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      • KCI등재

        시비수준별 소나무 용기묘의 생장 특성 및 가시적 피해

        차영근,최규성,송기선,구다은,이하나,성환인,김종진 (사) 한국생물환경조절학회 2019 생물환경조절학회지 Vol.28 No.1

        The present study investigated pine trees, which forms a major plantation species in Korea, with the objective of improving the survival rate of pine trees after planting. Growth responses and characteristics were assessed by controlling the level of fertilizer application, which is a basic controlling the growth of pine seedlings, to identify the optimal fertilization treatment. Pine tree seedlings were grown in 104 containers and were examined 8 weeks after planting. Stem height and were measured at 4-week intervals. In terms of fertilization treatment for 1-0 pine seedlings, the treatment group with gradually-increasing fertilizer concentration (500→1000→1000 →1000mg·L-1) had the biggest increase in stem height and diameter at the root. The survey results indicated that the increased concentration treatment group and the gradually-increasing concentration treatment group had more growth compared with that in the fixed concentration treatment group. The gradually-increasing concentration treatment group (500→1000→1000→1000mg·L-1) had the highest total dry matter production. Nine weeks after fertilization, the tips of the pine leaves turned yellow in the fixed concentration treatment group (3000mg·L-1). The same phenomenon was observed in the treatment group in which the concentration was increased to 2000mg·L-1, and in the gradually- increasing concentration treatment group, when the concentration was raised up to 2000mg·L-1. We concluded that the optimal fertilization conditions for producing healthy pine 1-0 seedlings involve fertilizing once a week with Multifeed 19 at 500mg·L-1 during the seedling period, Multifeed 19 at 1000mg·L-1 during the rapid growth period, and Multifeed 32 at 1000mg·L-1 during the maturation period. 본 연구는 우리나라의 대표적인 조림수종인 소나무를대상으로 조림지 식재 후 활착률을 높이기 위하여 상대적으로 생육이 좋은 용기묘(1-0)로 생산하고자 할 때, 기본적인 생육환경 요인들 중 시비처리 수준에 따른 생장 반응특성을 조사하고 이를 통하여 적정 시비 수준을 구명하고자 실시하였다. 104구 용기에서 생육된 소나무 용기묘는파종 후 약 8주 후부터, 4주 간격으로 간장 및 근원경을측정하였다. 그 결과, 소나무 1-0 용기묘의 시비처리는변형증가농도처리군의 500→1000→1000→1000mg·L-1에서간장, 근원경 생장이 좋았으며, 전체적으로 고정농도처리군보다 증가농도처리군과 변형증가농도처리군이 더 좋은생장을 한 것으로 나타났다. 총건물생산량은 변형증가농도처리군의 500→1000→1000→1000mg·L-1 처리구가 가장 높았다. 시비처리 후 9주째부터 고정농도처리구3000mg·L-1 시비처리에서 소나무잎의 끝부분이 노랗게변하는 증상이 관찰되었다. 이와 같은 증상은 증가농도처리구의 2000mg·L-1까지 농도를 증가시킨 처리구와 변형증가농도처리군의 2000mg·L-1까지 농도를 증가 시킨처리구에서 발견되었다. 본 연구를 통하여 소나무 1-0 용기묘 생산을 위한 시비처리는 시비는 유묘형성기에Multifeed 19로 500mg·L-1, 빠른생장기에 Multifeed 19로1000mg·L-1, 경화기에 Multifeed 32로 1000mg·L-1를 일주일에 한번씩 지속적으로 실시하는 것이 우량한 용기묘를 생산하는데 바람직한 것으로 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        관수수준에 따른 소나무 용기묘 1년생의 생장 특성

        차영근(Young-Geun Cha),최규성(Kyu-Seong Choi),송기선(Ki-Seon Song),성환인(Hwan-In Sung),김종진(Jong-Jin Kim) (사)한국생물환경조절학회 2017 시설원예‧식물공장 Vol.26 No.3

