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        아산 원도심 상업지역 내 걷고 싶은 거리 구간 선정을 위한 기초조사 연구

        이기석 ( Kiseok Lee ) 한국공간디자인학회 2018 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.13 No.5

        (Background and Purpose) The implementation of pedestrian-friendly streets is frequently selected as the type of project to revitalize an old downtown area. Causes of failure include hasty processing and the selection of a location based on a political decision lacking prior in-depth quantitative research on properly identifying the street to be designated as pedestrian friendly. An example is Onyang Hot Spring Station in Asan City; although its surroundings have historical resources and sites, the old downtown was activated without applying those characteristics well. This study aimed to establish the basic data for the search of the proper street areas to organize pedestrian-friendly streets within the commercial district of the old downtown in Asan. (Method) First, the main streets with high index values in terms of connectivity, control, and integration were identified by axial map analysis of space syntax among main streets in the commercial district of the old downtown in Asan. Second, the “event density” in the street blocks with high index values was investigated to determine the potential districts to have pedestrian-friendly streets. Third, the distribution of “street-oriented stores” was investigated upon the analysis of business types in the first floor of the buildings facing the main streets. (Results) The selection results of the candidate pedestrian-friendly streets were as follows, designated based on analyses of topological characteristics, event density, and business types of street-oriented stores in the first floor. The “proper” districts for the pedestrian-friendly street project were analyzed as A_E (from the eastern pedestrian road of citizen road, to citizen road intersection, to the tourist hotel intersection) and D_N (the northern pedestrian road of Onyang grand road from the tourist hotel intersection to the station plaza three-way intersection). Meanwhile, with respect to pedestrian-friendly streets in the commercial district of the old downtown in Asan, the following were identified as “ordinary” districts: A_W (the western pedestrian road of citizen road from citizen road intersection to the tourist hotel intersection), D_S (the southern pedestrian road of Onyang grand road from the tourist hotel intersection to the station plaza three-way intersection), and E_S (the southern pedestrian road of Onyang grand road from the station plaza three-way intersection to Songak intersection). (Conclusions) A high level of event density means frequent chances to experience the street, which leads pedestrians to realize its changes; such level has the advantage to empower pedestrians. Hence, a high level of event density and the density of street-oriented stores in the first floor could the elements to consider when organizing pedestrian-friendly streets. In the commercial district of the old downtown in Asan, districts A_E and D_N were analyzed as “proper,” and A_W, D_S, and E_S as “ordinary,” for locating pedestrian-friendly streets.

