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        우리나라 형사소송법상 위법수집증거배제법칙

        신양(Shin, Yang-Kyun) 한국형사법학회 2014 刑事法硏究 Vol.26 No.2

        독일 형법학에 각인된 한국의 형법학과는 달리 형사소송법 분야에서는 미국법의 영향을 많이 받았다. 이론적으로는 이미 1960년대부터 미국의 연방헌법 수정 제14조 제1항의 적법절차조항에 기초한 ‘위법수집증거배제법칙’이 우리나라에 수용되었고, 2007년에는 이에 대한 입법적 근거가 마련되었다. 그러나 미국에서의 위법수집증거 배제에 관한 논의가 위법수사의 억지에 중점을 두고 있는데 비해 우리나라에서는 수사절차나 공판절차를 불문하고 적법절차의 원리에 위반하는 증거들의 사용에 대한 문제로 다루고 있다. 이 점에서 우리나라와 미국의 위법수집증거배제법칙은 그 근거 나 방향이 반드시 일치하는 것은 아니다. 우리나라에서 위법수집증거배제법칙의 전개는 여전히 그 저울추가 형사사법의 효율성보다 피고인의 인권보장에 기울여져 있다고 판단된다. 2007년의 대법원 판결이 위법수집증거배제법칙에 대해 예외적 허용설을 취하면서 이차적 증거에 대해서도 같은 기준을 적용하고 증거동의에 대한 부정적 입장을 취하고 있는 것도 같은 맥락이다. 실체적 진실발견과 피고인의 인권보장 이라는 두 가지 요청을 조화시킨다는 일반원칙을 위법수집증거배제법칙에서 어떻게 구체적으로 실현하는가는 새로운 형사소송법 시행 5년이 지난 지금에도 현재 진행형으로 남아 있는 과제로 보인다. The Korean Criminal Procedure Act (KCPA) has been influenced by American criminal procedure law, especially in the field of investigation and evidence law. Above all in the evidence law the KCPA has introduced institutions such as exclusion of involuntary confession (§309) or hearsay evidence (§310.2) .The Constitution of the Republic of Korea in 1987 has changed article about the personal liberty as follows in Article 12, paragraph 1. "All citizens shall enjoy personal liberty. No person shall be arrested, detained, searched, seized or interrogated except as provided by Act. No person shall be punished, placed under preventive restrictions or subject to involuntary labor except as provided by Act and through due process. With this paragraph the Constitution has brazed the way for the interpretation regarding admissibility of illegally obtained evidences. In addition, in the 90s, the case law has denied admissibility of protocol of interrogation by the prosecutor, which has been reported under the cutting off contact with the lawyer. In the famous case known as the Korean Miranda Affair the supreme court has also denied admissibility of statement of the accused, in case the statement has been made without notifying silence right in advance, in despite of its voluntary statement. the reformed KCPA in 2007 has adopted the principle of exclusion of the illegally obtained evidence in Art. 308․2 as follows: the evidence, that is not obtained according to lawful process, shall not be used. In Connection with interpretation of this article the supreme court stand firm on the exceptional Admissibility of the illegally obtained evidence, though the deviation from the procedural rule is not serious infraction. According the precedent and the major theory the illegally obtained evidence by private person can be used in principle, in case that the balancing test between individual interest of the accused and the public interest of effective law enforcement give priority to public interests. The secondary evidence found by illegally obtained evidence shall not be used in principle (called as "rule of the fruit from poisonous tree“) . the Supreme Court has applied the principle of exclusion also to the secondary evidence, but affirmed exceptionally its admissibility, when exclusion of secondary evidence can be evaluated as a result against realization of justice in criminal justice through harmonization between principle of a fair trial and un discovery of truth in crimial case. In addition, illegal obtained evidence shall not be used, although the accused or his lawyer consent to its admissibility, because illegally obtained evidence indifferent to abandonment of confrontation right can not be a target of the consent from the first.

