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        존 롤즈 정의론의 생태여성신학적 수용

        윤영숙 ( Yoon¸ Youngsook ) 한국조직신학회 2020 한국조직신학논총 Vol.61 No.-

        본고는 모든 사람들이 매일의 일상에서 정의를 이루는 주체가 되기 위한 정의론을 모색하기 위해 존 롤즈(John Rawls)의 정의론을 생태여성 신학적 관점에서 비판적으로 고찰하여 수용한 것이다. 그동안 제시되었던 정의론들은 주로 통치론을 반영한 정치철학에 집중하였고, 시대에 적합한 세계관과 인간관을 전제하지는 않았다. 이 시대 최고의 정의론으로 지목되는 롤즈의 ‘공정으로서의 정의’(justice as fairness)에서도 정의 실현의 일차적 주체는 사회의 기본구조로 제시되어, 개인이 정의의 주체가 될 기회를 제한시킨다. 롤즈는 정의의 역할(role of justice)과 정의의 주제(subject of justice)를 협동체를 구성하는 원칙과 사회 기본구조를 규제하는 것으로 전제한다. 하지만 정의의 역할에는 협동체를 온전하게 유지하는 활동도 포함되어야 하며, 정의가 다룰 주제 역시 개인적이고 일상적인 차원을 포함해야 한다. 롤즈가 전제한 정의의 여건(circumstances of justice)은 정의원칙을 수립할 때 반드시 고려해야 할 사항이다. 자원의 ‘적절한 부족상태’가 유지되고, ‘상충하는 요구’는 모든 만물과의 관계에서의 정의로 확장되어야 한다. 또한 롤즈의 ‘공정으로서의 정의’는 생태계의 유한성과, 복합적 부정의에 시달리는 여성과 약자들의 대표성을 고려하지 않는다. 그리고 정의 원칙을 도출하기 위해 설정한 ‘원초적 입장’(original position)은 합의 ‘당사자들’의 현재 기득권을 그대로 인정하는 것으로, 진정한 원초적 입장이라 동의하기 어려운 것이다. 샐리 맥페이그(Sallie McFague)는 생태학적 위기와 핵 위기라는 전지구적 의제에 대한 신학적 응답으로 전통신학에서의 하나님 모델과 성육신의 교리를 재해석하여, 이 세계를 ‘하나님의 몸’(The Body of God)으로 보는 생태신학을 전개하였다. 맥페이그의 이 세계를 ‘하나님의 몸’으로 보는 모델은 하나님과 세상 간의 단절을 차단해 주고, ‘하나님의 집’이자 ‘만인의 집’(oikos)인 이 세상에서 한 집안의 규칙을 지켜야 할 인간이 정의 실현의 주체임을 분명하게 보여준다. 이와 같이 우주적 차원에서 세계를 조망하는 생태여성신학에서의 정의는 모든 생명을 옹호하고 지지하는 ‘생명중심의 정의’(life-centered justice)다. ‘생명중심의 정의’를 위한 ‘생명의 원칙’(The Life Principle)은 ‘만인의 집’의 구성원들이 지켜야 할 규칙이며, 유한한 지구 안에서 모두-함께 살아갈 수 있게 하는 규칙이다. 시원적 특징과 자명성을 가진 ‘생명의 원칙’은 롤즈의 정의론에 비추어 추론해도 첫째 정의 원칙이 되었을 것이다. 이러한 ‘생명의 원칙’은 롤즈의 ‘자유의 원칙’과 ‘평등의 원칙’이 이념적·정치적 차원에 머물지 않고, 생명을 살리는 환대를 통해 구체적으로 실현될 수 있게 한다. 이렇게 생태적 세계관과 인간관을 바탕으로 일상에서 ‘만인의 집’의 규칙을 지키는 것으로 나타나는 정의론에서 우리는 스스로 정의를 이루는 주체가 될 수 있을 것이다. This study seeks an ecofeminist theological perspective on justice in which every individual embraces justice as an acting subject in everyday life. Theories of justice have focused only on political philosophy and paid little attention to the world-view and human-view that is appropriate of the time. This study argues that John Rawls’ theory of justice, despite its long-standing reputation, has several limitations. First, it establishes the basic structure of society as the primary subject of justice, limiting ordinary individuals to act as subjects. It focuses on fulfilling individual interests, isolating ecological limitations which are the common interest of all people. Moreover, its acting ‘parties’ are the Western Anglo-Saxon male, leaving women behind. Rawls’ “original position” takes granted the socioeconomic rights of the dominating male, which can hardly be accepted as the true original position from an ecofemnist theological perspective. In addition, his premise for the “role of justice” to establish the principles of cooperative enterprise neglects the maintenance of it. The premise for Rawls’ “subject of justice” should include the dimensions of individual and daily life. The premise of “circumstances of justice” should be considered in any principle of justice. In ecofeminist theological perspective, “moderate scarcity” of resources should be maintained and “conflicting claims” should be extended to relations with all creatures. This study discusses the ecofeminist theological perspective on justice, based on Sallie McFague’s ecological theology. For McFague, who takes a cosmic perspective on all creation and the world, justice is “life-centered.” McFague’s metaphor, the world as “the Body of God,” is a clear attempt to put an end to the dualistic view on God and the world and to invite all individuals to be acting subjects of justice by following the rules of “oikos.” The embodied God becomes a companion who lives with us on earth, and the world becomes “oikos,” a house for God and all creatures. In ecofeminist theological “life-centered justice”, “The Life Principle” allows all creatures to live together in the finite planet. It should be the first and primary principle in the ecofeminist theological justice. In this perspective, we can be the acting subjects of justice, following the rules of ‘oikos’ in everyday life.

