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        古典時歌를 통해 본 韓國人의 傳統的인 性義識

        成樂喜 中韓人文科學硏究會 2002 한중인문학연구 Vol.9 No.-

        문학의 보편적인 주제는 인간의 문제, 관계 사이의 문제, 남녀간의 사랑의 문제이다. 인간의 삶은 정으로 이루어졌다. 성은 육체와 정신과, 영혼과 관련된다. 사랑은 성의 신비 속에 생겨난다. 고전시가는 남녀간의 사랑의 노래로부터 시작되었다. 이 글에서는 고전시가에 나타난 사랑의 문제를 살펴봄으로써 우리 선인들의 전통적인 성 의식을 이해하고자 하였다. 그 결과 남성 우월 의식과 여성정절의식이 한국인의 성 의식의 기저를 이루고 있는 것으로 이해되었다. 즉, 남녀간의 관계는 우월 의식을 가진 남성들이 그 주도권을 가지고 여성에게 사랑을 구하고 여성들은 이에 수동적으로 대응함으로써 이루어진다. 남성에 대한 여성의 사랑은 정념과 정절, 지조와 절제로 일관하는 데 반하여 남성들은 남녀간의 관계에서 자유롭고 가변적이어서 통상 첩실이나 유녀나 기생과의 관계를 통하여 사랑을 유희하는 것으로 나타났다. 고전시가의 여러 장르는 이 같은 남녀간의 사랑과 성의 문제를 시적 형상화를 통하여 일반 대중의 억압된 성적 욕구를 승화시켜주는 카타르시스적 작용도 겸한 높은 차원의 문화 예술적 성취를 이룩하였다. The general theme of literature includes the matter of human beings, of their relations and of the love of different sexes. Korean classic poetry began with love songs of male and female beings among others. The present article is interested in the traditional sense of sex of our ancestors reflected in the classic poems. And we realized it consists of the sense of superiority of men and the sense of fidelity of women at the base of the works. Various genres of Korean classic poetry has established the high level of cultural and artistic effects in this way through the configuration of love and sense of sex for the mass of the people those of whom were highly oppressed in the remote ages.

      • Camera Mechanism 發達過程 略說 (基二) : -With Emphasis on 35mm Single Lens Reflex- -35mm 一眼 Reflex를 中心으로-

        成樂寅 弘益大學校 1980 弘大論叢 Vol.12 No.-

        Historically, innovations and improvements in the light-sensitive materials of photography have had a profound effect on the medium, enlarging its possible scope and providing creative photographers with a means of finding new images and making new statements. The auto-exposure 35mm Single Lens Reflex is where photography is today. With their wide-ranging fleets of enticingly interchangeable lenses and tailor-made accessories like power winders and flash units that control camera functions automatically, these paradigms of 20th-tentury technology have captured the public imagination. And within the photographic world they've stimulated continuig growth in 35mm image-making. As applied to cameras, the word "automatic" still refers only to exposure determination, although fully automatic operation has oozed into other aspects of camera working, including film loading, flash setting, and even lens focusing. But exposure automation remains the central concern of phtographers and camera engineers alike. When first achieved more than 40 years age, exposure automation was consigned to photography's lowest common denominator, the rank biginner, the perpetual duffer, and in those unliberated days, "the typical housewife." But today's brand of 35mm SLR exposure automation is much less a sop for the uninitiated as an excitingly new creative tool for the serious photographer. Whether we opt for one of the more numerous aperture-priority cameras in which we pick the f-stop and the camera decides the shutter speed, or for a shutter-prioity camera that does things the other way, we're going to find that we're on target with the right exposure faster than ever before. More than this, that old saw about concentrating on images rather than technics has finally come of age. Of course, there will be scenes and situations in which automation simply won't work and a strogly backlighted scene is the best example of this. But the reason it does't work is't because it's automatic, but because an auto-exposure camera makes a full-field reading from the camera position. This is why it's wise to examine the overrides when selecting an auto-exposure SLR. The best of these is a convenient manual control that lets us continue to use the camera's inboard light meter. Most of the time we'll be using the camera on automatic, but when it's suddenly imperative to peg an exposure for a backlighted subject we'll be able to use match-needle(or align the LED or whatever) manual to get the exposure we need. Two overrides are scattered unevenly among the many models now being marketed. The first is an exposure "bias" or "compensation" control which nearly all models have today. Here the idea is to be to introduce an over-or under-exposure correction factor so as to season the auto-exposures to our personal taste, with the least amount of trouble. Most of these devices permit the introduction of plus-or-minus 2 f-stop of correction, but take a closer look: many have only limited usefulness because they're calibrated in one-stop jumps. The best bias controls give 1/3-stop increments, and very good ones have half-stop intervals. Also very useful, but not so plentiful nowadays, is a metering memory lock that lets us hold an exposure measurement of the right part of the subject while we aim the camera to get ht picture that we want. If the camera has a really convenient manual control this isn't really necessary, but memory locks are nice things to have once we've gained experience in using them. In the final analysis, most camera choices are made in terms of the System and its Lenses, and rightly so. Right now exposure automation and those some remarkable "multimode" models from well-known camera-makers are riding an incredible wave of sales enthusiasm. But what's in store for the next act in this continuing drama of phototechnical developement? Anyhow, it is true that electronics are invading our SLR cameras in force, nowadays.