      • KCI등재

        서울의 정체성을 위한 보행환경 개선 방안 연구

        박희은(Hee Eun Park) 한국디자인문화학회 2015 한국디자인문화학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        서울의 정체성을 위한 보행환경 개선 방안을 도출할 목적으로 ‘디자인서울거리’ 중에서 3곳의 물리적 보행환경과 보행자들의 행태를 현지 답사하여 관찰하고, 각 거리의 환경에 대한 보행자들의 만족도와 보완 요구사항을 설문 조사하였다. 대상거리로 자연 및 인문 사회적 환경이 다른 능동로, 왕산로, 서교로가 선정되었고, 이들의 물리적 보행 환경은 여러 논문 및 도서·출판물 등을 근거로 하여 만든 분석틀에 의하여 관찰, 평가되었으며, 보행자의 행태에서는 걷기와 앉기가 중점적으로 조사되었다. 또한, 설문에서는 보행자들을 대상으로 하여 거리의 이용 형태, 접근성, 편의성, 휴식공간, 심미성, 쾌적성, 상징성, 지역 이미지에 대한 만족도와 보완요구 사항들을 조사하였다. 이들의 자료들을 근거로 하여 서울의 정체성을 위하여 더 좋은 보행환경을 구현할 수 있는 방안들을 도출하였다. 분석된 결과를 보면, 이동성, 안전성, 쾌적성 및 심미성 측면의 보행환경은 전반적으로 잘 개선되었으나 더 개선되어야할 부분들이 일부 발견되었고, 휴식 공간은 조성 된 거리도 있고 조성이 되지 않은 거리도 있었다. 보행자들의 만족도는 물리적 보행환경이 우수한 거리에서 더 높고, 휴식 공간, 보행안전시설, 편의 시설 등에 대한 보완 요구는 모든 거리에서 높은 경향이었다. 한편, 상징과 지역적 특성을 지닌 물리적 요소들은 모든 거리에서 거의 찾아 볼 수 없었는데, 이것은 기본적 디자인지침만 정해진 ‘디자인서울가이 드라인’에 근거되었기 때문으로 판단된다. 따라서 서울의 정체성 있는 보행환경을 창출하기 위해서는 첫째, 전체 가로에서 하나의 독특한 이미지를 형성할 수 있는 디자인 방향을 설정하고, 그들에 대한 세부적인 지침을 정한다. 둘째, 일반 가로의 개선은 디자인지침에 근거하여 일관성 있게 추진하고, 특화 가로는 지역특성을 반영한 맞춤식 디자인을 하여 독특하게 개선한다. 셋째, 각 가로는 이동성, 안전성, 편의성, 쾌적성 및 심미성을 지니도록 개선하고, 사업 후 계속 보완, 유지, 관리되어야 한다. 넷째, 특별지역이나 특화거리는 종합적인 계획을 세워서 장기적으로 추진해 가는 정책을 펴야한다. The purpose of this study is to deduce the improvement plans of pedestrian environments for the identity of Seoul. To do this, we observed the physical pedestrian environments and pedestrian behavior of three ‘Design Seoul Street’. In addition, the levels of satisfaction and demands of the pedestrians on each street were done through surveys. Target streets for this study are ‘Neung Dong Ro’, ‘Wang San Ro’ and Seu Gyo Ro’. which are largely different in natural and human-social environments. The physical pedestrian environments were observed and evaluated by the analysis framework which were made on the basis of various literatures including thesis, books and the other publications. The pedestrian behavior observed in priority the working and the sitting down. In addition, the survey was conducted to walkers about the use behaviour of the streets, the satisfaction on mobility, rest space, comfortable, aesthetic, symbolic and regional images, and the supplementation request. Based on these data, we drew plans that can create the better pedestrian environments for the identity of Seoul. On the whole, mobility, safety, comfortable and aesthetic aspects were well improved, but there is still room for improvement. The rest space for pedestrians was constructed or not according to the streets. The satisfaction levels of pedestrians on these elements were generally higher in the street which has better physical pedestrian environment. The supplementation request of pedestrians on the rest space, safety facilities and convenience facilities was high trend in all streets. On the other hand, the physical elements with symbolic and regional characteristics were not almost found in all streets. This phenomenon is considered to occur because the improvements were based on the ‘Design Seoul Guideline’ with basic design guidelines. To create the pedestrian environments for the identity of Seoul, first, we have to establish the design direction capable of forming a unique image from every streets and determine detailed guidelines on them. Secondly, the improvement of general streets are conducted coherently based on the guidelines, while special streets are improved distinguishingly by customized design. Third, every streets are improved so that they can have better mobility, safety, convenience, comfortable and aesthetic, and should be complemented, maintained and managed after construction. Fourth, the improvements of special area or special streets must be carried out in the long-term by a master plan.

      • KCI등재

        특화 거리 보행로 디자인 특성에 관한 연구

        이서영,김지현 한국공간디자인학회 2020 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.15 No.1