      • 학생 건강관리 개념과 보건교사의 직무에 관한 연구

        김영숙 ( Kim¸ Young Sook ) 한국보건교육학회 2020 한국보건교육학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        학교보건법에서는 건강관리의 구체적인 개념이 명문화되지 않아 다양한 개념으로 혼용되고 있어 학교보건 현장에서 보건교사의 직무수행 및 학생 건강관리에 혼선을 초래하고 있다. 본 연구는 기존의 건강관리 개념을 분석하고 문제점을 파악하여, 새로운 건강관리개념을 탐색함으로써 보건교사의 직무수행 및 지원에 도움이 되고, 학생들의 건강증진에 기여할 수 있는 시사점을 찾고자 한다. 트레비스의 질병 건강 연속선 모형 및 Jennie Naidoo & Jane Willis(2011)가 정리한 의학적 모형과 사회적 모형을 기초로 건강관리 개념에서의 의학적 모형과 사회적 모형의 연속선 모형을 재구성하였다. 이 모형을 토대로 학술연구 측면, 교육부 및 각 시도 교육청의 업무관리방향에서 행정적 측면, 학교보건법 및 시행령에서 법적 측면을 분석하였다. 또한 심층면접 및 면담을 실시하여, 학교 보건 현장에서 보건교사의 학생 건강관리 직무의 실제 장면과 건강관리 인식을 확인하였다. 이러한 연구 결과를 종합해 볼 때, 학생들의 건강관리 개념은 의학적 모형에 근접한 상태이며, 보건교사의 직무 및 학생 건강관리에 부정적인 영향을 초래하고 있었다. 그러므로 학생 건강관리가 제대로 이루어지기 위해서는 건강관리에 대한 접근방식이 의학적 모형에서 사회적 모형으로 바뀌어야 한다. 학생 건강관리 증진을 위해 다음과 같이 제언을 하고자 한다. 첫째, 학교보건정책에서 지나친 하향식 의사결정 방식을 지양하고, 사회적 모형의 상향식 의사결정 방식을 확대할 필요성이 있으며 이를 위해 보건부 신설, 학교 운영위원회 의제화 등 학교 조직의 재구조화에 대한 모색이 있어야 한다. 둘째, 사회적 모형이 학교에 잘 정착하기 위하여 건강관리 전문가로서 보건교사의 역량강화를 위한 지원 및 건강관리를 위한 학교와 지역사회 인프라 구축, 네트워크 활성화가 필요하다. Since the concept of health management is not stipulated by law causing mixed use of diverse concepts, it is difficult for health teachers to perform their duty in the school health field. This study is intended to help the health teacher to perform their duty by analyzing existing concept of health management and by identifying the problems. As a result, it was observed that due to the difficulty that the health teacher alone should handle the health problems of the students quickly to prevent the students swarming into infirmary during the breaks from absence in class, it was hard to perform the health management for the students having health problems properly and could not perform the health management for the entire students properly. Aggregating those study results, the concept of the student health management is close to the medical model giving negative influence on the student health management. Particularly, the measurre to mitigate the excessive medicalization and interventional inclination are needed and the human resources and physical support proportional to the increasing number of students visiting the infirmary.