      • 韓國文學의 二元性 : 新羅의 詩世界 The Poetical Sphere of Shilla Dynasty

        成樂喜 淑明女子大學校 1990 論文集 Vol.30 No.-

        The systematic description of the history of Korean literature is not possible to go back earlier than the late period of Shilla dynasty. Two main literary inheritances produced at this time are Hyanga(鄕歌) and Hanshi(漢詩). By now, Hyanga was thought to be representative of the period. In view of the tradition of Korean literature, however, the literature of Shilla should include both Hyanga and Hanshi for its whole picture. This dualism is fundamentally attributable to such cultural property as bilingualism of Korean people. Hyanga and Hanshi form a striking contrast in many ways: Hyanga was written in a spoken style, to be sung, of incantation and enjoyed by the common people. And Hanshi was written in a literary language, to be recited, lyrical, enjoyed by the dignitaries. Travelers' loneliness and discomforts homesickness, seperation and the sorrows of life were expressed in the poems written by Choi Chi-won, Choi Seung-wn, Choi Kwang-yu and Park In-bum who had been all abroad for study in Tang.

      • 중국 연변 지역의 한국어 연구 : '조선말표준발음법'을 중심으로

        성낙수 한국교원대학교 한국어문교육연구소 2002 한국어문교육 Vol.11 No.-

        본고는 중국 연변 조선족들이 사용하는 '조선말표준발음법'을 한국과 북한의 '표준발음법'과 비교하여 공통점과 차이점을 고구하여 본 것이다. 그 결과 같은 한국어에 대한 발음이므로 대개의 규정은 동일하나, '두음법칙', '받침소리의 발음', '경음화 현상', '사이소리현상이 일어날 때의 발음'에서 약간의 차이가 있다. 만약 남ㆍ북한이 통일이 된다면, 먼저 '표준발음법'을 통일하고, 그 다음 중국 연변의 이 규정까지 포함시켜 하나의 규정으로 만들어야 명실공히 '한국어의 표준 발음법'이 성립되리라고 본다.

      • 흰쥐에 Vitamin Antioxidant 투여가 2-Acetylaminofluorene hydroxylation에 미치는 발암 억제작용

        성낙응,홍영숙 梨花女子大學校 醫科大學 醫科學硏究所 1982 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.5 No.3

        The principal role of cytochrome P-450 in many other mixed function oxidase reactions including hydroxylations or oxidative dealkylations of various drugs, fatty acids, steroids, pesticides, and carcinogens. In order to elucidate the effect of various vitamin antioxidants on hepatic microsomal cytochrome P-450 and AAF hydroxylation, vitamin antioxidants, including vitamiin A acetate, L-ascorbic acid and DL-α-tocopherol were administered to rats. The results of this study show that the inhibition of cytochrome P-450 level and AAF hydroxylation by vitamin antioxidants may be related to their ability to prevent the in vivo activation of AAF to carcinogenic N-hydroxylation. Vitamin antioxidants, because of their effectiveness in inhibiting chemical carcinogenesis, may become useful chemoprophylatic agents against environmental carcinogens.