        (연구배경 및 목적) 보행로에 대한 관심이 높아지면서 보행로는 디자인을 통해 보행자를 최우선으로 하며 기능적·심미적 만족감을 높이며 쾌적한 공간은 물론, 주변 환경과 조화를 이루며 도시의 개성적인 이미지를 구축시켜나가고 있다. 2009년 서울시의 “거리르네상스사업”을 계기로 보행로에 대한 관심이 높아지면서 도시재생을 통한 상권 활성화를 목표로 추진되고 있는 지역 특화 거리의 보행로 개선사업들로 지속적으로 보행환경 개선을 위한 노력을 기울이고 있다. 또한 서울시뿐만 아니라 각 지역에서도 보행로 디자인을 활용하여 지역 정체성을 구축시키기 위한 ‘특화 거리’가 활발히 조성되고 있다. 본 연구는 이러한 취지를 바탕으로 보행로를 2차원적인 평면의 개념이 아닌 3차원적 공간의 개념으로 접근하고자 하며, 특화거리 보행로 디자인의 특성을 고찰하는 데 목적을 갖는다. 나아가 특화 거리 보행로의 전략적인 디자인을 위한 세부요소를 도출하고 특화거리 보행로 디자인 수립 시 조성 배경과 사업 목적에 맞는 특성을 가지고 접근이 가능하도록 한다. (연구방법) 이에 본 연구는 관련 선행연구를 통한 보행로 디자인의 역할과 기능을 도출하였고, 그에 대한 세부요소를 그룹화 하여 특성에 대한 정의를 제시하였다. 또한 이론 고찰을 통해 사례분석 틀을 설정하여 특화 거리 보행로를 대상으로 사례분석을 거쳐 디자인 특성을 고찰하였다. (결과) 그 결과 기능적 특성으로는 인지성, 연결성, 안정성, 심미적 특성으로는 조형성, 차별성, 조화성, 사회적 특성으로는 정책성, 상업성, 문화성, 환경적 특성으로는 친환경성, 재생성, 쾌적성으로 네 가지의 보행로 디자인 특성과 각 특성에 따른 세 가지의 세부요소를 도출하였다. 그 다음으로 특화거리 보행로 디자인의 특성을 도출하기 위한 사례 분석 결과, 보행로 디자인의 각 특성 중 인지성, 차별성, 상업성, 재생성이 특화거리 보행로 디자인에서 높은 특성으로 나타났다. 특히 특화거리 보행로 디자인에서 가장 높은 특성으로 나타난 차별성은 특화거리 보행로 디자인에 중요한 요인으로 작용한 것으로 나타났다. 이는 특화거리 보행로 디자인이 사람들의 보행을 유도할 수 있는 미학적 측면에서의 유희적인 디자인 요소를 제공하며 지역 정체성을 구축시킬 수 있는 하나의 문화라고 해석할 수 있다. (결론) 이러한 시도는 관광객이나 지역 주민들에게 다양한 체험의 제공과 지역의 상징적인 표현을 통해 결과적으로 낙후된 지역의 도시 재생과 주변 상권 활성화에 긍정적인 영향을 줄 것이라 기대한다. 또한 특화 거리 조성 시 추구하는 사업 목표에 맞게 연구 결과의 보행로 디자인 특성을 기반으로 전략적인 계획을 수립할 수 있는 가이드라인으로 제시될 수 있으며, 특화 거리 보행로 설치 시 디자인 계획의 기초 자료가 될 수 있다는 데 의의가 있다. (Background and Purpose) As interest is more taken in pedestrian paths, the priority is placed on pedestrians through design. Pedestrian paths work to increase functional and aesthetic satisfaction, provide pleasant spaces, strike harmony with the surrounding environments, and build the characteristic images of the city. Since the "Street Renaissance Project" began in Seoul and stimulated people's interest in pedestrian paths in 2009, constant efforts have been made to improve the pedestrian environment through pedestrian path improvement projects along specialized local streets designed to vitalize business districts through urban regeneration. Each local government as well as the Seoul municipal government is active to create a "specialized street" for local identity based on pedestrian path designs. Reflecting this intent, this study set out to approach pedestrian paths as a concept of three-dimensional space and investigate the design characteristics of pedestrian paths along specialized streets. It also aimed to identify detailed elements for the strategic design of pedestrian paths along specialized streets and enable an approach to their design based on their characteristics according to their backgrounds and purposes. (Method) The study identified the roles and functions of pedestrian path design based on previous studies, divided their detailed elements into groups, and defined their characteristics. A framework was built through theoretical consideration for case analysis and used to analyze cases of pedestrian paths along specialized streets and examine their design characteristics. (Results) As a result, four groups of design characteristics of pedestrian paths were identified. Functional characteristics included recognition, connectivity, and stability; aesthetic ones did formativity, differentiation, and harmony; social ones did policy nature, commercial viability, and cultural character; and environmental ones did environment-friendliness, regeneration, and pleasantness. The study then analyzed cases to identified the design characteristics of pedestrian paths along specialized streets and found that recognition, differentiation, commercial viability, and regeneration recorded a high level in the designs of pedestrian paths along specialized streets. Differentiation, which recorded the highest level in their design, worked as an important factor in their design, as well. These findings indicate that the designs of pedestrian paths along specialized streets provide playful design elements in the aesthetic aspect to promote people's walking and form a culture to establish local identity. (Conclusions) Such attempts will provide tourists and local residents with various experiences and facilitate the symbolic expressions of the areas, thus having positive impacts on the urban regeneration of the deteriorated areas and the vitalization of business districts in the surroundings. The findings of the study will propose a set of guidelines to make a strategic plan based on the design characteristics of pedestrian paths according to the goals of specialized street projects and provide basic data for the design planning of pedestrian paths along specialized streets.