        본 연구는 우리나라의 대표적인 조림수종인 소나무를 대상으로 조림지 식재 후 활착률을 높이기 위해 상대적으로 생육이 좋은 용기묘로 생산하고자 할 때, 관수처리수준에 따른 생장 반응 특성을 조사하고 이를 통하여 적정 관수 수준을 구명하고자 실시되었다. 104구 용기에서 생육된 소나무 용기묘는 대조구(무관수)를 포함하여 파종 후 15주부터 8주 동안 각각 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15일 간격으로 관수되었다. 관수처리에 따른 소나무 용기묘의 간장과 근원경 생장, 건물생산량을 조사한 결과 가장 좋은 생장 반응은 관수처리 1일 간격에서 가장 높게 나타났다. 관수주기가 짧아질수록 소나무 용기묘의 생장이 좋아졌지만, 전체뿌리길이는 2일이나 1일 관수주기보다 3일에서 더 높게 나타났다. 묘목품질지수의 경우 1일 간격에서 가장 높고 관수주기가 길어질수록 낮아지는 경향을 보였다. 본 연구결과를 종합하면 1~2일 간격의 관수가 소나무 용기묘의 생육에 있어 적합한 것으로 판단된다. To identify the appropriate irrigation level for Pinus densiflora, a common reforestation species in Korea, we investigated their growth response characteristics according to different irrigation treatment levels for producing container seedlings with relatively high growth rate for higher survival rate when planted at the reforestation site. The container seedlings including control seedlings (no irrigation was applied) were grown in 104-cell trays were irrigated for 8 weeks from 15 weeks after seeding, at intervals of 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, and 15 days. Analysis of the height growth, root collar diameter growth, and dry matter production of the container seedlings according to irrigation showed that the highest growth reaction was observed for the irrigation interval of 1 day. A shorter irrigation cycle resulted in better growth of the container seedlings, but overall, longer total root length were observed with an irrigation cycle of 3 days compared with cycles of 1 or 2 days. Quality index (QI) was the highest for the irrigation interval of 1 day, and tended to decrease with increase in the irrigation interval. Thus, it was determined that irrigation at intervals of 1-2 days was appropriate for growing Pinus densiflora container seedlings.

      • KCI등재

        용기 내 발생하는 이끼류의 화학적 방제

        김종진,윤택승,이경재,송기선,차영근,최규성,정영숙,이종화 한국식물병리학회 2010 식물병연구 Vol.16 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to develop a method to effectively control mosses that are generated in container. To meet the goals, 6 kinds of chemical agents at different concentrations were applied to the container containing seedlings of Pinus densiflora with growing liverwort (Marchantia polymorpha) and Chamaecyparis obtusa with growing haircap moss (Polytrichum commune). It was found that quinoclamine was the most effective chemical agent to control mosses. Quinoclamine was effective in controlling liverwort (100% controlled) and haircap moss (95.5% controlled) at its concentration of 0.9 g/l. Next to quinoclamine, it was found that haircap moss and liverwort was effectively controlled by pyroligneous liquid which was followed by flumioxazin and oxyfluorfen. Seedling damages were observed in both two species treated with higher concentration of flumioxazin and oxyfluorfen. 본 연구는 임업시설양묘 시 용기 내에 발생하여 묘목의 생장을 방해하는 이끼류의 방제법을 개발하고자 실시되었으며, 이끼류 방제 가능성이 있는 6종류의 화학물질을 농도를 달리하여 처리하였다. 우산이끼(Marchantia polymorpha)가 발생한 소나무(Pinus densiflora) 용기묘 2년생과 솔이끼(Polytrichum commune)가 발생한 편백(Chamaecyparis obtusa) 용기묘 1년생을 대상으로 이들 물질을 처리한 결과, 가장 효과적인 이끼 방제 물질은quinoclamine으로 조사되었다. 이 성분 0.9 g/l의 농도에서 우산이끼는 100%, 솔이끼는 95.5%의 방제효과를 나타내었다. Quinoclamine 다음으로는, 처리농도에 따라 다소 차이는 있지만, 2종류 이끼 모두 목초액, flumioxazin, oxyfluorfen 순으로 효과가 큰 것으로 조사되었다. 한편 flumioxazin과 oxyfluorfen 고농도 처리에서는 화학물질 처리에 따른 용기묘의 약제 피해가 발생하였다.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 편백 1, 2년생 노지묘와 용기묘의 생장특성 비교