      • KCI등재

        다문화가정내 가정폭력과 회복적 사법

        신양(Shin, Yang-Kyun) 전북대학교 법학연구소 2011 法學硏究 Vol.34 No.-

        다문화가정에서 가정폭력의 문제는 이미 중요한 사회문제로 자리잡고 있으며, 그 해결을 위한 다양한 제도와 실천들이 이루어지고 있다. 특히 가정폭력을 단순히 집안문제로만 파악하던 경향에서 벗어나 사회구조적 문제 내지 범죄의 문제로 파악하려는 노력이 본격화되어 여성가족부에서는 3년 단위로 이에 대한 실태조사를 행하고 있다. 다문화가정에서 가정폭력의 문제도 결혼이주여성이 가지는 인구사회학적 특성과 개인적 특성을 고려하여 피해자 보호와 지원을 위한 제도를 보다 확충할 필요가 있으며 가정폭력에 대한 조기개입을 통해 문제가 확산되지 않도록 노력하는 것이 중요하다. 다만 다문화가정에서 가정폭력이 가지는 특징을 고려할 때, 형사사법기관을 통한 처벌과 억제만으로는 근본적인 문제해결에 한계를 가질 수밖에 없다. 피해자의 피해회복과 가해자의 책임 인정 그리고 공동체의 지원이라는 세 가지 요소를 핵심으로 하는 회복적 사법모델의 적용이 필요한 이유가 여기에 있다. Issues on the domestic violence are complicated and so traditional response of criminal justice has limits in preventing and suppress the violence. But with change of traditional social consciousness of family and conjugal relation domestic violence isnt regarded as a domestic quarrel any more, but as socio-structural byproduct. from traditional sexual concept. Ministry of Gender Equality and Family is carrying actual condition survey on domestic violence every three years to apply as an preliminary data for preventing domestic violence. Especially multicultural family has several another features than general family, in popular sociological aspect and personal situation of international marriage migrant women. Therefore phenomenon of domestic violence in multicultural family and circumstance of migrant women should be especially considered to analyze root cause and establish countermeasures. We have two acts, act on the prevention of domestic violence and protection, etc. of victims and act on punishment, etc. of domestic violence crime, to come up against domestic violence. but only these two acts has a limit on controling domestic violences in multicultural family effectively, because it emphasizes chiefly on protection of victims and official punishment against offenders. Settlement of domestic violence problems in multicultural families should be tried through mutual understanding of family members, status securement of migrant womens and recovery of family as they involve many unstable elements. restorative justice model can be suggested as an alternative because it consider recover of victims damage, acceptance of legal and moral responsibility by offenders and support of community to restore peaceful situation of society. To solve domestic violence problems in multicultural familes above all network system between support groups, administrative agencies and criminal justice authorities should be established efficiently.

