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      • KCI등재

        대학 교양중국어 학습자 변인에 따른 교육만족도 연구

        윤순일 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2016 中國學論叢 Vol.54 No.-

        In this paper, we have investigated the students` satisfaction in chinese class as a general education in university. We conducted a survey among 88 students and reached the following conclusion. Student quality variables are intimately related with purpose of choosing course, learning motivation, perceived difficulty, satisfaction of team teaching method, etc. Thus instructors need to develop different education strategies according to student variables. During team teaching, co-teaching pair need more intimate relationship and more specific plan for dividing instructional content. Teaching grammar and vocabulary, students want for instructors to use their mother language, thus we propose to provide additional explaination in mother language. We also propose university administrators make political solutions which can improve student variable problems in various areas such as curriculum development, teaching materials, co-teaching models, etc.

      • KCI등재

        Construction of a Biofilter Immobilized with Rhodococcus sp. B261 for Removal of H2S Gas Generated by Livestock

        윤순일 한국응용생명화학회 2008 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.51 No.6

        To explore the optimal conditions for the removal of H2S gas by biofiltration, various conditions, including inlet H2S concentration, flow rate, moisture, and cell number, were examined. Heterotrophic bacteria were isolated from the compost of the animal excreta. A strain that effectively removed H2S was selected and identified as Rhodococcus rhodochrous B261 by analysis of its 16S rDNA sequence. A cell number of 107 cfu/g-compost was sufficient to dominate the microbiota, and an effective removal was observed at H2S gas concentrations below 220 mg/L. The moisture content of 33-38% was suitable for activation of the microbial activity and delaying the desiccation. Higher flow rates resulted in lower removal rates of the H2S gas. Under the conditions of 107 cfu/g-compost, H2S gas concentrations of 220 mg/L, and moisture content of 33-38%, the inlet H2S gas concentrations of 120 and 400 mg/L were completely removed for 34 and 12 days, respectively. The amount of sulfur removed was 2.99×10−9 H2S-S/cell, which was suggested as the amount of sulfur removed by a single cell. The biofilter consisting of the compost and R. rhodochrous B261 could be suitable for a long-term biofilteration for the removal of H2S and other malodorous compounds.

      • KCI등재

        고등학교 중국어 교과서 문화항목 분석과 제언

        윤순일,정소영 중국어문연구회 2020 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.99

        This paper analyzed high school Chinese Ⅰ textbooks and Chinese Ⅱ textbooks and got the following conclusions. First, despite the total of 17 different textbooks, the cultural content was biased towards a specific subject and specific region. Second, it did not reflect the changed age. Third, the relationship with the text is poor. And, culture is less important because there is only one page at the end. Fourth, there is no mention of Korea-China exchange and Korea-China comparison. In order to solve these problems, this paper made two suggestions. First, the cultural part is moved to the front of the text, and a video is displayed using the QR code. Second, it is necessary to properly use big and small cultures when editing textbooks. In this way, we can teach a culture that fits the reality and this age. In the 21st century, the world has become an era of culture, and I believe that our students will be able to become global members when we provide balanced education of language and culture by properly reflecting it in the curriculum. When teaching the culture required by the times using the already developed cultural skills, the students’ response will be much better and the students will take self-directed learning methods.