      • KCI등재후보

        방정환 세계에 알리기 프로젝트 Ⅱ -덴마크-독일-오스트리아 방정환 탄생 120주년 기념 행사-

        송영숙 ( Song¸ Young-sook ) 방정환연구소 2020 방정환연구 Vol.3 No.-

        방정환 세계에 알리기 프로젝트 Ⅱ(2019.11.4.∼11.11.)는 2018년도 아테네한글학교에서 시작된 방정환 세계에 알리기에 이어, 2019년 덴마크-독일-오스트리아에 걸친 3국 문화 교류단의 활동으로 기획된 특별 행사이다. 특히 2019년은 방정환 선생 탄생 120주년이 되는 해로, 마침 탄신일인 ‘11월 9일’에 맞춰 국내가 아닌 해외에서 기념행사를 치른 최초의 일이기에 남다른 역사적 감회가 있다. ‘2019년 방정환 세계에 알리기 프로젝트’의 행사는 크게 3부로 이루어졌다. 먼저, 안데르센의 묘역과 생가, 기념관을 답사했다. 이번 프로젝트에 맞춰 기획 출간한 『방정환이 뽑은 안데르센 동화』(해설 장정희)를 안데르센 묘에 헌정하고, 동 책을 안데르센 기념관에 기증하였다. 11월 9일 방정환 선생 탄생일에는 비엔나한글학교에서 1교시 ‘한글학교 책 수업’으로 11명의 작가가 참여하였다. 2교시부터 서울독서교육연구회 책고리공연단이 마련한 방정환 이야기마당극 <토끼의 재판>을 공연하였고, 이어서 참가 작가 23명과 서울독서교육연구회가 마련한 <방정환과 한국 아동문학전 120>을 열었다. 이번 행사는 방정환 탄생 120주년 기념을 최초로 유럽에서 가졌다는 역사적 의미가 있다. 또 한국 방정환을 세계에 알리는 기회가 되었다. 한국 어린이운동과 아동문학의 선구자 방정환 선생의 정신이 세계의 어린이들에게 전해질 수 있도록 이 프로젝트를 더 발전시킬 필요가 있다. Bang, Jung-hwan Globalization ProjectⅡ(2019.11.4∼11.11) to inform Bang Jung-hwan’s world is a special event organized by the activities of the trilateral cultural exchange group across Denmark, Germany and Austria in 2019 after the Bang Jung-hwan globalization event that began at the Athens Korean Language School in 2018. In particular, 2019 marked the 120th anniversary of Bang Jung-hwan’s birth. It is the first time to hold a commemorative event overseas, not at home, in time for its birth date, “Nov. 9,” so there is a special historical feeling. The first event of the “2019 Project to Announce to the World of Bang Jung-hwan” was to visit Andersen’s grave, birthplace and memorial. We dedicated “The Andersen Fairy Tale selected by Bang Jung-hwan” (interpretation Jang Jeung-hee) to Andersen’s tomb and donated it to the Andersen Memorial Hall. The Vienna Korean Language School event consisted largely of three parts. In the first period, 11 children’s literature writers participated in the “Hangeul School Book Class.” From the second period, the ceremony was held in the auditorium to mark the 120th anniversary of Bang Jung-hwan’s birth. The participants performed Bang Jung-hwan’s “토끼의 재판(judgment of rabbit)” The third part held the “Bang Jung-hwan and the Korean Children’s Literature Exhibition 120” at the Hangeul School Gallery. The event has a historical meaning that it was the first time in Europe to celebrate the 120th anniversary of Bang Jung-hwan’s birth. It was also an opportunity to promote the Korean equation to the world. It is necessary to further develop the project so that the spirit of Bang Jung-hwan, a pioneer in the Korean children’s movement and children’s literature, can be passed on to children around the world.

      • KCI등재

        Reflection in Teacher Development: Exploring Pre-service Teachers" Journal Writing

        Youngsook Kim 한국외국어교육학회 2007 Foreign languages education Vol.14 No.1

          The purpose of the study was to explore the role of journal as a way to encourage pre-service teachers to reflect on their own learning experiences and to determine the extent of reflection through journal writing. Journals were kept by pre-service English teachers during a teacher preparation course where the focus was on the understanding of second language acquisition. Sixteen participants were juniors in an undergraduate teacher development program in a university in Korea. The journal entries the trainees kept were analyzed through content analysis method in relation to the dual role as learners and prospective teachers. Within this research framework, it was found that the pre-service English teachers reflected internally on their English learning experiences and could connect the concepts and abstract ideas to their personal experience of learning English. Also, pre-service teachers were able to display their reflective capabilities through the exercise of journal writing in spite of their limited L2 writing skills. From the findings it is suggested that journals can be used as a valuable tool for the teachers-in-preparation, both in developing reflective teachers and in generating powerful insights which later would influence their own classroom behavior and motivation as a teacher.

