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      • 공자의 인(仁)사상과 효(孝)교육문화를 통한 성인 인격교육과 청소년 인성교육 방향(5)

        김익수 ( Kim¸ Iksoo ) 한국청소년효문화학회 2021 韓國의 靑少年文化 Vol.37 No.-

        인자(仁字)는 논어 이전에도 있었다. 『시경(詩經)』, 『서경(書經)』. 『역경(易經)』에 보인다. 어원학적으로는 갑골문(甲骨文)에는 보이지 않고 확실하기 나타난 것은 기원전 8세기라고 한다. 『논어(論語)』에는 인(仁)에 대하여 백 아홉 번이나 나온 것을 보면 인은 공자의 핵심사상임에는 틀림없다. 그러나 『논어』에 보이는 인(仁) 개념은 명료하게 정의되어 있지는 않다. 심지어는 번지가 3번이나 인을 질문했는데, 그때마다 각각 다르게 가르치고 있기도 했다. 공자의 인(仁)은 상황에 따라 다의적(多義的)으로 말했기 때문에 정의를 내린 것은 없다. 인은 사람만이 가지고 있는 착한 마음 즉 인심(仁心)이며 그 인심(人心)으로 서로 사랑하고 협동하여 공동체를 이루는 도(道)와 덕(德)이다. 인은 서로가 사랑하고 천심(天心)으로 하나(一)가 되어 모두 함께 사는 세계를 창건하여 인류 역사와 문화를 계승하여 발전시키는 핵심적 덕행이다. 여하튼 인(仁)이란 효제충신(孝弟忠信)을 총괄하는 개념이다. 본 연구에서는 인이 많이 출현되고 있는 『논어』「이인」편을 중심으로 하여 다의한 공자의 인사상 중에 1) 인의 정도(正道), 2) 인의 실천, 3) 인과 허물(過)에 대하여 논구한 것이다. 거듭 주장하지만 가정에서의 효제(孝弟) 국가에서 충신(忠信)을 합한 것이 인(仁)이다. 오늘날 최대 교육 위기를 극복하는 방안으로 공자의 가르침인 극기복례(克己復禮)로 통해 온 누리에 사랑이 넘치는 인의 세계를 창건할 수 있다고 본다. 이런 점을 한국적 가치와 효문화를 정립을 위한 내용으로 삼아 어른들에게는 인격교육을 심고 청소년 인성교육방향을 제시하고자 한다. 구체적으로 1) 부모도 사심(邪心)과 불의로 가지 않게 하기 2) 유(遊) 행방제시 3) 효도의 기본 4) 부모의 건강에 초점을 맞추어 논한 것이다. 이처럼 공자의 인사상과 효교육문화를 오늘에 되살려 성인(成人)들도 인격을 제대로 갖추고 수양을 게을리하지 말 것을 촉구하며 청소년들의 인성교육을 위하여 교육의 원뿌리를 찾아 교육 바로 세우는 것을 제기하고자 한다. There were exemplary People (仁字) even before The Analects. They were found in The Classic of Poetry (詩經), The Book of History (書經), and The Book of Changes (易經). It was not etymologically found in oracle bone scripts (甲骨文), but they say that it was ovbioushy done around the 8th century B.C. Anyway, benevolence must be Confucius' core idea when the fact that it is found 109 times in The Analects is considered. However, the concept of benevolence (仁) was not clearly defined in The Analects. Even though a student (Beonji) asked Confucius three questions about it, his answers were each different. In fact, it is difficult to define benevolence (仁) was because it has very various (多義的) meanings. Benevolence is good hearts had by only people, that is, human hearts (人心) and Benevolent hearts (仁心), and the way (道) and virtue (德) to create a community by loving and cooperating with one another by them. Benevolence is virtuous conduct to love one another, become one (一), create the world that everybody lives together, and inherit and develop human history and culture. This study discusses 1) benevolence and right ways (正道), 2) practice of benevolence, and 3) benevolence and faults (過) in Confucius' benevolence thought with very various meanings secondly (First: Korean Thought and Culture, Volume 102) done in To Live among Men of Humanity of The Analects that it appears most often thoroughly. And Benevolence is the sum of loyalty and faithfulness (忠信) at home and in the filiality and fratemity (孝弟) nation. Overcoming oneself and return to the rites (克己復禮), Confucius' teaching can create the world of benevolence filled with love in the whole world to overcome troubled times of today. The researcher suggests direction of youth personality education by establishing Korean vaiues and filial piety culture. 1) Does not make parents have selfish human desire (邪心) abdunrightful means, 2) Presents methods to study (遊), 3) The basics of filial piety, 4) Parental health Education is in critical condition as a lot of Western ideas have recently been acceptedd without criticism. Let's suggest educational culture of Confucius' benevolence thought and filial piety as the national policy to set education straight by reviving the foundation of Korean Confucian Classics today and finding the main root of personality and character education of adults and youth who neglect them.

