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      • KCI등재

        The Spread and Rise in Status of the Four Books of Confucianism during the Sui and Tang Dynasties

        ( Tang Minggui ) 성균관대학교 유교문화연구소 2018 儒敎文化硏究(中文版) Vol.0 No.30

        隋唐時期,《論語》被視爲六經之精華,是硏讀六經的入門書,其文句不僅出現 在詔書、奏章、家訓及詩歌中,而且還滲入到社會生活中。《孟子》地位有明顯的升格 跡象,不僅引述、評價、闡釋等散見於各種文獻中,而且還出現了專題討論的文章和 列爲考試科目的訴求。《大學》、《中庸》開始引起學人的關注,探求《大學》與儒家心 性、《中庸》與佛敎之間關係的文章次第出現,其學術地位也有所提升。 In the Sui and Tang dynasties, the Analects (i.e. Lunyu 論語) was regarded as the quintessence of the Six Classics, and was the introductory reading for the study and interpretation of the six texts. Passages and sentences from the Analects were quoted in imperial edicts, memorials to the throne, family instructions and a number of poems, and were also often referred to in social life. As for Mencius, remarkable signs indicated its rise in status. Not only were citations, comments and interpretations seen dispersedly in various kinds of literature, but exploratory articles on specific topics and the appeal of listing it as a subject of examination also came into being. The Great Learning and the Doctrine of the Mean began to get more attention from scholars. Research articles emerged one after another on the relationship between the Great Learning and Confucian Mind-Nature theory, and on the relationship between The Doctrine of the Mean and Buddhism, indicating a rise in their academic status. [Article in Chinese]

      • KCI등재

        The Neo-Confucianism Feature of Cheng Hao’s Interpretation on Research of the Analects

        ( Tang Minggui ) 성균관대학교 유교문화연구소 2011 儒敎文化硏究(中文版) Vol.0 No.15

        面對佛老思想的挑戰和儒學式微的局面, 程颢通過對《論語》的創造性詮釋, 一方面承襲幷發展了孔子的仁學思想, 另一方面將理學元素大量注入釋文之中, 揭示了《論語》中富含的微言大義, 展示了獨特的思想特色。《論語》成爲其思想形成及理論體系建構的重要學術來源之一。他在《論語》詮釋中闡發的仁學本體論、在《論語》詮釋中注入的理學元素、于《論語》“之外脫然有獨見”的解經方法都在《論語》學史乃至中國理學史上占有重要的地位。 Facing the challenge of Buddhism and Taoist thoughts and Confucianism decline situation, Cheng Hao found through to the Analects of creative interpretation, On the one hand, he inherited and developed the Confucius of benevolence thoughts, On the other hand, he would Neo-Confucianism elements of massive injection of annotations, revealed sublime words with deep meaning of the Analects, demonstrated the unique thought characteristic. The Analects became his thoughts form and theoretical system of the important academic source of construction. He expounded the benevolence ontology, injected the Neo-Confucianism elements and put forward a new classical interpretation method in the interpretation of the Analects, all these occupied an important position in the history of the research of the Analects and even Chinese Neo-Confucianism. [Article in Chinese]

      • KCI등재

        Some Characteristics of Chen Xiangdao’s Interpretation of the Lunyu quanjie 論語全解 (Complete Interpretation of the Lunyu)

        ( Tang Minggui ) 성균관대학교 유교문화연구소 2014 儒敎文化硏究(中文版) Vol.0 No.22

        陳祥道的《論語全解》是荊公新學派詮釋《論語》的代表作, 反映了該學派的《論語》學思想。他一方面博采儒家學說尤其是禮學以作佐證, 同時還征引老、莊學說特別是《莊子》之學以詮釋《論語》, 這充分反映了王安石所倡導的新學學派注釋儒家經典的特點。陳氏這種援老學中合乎“義理”的部分以入儒的作法, 使得儒家學說中的義理大爲豊富和充實, 從而也就把儒家的地位提高到佛道兩家之上。這也適應了北宋時期的儒佛道三敎融合, 三敎歸一的大的歷史發展潮流。另一方面, 陳氏注重義理解經, 注重闡發圣賢經典中所直含的性命之理和道德之意, 成為《論語》學由“漢學”過渡到“宋學”的中間環節, 在《論語》詮釋史上占有重要的地位。 As a representative work of the school of Jinggong, Chen Xiangdao’s Lunyu quanjie broadly reflects the school’s understanding of the Lunyu. On one hand, Chen widely adopted Confucianism and was especially reliant on the teachings of lixue 禮學 (learning of rites) to support his claims. Chen’s frequent use of passages from both the Laozi and the Zhuangzi to explain the Lunyu provides an outstanding example of the annotation methods of what was at the time a new school led by Wang Anshi. Chen also utilized Taoist ideas which fit into Confucian teachings to enrich the Confucian doctrine of righteousness and attempted to put Confucianism over Buddhism and Taoism. This attempt reflects the trend of the Northern Song Dynasty in which the three traditions of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism were deeply correlated to one another. On the other hand, however, Chen’s interpretation of the classical Confucian texts focused primarily on expounding their moral implications, which reflects the shift of interpretative focus from that of the Han learning to that of the Song learning in interpreting the Lunyu. [Article in Chinese]