      • KCI등재

        상고중국어 양상표현의 공기 제약 — 동사와 시간부사의 상 유형을 중심으로

        윤순일 중국문화연구학회 2019 중국문화연구 Vol.0 No.44

        본고는 중국어 양상표현과 상 범주의 관계에 대한 기존의 연구를 종합하여 ≪左傳≫을 중심으로 상고중국어 시기 문헌에 출현한 양상어휘들과 문장의 상 유형 사이에 발생하는 의미상의 제약 상황을 분석하였다. 분석의 결과로 다음의 결론을 도출하였다. 첫째, 상고중국어 다의성 양상표현이 정태동사와 결합하는 경우 인식류로 해석된다. 본래 정태동사였던 동사들이 사동용법이나 의동용법 등에 의해 동태화될 경우, 공기한 다의성 양상표현은 비인식 양상의미로 해석된다. 둘째, 상고중국어 동태동사는 인식류 양상표현과 비인식류 양상표현에서 모두 자유롭게 공기한다. 셋째, 상고중국어의 인식류 양상표현은 주로 미발생의 사건을 예측하는 것으로 사용된다. 넷째, 상고중국어에서 실현을 나타내는 ‘既’, ‘已’와 경험을 나타내는 ‘嘗’, ‘曾’는 인식류 양상표현들과 대부분 공기하지 않는다. 다섯째, 상고중국어에서 예정을 나타내는 ‘將’, ‘其’, ‘且’, ‘方1’은 인식류 양상표현과 중첩되며 서로 공기되어 사용될 수 있다. 여섯째, 상고중국어에서 시작을 나타내는 ‘初’, ‘始’, ‘新’ 등은 인식류 양상표현만 함께 공기할 수 있다. 일곱째, 상고중국어에서 지속을 나타내는 ‘尚’, ‘猶’는 정태동사와 공기할 경우 인식류 양상표현과 공기할 수 있다. This paper analyzes the semantic constraints that arise between verbs and modal expressions or adverbs and modal expressions that appear in ≪左傳≫. As a result of the analysis, the following conclusions were drawn: First, in ancient Chinese, if a polysemous modal word is combined with a static verb, it is interpreted as a epistemic modailty. Second, in ancient Chinese, dynamic verbs is used freely with both epistemic and non-epistemic expression. Third, in ancient Chinese, epistemic modal words could only used in already happened incident. Fourth, in ancient Chinese, ‘既’, ‘已’ can represent ‘perfective’. ‘嘗’, ‘曾’ can represent ‘experiential’. They could not be used with epistemic modal expressions. Fifth, in ancient Chinese, ‘將’, ‘且’, ‘且’, ‘方1’ can represent ‘prediction’. They could be used overlaid with each other. Sixth, in ancient Chinese, ‘初’, ‘始’, ‘新’ can represent ‘inchoate’. They could be used only with epistemic modal expressions. Seventh, in ancient Chinese, ‘尚’ and ‘猶’ can represent ‘duration’. They could be combined with epistemic modals if it appears with a static verb. Eighth, ‘尚’ and ‘猶’ representing duration can be combined with the episdemic modals if it appears with a static verb.

      • 人物로 본 『祝福』의 民間 宗敎形態 : 柳媽의 佛敎信仰을 중심으로

        윤순 청주대학교 인문과학연구소 2008 人文科學論集 Vol.37 No.-

        柳妈不是『祝福』的主要人物, 但却是改变小说的主人公祥林嫂命运的关键人物. 柳妈是個‘善女人’, 既吃素又不杀生, 对待所有生命富有同情心. 但她对祥林嫂,却不慈悲,又有轻视和嘲弄的态度. 當祥林嫂说起过去的事时,柳妈‘不耐烦’地阻止她说下去, 接着盯着她额角上的伤疤逗弄, 甚至说她“索性撞一個死.” 第二天又把關於伤疤之事传揚开去, 使村民們又来逗祥林嫂说话. 祥林嫂遭到亡夫․强婚․再次亡夫․丧子等一连穿的不幸後, 精神已不济了, 这又使她再受一次精神上的打擊. 柳媽虽然是‘善女人’, 也深受封建礼教的影响. 她把‘饿死事小, 失节事大’之类的貞節觀念灌注祥林嫂, 詭秘地講阴司和閻羅大王的故事給祥林嫂聽. 再婚女人落入地狱, 身体被锯锯开的这种观念, 是封建礼教的貞節觀念被糅进佛教的因果报应思想与地狱观念的. 『玉历寶钞』一书中有受刑罚的种种惨状, 但并没有关于再婚女人被锯分成两半的内容和图象, 柳媽可能是對祥林嫂的命運有所同情, 因而告诉祥林嫂到土地庙去捐門檻來‘贖罪’. 但这個辦法不被人们所认可, 祥林嫂彻底绝望而精神崩溃, 结果沦为乞丐, 终于在风雪中离开人世. 从此可知, 坚守佛教教义的柳妈,对可憐的祥林嫂是多么冷酷残忍. 阎罗王的思想是从佛教来的. 佛教传入中国以前, 民间信仰中就有人死后‘魂归泰山’之說. 原来中国的鬼魂是不会转生, 只被泰山神東岳大帝惩治. 佛教传人后, 引入了轮回转生的概念和地狱思想有关的因果报应观念. 佛教以轮回转生和冥界写经修福说, 塑造了阎罗王既威严又富有人情味的形象, 这被不少中国老百姓接受, 中国传统的冥王泰山府君开始移居地狱, 最终使得佛家的閻羅王完全取代了传统的泰山府君, 甚至有阎罗王地位凌驾泰山府君的状况.『史記․封禪書』裏‘地主’的祭祀也在泰山梁父举行, ‘地主’的神格是相近泰山神的土地神. 紹興的土地廟裏供着这土地神和道敎的泰山東岳大帝, 甚至佛教与土地神混淆的‘土地菩萨', 而对他们许愿祈祷念佛. 再婚女人和寡妇为了赎罪, 去土地庙捐门槛之事, 现实生活中也有其实例. 可知混合了佛教․道教和儒家思想的民间土地神信仰, 在1920年代的绍兴社会上, 很普遍流行.