      • KCI등재

        A Comparison of Revisions in Response to Indirect and Direct Error Feedback

        Youngsook Ryoo(류영숙) 한국외국어교육학회 2007 Foreign languages education Vol.14 No.3

          The purpose of the study is to examine if there is any difference in Korean college students revisions of their free journal writing in response to indirect (coded correction) and direct error feedback (explicit correction). Through careful examination of their 60 pieces of revised texts, it was revealed that the students who received direct error feedback were more actively engaged in rewriting their first piece. More specifically, the students revised their writing at a meaning level, deleting and adding words, phrases, or sentences, whereas the students who received indirect error feedback tended to focus on the errors marked by codes. In addition, the students in the direct feedback group often missed the corrected forms or words while the students in the indirect feedback group avoided correcting errors marked by the teacher or tried to correct other parts of the sentence with the erroneous forms or vocabulary left in it. These results suggest that second language (L2) writing teachers should choose an appropriate error feedback method depending on the relative merits of each type of error feedback and the purpose of the writing class.

      • Educating Christian Pre-service English Teachers to be Socially Responsible : From a Critical Pedagogy

        Youngsook Kim CHONGSHIN UNIVERSITY 2019 CHONGSHIN REVIEW Vol.25 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to explore how Christian English teacher education program can take the role of social responsibility and educate Christian pre-service English teachers(CPETs) to be agents for change as well as professional English teachers. The theoretical foundation bases on the critical pedagogy which implies that language teachers are more than facilitators of communication and they are charged with the social responsibility to help students to seek justice and to be peacemakers in a world of desperate need of change. The paper first reviews the literature about current thoughts in critical pedagogy in English education and especially focuses on how CPETs can play the role of agent for social change and dedicate themselves as followers of Jesus Christ. Then, the paper speculates how CPETs perceive their role as socially responsible teachers through analyzing their vision essays. The paper finally suggests several instructional strategies to ensure that CPETs do not lose sight of inequalities and social problems intricately related to current English education in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        Spatio-temporal zonation by ichnocoenoses combined with sedimentary facies in the Yeochari tidal flat (Ganghwa Island), the Han River estuary of Korea

        YoungSook Baek,JungKwan Kim,Seung Soo Chun 한국지질과학협의회 2016 Geosciences Journal Vol.20 No.3

        Ichnocoenoses analyses supplemented with sedimentary facies analysis have been performed to identify seasonal patterns and ichnocoenoses distributions in the Yeochari tidal flats, the Ganghwa Island of Han-River estuary. The Yeochari intertidal flats can be divided into upper and middle tidal flats based on tide levels along a transect line. The latter flats can be further subdivided into higher and lower middle flats, and sand shoal, according to sedimentary facies, bioturbation index (BI), and distribution of ichnocoenoses. The upper tidal flats consist mainly of bioturbated muds with a dominant ichnocoenosis Psilonichnus, both in winter and summer, suggesting a stable environment in habitat conditions. The higher middle flats comprising alternating flaser and bioturbated sand-muds represent ichnocoenoses, Rosselia and Rhizocorallium, in winter and summer, respectively. In the lower middle flats, crossand parallel-laminated sand facies are dominant in winter, whereas, in summer, the alternating sand-mud facies with cross-laminated sands are predominant. The representative ichnocoenoses in the lower flats display Cylindrichnus, Scolicia and Echiurus burrows, which are commonly found in wave-dominated environments. However, Psilonichnus as well as mixed facies in summer indicate coexistence of tides with wave. No seasonal changes have been recognized in the outer sand shoals both in the ichno-characters and sedimentary facies. The dominant ichnocoenosis is cryptic bioturbation in the sand shoal, the ichnocoenosis being preserved in the wave-dominated sequences evidently in the lower middle flats of the Yeochari. Ichnocoenoses analysis in tidal-flat environments reveales that Rosselia, Rhizocorallium, Scolicia, Cylindrichnus and Echiurus are the key ichnocoenoses for identifying specific seasonal changes in sedimentation, and defining the middle intertidal flats and/or mixed tidal flats, commonly difficult to recognize by sedimentary facies alone. This study shows that ichnocoenosis analysis is a useful tool to characterize or define intertidal flats being subject to stark seasonal changes in sedimentation likely driven by the monsoon climate. More importantly, this may further provide a tool to differentiate between tideinfluenced and fully wave-dominated successions in ancient tidal-flat analogues.

      • KCI우수등재

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