      • KCI등재

        Some Academic Characteristics of Huang Zhen’s Interpretation of the Du Lunyu 讀論語

        ( Tang Minggui ) 성균관대학교 유교문화연구소 2015 儒敎文化硏究(中文版) Vol.0 No.24

        黃震在《讀論語》中, 一方面極力推崇朱子《論語集注》, 爲其疏通發明, 旣注重名物訓詁, 又注重闡明文意;對於其中存在的個別問題, 能勾做到是者是之、非者非之, 絶不盲從, 反映了作者務求實論而不尙空言的治學態度。另一方面, 他不畏權威, 敢於直面時弊, 發表己見, 充分表現了追求“自得”的學術風格。 In his Du Lunyu 讀論語, Huang Zhen's highly praised Zhu Xi's Lunyu jizhu 論語集注, which pays attention to explaining key concepts and teachings, and laid emphasis on clarifying the meaning with regard to a few problems. Huang’s text reflected the scholarly attitude of its author, as well as his determination to seek the trut h in facts without empty words. Furthermore, Huang was not afraid of authority, and boldly dared to address what he perceived to be his contermporaries’ failings and publish his own opinions, and in so doing performed the academic style of troubling the complacent. [Article in Chinese]

      • KCI등재

        A Study of Chen Chun’s Annotation of the Lunyu 論語

        ( Tang Minggui ) 성균관대학교 유교문화연구소 2016 儒敎文化硏究(中文版) Vol.0 No.26

        作爲朱門四大弟子之一的陳淳, 在對《論語》詮釋時, 其特色主要體現在三個方面:一是將朱子《集注》中的注釋予以串講, 融朱注於串講之中;二是通過答問的形式對《集注》中的有關問題給予了解答, 這些問題主要圍繞《集注》所引他家之說、《集注》中的朱子自注、《集注》新舊說之不同展開, 通過解疑釋惑, 進一步加深了讀者對朱注的理解;三是以朱子《集注》爲本, 不僅對其中涉及到的重要范疇有釋析, 而且對其中的注釋也加以疏釋論述, 引申幷發揮朱熹的思想, 誠爲有功於朱學之人。 As one of the four leading disciples of Zhu Xi 朱熹, Chen Chun 陳淳 made an annotation to the Lunyu 論語 (Analects). The main characteristics of his sentence by sentence, incorporating Zhu Xi’s Jizhu 集注 (Collection of Commentaries) into his explanation. Second, he made clarifications in question-and-answer form on relevant issues in the Jizhu, which mainly include others’ views cited in the Jizhu, Zhu Xi’s self-annotations in the Jizhu, and the differences between old and new views in the Jizhu. His clarifications on doubtful and uncertain points have been conducive to readers’ better understanding of Zhu Xi’s annotations. Third, he not only explained and analyzed important categories involved in Zhu Xi’s the Jizhu, he also made his own interpretations and arguments for the notes in the Jizhu, thus enriching and developing Zhu Xi’s thought. In this sense, Chen Chun deserves credit for his contribution to the development of the Zhu Xi School. [Article in Chinese]

      • KCI등재

        Textual properties of Cu–Mn mixed oxides and application for methyl formate synthesis from syngas

        Haijun Zhao,Kegong Fang,Fang Dong,Minggui Lin,Yuhan Sun,Zhicheng Tang 한국공업화학회 2017 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.54 No.-

        Cu–Mn mixed oxides with different calcination temperatures were prepared using ammonia complexing method and evaluated for methyl formate (MF) synthesis from syngas with CaO–ZrO2 as co-catalyst. The influence of calcination temperature on the structure and properties of Cu–Mn mixed oxides was investigated by appropriate characterizations. Cu1.5Mn1.5O4 formed during the calcination of Cu–Mn catalyst at 450 C and played a significant role in the MF synthesis. However, it partially decomposed into CuO and MnO2 when the calcination temperature exceeded 550 C. Results showed that the optimum MF selectivity was obtained on Cu–Mn catalyst calcined at 450 C, and the highest CO conversion was obtained on the Cu–Mn sample with calcination temperature of 550 C. The reaction mechanism of MF synthesis from syngas over Cu–Mn mixed oxides and CaO–ZrO2 co-catalyst was thoroughly studied via typical model reactions, and the nucleophilic addition–elimination reaction mechanism was proposed.

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