or the support of other organizations. Lastly, the concept and determinants of political participation examined in this paper is supposed to help for conceptualizing Environmental Citizens' Movements in Korea as political participation and examining the determinants of those empirically.

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