      • 초등학생들의 표준 발음 실태 및 지도 방안

        성낙수 한국교원대학교 한국어문교육연구소 2004 한국어문교육 Vol.13 No.-

        이 논문은 초등학교에서 근무하고 있는 교사들이 실시한 초등학생들의 언어 생활에서 나타나는 표준 발음 실태에 관한 조사와 분석을 통하여, 그 현황을 파악하고 제시한 효율적인 지도 방안에 바탕을 두고 그에 관한 여러 문제를 논의하는 데 목적을 두었다. 대체적으로 수도권에 인접한 지역의 학생들은 자연스럽게 표준 발음을 구사하고 있었으나, 지방으로 내려갈수록 그에 대한 인식도나 사용률이 낮은 편이었는데, 이는 각 지역의 방언 사용과 밀접한 관련을 가진 것으로, 수도권에서 먼 지역일수록 표준 발음 교육이 어렵다는 방증이 된다. 또한 표준 발음이 잘 안 이루어지는 이유로는 '학생들의 인식 부족, 교사들의 무관심, 방언 사용, 컴퓨터 언어 사용' 등의 지적되었다. 표준 발음의 효율적인 지도 방안으로는 '일기를 활용하는 방법, 동시를 활용하는 방법, 전문가 협력 학습을 활용하는 방법, 사전을 활용하는 방법, 방송을 이용하는 방법, 신문 스크랩을 활용하는 방법, 언어학적 이론에 근거하는 방법' 등을 들었다.

      • Camera Mechanism 發達過程略說 : With Emphasis on 35mm Single Lens Reflex 35mm一眼 Reflex를 中心으로

        成樂寅 弘益大學校 1976 弘大論叢 Vol.8 No.-

        Since photography's beginning, the ground glass of the view camera placed directly at the film plane has been considered the best possible device for accurately judging composition, focus, and depth of field. Although the picture is upside down and the image is reversed, as in a mirror, from left to right, it's not surprising that many of today's best and most popular 35mm cameras use adaptation of the view camera. However, the viewing image has been righted by reflecting the light beams from a swinging mirror to a special horizontal viewing ground glass. This is the principle of the waist-level focusing single-lens reflex. By using a glass prism above the ground glass an eye-level image, not only the right way up but also not reversed, can be produced. You might wonder why it took so long to reach this design. The reason can be traced directly to the horiaontal 35mm format. As early as 1936, the waist-level 35mm Kine Exakta reflex was introduced. It focused only at waist level and was awkward for shooting verticals. To take a vertical picture, the photogrpher was forced to hold the Exakta at a right angle facing away from the subject. Since it set the scene for what followed, a brief description is in order. In this instance, listing the features it did not have will be more illuminating than describing what it did have: 1) No pentaprism 2) No automatic diaphragm 3) No light meter 4) No instant-return mirror 5) No really high speed lenses Despite this austere beginning, by 1958 there were quite a few SLRs on the market, most of which looked considerably sleeker than the Exakta but didn't provide a quantum jump in convenience over the Exakta. Although a few cameras didn't require three hands to operate, automatic lenses were not yet widespread, particularly in wide-angles and teles, and the instant-return miror wasn't universal either. Fortunately the penta prism had arrived, but several SLRs still came with waist-level finders as standard equipment. And many camera designers hadn't yet discovered the thumb-advance lever. As for light meters, some clip-ons were available, a few of which even coupled to the shutter-speed dial. But such meters were considered effete. Building a meter into the body of a camera was downright decadent. Anybody who spoke of someday putting the meter behind the lens was a visionary or a lunatic, depending on whether or not he was a friend. many lenses for SLRs of this period can only be considered jokes in poor taste by current standards, particularly in the wide-angle range. Photographer shuddered at the words "retro-focus wide-angle." When rangefinder photographers looked at the normal and short lenses the SLR types had to use, they went into gales of laughter. Of course, the SLR people got to laugh now and then, too. Particulary when watching a rangefinder type working with long lenses or making close-ups. It was heartwarming to watch the RF type attach a heavy, bullky, clumsy, completely manual reflex housing to his sleek RF camera. Once he did, you could shoot rings around him with almost any SLR. SLRs delivered to the photographer's eye a remarkably good impression of the image that would be recorded on film. They delivered painless close-up and telephoto shots. They allowed the photographer to play graphic games with space and shape and form as never before. And as the SLR grew out of its adolescent gawkiness, it became easier and easier to use. Pentaprisms and instant-return mirrors became the norm. Autodiaphragm lenses in all but the most extreme of least expensive designs, and excellent-quality high-speed lenses became the rule rather than the exception. Through-the-lens light meters offering in-the-finder match needle exposure control appeared, and are even being challenged by through-the-lens meters that provide completely automatic exposure control. Although many users of the old box camera were satisfied if a picture simply came out, today's amateur photographers have the tools at hand to produce snapshots that are almost perfectly exposed, due to the automation afforded by electronics. Intergrated circuits are just now making inroads in camera electronics. The small size of ICs makes them especially attractive for cameras because of space limitations and low cost. Solid state electronics will not only add automated functions, but also reduce the mechanical complexity of cameras, as for example, by replacing the shutter timing mechanism with several solenoids and their associated circuits. Also being attacked is the one remaining manipulation requird in many cameras-that of focusing. A number of automatic focusing systems have been tried, some strictly mechanical, but most partially electronic. However, none has yet been widely accepted, particulary, in the field of single-lens reflex. Anyhow, the perfecting of the single-lens reflex is now moving swiftly.

