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        복음주의 선교가 본 통전적 선교의 한계와 과제, 그리고 대안

        박영환 한국선교신학회 2018 선교신학 Vol.50 No.-

        20세기에 들어서서 선교는 시대적 배경으로 사회참여와 봉사를 주로 할 수밖에 없는 조건들이 형성되었다. 이것이 선교의 본질적 과제로 본 복음전도보다도 선교현장의 우선적인 사회봉사사역에 집중 하게 되는 에큐메니컬 선교를 탄생하게 되는 근거가 되었다. 에큐메니 컬 선교진영은 1961년을 시작으로 조직화 되었다. 에큐메니컬 선교는 사회봉사로 전문화, 그리고 특화되었다. 복음주의 선교는 복음전도에 집중하게 되었다. 양 진영은 통전적 선교로 갈등이 봉합되고 관계발전을 이루었다. 복음주의의 통전적 선교는 복음전도를 선교의 본질적 과제로 선언해야 한다. 이것이 선교다. 양 진영의 갈등문제는 선교신학으로 방향을 잡고, 실무차원에서는 공동위원회를 구성하여 대안을 찾아야 한다. 위원회에서 문제가 될 때마다 선교현장의 과제를 함께 평가하며, 그 대안을 만들어 가는 것이 필요하다. 더욱 중요한 것은 예수그리스도의 복음을 전하는 본질적인 선교적 과제를 확보하는 것이다. 어린아이 목욕을 시키다 물을 버린다는 것이 아이까지 버리는 실수가 없어야 한다. 통전적 선교가 복음주의 선교가 되려면 로잔의 복음전도의 본질적 과제를 사회봉사와 구별하는 평가가 있어야 한다. The holistic mission of the evangelical mission is to perceive evangelism with responsibility and social service as the essential mission challenge. However, Ecumenical mission characterizes social service and evangelism to be identical mission tasks for the holistic mission. In this respect, the holistic mission cannot be regarded as the ordinary evangelism mission. It was the process of the holistic mission of the evangelism mission history. The problems of the mission task should be solved by mission theology and by making it a requirement to organize a commission in the mission communities. Furthermore, it needs to evaluate the tasks of the mission fields and to create alternatives whenever a problem arises. The most important task is to ensure the essential task of the mission work to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. To keep the values of the missionary work, we should avoid mistakes that will be like throwing the baby out with the bath water.

      • KCI등재후보

        주체사상과 북한선교

        박영환 서울신학대학교 2005 神學과 宣敎 Vol.31 No.-

        "Ju-chae" ideology can be likened to the driving force that support, maintain, and fosters the North Korean society. Since the defection of Party Secretary general Hwang, Jang Yeup, however, the meaning of "Ju-chae" is being transformed, signifying the construction of a strong fatherland. Nevertheless. "Ju-chae" continues to be a strong ideological strength underlying the North Korean society in general. The 1995 food shortage was an occasion which shook the very foundation of North Korean establishment. The resulting economic reforms initiated in July 1st of 2002 leaves the impression believe that the leading consideration of the North Korean society is economic rather than political. Signs of such changes gave occasion for South Korean churches to reexamine their North Korean mission strategies. In other words, Christianity does not translate into anti-"Ju-chae" nor is anti-Christianity signify "Ju-chae". In between the early years of the North Korean government till the official recognition of religion in 1972 was the Korean war. While the traditionally this period is viewed a period in which the North Korean government attempted to eradicate religion, judging from events, it is a period in which official religion is transformed into an unofficial religion and all religion hostile of the government is eradicated. Christian church is included in this category. The Korean war resulted in anti-American feeling and Christianity was considered as an American religion. Anti-Christian activity became the ideological basis of "Ju-chae" ideology. The self-reliance or (우리식주의, 즉 김일성주의는) which form the basis of "Ju-chae" is linked to attempt to preserve the North Korean establishment from foreign powers. To this point, the North Korean government is viewed as in the forefront of Christian oppression. In reality, North Korea is known to execute believers for their faith. However, Christian leaders and known to hold high offices in North Korea. Furthermore, underground church is known to exist till today. This can be viewed as evidence that the North Korean church, rather than anti-Christian. merely views the Church as anti-government. Thus, "Ju-chae" and Christianity, instead of being antithetical, merely differs in methodology. Any attempt to evangelize North Korea must take into consideration the renewed interest in economy in North Korea. Because North Korea is concentration its energy towards economy. North Korean mission must work to integrate its activities with economic assistance. The fact that North Korean situation can change overnight by the actions of Kim Jung Il is the longstanding problem. Variation in North Korean politics is a handicap. But we must not forget that the economic problems of North Korea is unavoidable and must plan our mission strategy accordingly. Currently in North Korea, the introduction of cell-phone and computers are allowing outside news and information to enter North Korea and this leads to speculation that a return to the past is not an option for North Korea. Therefore, we must look at "Ju-chae" as a difference in type. It is time detailed mission strategy is formed in connection with North Korean economy, particularly in association with the special economic area created in Gae-sung.