      • KCI등재

        의사의 치료행위와 가정적 승낙

        신양 ( Yang Kyun Shin ) 한국비교형사법학회 2010 비교형사법연구 Vol.12 No.1

        Die Rechtsfigur der hypothetischen Einwilligung geht es um Fallgestaltung, in denen der Patient bei wahrheitsgemaßer Aufklarung in den tatsachlich durchgefuhrten Heineingriff eingewilligt hatte, obwohl sich arztlicher Heileingriff ohne wirksame Einwilligung durchgefuhrt hat, weil der Arzt die fur sie erforderliche Aufklarungspflicht nicht erschopfend erfullt hat. Nach herrschenden Meinungen in Deutschland soll diese Rechtsfigur fur einen neuen Rechtfertigung sprechen, doch weist die Begrundung eher auf das Fehlen der objektiven Zurechnung bei rechtmaßigem Alternativverhalten hin, hier allerdings auf der Rechtswidrigkeitsebene. Bei Durchsicht der einschlagigen Urteile des deutschen Bundesgerichtshofs stoßt man alsbald auf einen parallel zur zivilrechtlichen Arzthaftung gelagerten Rechtsfortbildungsprozess, indem die Strafgericht endgultig die hypothetische Einwilligung anerkennt, z.B. in die O-Beine-korrektur-Urteil vom 25,9,1990, die Surgibonedubel-Urteil vom 29.6.1995, Die verwechselten Bandscheibenfacher-Beschluss vom 15.10.2003, die Bohrerspitze-Urteil vom 20.1.2004, die Fettabsaugung-Urteil vom 5.7.2007 usw. Auf die Richtung solcher Rechtsprechungen stuzten sich im wesentlichen einige Wissenschaftler, wie Kuhlen, Mitsch, Roxin. Vor allem betonte Kuhlen solche Zurechungsausschluss auf Grund der Lehre von der Pflichtwidrigkeitszusammenhang, doch nur im Rahmen der Rehctswidrigkeit, die damit als strafrechtliche Korrekitv der Strafbarkeit der arztlichen Aufklarungsmangeln funktioniert. Dennoch lasst sich die hypothetisch Einwilligung bedenklich als strafrechtliche Korrektiv zugunsten Arztes einsetzen, weil ihr im Ergebnis nicht unbeachtliche Einwande entgegenstehen. Die Rechtsfigur ließe sich nur in den straftataufbau einfugen, wenn man die kategorialen Unterschiede zwischen Tatbestand und Rehchtswidrigkeit bzw. die Lehre von der objektiven Zurechnung tiefgreifend umgestalten wurde. Das Strafrecht lasst die Beachtung eines rechtmaßigen Alternativverhaltens als Zurechnungsausschluss namlich nur in gewissen Grenzen zu. Daruber hinaus soll Vertreter dieser Rechtsfigur Rechnung tragen, dass unsere arztliche Wirklichkeit anders ist als sie bei fortgeschrittenen Lander wie Deutschland, USA, England. Die Strafbarkeit des Arztes bei Aufklarungsmangeln bedarf in der Tat der Begrenzung, Dieses Ziel sollte aber nicht verfolgt werden, indem man nachtragliche Außerungen des Betroffenen uber das Institut des Zurechnungsausschlusses in die Betrachtung der Rechtsgutsverletztung miteinbezieht. Fur die dadurch entstandene Diskrepanz zur azrtlichen Haftung im Zivilrecht, wo Theorie und Praxis die Rechtsfigur anerkennen und die Haftung des Artzes damit starker eingeschrankt ist als im Strafrecht, ist andere strafrechtliche Restriktionen der strafrechtlichen Haftung erforderlich, die zu einer angemessenen Angleichung der Verantwortlichkeit in beiden Rechtsgebieten fuhren konnen. Sie stellt Beschrankung oder Definitivwerden der arztlichen Aufklarungspflicht dar.

      • KCI등재

        군 영창제도에 대한 검토

        신양 ( Yang Kyun Shin ) 법과사회이론학회 2013 법과 사회 Vol.0 No.45

        The disciplinary confinement against disciplinary violators in the military has a long history. Because of its old fashioned character it differs from modern correctional measures for the effective disciplinary action, therefore its justification should be found in new aspects. The military legislator has been also well-aware of problems of the disciplinary confinement system, so made more effort to make up for the weakness. Nevertheless has the system still various problems in the theoretical, realistic aspects(lack of judicial review, double punishment, executional invalidity, irrational treatment etc.). The establishment of the right to command in the military and the choice of effective means for it is a key topic of this discussion. But we should turn our attention not only to the military as organization, but also to the soldier as individual, who should enjoy fundamental freedoms and rights as a people in Korea, because our nation is a law-abiding country(Rechtsstaat). Our society still tends to think that the military culture affects civil society in a negative way. The authoritative thinking in military organization, that is, “what do not allow in a civil society is able and necessary in military” results in military unique culture. Such thinking is often justified in the name of speciality of the military organization, establishment of the right of the military command or establishment of military discipline. However, even the military organization should be functioned within the framework of the Constitution and the rule of law. Although the system of disciplinary confinement is indispensable to maintain the military discipline, it comes to loss foundation of its being, when it operates beyond standards of international law of human rights or the Constitution. In addition, the pendig issue, that is, whether the existing system of disciplinary confinement plays a effective role also under the military culture of new age, should be empirically examined thouroughly. Because threat of Isolation from the colleague and confinement against insubordination has a original limit for establishment of military discipline, the military should agonize over establishment of military discipline through education and autonomy.

