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        연령이 노령계층 우울에 미치는 영향: 서울시를 중심으로

        전형준,김한양,전경구 한국지역사회복지학회 2022 한국지역사회복지학 Vol.- No.81

        The purpose of this study is to examine a relationship between elderly depression and age, considering other risk factors such as life-span characteristics and subjective neighborhood perception. The study employed the regression model and multinomial logit model with a data 2017 Seoul Community Health Survey released by Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA). In the study an asymmetrical U pattern between depression and age is suggested without other risk factors of depression. With regression models in which risk factors including lifespan related personal and household factors and subjective neighborhood perception are controlled, this paper suggested that age was still significant even if the slope of graph of age was diminished. Also this study suggested that some lifespan related variables such as poverty, health, education, spouse, and neighborhood characteristics. According to the analysis of the slope of age function, it is argued that the lifespan risk factors may be more strongly associated with depression of the elderly. In addition to the regression analysis, a multinomial logit model was conducted to analyze characteristics of groups with depressive symptoms. The respondents were grouped into three categories by the cutpoints of PHQ-9; Non-depression, mild depression, and major depressive disorder. In general the results of multinomial logit analysis were aligned with those of the regression analysis. However the model provided an additional information on the effects of age and other variables. The analysis suggested that although age was significant factor with regard to depression, it was not significant in distinguishing major depressive disorder with mild depression groups. It implies that age may not contribute to lead to major depressive symptom from mild depression. In the analysis gender also turned out to be insignificant variable which develop mild depression to major depressive symptom. Based on the analysis this study discussed academic and policy implications. 일반적으로 노령기에는 다른 연령계층에 비하여 우울의 발생 비율이 월등히 높은 것으로 알려져 있다. 본 연구는 이와 같은 노령 우울이 연령이 높아짐에 따라 발생하는 불가피한 심리적‧정신적 현상인지 또는 노령세대가 겪게 되는 다른 우울 위험요인 때문인지를 밝히는 것을 목적으로 하고 있다. 이를 위하여 본 연구는 2017년 질병관리청의 서울시 지역사회건강조사에서 PHQ-9척도를 토대로 조사한 우울 진단값과 다양한 원시자료를 활용하여 회귀모형과 다항 로짓모형을 이용하여 분석하였다. 본 연구는 성인에 있어서 연령과 우울의 관계가 비대칭 U형임을 밝히고, 생애주기에따라 겪게 되는 여건변화를 비롯한 다른 우울 위험요인들을 고려하였을 때 연령이 우울에 어떤 영향을 미치는가를 분석하였다. 본 연구는 일차적으로 회귀분석을 토대로 성인우울에는 연령을 비롯하여 개인 및 가구 특성, 그리고 근린 특성이 모두 영향을 미치지만 노령 우울에는 연령 자체보다 노령세대가 겪게 되는 개인 및 가구 요인과 근린환경요인이 중요한 위험요인임을 밝혔다. 또한 본 연구는 응답자를 정상군, 경증 우울군, 중증 우울군으로 분류하고 다항 로짓분석을 통하여 연령을 비롯한 다른 위험요인이 우울에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 분석결과 우울의 증상별로 연령과 우울 위험요인의 영향에 차이가 있음을 발견하였다. 특히 본 연구는 경증 우울군을 대조군으로 설정하여 중증우울군의 특성을 분석한 결과 고령층에서 우울이 많이 발생하지만 우울 장애로 악화되는 것은 연령 때문이 아니라 연령 이외의 위험요인일 수 있다는 것을 밝혔다. 본 연구는분석결과를 토대로 학문적 의의와 정책적 의미를 설명하였다.

      • 봉약침으로 치료한 요추간판탈출증 환자의 임상적 평가

        전형준,황욱,김정신,남상수,김용석,Jun, Hyung-Joon,Hwang, Ook,Kim, Jung-Sin,Nam, Sang-Soo,Kim, Yong-Suk 대한한방체열의학회 2004 대한한방체열의학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        Objective : The purposes of this study are to evaluate the efficacy of Bee Venom therapy(BV) on HNP(Herniation of Nucleus Purposus) of Lumbar spine by use of Visual Analog Scale(VAS), Pain Rating Scale(PRS) and Digital Infrared Thermographic Imaging(DITI), and to investigate their correlation. Methods : We researched 20 patients who were diagnosed by MRI as having a HNP, and treated them by Oriental medical therapy(including BV) for 4 weeks. The evaluation was peformed twice(admission day and after treatment for 4 weeks), and we compared the results. Results : 1. VAS, PRS and ${\Delta}t$(by DITI) were decreased after BV for 4 weeks significantly(p<0.01). 2. There was significant correlation between VAS and PRS(p<0.05). 3. There was significant correlation between PRS and ${\Delta}t$(p<0.05). 4. There was no significant correlation between VAS and ${\Delta}t$. Conclusions : BV improved HNP subjectively and objectively, and correlation was found between VAS and PRS and between PRS and ${\Delta}t$. Further study is needed for investigating their correlation.

