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        영어 장거리 의존 구문의 분석

        나기덕 대한언어학회 1996 언어학 Vol.4 No.-

        Nah, Kie-Deok. 1996. A Study on Unbounded Dependency Constructions in English. Linguistics 4, 57-76. Unbounded dependency constructions are constructions within which some linguistic elements occur in other places than those which they are expected to occur. Major constructions are those of topicalization, relative clauses, and questions. In this analysis, by extending and generalizing categorial rules such as functional application rules, functional composition rules and type raising rules in a categorial grammar, we show that those extended and revised formulations derive sufficiently unbounded dependency constructions. And we show that even parasitic gap constructions can be derived by another categorial rule, functional substitution rule. (Seokang College)

      • 라모의 조카에 나타난 비이성의 문제

        송기정 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1994 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.64 No.1

        Denis Diderot est un des ecrivains qui ont ete mal connus a leur epoque. Tres souvent Diderot etait considere comme un ecrivain manquant dordre, de coherence. Mais la confusion, le desorder et lincoherence sont une sorte de polarisastion menant a un nouvel ordre. Cest pourquoi son discours ne peut etre compris que de nos jours. Foucault a indique que depuis Le Neveu de Rameua, la folie reapparait dans le domaine du langage litteraire, ce qui etait defendu a lage classique. Quest-ce que signifierait-donc le discours de la folie, celui de la deraison que Diderot a attribue a Rameau? Le Neveu de Rameau est un dialogue entre le philosophe et le neveu de Rameau. Mais cest plutot Rameau qui parle et le philosophe ne fait que pousser Ramuau a parler. Rameau est un personage compose de hauteur et de bassesse, de bon sens et de deraison. Il a une conception tres originale de la morale. Dapres lui, tout ce qui est naturel, meme le vice, est jistifie, et donc legitime. Pour lui le bonheur est de boire du bon vin, de se gorger de mets delicats, de se rouler sur de jolies femmes et de se reposes dans des lits bien mollets; et le reste nest que vanite. Rameau le fou est introduit chez Bertin pour desennuyer les gens par ses discours de la folie. Il lui est donc interdit de parler de la parler de la raison. Mais une fois pour toutes, il a commis la faute de parler raisonnablement et il est chasse de chez Bertin. Or, quand il parle de la musique, son discours est tres raisonnable et ordonne. Mais aussitot quil sapercoit de ses discours raisonnables, il retourne a son etat de bouffon et joue le pantomime. Malgre le talent que Rameau a en musique, pourquoi nessaie-t-il pas de faire quelque close qui vaille, et pourquor reste-t-il toujours le meme : un fou, un bouffon, un vil parasite? Cest parce quil veut rester etranger et marginal, plutot que detre integre dans la societe ou la verite absolue nexiste plus, ou les notions de la vertu et du vice sont inverses. Et cest sa facon de se revolter contre la societe. Si Sade a exprime sa revolte contre un ordre social par son erotisme, le neveu de Rameau exprime sa revolte contre la societe par ses discours de la deraison.

      • 동구의 개혁주의에 관한 연구

        신기현 全北大學校 1989 論文集 Vol.31 No.-

        The Soviet Union is encouraging glasnost and reform in Eastern Europe. The response of the East European regimes to the Russian initiatives has varied depending on their attitudes to reform and the nature of regime-society relations in each country. The Polish regime has moved ahead with reform in the economy, glasnost, and democratization. Especially the Poles have carried out political reform, broadening citixen's direct participation in the exercise of power. And the extremely delicate issue of the wartime massacre of polish officers in Katyn has been raised in the official press. The Hungarian regime is gradually introducing democratic principles into the various Hungarian life. Increased economic reform breeds increased political reform. Multiple candidates in the election, decentralized economic planning, enterprise councils, and private enterprise are examples of steps taken by the party. There must be political and economic reform in Eastern Europe. But reform in Eastern Europe poses multiple dilemmas. For the East Europeans, the task will be to shepherd through reforms without provoking demands that go beyond what Moscow allows, and weaken their political and ideological foundation.

      • Color CRT의 색관리 기술

        배기서,이래연,이정민,김청섭 忠南大學校 産業技術硏究所 1998 산업기술연구논문집 Vol.13 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to develope the color matching technic between fabrics and color CRT which is a commonly used color matching machine. The former researchers had focused on the theoretically color matching technic between CIE and RGB color co-ordinates, but in this study we tried simulating the colors obtained from fabrics on the color CRT by using experimental method.

      • 連鎖牀球菌 眼內炎에 對한 人蔘 및 Steroids 投與의 影響에 對한 實驗的 硏究

        金基龍 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1977 충남의대잡지 Vol.4 No.2

        The experimental endophthalmitis was obtained by the injection of streptococcus (ATCC 12383) into anterior chamber of the rabbit's eyes and the effect of ginseng and steroids were observed. In one group, ginseng extract was intraperitoneally administrated with doses of 50mg/ kg for 6 days, and in another group, dexamethasone was intramuscullaly administrated with doses of 0.1mg/kg and Cambisone? ophthalmic ointment(prednisolon preparation) was topically administrated for 6 days. And topical application of atropine and Colimycin-T? ophthalmic ointments was done in all group for 8 days. The results can be summarized as follows, 1. In group administrated ginseng, inflammatory sign in cornea seemed to be relatively more marked than control group by slit lamp blomicroscopic and histopathologic examination. 2. In group administrated steroids, inflammatory signs in cornea seemed to be relatively more marked than control group by slit lamp biomicroscopic examination, but elatively less marked than control group by histopathologic examination. So other studies shall be done futher more.