      • KCI등재

        의미지도와 문법화

        윤순일 중국어문논역학회 2018 中國語文論譯叢刊 Vol.0 No.42

        This paper argues that there are three ways in which a conceptual space can be dynamicized, namely, (i)cross-linguistic comparison based on functional implication relationship, (ii)utilization of grammaticalization paths(semantic change included), and (iii)synchronic reconstruction by principles and degrees of grammaticalization. The paper also demonstrates that the building of a diachronic conceptual space depends heavily on the fruits of grammaticalization research. 본고는 문법화 이론의 관점으로 의미지도모형(Semantic Map Model)에서 개념공간(Conceptual Space)을 동태화하는 방법을 논의하였다. 논의의 결과로 개념공간은 기능함축관계에 근거하는 교차언어 비교, 문법화(의미변화 [역주] 원문의 ‘(語義)演變’은 단어 또는 형태소가 내포하는 의미가 역사적 맥락에서 발전하여 분화되는 과정을 가리킨다. 이는 통시적 관점에서의 ‘의미변화(semantic change)’와 사실상 동의한 의미이다. 본 번역문은 해당 용어를 ‘(의미)발전’으로 번역할 경우 문법화의 기본원리 중 하나인 ‘(의미)약화’와 모순되어 오해의 소지가 있다는 심사자의 견해를 수용하여 대부분 ‘(의미)변화’로 번역하였다. 다만 의미변화의 역사적 맥락을 특별히 강조할 필요가 있는 경우에 한하여, ‘(의미)발전’ 혹은 ‘(의미)변화⋅발전’으로 번역하고 주석으로 이를 명시하였다. 를 포함) 경로의 활용, 문법화 정도와 원리에 근거하는 공시적 재구 등 세 가지 수단을 근거로 동태화할 수 있음을 밝혔다. 또한 본고는 통시적 개념공간의 구축은 기존의 문법화 연구 성과와 불가분의 관계에 있으며, 따라서 의미지도모형과 문법화 두 연구 체계는 상호보완과 상호이익의 양 측면이 공존하지만 대체로 전자가 후자로부터 이익을 취하는 경우가 그 반대의 경우보다 우세함을 증명하였다.

      • 三星堆 靑銅神樹와 十日神話 : 『山海經의』 ‘十日’에 관한 記載를 중심으로

        윤순 청주대학교 인문과학연구소 2014 人文科學論集 Vol.48 No.-

        靑銅神樹, 是1986年位于四川省廣漢市南興鎭的三星堆遺址二號祭祀坑出土的. 三星堆遺址, 是距今近五千年至三千年之間的古蜀王國遺址. .銅神樹, 是『山海經』等古文.記載的‘十日神話’的.現. 『山海經』 說, 扶桑樹上的十個太陽(十日), “皆載于烏”. 靑銅神樹上共有九隻鳥, 想必未復原的樹的頂端應當還有一隻鳥, 鳥總共有十隻, 這與『山海經』中的‘扶桑’神話及‘十日’神話有關. 因此可說.銅神樹上的鳥, 就是“皆載于烏”的‘烏’, 也就是太陽的象徵. 帝俊, 是十個太陽的父親, 也應是太陽神. 帝俊是殷商民族的高祖, 也是古蜀人的祖先神. 帝俊就是太陽崇拜和祖先崇拜相結合的崇拜對象. 人類最初的宗.是自然崇拜, 其中太陽崇拜是古代人類最爲廣泛的主要的原始共通信仰. 三星堆靑銅神樹所反映的‘十日神話’, 正是中國古代太陽崇拜的實物見證. 總之, .銅神樹所代表的是三星堆古蜀人的太陽崇拜和祖先崇拜.

      • KCI등재

        상고중국어 양상부사 연구

        윤순일 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2020 中國學論叢 Vol.0 No.68

        Through the review of prior research, this paper completed the semantics system of the adverb of ancient Chinese style and analyzed the usage of modal adverbs in ancient Chinese language according to the criteria and organized the meaning and syntactic features of the sentences in which they were written. The results are as follows. The semantic type of modal adverbs can be largely classified into epistemic, deontic, dynamic, judgmental and evaluative. They appear in the structure of ‘(NP)+Adv+VP’ and a few examples appear in the structure of ‘Adv+(NP)+VP’. ‘Judgmental’ refers to the attitude or perspective taken by the speaker on the authenticity of the proposition, which is considered a given fact. It is subdivided into ‘confirmation’ and ‘strength’ based on the perspective of judgment. ‘Epistemic’ refers to the speaker’s view or attitude on the veracity of a proposition that is not known whether it is true or not. It is subdivided into ‘possibility’ and ‘necessity’ depending on the degree of confidence. ‘Deontic’ means refers to the point of view or attitude of the speaker to give the moral responsibility to agent in order to make the situation represented by the proposition a fact. The modal adverbs of ancient Chinese language may only indicate ‘necessity’ with a high degree of necessity. There are only ‘intention’ types of ‘dynamic’ that can be expressed by the modal adverbs of the Ancient Chinese. ‘Evaluative’ refers to the speaker’s view or attitude on the content of the proposition itself. Only two types of ‘counter-expectation’ and ‘fortunateness’ are found in Chinese adverbs.

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