      • KCI우수등재

        [논문] 공판절차의 개선입법

        신양(Shin Yang-Kyun) 한국형사법학회 2004 刑事法硏究 Vol.22 No.-

        Am 23. September 2004 feiert unser Strafverfahrensgesetz(StVG) seinen 50. Geburtstag. Mit dieser laufenden Zeit hat das StVG zwar vielfaltige Anderung erfahren, doch liegt noch kein vorbildliches Strafverfahrenssystem vor, die rechtsstaatliche Anforderungen erfrllen kann und damit unserer Wirklichkeit tauglich ist. Namentlich im Hinblick auf Hauptverhandlungssystem gibt es auffallige Diskrepanz zwischen das System und dessen Handhabung. Man pflegt diese Wirklichkeit als Audruck die auf Akte(geschriebene Beweise) beruhende Entscheidung" zu verachten. In der Praxis und Theorie geben sich verschiedene Muhe, um diese Diskrepanz auszugleichen. Bei Verbesserung des strafverfahrenssystem in Bezug auf der Hauptverhandlung geht es um einwandfreie Sicherheit des Anspruchs auf Verteidigung des Beschuldigten, verstrarkte Stellung des Verletzten, Rekontsruktion der Wahrheitsermittlung durch Hauptverhandlung und Abspaltung des Hauptverhandlugn auf Schuldintelokut und Strafbemessung, dadurch um rechtsstaatliche Strafrechtspflege zu verwirklichen. Daneben mussen Umbau unser StVG im System und Aufhebung der Problematik des Strafverfahrensanderungsgesetz 1995 noch als zusatzliche Anliegen bleiben. SchlieBich kommt es darauf an, gesetzliche Umschreibung zu machen, dadurch der B?ger Strafverfahrenssystem leicht und formig zugreifen kann.