        송기선 ( Ki Sun Song ),차영근 ( Young Geun Cha ),최진영 ( Jin Young Choi ),김종진 ( Jong Jin Kim ) 한국임학회 2012 한국산림과학회지 Vol.101 No.2

        본 연구는 우리나라 남부지방의 주요 조림수종인 편백(Chamaecyparis obtusa Sieb. et Zucc.) 노지묘와 용기묘의 생육단계별 생장특성을 탐구하고자 수행되었다. 1년생 노지묘의 간장생장은 용적이 31.2mL와 300mL 용기에서 생장한 용기묘 보다 좋았으며, 근원경 생장은 300 mL 용기의 용기묘가 가장 좋았다. 2년생 노지묘는 300mL 용기의 용기묘보다 간장 및 근원경생장이 양호한 것으로 조사되었다. 건물생산량 비교에서, 1년생 지상부는 32mL 용기묘가, 지하부 및 전체 건물생산량은 300mL 용기묘가 가장 높았다. 2년생의 경우는 지상부는 노지묘가, 지하부는 용기묘의 건물생산량이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 뿌리전체길이, 뿌리투영단면적, 뿌리표면적, 뿌리평균직경, 뿌리부피 등 묘목의 뿌리형태 특성 비교에서, 1, 2년생 용기묘 모두 뿌리평균직경을 제외하고는 노지묘보다 더 높은 생장을 보였다. 본 실험의 결과를 종합해 볼 때, 편백 묘목생산과정에서 용기묘가 노지묘에 비해 상대적으로 뿌리발달이 뛰어난 묘목으로 생장한 것으로 판단된다. This study was performed in order to explore the growth characteristics by growing stage in the containerized seedling and the bare root seedling of Chamaecyparis obtusa Sieb. et Zucc., which is the major plantation species of Korean southland. The height growth of 1-year-old bare root seedlings was better than containerized seedlings, which grew in the containers with capacity of 31.2 mL and 300 mL. The root collar diameter growth was the best in the containerized seedlings of container with 300 mL. The 2-year-old bare root seedlings were surveyed to be better in the height and root collar diameter growth than the containerized seedlings of container with 300 mL. In the comparison of dry mass production, it was the highest in 32 mL containerized seedlings as for 1-year-old above ground and in 300 mL containerized seedlings as for below-ground and total dry mass production. In case of 2-year-old seedlings, it was indicated to be high in bare root seedling as for the part above ground and in dry mass production of the containerized seedling as for the part below ground. In the comparison on root morphological traits of seedlings such as the total root length, the root project area, the root surface area, the average diameter in root, and the root volume, all of 1 and 2-year -old containerized seedlings showed the higher growth than the bare root seedlings except the average diameter in root. Synthesizing the results of this experiment, the containerized seedlings are relatively excellent in root development compared to bare root seedlings in the process of producing seedlings of C. obtusa, thereby being judged to have grown into excellent seedlings.

      • KCI등재후보

        기상재해에 의한 묘목의 피해

        김판기,권기원,윤택승,이경재,정영숙,송기선,차영근,김종진 건국대학교 기후연구소 2010 기후연구 Vol.5 No.2

        본 연구는 기상재해에 의해서 발생되는 묘목의 피해 상황을 분석하고 이에 대한 대비책을 제시하고자 수행되었다. 묘목 피해 상황은 2003년부터 2007년까지 5년 동안 조사하였는데, 연도별로 피해 수종은 다양한 것으로 조사되었다. 대표적으로 소나무, 낙엽송, 잣나무, 상수리나무, 편백, 자작나무, 스트로브잣나무 등과 같은 대부분의 주요 조림수종들이 포함되었다. 이 기간 동안 발생된 묘목 피해 원인은 대부분 침수피해로 분석되었다. 현지조사 대상 양묘장 중에는 최근 기상재해가 연속적으로 발생하여 큰 피해가 초래된 곳도 있었다. 2008년 현지조사에서는 침수피해와 함께 고온, 과다시비, 토양문제 등 다양한 원인들이 분석되었으나, 정확하게 원인을 밝히기 힘든 복합적인 요인에 의한 피해인 경우들이 많았다.