      • KCI등재

        보행자의 보행환경에 대한 안전 인식과 주시 특성에 관한 연구 - 보행자우선도로와 보차혼용도로를 중심으로 -

        박소향,변기동,하미경 한국문화공간건축학회 2021 한국문화공간건축학회논문집 Vol.- No.74

        The purpose of this study is to find out which elements pedestrians watch for a long time and frequently when pedestrian evaluates pedestrian safety in pedestrian environment. Pedestrian safety, pedestrian’s perception of individual elements and visual activities were identified in the pedestrian-priority street and the shared street. In addition, it was investigated whether there is a difference in observation characteristic for negative elements according to pedestrian characteristics such as sex and experience of car accident. To this end, a questionnaire survey and Eye-tracking experiment were conducted on two pedestrian-priority streets and two shared streets. The results of this study are as follows. 1) Pedestrians felt safer in pedestrian-priority street than shared street. 2) The perception of illegally parked vehicles and motorcycles in pedestrian environment was generally very negative. 3) Pedestrians watched the elements that were evaluated as being negative for a long time and more frequently. 4) There is a difference in the fixation time of illegally parked vehicles and motorcycles depending on sex. 5) There is also a difference in the fixation count for illegally parked vehicles on the shared street depending on the past experience of traffic accident damage.

      • KCI등재

        상업지역 가로공간에 대한 보행자 중심 환경 요소 분석

        손가영,이현수 한국실내디자인학회 2022 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.31 No.2

        The street space of the external environment can have a direct effect on attracting pedestrians into the interior in the indoor architectural environment. The purpose of this study is to extract images that can give the identity of commercial streets, analyze pedestrian-based pedestrian environment analysis, and analyze of the exterior environment. Street space analysis items were established through previous studies. The survey was conducted based on the analysis frame based on pedestrian, limited space within 500M of Seongsu-dong Yeonmujang-gil, and the analysis method qualitatively evaluated and described items derived from each analysis table. The results of the study are as follows. First, The narrow street space centered on pedestrians can have a higher impact on pedestrians than the road where the wide roadway travels. Second, The image of the street space from the perspective of a pedestrian can be extracted and provided as visual basic data considering pedestrians when designing based on the street space. Third, The environment of pedestrians showed high satisfaction, and accessibility and convenience were measured to be high satisfaction, but comfort, stability, and environment were measured to be low. Fourth, As a result of evaluating the external environmental elements of architecture through diagrams, commercial elements for each space for pedestrians were blocked. This study can contribute the foundation for a pedestrian-centered pedestrian-friendly environment, which is the basis for designing commercial spaces in street spaces in the future.

