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      • KCI등재

        莘憩 李敦宇의 生涯와 思想

        朴鶴來(Park, Hakrae) 한국인물사연구회 2014 한국인물사연구 Vol.22 No.-

        This article is the first one that examines Shinge Lee Don-woo(1801~1884)’s life and his statecraft who is in central politics one of the representative literary-officials in the whole nineteenth century from the period of the reign of potentates to king Kojong’s direct rule. As a representative figure of the royal family, Chonju Yi clan, Lee Don-woo suggests the neo-Confucian statecraft of Sage-Prince, which is based upon Soron lineage of Kiho School. Especially, he tries to realize it by establishing the neo-Confucian ideas of values. Therefore, he emphasizes not only the learning of Sage as the self-cultivation of Prince in his diverse engagements in politics, but also the neo-Confucian statecraft in the light of the morality of Prince. In addition to these, Yi has political idea of inner cultivation and outer agitation(內修外攘) in terms of the Idea of Respecting Zhou dynasty. Although Yi was not interested in major issues of neo-Confucian discourse, he has a strong intention to realize the ideal world of moral community that most neo-Confucian officials want to seek in his time. Thus, he sheds new light on the value of the Manner for Children(童子習). That is, he wants to institutionalize Confucian values through education for children. Having the neo-Confucian statecraft, Yi spent his whole life as one of the influential officials in the center of politics. We may regard him as a typical literary official holding a flexible political stance in the period of the reign of potentates.

      • KCI등재

        기정진(奇正鎭)의 「납량사의(納凉私議)」를 둘러싼 기호학계(畿湖學界)의 논쟁(論爭)

        朴鶴來 ( Park Hakrae ) 한국유교학회 2010 유교사상문화연구 Vol.39 No.-

        18세기 이래 湖洛論爭은 주자학에 대한 포괄적인 이해와 정치 사회적 입장을 반영하며 기호학계의 생산적인 논의를 이끌어냈다. 하지만 19세기에 접어들어 호락논변은 정치사회적 상황과 맞물리면서 先代 學說에 대한 교조적인 계승과 상대에 대한 부정으로 이어졌다. 이러한 가운데 일부 학자들에 의해 이 논쟁에 대한 반성과 대안 모색이 이루어졌고, 奇正鎭의 「納凉私議」는 이러한 결실 중의 하나이다. 湖論과 洛論에 대한 비판적 지양을 통해 호락논쟁 및 주자학의 학문적 본령을 수립하고자 했던 기정진의 호락논변에 대한 논의는 20세기 초반 그의 문집 重刊과 더불어 기호학계의 논란대상이 되었고, 특히 田愚에 의해 집중적으로 비판이 제기되어 기호학계 전반으로 논쟁이 파급되었다. 본고에서는 20세기 초반에 진행된 기정진의 「납량사의」를 둘러싼 기호학계의 논쟁을 19세기 이후의 호락논쟁의 추이와 결부하여 그 논쟁의 내용과 성격을 고찰하였다. 논쟁을 처음으로 제기한 전우의 논의와 이에 대한 기정진 문인들의 반비판을 중심으로 주요 논쟁점을 검토하였고, 논쟁을 통해 최대 쟁점으로 부각된 현상 세계의 차별성에 대한 논의를 중점적으로 살펴보았다. 아울러 이 논쟁에 대한 당시 기호학계의 입장 및 태도에 유의하여 20세기 초반 호락논변에 대한 각 학파들의 호락논변에 대한 지형변화도 試論的으로 분석하고자 하였다. Since 18th century, 'Horak debate(湖洛論爭)' had enabled the comprehensive understanding on neo-confucianism and had reflected social and political situations, and had induced productive debates of Kiho school. However, in 19th century, dogmatic inheritance of predecessors scholastic arguments and negation of other scholastic sects became prevailed in conjunction with the socio-political situation. In this circumstances, some scholars tried to reflect on this situation and to find out alternatives. Ki jung jin's 'Napryangsaeui(納凉私議)' was one of the fruit of these efforts. Ki Jung-jin's 'Horak debate', which was tried to establish original nature of Horak dispute and neo-confucianism, became a contested topic of Kiho school by republishing his anthology in the early 20th century. In this article, the author examined the contents and characteristics of the Kiho school's debates on Ki Jung-jin's 'Napryangsaeui' , which was published in the early 20th century, in relation to the transition of Horak debate since 19th century. It was examined that the arguments of Jun-woo's, who firstly criticised 'Napryangsaeui', and Ki Jung-Jin's disciples, who counter-criticised Jun-woo's criticism. And especially the different characteristics of phenomenon world, which was the main debate topic, was investigated in priority. Moreover, by paying attention to the Kiho school's standpoints and attitudes on the debate, this author analysed the changes of the academic views on Horak debate of each schools by way of trial.

      • KCI등재

        申海永 編述의 『倫理學敎科書』에 대한 재검토 - 도덕교육 학계의 관련 논의에 유의하여 -

        박학래(Park, Hakrae) 한국도덕윤리과교육학회 2021 도덕윤리과교육 Vol.- No.72

        10여 년 전에 이미 역사학계의 연구를 통해 申海永(1870~1909)이 편술한 『倫理學敎科書』(1906, 1908)가 일부 내용 수정은 있었지만, 19세기 말부터 일본의 국가주의 도덕교육을 주도한 이노우에 테쓰지로(井上哲次郞)와 다카야마 린지로(高山林次郞)가 공동 저술한 『新編 倫理敎科書』의 내용을 거의 그대로 번역하여 간행한 것임이 밝혀졌다. 하지만 지금까지 도덕교육 연구자들은 『윤리학교과서』가 『신편 윤리교과서』을 번역한 것임을 전혀 거론하지 않은 채, 이 교과서에 관한 도덕교육사적 의미와 내용 분석을 전개하였다. 이에 이 연구에서는 역사학계 연구에 유의하여 신해영의 생애를 수신 교과서 편술에 주목하여 전반적으로 정리하고, 이를 바탕으로 『윤리학교과서』의 편술 배경과 그가 편술의 저본으로 삼았던 『신편 윤리교과서』 판본 및 이에 관한 대체적인 내용을 분석적으로 정리하는 등 재검토를 진행하였다. 그리고 이를 근거로 『윤리학교과서』가 가지는 도덕 교육론적 의미와 한계를 제시하여 기존에 제시된 도덕교육 연구자들의 연구 내용에 대한 비판적 성찰과 진전된 연구가 필요함을 제안하였다. More than a decade ago, researchers in history have already reported that Ethics Textbook(倫理學敎科書) edited and published by Shin Hae-young have been partially revised, but most of the contents of Japanese New Ethics Textbook(新編倫理敎科書) have been translated and published. However, moral education researchers have overlooked that Ethics Textbook has translated the Japanese New Ethics Textbook jointly written by Inoue Tetsujiro and Takayama Linjiro, who have led the nationalist moral education in Japan since the end of the 19th century. Therefore, the analysis of the meaning of moral education history and the review of contents of moral education researchers on Ethics Textbook can be evaluated as revealing basic errors. In this study, based on the significance of the study of history academia, the life of Shin Hae-young was summarized by focusing on translation editing of Ethics Textbook. And the background of his edited and published Ethics Textbook was examined. In particular, Japanese New Ethics Textbook, which were the subject of translation, and the alternative contents of them were analyzed. In addition to this, it suggests the meaning and limitations of Ethics Textbook in terms of moral education theory of ethics school textbooks, and suggested that critical reflection on the contents of moral education researchers" studies on moral textbooks of this period, is necessary.

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