      • KCI등재

        過失犯에 있어서 過法한 代替行爲의 問題

        申洋均 전북대학교 법학연구소 1987 法學硏究 Vol.14 No.-

        Zusammenfassung Fa¨lle des rechtsma¨βigen Alternativverhaltens zeichnen sich dadurch aus, daβ der Ta¨ter durch ein objektiv sorgfaltswidriges Verhalten einen rechtsgutsverletzeden oder-gefa¨rdenden Erfolg herbeifu¨hrt, der aber auch durch entsprechendes rechtsma¨βiges verhalten in gleicher weise entstanden wa¨re. Bei diesen Fa¨llen gibt es Einigkeit u¨ber folgenden Punkten : 1) der Ta¨ter hat sorgfaltswidrig gehandelt, 2) die Rechtsverletzung oder - gefa¨hrdung vorliegt, die in einer ursa¨chlichen Zusammenhang mit einer Handlung des Taters steht , 3) es ware auch bei einwandfreiem, rechtsmaβigem Verhalten Mo¨glicherweise, wahrscheinlich oder sogar sicher ebenfalls eingetreten. Die Frage ist, ob in jedem dieser Fa¨lle die Strafarkeit als fahrla¨ssigen Verletzungs-oder Gefa¨hrdungsdelikten anzunebmen ist. Um die vorliegende Problematik zu lo¨sen, sollen wir uns zuna¨chst mit drei Vorfrage beschaftigen: Charakter der sorgfaltswidrigen Handlung, Frage nach Kausalita¨t und Kenneeiclmen rechtmiiaiges Alternatiwerhaltens. Die vorliegende Untersuchung bescka¨ftigt sich auf Grund der Antwort auf oben geschiklerten Vorfragen mit deutschen Lehren und Rechtsprechungen uber die Problematik rechtsma¨βiges Alternatiwerhaltens. U¨berblick der Lehren und Rechtsprechund findet nach folgender Rcihe statt. 1) Begru¨ndung der Erfolgszurechung 2) Systematischer Standsort der Erfolgszurechnung 3) Grad der Moglichkeit des Erfolgseintritts durch hypothetische Kausalverla¨ufe und Erfolgszurechnung Die Problematik rechtma¨βiges Alternatiwerhaltens soll nach normativer Risikoerh o¨hungslehre untersucht werden. Danach soll ein Erfolg dem Tater zugerechnet werden, wenn ein sorgfaltswidriges Verhalten des Ta¨ters die Chance des Erfolseintritt erho¨ht hat. Die Urteil u¨ber Risikoerho¨hung gibt sich nach normativem Maβstab ab. Die bloβe mogliche Kausalita¨t des ex ante sorgfaltsgema¨βen Alternatiwerhaltens kann die Erfolgszurechnung solange nicht hindern, wie die Norm auch ex post noch sinnvoll, na¨mlich zur Reduzierung unerwu¨nschter Erfolge tauglich erscheint, d.h. solange wie sie auch vom nachtraglichen Standpunkt des Richters aus das Risiko des Erfolgseintritts vermindert. Dabei mu8 der Richter pru¨fen, ob die ex ante formulierte Norm auch auf der Grundlage des ex-post-Wissens noch als ein sinnvolles, das Erfolgsrisiko reduzierendes Verbot anerkannt werden kann. Wenn der Fall ist, dann bejaht Erfolgszurechnung.

      • KCI등재

        로스쿨에서 형사소송법 교육

        신양(SHIN Yang Kyun) 한국형사법학회 2008 刑事法硏究 Vol.20 No.3

          Since independence from japanese imperialism critical problems concerning law education have been pointed out without good results, introduce of law school system is consequently expected not only to realize improvement and enlargement of justice service for citizens, but also to give law education a turning point by making law education change and connecting law education with justice system erviceandturning points to law education<BR>  Fundamentally law education in graduated law school should be managed autonomously by each school, should consider educational goal, ideology, circumstances, clients of each school and produce the optimum conditions of law education by such autonomy and competition.<BR>  For good quality of law education are necessary execellent students and professors, agreeable facilities, especially law library offering diverse and profound informations effectively, and dignified law review, but in addition systematic and diverse curriculum should be offered to students.<BR>  According to Act for Establishing and Administering Law School, law school should maintain systematic curriculum, such as by opening legal course necessary to breed up lawyers corresponded to the educational object of law school, and its implementing ordinance provides just as practical required subjects legal ethics, retrieving legal information, drawing legal documents such as the decision and bill of suit, mock trial and internship and externship for legal practice and entrusts theoretical courses to autonomy of each law school.<BR>  Because subjects for examination, according to Bill for Bar Examination drawn by Ministry of Justice, include criminal law and criminal procedure law, many law school students will show many interest in criminal law subjects and each law school should place more weight on teaching methods and contents of its subjects.<BR>  How and What to teach subjects about criminal procedure law depends on several points, what is the object of legal education, how should are subjects about criminal procedure law organically connected with criminal law subjects, considering balance with other field of law subjects and how much should be considered preceding study of undergraduate law students.<BR>  many law school will teach subjects about criminal procedure law in three or four semesters, but each subject in total should be lectured not accumulatively but systematically and organically. For example, in basic course should be offered an outlook about criminal procedure, points at issue and related legal cases, and in advanced course, such as las of investigation, law of evidence and case study, diverse and systematic informations to acquire knowledges and logical tools, which can apply directly to practice as lawyer. each law school should also develope a textbook about criminal procedure law in cases and materials, in response the Law School Council and the Criminal Law Association should take trouble about support and cooperation for each law school.<BR>  As respects of teaching method, various methods, for example teaching by rote, socratic method, problem based learning, should be offered students to acquire knowledge about theories, which our statutes system has accumulated for a long time, and practical skills and knowhows effectively. And for students specializing not in law in undergraduate is necessary tutoring system for preparation and review of their lessons and orientation process for improving ability of legal information and legal mind.