      • KCI등재

        피음 및 시비처리에 따른 가시나무 1년생 용기묘의 생장과 묘목품질 특성

        성환인 ( Hwan In Sung ),송기선 ( Ki Sun Song ),차영근 ( Young Geun Cha ),김종진 ( Jong Jin Kim ) 한국산림과학회 2011 한국산림과학회지 Vol.100 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to examine potential effects of shading and fertilizing treatment - two basic applicable factors in production of 1-year-old container seedling - on growth and seedling quality of Quercus myrsinaefolia, one of evergreen tree species in warm temperate zone of Korean. Every experimental process was conducted in a facility that consisted of compartments under the lighting control with full sunlight and shading (35%, 55% and 75% of full sunlight). Based on fertilizing treatment, this study made an experiment in 4 groups of container seedling: control (non-treated seedlings) and 1000, 2000, 3000 ppm group (3 groups with different concentrations of water-soluble fertilizer (N:P:K=19:19:19, v/v). Seedlings under 55% shading with 2000 ppm concentration showed the highest height (totaling 21.1 cm), and under 35% shading with 2000 ppm concentration showed the highest root collar diameter growth (totaling 3.96 mm) among others. All three fertilizing groups except control showed H/D ratio ranging from 4.27 to 5.26 regardless of fertilizer concentration under 35% and 55% shading where container seedlings showed a tendency toward excellent growth of height and root collar diameter. Overall, 2000 ppm group under 55% shading showed highest dry mass production of leaves (1,292 g) among others, while 2000 ppm group under 35% shading showed highest dry mass production of shoots and roots (0.592 g and 0.998 g, respectively) among others. Also, it was found that 2000 ppm group under 35% shading showed the highest dry mass production of whole seedling, which was followed by 2000 ppm group under 55% shading and 3000 ppm group under 35% shading, respectively. According to analysis on LWR of Quercus myrsinaefolia depending on shading and fertilizing treatment, it was found that 3000 ppm group under 75% shading showed highest LWR level among others, whereas every fertilized group showed lower RWR level than control without fertilizing regardless of shading levels. In general, all fertilized groups under 55% shading had relatively high quality index (QI), and 2000 ppm group under 35% shading had highest QI among others. Based on the findings of this study, it is concluded that shading level ranging from 35 to 55% and fertilizing concentration of 2,000 ppm are suitable for producing 1-year-old container seedlings of Quercus myrsinaefolia with excellent growth and high quality index.

      • KCI등재

        피음처리에 따른 가시나무 1년생 용기묘의 생장과 생리적 반응

        송기선(Ki Sun Song),성환인(Hwan In Sung),차영근(Young Geun Cha),김종진(Jong Jin Kim) (사)한국생물환경조절학회 2011 시설원예‧식물공장 Vol.20 No.4

