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      • Performance comparison of two hybrid stormwater treatment systems having different filter media configuration

        Geronimo, Franz Kevin F.,Maniquiz-Redillas, Marla C.,Kim, Lee-Hyung Balaban Publishers 2013 Desalination and water treatment Vol.51 No.19

        <P> Stormwater best management practices (BMPs) commonly employ only one function that is sometimes insufficient to achieve its necessary efficiency. The method of integrating several functions of BMP technologies and incorporating them in one treatment system is referred to as hybrid BMP. This study developed, investigated, and compared the efficiency of two laboratory-scale hybrid BMP in reducing stormwater pollutants and runoff volume. The laboratory-scale hybrid BMPs developed were composed of treatment tanks arranged in series referred to as infiltration, storage or retention and final tanks that have different media configuration. Based on the results, both hybrid types were effectual in pollutant removal and flow volume reduction since both hybrid types significantly reduced the inflow volume and all pollutants including total suspended solids, chemical oxygen demand and total metals (p < 0.05). Hybrid type A was more advantageous for designs considering greater volume for groundwater recharge, less pollutant discharged to sewer systems and good removal efficiency for shorter hydraulic retention time. Meanwhile, hybrid type B was more appropriate for designs considering greater volume for stormwater reuse and less cost in terms of filter media usage. Depending on the design consideration, either one of the hybrid BMP types may be applicable. </P>

      • KCI등재

        Water Quality Analysis and Evaluation of Management Strategies and Policies in Laguna Lake, Philippines

        Nash Jett D.G. Reyes,Franz Kevin F. Geronimo,Marla Maniquiz-Redillas,홍정선,김이형 한국습지학회 2018 한국습지학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        Laguna Lake is the largest inland fresh water body in the Philippines. It primarily serves as a site for aquaculture, hydropower, transportation, and water supply industries. Due to Laguna Lake’s diverse functionalities, competition among water users became prominent. Water quality began to deteriorate due to various pollutant contributions in this process, thereby affecting the soundness of the aquatic ecosystem. This study was conducted to evaluate the current water quality management policy from the viewpoint of ecological environment through the evaluation of the water quality of Laguna Lake. Concentrations of water pollutants such as ammonia (NH3), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chloride (Cl-), pH, and total suspended solids (TSS) exceeded the water quality standards of the Philippines’ Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). The water quality of the lake was also affected by the pollutant load due to agriculture and urban stormwater runoff in the watershed. The salinity and contaminated water from Pasig River also affected the water quality of Laguna Lake. Long-term water quality analysis showed that the water quality of Laguna Lake is also influenced by rainfall-related seasonal variations. The results of the water quality analysis of Laguna Lake indicated that the environmental management techniques of the Philippines should be changed from the conventional water management into an integrated watershed management scheme in the future. It is therefore necessary to study and introduce advanced watershed management measures in the Philippines based from the policies of other developed countries.

      • KCI등재

        Transport of nonpoint source pollutants and stormwater runoff in a hybrid rain garden system

        Precious Eureka D. Flores,Marla C. Maniquiz-Redillas,Franz Kevin F. Geronimo,Jawara Christian P. Alihan,Lee-Hyung Kim 한국습지학회 2016 한국습지학회지 Vol.18 No.4

        본 연구는 도시 강우유출수 처리를 위한 하이브리드 빗물정원 시스템을 개발하고자 수행되었으며, Pilot scale 모니터 링을 통하여 시스템 내의 서로 다른 구성요소간의 효율을 검증하였다. 유입수는 국내·외 도로강우유출수의 농도를 고 려한 인공강우유출수를 이용하여 수행하였다. 모니터링 결과 하이브리드 빗물정원은 시설 내 저류 80%, 지하수의 침 투 15%로 유입수의 약 95% 저감되는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 ST의 저류 및 PB와 IT의 침투 기작이 물순환 효과에 기 여한 것으로 판단된다. 또한 오염물질 저감효율을 산정한 결과, TSS의 경우 평균 87%으로 나타났으며, 유기물은 76%, 영양염류는 46%, 중금속은 56%으로 나타났다. 이는 PB와 IT에 포함된 여재의 여과, 침투 및 식생과 토양의 생물학적 흡수 기작 영향에 의해 나타난 결과로 판단된다. 이러한 연구 결과는 향후 빗물정원의 효율을 향상시키기 위 한 시설의 개선 및 설계방안으로 활용 가능할 것으로 평가된다. In this research, a pilot scale hybrid rain garden system was developed in order to investigate the efficiency in the different components of the hybrid rain garden system and at the same time evaluate the initial efficiency of the system in treating urban stormwater runoff prior to its actual use in the field. Experimental runs were conducted using synthetic runoff having target concentrations similar to that of the typical runoff characteristics found in different countries and in Korea. With the employment of the hybrid rain garden system, hydrologic improvement was observed as the system demonstrates an approximately 95% reduction in the influent runoff volume with 80% retained in the system, and 15% recharged to groundwater. The reduction was contributed by the retention capabilities of ST and infiltration capabilities in PB and IT. With the combined mechanisms such as filtration-infiltration, biological uptake from plants and soil and phytoremediation that are incorporated in PB and IT, the system effectively reduces the amount of pollutant concentration wherein the initial mean removal efficiency for TSS is 87%, while an approximate mean removal efficiency of 76%, 46% and 56% was observed in terms of organics, nutrients and heavy metal, respectively. With these findings, the research helps in the further improvement, innovation and optimization of rain garden systems and other facilities as well.