      • 成人 繼續敎育을 위한 大學의 役割 : 美國大學 遠隔敎育의 活用方式과 動向을 중심으로 Its Mode and Trend in American Distance Education

        成樂敦 덕성여자대학교 고등교육연구소 1988 敎育硏究 Vol.1 No.-

        Distance education, which utilizes a variety of modern communication media and technology to overcome the lack of face-to-face interaction between the teacher and the learner, is full of potential as an effective means of fulfilling life-long education needs that are rapidly growing in modern society. It is helpful especially for those youths and adults, working at work or home, who have considerable restrictions in terms of time or resource availability. For many people, it may indeed be the only way to revitalize or continue their learning after school experience. For the last twenty years, distance education has made remarkable progress with the help of worldwide concerns for lifelong education - i.e. the extension of education to working youths and adults in particular - as well as by means of serious effort to accommodate breath - taking developments in communication technology for educational purposes. Throughout the world, the practice of distance education is now universal either in developed countries or in developing countries. The vision and the prospect of distance education for the coming information society are being well presented in current international writings. Distance education, however, despite its potential, certainly asks for more academic inguiry and practical application, in order to be fully understood and realized as a viable means of teaching and learning. In reality, it is considered still marginal or peripheral in world education, as compared to the main stream classroom teaching. The inferior position and status of distance education seems to continue. This observation is true of United States where the extension of higher education through distance teaching has been regarded as important and had proved to be no less effective than face-to-face instruction. The distance education at American universities has been guided by the HUCEA, National University Continuing Education Association, an intercollegiate co-operative body that has been fully dedicated for more than 50 years to the extension and improvement of continuing education for citizens. Currently, about 70 universities and colleges all over the country exert mutual support as well as competition to reach out to youths and adults in more or less disadvantageous learning situations. The directions that NUCEA member universities aim for can be summarized into four areas : (1) continuous development of new courses, (2) wide-range utilization of high level technology and media, (3) monitoring, evaluation, and upgrading of existing courses, and (4) formulating of relevant intra - and inter - university policies to improve distance education practice. In all, the quality of distance education at American universities can be judged to be a model of its kind. The American university distance education can provide several perspectives for evaluating and improving Korean distance education. First is the method of designing distance education courses. Course design should be guided by the full combination of two kinds of expertise : superiority in subject knowledge and excellency in study guide writing. Second is the flexibility in program management. Diverse courses are operated without conflict to meet various types of learner needs. Also, courses are run either en credit babe or on non-credit babe, or on beth. Third is the method of quality control and full recognition of academic results. with official distinction impossible between credits earned by correspondence and the ones by residence, distance courses can be taken with pride and sincerity. Fourth is the inter-university accrediting effort. By cross accreditation of distance courses, universities provide maximum convenience and coverage for learners all over the nation. In all, in more general terms, American universities fully adapt to client - centered educational service by innovative means and on a wide scale. Korean universities, expecially Air and Correspondence University, well deserve extensive study to employ American ways of leashing out to adults in order to survive the emergence of the learning society.

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