      • 공자의 인(仁)사상과 효(孝)교육문화를 통한 인격과 인성교육 방향(3)

        김익수 ( Kim¸ Ik-soo ) 한국청소년효문화학회(구 한국청소년문화학회) 2020 韓國의 靑少年文化 Vol.36 No.-

        우리 고유사상인 인효사상(仁孝思想)을 계승해 집성한 유교는 공자를 통해 세계적인 사상으로 발전하였다. 유교의 기초는 바로 공자의 핵심사상인 인(仁)이다. 그런데 공자의 큰 가치이기도 한 인사상은 인간가치의 최고덕목이자 목표인데, 다양하기도 하고 무궁무진하기도 하며 심오하기 그지없다. 군자로서 지켜야 할 최고목표가 인이란 덕목의 실현이라고 볼 수도 있다. 공자의 찬술이기도 하지만, 6경에 인학(仁學)이 나와 있으며 사서의 하나인 『논어』에서만도 109번 나온다는 것을 보면, 얼마나 공자가 인을 강조했는지 짐작이 간다. 공자의 가치요목 중에 최고덕목임은 두 말할 것도 없다. 그렇지만 인의 정의를 확실하게 내린 적은 없다. 학문을 청하는 제자들에게서 많은 질문을 받고 토론을 했지만, 질문자의 처지와 의도, 목적과 성격에 따라 달리 답변이 나왔던 것이다. 그렇기 때문에 인의 정의가 한마디로 정리된 것은 없다. 그래서 본고에서도 수차에 걸쳐 인을 논급하지만 정의를 내리지는 않으려 한다. 다만 매번 인의 핵심가치를 계속해서 거듭 논하고 강조할 것이다. 그리고 또 아주 중요한 공자의 가치가 있다. 그것이 바로 효다. 효는 인의 바탕이기도 하다. 효 만해도 각 경전에 내재해 있지만, 특히 『효경』에는 전체가 효론으로 충만해 있다. 오늘날과 같이 과학과 산업화의 후유증으로 도덕윤리가 붕괴되고, 청소년들의 범죄율이 높은 시대에 효사상은 더 말할 것 없이 아주 중요하고도 절실히 요망되는 사항이기도 하다. 더욱이 개인, 가정, 사회, 학교 등의 다중적 가치관 속에 관통하는 주요 덕목이요, 공동체 형성의 근간이 됨도 두 말할 것이 없다. 본고에서는 동양의 최고가치인 공자의 인사상과 효교육문화를 통해서 우리 교육의 당면과제인 어른들의 인격교육과 유 · 청소년들의 인성교육의 방향설정을 위한 초석을 세우고자 하는 원대한 뜻이 여기에 있다. 부차적으로 도덕 종주국의 위상을 회복하려는 의도도 있음을 밝힌다. Confucius succeeded Korea’s traditional ideology of Inhyo and compiled it as Confucianism for the worldwide propagation. That is just the “In (Benevolence)” which is the core ideology of Confucius. By the way, “In” ideology which is also a big value for Confucius is the utmost and absolute objective for human. It is the various, infinite and profound virtue. The utmost value to be kept by a gentleman may be the realization of the virtue of “In ” It is said that the study of “In” is written in Yukgyeong and the term “In” is quoted 109 times in the book “Noneo (The Analects)”. That shows how much Confucius emphasized the In. It is no bout that the In was the utmost value among the values highly deemed by Confucius. However, the definition of In has never been clearly made so far. Though Confucius made a lot of conversations with his pupils through questions and answers, the answers have always been made in a way different from the original situation, intention, purpose and characteristics of the questions made by the pupils. So, the term “In” has never been defined by him in simple words. Therefore, this study has not tried to define the term “In” though it has referred to that several times in this study. In addition, there is another value which Confucius deemed very highly. That is just the “Hyo (filial piety)”, which is also the foundation of In. Though the term Hyo is widely described in many classics, especially the book “Hyogyeong” is filled with the term. These days, the science and industrialization have led to the collapse of the moral conduct and ethics and increase in juvenile crime rates. So, that ideology is so important and is urgently required. Moreover, it is not only the value to be highly considered at home, community or school but also just the foundation of the community. This study is designed to build a milestone for setting the direction of personality education for adult, youth and children, which is our big task, through the education of In Ideology and Hyo educational culture. In addition, it also intends to reconstruct the prestige of Korea as a country of ethics.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Iconicity and conceptual metaphor in military hand signals

        ( Iksoo Kwon ),( Jung Eun Lee ),( Jinree Jeon ),( Young Eun Park ) 경희대학교 언어연구소 2016 언어연구 Vol.33 No.2