      • KCI등재

        Analysis of the Factors Affecting Nutrients Removal in Hybrid Constructed Wetland Treating Stormwater Runoff

        Sher Bahadur Gurung,Franz Kevin F. Geronimo,최혜선,홍정선,김이형 한국습지학회 2018 한국습지학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        Nutrients generated from various land uses lead to eutrophication during the influx of water, and it is necessary to apply the LID techniques to reduce nutrients from nonpoint sources in order to mitigate the occurrence of the algal bloom. This study was carried out to derive the design factors of hybrid artificial wetland (HCW) to increase the removal efficiency of nutrients. HCW system was constructed in the year 2010 for the treatment of rainfall runoffs from parking lots and roads composed of 100% impervious floors in the Cheonan campus of Kongju University. The average nutrients removal efficiency of TN and TP was 74% and 72%, respectively. Both TN and TP removal efficiencies were higher than those of free surface wetlands and subsurface flow wetlands due to activated physical and ecological mechanisms. The critical design parameters for the efficient nutrients removal in the artificial wetlands were the ratio of the surface area to the catchment area (SA/CA), land use, the rainfall runoff, and the rainfall intensity. The optimal carbon to nitrogen (C/N) ratio was estimated at 5: 1 to 10.3: 1. The results of this study can be applied to the efficient design of hybrid artificial wetlands to treat nutrients in urban runoff with high efficiency.

      • KCI등재

        Status of Constructed Wetlands in Nepal : Recent Developments and Future Concerns

        Sher Bahadur Gurung,Franz Kevin F. Geronimo,Soyoung Lee,Lee-Hyung Kim 한국습지학회 2017 한국습지학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        네팔은 중국과 인도 사이에 위치한 남부 아시아의 내륙국가로 폐수관리는 도시지역에서 가장 중요한 문제 중 하나이 다. 네팔의 폐수처리 시스템은 비싼 운영비, 불연속적인 전력 공급, 유지관리 및 기술인력의 부족으로 인해 조성과 운 영이 어렵다. 이러한 이유로 인공습지는 폐수처리시설의 대안기술로써 다양한 지역에 적용되고 있다. 일반적으로 인공 습지 기술의 효율 지속 가능성은 적절한 운영과 유지관리 및 적극적인 지역사회 참여에 의존한다. 따라서 본 연구에서 는 26개의 인공습지에서의 제거 효율, 방류수질, 네팔 수질기준, 운영 및 유지관리 활동 등을 조사하고 문제점을 분석 하여 관리방안 등을 도출하였다. 오염물질당 제거효율은 ka-1의 인공습지가 가장 높은 것으로 나타났으며, B-1, L-3, Ka-5, k-1 순으로 높은 것으로 나타났다. 네팔의 인공습지 조성기술은 최근 20년간 기술개발 없이 전통적 방식에 의 존해온 결과 비효율적인 성능으로 인해 많은 습지가 가동이 중단되거나 폐쇄되는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 기술개발의 부족, 자연재해, 대중의 인공습지에 대한 낮은 인식 및 예산 부족 등은 인공습지의 지속적인 개발을 저해하고 있는 것 으로 조사되었지만, 인공습지는 네팔 도시지역의 폐수문제에 대한 해결방안으로 고려되고 있다. Nepal is a landlocked mountainous country in South Asia, located between China to the north and India to the south, east, and west. As such, wastewater management has become one of the most significant problems in urban area of Nepal. In Nepal, the centralized wastewater treatment systems were dysfunctional due to high cost of operation, discontinuous power supply, lack of proper maintenance and proper technical workforce to address the issues. As such, constructed wetlands (CW) were applied to treat various secondary wastewater as alternative to wastewater treatment facilities. Generally, efficiency and sustainability of CW technology depends on proper operation and maintenance and active community involvement. This study summarizes information about 26 CW in Nepal. Specifically, factors including data banking, removal efficiency, quality of discharged water, compliance to water quality standard of Nepal and operation and maintenance were investigated. Considering removal efficiency per pollutant, Ka-1 achieved the greatest reduction for most pollutant followed by B-1, L-3, Ka-5 and K-1. Nepal has practiced CW technology for more than 2 decades but currently, development of technology was interrupted by the inefficient performance of existing facilities. Public awareness about the technology, natural disaster, unavailability of specified substrate materials, lack of fund for further research and experiments has hindered the expansion of technology. In spite of these concerns, CW was still proven as an alternative solution to the present wastewater problems in urban areas of Nepal.