      • 대학생 집단에 있어서 학습자 중심의 협동학습전략이 학업성취도, 교과관련정의, 교우관계에 미치는 효과

        金琪正 서원대학교 교육연구소 2003 敎育發展 Vol.22 No.1

        The Purpose of this study was to examine the effects of cooperative learning and traditional lecturing strategies on the cognitive and affective outcomes of college students The study selected 38 students as a experimental group and 62 students as a comparative group. During a period of four weeks, the processor responsible for the Educational Psychology classes proceeded the experimental group in the cooperative learning strategy, while the comparative class was Proceeded only in the traditional lecturing strategy. The study employed a Pretest-posttest control group design. For the data analysis, t-test was utilized. Results showed that the cooperative learning strategy was appeared to have significant positive effects both on cognitive and affective outcomes, while the traditional lecturing one was not. The results on the open questions that more than 80 percent of students participated in the experimental group showed positive attitudes towards the cooperative learning strategy supported the experimental results. The study suggested the cooperation skills would need to be trained and the cooperative learning strategy to be lasted three hours Per session.

      • 중등학생용 교우관계 훈련 프로그램의 개발(2) : 프로그램의 실행과 그 효과

        김기정,남명희 서원대학교 교육대학원 2003 교육논총 Vol.7 No.-

        This study aimed to examine the effects of the peer relationship training program on the interpersonal behavior change of junior high school students. The program was composed of 10 steps which were focused on making the students effective and productive relationships with their classmates. To test the effect of this program, pretest-posttest control group design was employed. For the test, two natural classes were arbitrarily selected among 3rd grade classes of H junior high school. The 10 steps program was treated for an hour per week to only experimental group(30 students) during 10 weeks. The actual leader of the program was co-researcher, Mrs. Nam who has been teaching in H junior high school. The peer relationship questionnaire was administrated to both experimental and control groups before and after the treatment of the program. The questionnaire was intended to measure the students' perceived attitudes of their classmates towards them, the students' attitudes towards their classmates, and the peer relationship adjustments(total scores of two attitudes). Significant effects of the program on the students' perceived attitudes was not found. But the students' attitudes towards their classmates showed significant change after the treatment of the program. This change was greatly weakened in about a month after the treatment. These results said that the program contributed the students to understand the concept of interpersonal skills and behaviors, but couldn't actually affected on the interpersonal behavior change of the students. Some improvements for the operation of the program could be suggested as follows. Firstly, more practices of interpersonal skills and small group activities in each step of the program would need to be strengthened. Secondly, self-monitoring and reinforcement systems would be employed to maintain learned interpersonal behaviors.

      • 한국의 도서관학 교육제도에 대한고찰 -전문학교에서 대학원까지의 교과과정을 중심으로-

        권기원 韓國圖書館學會 1978 圖書館學 Vol.5 No.1

        From the 1957's of the cradle which curricula of library science was applicable to university to the 1978's today of heyday, it has been rapidly developing in the 20 years (1957-1978) and they have 5 junior colleges, 9 undergraduate courses, 5 graduate courses, 1 Ph. D. course. The education of library science above the undergraduate course was given greatly prominence to the theory of library science, information science and foreign languages more than that of the putting first in the practical business and built up the educational system of library science. Today is the informatization period from the 1960's. The fact which the automation of library works was attached in the latter half of the 1970's in Korea is the social need in order to respond to the worldwide tendency. As a result of making an analysis of curricula from junior colleges to graduate schools in this paper, I took the new direction which it is an alternative plan of the point at issue, and I want to be useful in the education of library science forwards

      • 서원대 재학생들의 스트레스 실태 분석

        金璂正 서원대학교 학생생활연구소 1994 학생생활연구 Vol.12 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to assess the situations of Seowon university students' stress. For the purpose, Stress Assessment Scale designed by Won Ho-Tack, Lee Myung-Sun, and Kim Soon-Jin(1989) was administered to 105 male and 352 female junior students of teachers' college of Seowon university. The scale was consisted of 14 stress domains with 117 items. The domains that were rated as substantially stressful by students were 'physical environment'(40%), 'techniques for learning/work'(33%), 'learning/work'(32%), 'the way of thinking & value'(30%), 'interpersonal relation(friends)'(29%), 'general personality'(26%), and 'self-esteem'(24%). It was found that Seowon university students experienced much more stress compared with the situations of Seoul National university students' stress assessed by same scale in 1989. Significant sex differences of stress were found in the domains such as 'physical conditions'(P<.05), 'physical environment'(P<.01), 'learning/work'(P<.001), 'interpersonal relation with friends of opposite sex'(P<.05), 'general personality'(P<.01), 'self-estem'(P<.05), and 'the way of thinking & value'(P<.001). The results of this study may serve as basic data to make comprehensive and systematic plans for the effective adjustments of university students.

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