      • KCI등재

        해양경찰,‘해양경비력 지수’구성지표 개발에 관한 연구

        박영환,김장엽 한국해양경찰학회 2023 한국해양경찰학회보 Vol.13 No.4

        한반도를 둘러싼 지정학적 특성 및 역사적 연유로 인해 지역 국가들 간 해양영토확보를 위한 경쟁이 심화되고 있다. 특히, 우리나라는 전체 무역 중 해상 물동량의약 99.7%를 해양에 의존하고 있어, 안전한 해상교통로 확보를 포함한 해양영토 수호가 국가 핵심이익과 직결되는 해양국가이다. 한마디로 해양에서의 이익이 국가의 생명선을 지키는 것과 같은 것이다. 이러한 상황에서 주변국들은 해양영토 확보 등을위해 해양경찰의 역량을 강화하고 있다. 그 이유는 軍이 나서는 해양충돌은 국제 해양법 질서를 파괴하는 행위로 국제사회의 비판과 고립을 초래할 수 있는 반면, 해양경찰은 주변국 경계를 최소화하고 軍 대 軍이라는 전면전으로 치닫지 않으면서도 해양에서의 영향력을 강화할 수 있는 유용한 수단이기 때문이다. 우리나라 역시 해양경비력 강화를 국정과제로 반영하는 등 해양경비력 강화를 위해 노력 중에 있다. 이러한 해양경비력 강화를 위해서는 주변국과의 해양경비력 수준을 비교·분석하는 것이 선행되어야 할 것이다. 그러나 현재 해양경찰 내·외부적으로 주변국과의 해양경비력 수준을 객관적으로 평가할 수 있는 기준체계가 부족한 것이 현실이다. 이에 따라본 논문에서는 해양경찰과 유사한 플랫폼(함정 및 항공기 등)을 운영하고 있는 軍의전력체계 비교·분석 연구를 참고하여, 해양경찰의 해양경비력 수준을 평가할 수 있는‘해양경비력 지수’ 구성지표를 체계적으로 개발하여 제시하고자 하였다. 앞으로도 관련 연구를 지속적으로 보강하고 발전시켜, 해양경찰 경비와 전력건설 분야 전문가들에게 유용한 의사결정 지원 자료로 활용될 수 있도록 할 예정이다. The competition among regional countries to secure maritime territory has been intensifying due to geopolitical characteristics and historical reasons surrounding the Korean Peninsula. In particular, our country is approximately 99.7% of maritime traffic out of all trade already relies on the ocean, and protecting maritime territory, including securing safe maritime transportation routes, is directly related to the core National Interests. In short, it can be said that interests in the ocean are the same as protecting the nation's lifeline. In this situation, neighboring countries are strengthening their maritime police, not their military, to secure maritime territory. The reason is that maritime collisions involving the military are an act that destroys the international maritime law order and can result in criticism and isolation from the international community, while the Coast Guard minimizes the border of neighboring countries and conducts maritime conflicts without leading to an all-out war between the military and military. It is a means of strengthening influence. Accordingly, our country is also making efforts to strengthen its maritime security, including reflecting it as a national task. However, in order to strengthen maritime security, it is necessary to compare and analyze the level of maritime security of neighboring countries. However, this is reality is that there is no standard system that can evaluate the level of maritime security capabilities internally and externally with neighboring countries. Accordingly, this paper refers to the comparative and analysis study of the military's power system that operates platforms(ships, aircraft, etc.) similar to the Coast Guard, and constructs the 'Coast Guard Index' index that can evaluate the level of the Coast Guard's coast guard power was first developed and presented. We plan to continue to develop related research in the future so that it can be used as useful support material for the Coast Guard and experts in the power construction field.

      • KCI등재

        어문학부(語文學部) : 인문학적 관점에서 본 "문화한류"의 계시(啓示)

        박영환 한국중국학회 2015 중국학보 Vol.71 No.-

        作爲大衆文化的“文化韓流”,不僅僅是提供大衆娛樂消費的功能,而是進壹步成爲“雅俗共賞”的文化形態,推動了韓國社會的進步性。同時對東亞文化的發展以及世界各地文化傳播方面有壹定的影響。령外,“文化韓流”的流行與從獨裁到民主化的韓國社會發展有密切的聯系。從單壹化到多元化時期。確保創作思想自由,對傳統反思,出現了反傳統、多元化的電視居等大衆文化。編居人才將近占90%爲女性。所謂的‘文化韓流’是人文學基礎上,由女性(30-40代)來建立的,也就是軟實力(softpower)發揮的結果。表現出反傳統的視覺:저們反思韓國社會的保守性,引導韓國社會的進步性。同時文化韓流的符號是故事情節(storytelling)有趣。最後“文化韓流”與全球(global)文化結合的産物。中華圈文化與日本大衆文化的開放政策, 韓國本土文化與全球文化逐漸結合,提高了影視産業競爭力。出現而加速了文化的多元化、混種化,從此結合了全球文化。可以說‘文化韓流’基於21世紀文化的主要特徵,卽脫地域性、脫民族性、混種性、多元性的趨勢。與此同時從大衆文化的全球性的角度來看。

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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