        This paper explores military hand signals as a type of non-verbal language modality. We show that this type of sign language involves a construal process that relies on, first, iconic, and second, metaphoric relationships between the thing signed and the gesture. Although they are, unlike primary sign language, used among non-deaf people with very limited inventory and involve very little reciprocity, military hand signals still provide another indicator of human cognition and conceptualization based on iconicity and conceptual metaphor. This paper thoroughly discusses a few hand signal examples from a US Army ROTC field manual and non-fiction military movie/TV show clips and provides systematic explanations of how iconicity and metaphor guide interlocutors to grasp the meanings conveyed by the signals as a non-verbal modality. Based on the analyses, this paper addresses characteristics of military hand signals especially on their form-meaning relationship and their status in the typology of gestures in general. (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) 5

      • KCI등재

        Cytotoxicity of Ergosterol Derivatives from the Fruiting Bodies of Hygrophorus russula

        IkSoo Lee,JinPyo Kim,나민균,정현주,민병선,배기환 한국생약학회 2011 Natural Product Sciences Vol.17 No.2

        Bioassay-guided fractionation of the CHCl3-soluble fraction of a MeOH extract of the fruiting bodies of Hygrophorus russula led to the isolation of five ergosterol derivatives (1 - 5). The structures of these compounds were identified as ergosterol peroxide (1), ergosta-4,6,8(14),22-tetraen-3-one (2), ergosta-7,22-diene-3b,5a,6a-triol (3), ergosta-7,22-diene-3b,5a,6b,9a-tetraol (4), and 5a,6a-epoxy-ergosta-8(14),22-diene-3b,7a-diol (5) by comparing their physicochemical and spectral data with those in the literature. These compounds were evaluated for in vitro cytotoxicity against A549 and XF498 cancer cell lines. Most of the tested compounds, except for compound 3, exhibited moderate cytotoxicity against both A549 and XF498 cell lines with IC50 values ranging from 10.2 to 18.3 ?g/mL and from 11.4 to 24.6 ?g/mL, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        Mental Spaces in the Korean Reportive /Quotative Evidentiality Marker -Ay

        Iksoo Kwon 담화·인지언어학회 2011 담화와 인지 Vol.18 No.2

        This paper explores functional properties and distributions of Korean reportive and quotative evidentiality marker ?ay. I argue that the attempt to explain -ay only in terms of a syntactic constraint fails, because the marker’s function is a matter of (inter)subjective semantics that arises from complex interactions among the multiple viewpoints that are involved. In this vein, within the framework of Mental Spaces Theory (Fauconnier 1994, 1997), this study shows that we can explain examples that are beyond syntactic constraints as well as canonical examples of the construction in a unified way. To provide cognitively motivated accounts, I argued that the Evidentiality construction requires another way of space building because of the presuppositional characteristic of information that the construction accommodates. I called it Presuppositional Space Accommodation and explored how it works for the Korean Evidentiality construction.

      • KCI등재

        Forward Causality in Basic Communicative Spaces Networks

        Iksoo Kwon 담화·인지언어학회 2012 담화와 인지 Vol.19 No.1

        The construal of causality is based in three domains, the Content, Epistemic, and Speech-Act domains; this relationship is assumed to be universal (Dancygier and Sweetser 2005; Sanders et al. 2009). This paper aims to show that these three causal domains are indeed relvant to the construal of Korean forward causal constructions (Cause + [Connective] + Consequence). In particular, I examine the -ese and -nikka causal constructions, showing that Korean tends to linguistically distinguish the content domain from the other two, in the choice between the causal connectives -ese (Content) and -nikka (Epistemic and Speech act). This paper describes which connectives access which of the three causal domains, addressing the functional properties of these forward causality constructions. It models the construal of the target constructions within the framework of Basic Communicative Spaces Networks (Sanders et al. 2009) to provide a better understanding of the conceptual structures evoked in their construal.

      • KCI등재

        Medicine for Shoes and Lanterns

        Iksoo Kwon 담화·인지언어학회 2017 담화와 인지 Vol.24 No.1

        This paper explores various meanings of the Korean word yak ‘medicine’ or ‘chemical product’; specifically, I explore its uses in the compound structure of X+yak. The candidates for the element X are words denoting the product’s substance, shape, function, beneficiary, things that it gets rid of, and the manner in which it is used. I argue that the various meanings of yak accounted for in its uses in compounds form a polysemous semantic network because of their conceptual relatedness. The radial category of yak can be understood only in a semantic frame in which humans produce the substance in order to create effects on something or somebody. This paper further discusses how conceptual metaphor and metonymy are critical cognitive mechanisms involved in the formation of yak’s semantic network.

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