        본 연구는 피음처리에 따른 1년생 가시나무 용기묘의 생장과 생리적 반응을 탐구하고자 수행되었는데, 피음처리는 전광 및 전광의 35%, 55%, 75%의 수준으로 실시하였다. 가시나무의 간장과 근원경생장은 35%와 55% 피음처리에서 높은 것으로 조사되었으며, 피음처리와 상관없이 근원경생장이 간장생장 보다 4주 정도 더 길게 지속되었다. 피음처리 후 가장 높은 H/D율은 4.31을 기록한 35% 피음이었으며 가장 낮은 값은 3.63을 기록한 75% 피음이었다. 또한 피음처리 후 가장 높은 건물생산량은 55% 피음, 그 다음으로는 35% 피음이었는데, 부위별로도 이 두 피음수준에서 가장 높은 것으로 조사되었다. T/R율은 75% 피음에서 1.76으로 가장 낮게 나타났고 55%에서 2.41로 가장 높게 나타났으며 35%에서는 2.38로 조사되었다. Leaf dry weight ratio(LWR)의 경우, 피음처리 후 가장 높은 값은 55% 피음의 0.53, 다음은 35%의 0.52이었으며, root dry weight ratio(RWR)은 피음수준이 가장 높은 75%에서 0.36으로 가장 높은 것으로 조사되었다. 피음이 강해질수록 엽록소 a 함량과 총 엽록소(a + b) 함량은 높아지는 경향을 보였지만 엽록소 b의 경우에는 피음처리에 따른 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 그리고 광합성률과 증산율은 전광에 비해 피음이 높을수록 증가하였으나, 가장 높은 피음인 75%보다는 35% 및 55% 피음에서 더 높았다. 본 실험에서 피음처리에 따른 광 조건이 다른 환경에서 생육한 묘목들이 보인 생장과 광합성 반응 결과는 적정 생육광도를 설정하는 데 유용하게 사용될 수 있으며, 또한 내음성 정도를 추정하는 자료로도 활용될 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. This study was carried out to investigate the growth and physiological responses to shading treatment of 1-year-old containerized seedling of Quercus myrsinaefolia. Experimental process was conducted in a facility that consisted of compartments under the lighting control with full sunlight and shading (35%, 55% and 75% of full sunlight). Height and root collar diameter growth were high in the seedlings under both 35% and 55% shading. Regardless of shading level, root collar diameter growth lasted for more than 4 weeks compared to height growth. Highest H/D ratio was observed in the seedlings under 35% shading as 4.31, and the lowest ratio was 3.63 under 75% shading. It was found that seedlings under 55% shading showed highest dry mass production, which was followed in seedlings under 35% shading. In case of leaf dry weight ratio (LWR) after shading treatment, the highest value was 0.53 under 55% shading, and followed in seedlings under 35% shading as 0.52. But root dry weight ratio (RWR) was highest as 0.36 under 75% shading (highest level of shading). In terms of shading treatment, it was found that the higher level of shading had a tendency toward the higher content of chlorophyll a and the higher total chlorophyll content in the leaves of Quercus myrsinaefolia, but there was no significant difference in the content of chlorophyll b depending on the level of shading. It was found that high photosynthesis and transpiration rate were more correlated with high level of shading than full sunlight, but the rates of seedlings had a tendency to be higher under 35% and 55% shading than under 75% shading. The results on growth and physiological responses to different shading levels of 1-year-old containerized seedlings of Quercus myrsinaefolia could be useful in setting up the optimum light intensity for growth, and in estimating the shade tolerance of the species.

      • KCI등재

        낙엽송의 용기묘 생산을 위한 적정 용기 탐색

        김종진 ( Jong Jin Kim ),이경재 ( Kyung Jae Lee ),송기선 ( Ki Sun Song ),차영근 ( Young Geun Cha ),정영숙 ( Young Suk Chung ),이종화 ( Jong Hwa Lee ),윤택승 ( Taek Seong Yoon ) 한국산림과학회 2010 한국산림과학회지 Vol.99 No.4

        This study was carried out to establish the informations on the optimum container for production of Larix leptolepsis container seedlings. Height growth of I-year-old container seedling was highest in 250 mL of container (19.3 cm), and of 2-year-old seedling was in 500 mL (56.9 cm). On the other hand, the highest growth of root-collar diameter was observed in the both I-year-old and 2-year-old seedlings grown in 500 mL. Dry mass production in both a whole seedling and each organs of 2-year-old seedling was significantly high in the container with larger volume and lower seedling density. According to the analysis using by WinRhizo program, the larger container in volume showed better root morphological traits such as total root length, root projected area, root surface area, root volume and average root diameter. Among the elements for analysis of root morphological traits, the root volume was the highest one affected by container volume. And it was observed that the root volume was 79.5% and 46.8% in 320 mL and 250 mL, respectively, compared to 500 mL.

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