      • KCI등재

        노신(魯迅)의 글쓰기에서 소설 쓰기가 갖는 의미

        전형준,김효진 한국중국어문학회 2002 中國文學 Vol.37 No.-

        本稿把魯迅的書寫區別爲幾個層次, 而考察了寫小說這個層次與其他層次的關系, 之後檢討了“寫小說”裏面的矛盾衝突. 本稿的主要檢討對象小說就是在1924, 1925年寫的「祝福」「在酒樓上」「孤獨者」三篇. 因爲我們認爲這三篇就是魯迅的“寫小說”的一個中心. 小說的眞實這個側面上, 這三篇最緊張, 而充滿了矛盾衝突. 「祝福」以後的魯迅小說中的知識分子人物不再是“啓蒙者-知識分子”, 而是無力感與罪責感中苦惱的知識分子. 「祝福」以後的魯迅小說痛苦而正直的凝視着作爲如此的知識分子的作家自己. 其自己凝視看出來的就是自我內部的矛盾衝突. 「在酒樓上」「孤獨者」裏面的“兩個自我”就是自我內部的矛盾衝突敍事上形態化. 本稿的探討可以擴散如下. 首先, 對於1926, 1927年寫的「奔月」「眉間尺」兩篇和1934, 1935寫的「非攻」「理水」「采薇」「出關」「起死」五篇, 從小說的眞實這個角度要考察. 我們可以通過這種考察來探討魯迅的“寫小說”從1927年到1934年爲止中斷七年事實如何發生了, 意味着什?.

      • KCI등재

        《폐도(?都)》의 분석과 해석

        전형준 한국중국어문학회 2001 中國文學 Vol.36 No.-

        長篇小說《廢都》的販賣數量超越了一千万冊,對於這篇小說寫批評文章的人也非常多.他們大多認爲《廢都》是個通俗小說,嚴重批判了這篇小說.肯定《廢都》的文學价値的人不太多.兩者評价相反,但他們都沒有重視考察全體作品,祗看了個個部分,犯了斷章取義 ㆍ擴大解釋的錯誤.《廢都》需要再解讀. 《廢都》里面有四個故事(裁判,事業,性,書寫),互相區別,同時互相關聯.這些故事都是有關墮落和破滅的故事.所謂現代化(=賤民資本主義化)這現實變化祗許可順應,決不許可脫離.其順應隨帶墮落,歸結于破滅.《廢都》寫的是這種墮落和破滅,又是自意識上的痛苦.《廢都》里面的性作爲克服痛苦的契机出現.但性也有墮落的一面,最後性故事歸結于墮落和破滅.《廢都》結構原理就是這自意識的節奏. 本文以自己的分析和解釋爲標准,再檢討了幾個從來的主要論点(性描寫,作者刪去問題,知識分子問題,都市與農村之間的對立,後植民主義性問題,與明淸市民通俗小說的關系,女性形象問題,小說結末問題,盖然性問題).我?要是把圍繞着《廢都》的多種多樣的論議詳細分析,就可以對今天的中國獲得一種精神分析性的理解.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Adjuvant Chemotherapy Using the FOLFOX Regimen in Colon Cancer

        전형준,우진희,이학윤,박기재,최홍조 대한대장항문학회 2011 Annals of Coloproctolgy Vol.27 No.3

        Purpose: Great progress has been made in the adjuvant treatment of colon cancer. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy using the FOLFOX regimen in patients with stage III and high-risk stage II colon cancer. Methods: Eighty-two patients who underwent a potentially curative resection for stage III or high-risk stage II colon cancer were enrolled in this retrospective study. They received FOLFOX4 or modified FOLFOX6. The primary endpoint was disease-free survival. Results: During the median follow-up of 37 months (range, 21 to 61 months), 14 patients experienced disease relapse. The disease-free survival rate at 3 years was 82.9%: 84.6% for stage II and 82.6% for stage III. At the time of the analysis, 8 patients were dead from recurrence. The probability of overall survival at 5 years was 74.5%: 90% for stage II and 74.6% for stage III. Grade 3 or 4 hematologic adverse events included neutropenia (40.2%), anemia (2.4%), and thrombocytopenia (1.2%). Gastrointestinal toxicities included grade 3 or 4 nausea (4.9%) and stomatitis (2.4%). Peripheral sensory neuropathy was observed in 81.7% of the patients during treatment. Of the 11 patients (13.4%) who had grade 3 peripheral sensory neuropathy during treatment, grade 3 symptoms were persistent in 3 patients with gait disturbance at the time of analysis. No treatment-related deaths were recorded. Conclusion: Postoperative chemotherapy using the FOLFOX regimen, oxaliplatin in combination with 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin, is effective and tolerable in patients with stage III and high-risk stage II colon cancer.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        사회주의 중국의 리얼리즘이론사 초탐(2) : 리얼리즘의 복귀에서 잠복까지(1976 년 이후)

        전형준 영남중국어문학회 1996 중국어문학 Vol.27 No.1

        現實主義論在新時期文學中展開的樣相與從前不同了. 現實主義在新時期初期復歸的時候, 毛澤東模式現實主義論與魯迅模式現實主義論仍是對立衝突. 其對立衝突不久在魯式的主導下解消. 毛澤東模式解體, 魯迅模式與毛澤東模式妥協折哀以不再推進新的探究. 現代主義論正在這時候굴起着批判現實主義一般. 從此現實主義論面對與現代主義論對立衡突這新的構圖. 這新的構圖沮碍魯迅模式現實主義論省察自已摸索新的理論境界. 魯迅模式在一種對於現實主義一般的懷疑不信擴散的情況中固着於與毛澤東模式妥協折哀這格局. 新的摸索的端緖在擺聯的社會主義現實主義的開放體系論的影響下出現, 但誤會其開放體系論, 沒有特別的成果. 要注意的是劉再復的理論. 劉再復一面나來價値論美學, 一面繼承魯迅·胡風的現實主義, 統合這兩個來形成主體性槪念, 在現實主義論方面達到創造的變形這槪念. 劉再復的現實主義論是一種辨證法的現實主義論. 可是1980年代後半現代主義在創作與批評兩方面盛行, 關於現實主義的談論漸灌消失, 現實主義的潛伏期開始. 現實主義不再成爲有關現在及未來的企劃性的主題, 而成爲回顧過去的學術性的主題.

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