      • KCI등재

        특집 2 : 2006년 춘계학술대회 ; 21세기 행형법의 과제와 전망 : 행형법상 수용과 처우에 대한 일반적 검토 -행형법 개정안에 대한 검토를 중심으로-

        신양 ( Yang Kyun Shin ) 한국형사정책학회 2006 刑事政策 Vol.18 No.1

        2004년 법무부는 교정관련 법령의 전면개정방침을 세우고, 그 결과 2차에 걸친 Task Force 운영과 외부용역 그리고 사회 각층의 의견수렴절차를 통해 지난 2005년 12월 행형법 개정안을 마련하였다. 이 개정안은 공청회 및 법무부 정책위원회의 검토를 거쳐 일부 수정된 후 2006년 4월 18일 국무회의를 통과하여 국회에 제출되었다. 이번 개정안은 교정관계 법령이 인권존중의 시대적 요구에 미흡하다는 비판이 각계에서 제기됨에 따라, 수형자·미결수용자 등 교정시설 수용자에 대한 차별금지 사유의 확대, 여성·노인·장애인 수용자에 대한 배려, 미결수용자에 대한 처우 개선, 서신검열의 원칙적인 폐지 등으로 수용자의 기본적인 인권 및 외부교통권이 보호될 수 있도록 하고, 수용자별 처우계획의 수립, 수용장비의 과학화, 보호장비의 개선, 징벌종류의 다양화 등으로 수용관리의 효율과 수용자의 사회적응력을 높일 수 있도록 하며, 그 밖에 청원제도 등 현행 제도의 미비점을 개선하여 수용자의 인권 신장과 수용관리의 과학화·효율화 및 교정행정의 선진화를 이루는데 주안점을 두고 있다. 그러나 행형의 목표와 관련하여 구체적으로 검토해보면 이번 개정안은 행형의 실질적 과제를 온전히 담아내는 데 여전히 미흡한 측면이 없지 않다. 수용자의 인권보장을 내세우면서 수용관리의 효율성을 함께 추구하려는 강한 의지가 드러나 있다. 그 결과 용역안의 새로운 내용 가운데 실무에서 필요하거나 수용가능한 내용들은 받아들이면서 나머지 개선안들은 현재의 개선된 행형현실을 법률에 반영하는 수준에서 마무리하는 인상마저 주고 있다. 국회의 논의과정을 통해 수형자의 마그나 카르타로서 행형법의 전향적인 개정이 이루어질 수 있기를 기대해본다. This report is concentrated on reviewing reception and treatment of persons under custody, which are provided by the reform bill 2006 on Imprisonment Act. This bill is established to improve many problems in current Imprisonment Act 1999, considering opinions of academic circle, NGO and existing rules by the supreme court and the constitutional court. This bill aim especially at promoting human rights of persons in custody, rationalizing imprisonment management including intensification of individual treatment of prisoners, scientific improvement of correction, strengthening transparent correctional administration and modernizing correctional reality. Though due process of establishing the bill and relatively appropriate goal setting, details of this bill didn`t indicate sufficiently an image of the future of imprisonment in our country. While putting emphasis on guarantee of human rights of prisoners, this bill have a strong will of efficiency of imprisonment management concurrently. And important problems by which the correction is confronted, is said to be legislation, socialization and globalization, but these problems didn`t be solved not substantially by the existing bill. As a consequence this bill left some gap with a bill drafted by civil service team, which gave emphasis to human rights and individual treatment of prisoners. It seems for us to need more time to possess the Imprisonment Act, which can play a role as outrider, which can change imprisonment reality positively.

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