      • KCI등재

        자연기반해법을 적용한 그린인프라 시설의 극한기후 영향 사례분석

        MIGUEL ENRICO L. ROBLES,Franz Kevin F. Geronimo,CHINY C. VISPO,Haque MD Tashdedul,전민수,김이형 한국습지학회 2023 한국습지학회지 Vol.25 No.4

        전세계적으로 기후변화로 인한 그린인프라와 환경기반시설의 영향 및 예측에 대한 연구는 활발히 진행되고 있다. 하지만 국가별 극한기후가 발생하는 시기나 패턴이 다르기에 국내에도 극한기후로 인한 그린인프라와 환경기반시설에대한 연구가 필요하다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 국내 주요 7개 도시를 대상으로 기상청에서 제공하는 20년 동안의 극한기후에 대한 통계적 분석과 극한기후로 인한 자연기반해법(NBS)을 적용한 그린인프라 시설에 대한 영향분석을수행하였다. 극한기후에 대한 통계분석 결과 지리적 위치, 지표 불투수성, 지역 기상 패턴에 따라 다양한 극한 기상조건에 잠재적으로 취약한 것으로 분석되었다. 서울은 극한온도(영상, 영하)가 관측되었으며 부산, 울산 및 제주 에서는 강수량과 바람에 대해 극한기후가 발생하여 도시탄력성에 잠재적인 위협인자로 분류되었다. 온도는 도시 내 식생에 대한 회복력에 주요 요인으로 적용되며, 바이오차, 모래, 자갈, 우드칩 등 여재를 적용한 습지(CW)에서 극 영하온도에서 물리적 제거효율 및 영양염류 제거능력을 저하되는 것으로 분석되었다. 극한기후로 인한 영향을 저감하기 위해 그린인프라 시설 내 온도조절이 가능한 차광 및 단열 시스템적용과 같은 극한기후 별 대응전략 수립이 가능하다. 본 연구를 통해 국내와 기후특성이 유사한 지역에서의 극한기후 대응전략 수립에 도움이 될 것으로 판단된다. The effects of climate change on green infrastructure and environmental media remain uncertain and context-specific despite numerous climate projections globally. In this study, the extreme weather conditions in seven major cities in South Korea were characterized through statistical analysis of 20-year daily meteorological data extracted fro m the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA). Additionally, the impacts of extreme weather on Nature-based Solutions (NbS) were determined through a comprehensive review. The results of the statistical analysis and comprehensive review revealed the studied cities are potentially vulnerable to varying extreme weather conditions, depending on geographic location, surface imperviousness, and local weather patterns. Temperature extremes were seen as potential threats to the resilience of NbS in Seoul, as both the highest maximum and lowest minimum temperatures were observed in the mentioned city. Moreover, extreme values for precipitation and maximum wind speed were observed in cities from the southern part of South Korea, particularly Busan, Ulsan, and Jeju. It was also found that extremely low temperatures induce the most impact on the resilience of NbS and environmental media. Extremely cold conditions were identified to reduce the pollutant removal efficiency of biochar, sand, gravel, and woodchip, as well as the nutrient uptake capabilities of constructed wetlands (CWs). In response to the negative impacts of extreme weather on the effectiveness of NbS, several adaptation strategies, such as the addition of shading and insulation systems, were also identified in this study. The results of this study are seen as beneficial to improving the resilience of NbS in South Korea and other locations with similar climate characteristics.

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