      • KCI등재

        홍성 원도심 걷고 싶은 거리 구간 선정을 위한 기초조사 연구

        이기석 한국공간디자인학회 2020 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.15 No.5

        (Background and Purpose) Although there are various historical resources in the old downtown of Hongseong-eup, the area has not been revitalized as the characteristics were not connected to each other . Therefore, the objective of this study is to accumulate basic data for identifying and recommending an appropriate method for establishing pedestrian-friendly streets within the commercial district of the old downtown of Hongseong-eup. (Method) First, this study identifies streets with high indicators of connectivity, control value, and integration through axial map analysis of space syntax focusing on the main streets within the old downtown of Hongseong-eup. Second, it identifies sections that have a high possibility of becoming pedestrian-friendly, by aggregating the commercial district and the streets selected through the axial map analysis of space syntax, and then exploring the “event density” of each block. Third, the study examines the “distribution rate of street-oriented stores” by analyzing the business types of the first-floor of buildings facing the main streets. (Results) Section A·B is related to the “Hongjuseong Fortress Path” of five travel courses of a thousand-year-old Hongjuseong Fortress. Section A_E4 was judged as “suitable” while Section A_E3 and B_E were evaluated as “average.” With regard to Section C, Section C_S2, C_S3, and C_D4 which included the southern pedestrian road of “Joyang-ro” were assessed as “suitable” while Section C_N1 and C_N3, which are part of the northern pedestrian road of “Joyang-ro,” were deemed as “average.” In the case of Section D, only Sections D_S4 and D_N3 were evaluated as “suitable” while Sections D_S1, D_S3, D_N2, D_N4, D_N5, and D_N6 were judged as “average.” Although Section E is an important street connecting the Hongseong Terminal and Hongseong Station, it was judged as a street without vitality since it was found lacking in the aspect of “event density” and the “distribution rate of street-oriented stores.” Section F is the path corresponding to ”Golmok-gil (alley)” of five travel courses of the Hongjuseong Fortress. Section F_E2 was judged as “suitable,“ while the remaining Sections F_E1 and F_W were assessed as “average.“ (Conclusions) For the selection of pedestrian-friendly streets, it could be valid to use a quantitative analysis of the street-oriented store density and event density of stores on the first floor as microscopic analysis, and the axial map analysis of space syntax as macroscopic analysis. In conclusion, Sections A·B, C·D, and F were finally judged as suitable stretches for establishing a pedestrian-friendly street within the commercial district of the old downtown of Hongseong-eup. (연구배경 및 목적) 홍성읍 원도심 주변은 다양한 역사적 자원과 장소적 특성을 지니고 있음에도 그 특성들이 서로 연결되지 못하고 원도심이 활성화 되지 못하고 있는 실정이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 홍성읍 원도심 상업지역 내 걷고 싶은 거리를 조성하기 위해 적절한 가로구간을 찾아내고 제안하기 위한 기초자료를 축적하는 것을 연구의 목적으로 한다. (연구방법) 홍성읍 원도심 내 주요가로를 중심으로 공간구문론(Space Syntax)의 축선도 분석(Axial Map Analysis)을 통하여 연결도, 통제도, 위상도 지표값이 높은 주요 가로를 먼저 찾아 낸다. 두 번째로는 공간구문론의 축선도 분석을 통하여 선정된 가로와 홍성읍 상업지역과 오버랩 시키고, 각 블록의 ‘이벤트 밀도’를 조사하여 걷고 싶은 거리가 될 가능성이 높은 구간을 찾아 낸다. 세 번째로는 주요가로에 면한 1층 건축물의 업종을 분석하여‘가로지향형 상점의 분포비율’을 조사한다. (결과) A·B구간은 홍주성 천년 여행길 코스 5가지 중 ‘홍주성길’과 연관된 구간으로서 A_E4구간이 ‘적합’으로 판정되었고, A_E3과 B_E구간은 ‘보통’으로 판정되었다. C구간의 경우에는 ‘조양로’의 남측 보행로 구간인 C_S2, C_S3, C_D4구간이 ‘적합’으로 판정되었고, ‘조양로’의 북측 보행로 구간인 C_N1, C_N3구간은 ‘보통’수준으로 판정되었다. D구간의 경우에는 D_S4, D_N3구간만 ‘적합’으로 판정되었고, D_S1, D_S3, D_N2, D_N4, D_N5, D_N6구간은 ‘보통’수준으로 판정되었다. E구간은 홍성종합터미널과 홍성역으로 이어지는 중요한 가로이나, ‘이벤트 밀도’와 ‘가로지향형 상점 분포비율’ 면에서는 매우 미흡하여 활력이 없는 가로로 판정되었다. F구간은 홍주성 천년 여행길 코스 5가지 중 ‘골목길’과 연관된 길로서 F_E2구간은 ‘적합’, 나머지 F_E1, F_W구간은 ‘보통’수준으로 판정되었다. (결론) 걷고 싶은 거리 구간 선정을 위해서는 거시적인 분석과 미시적인 분석을 통합적으로 시도할 필요가 있다. 거시적인 분석방법으로 공간구문론(Space Syntax)의 축선도 분석이 유효하고, 미시적인 분석방법으로 구간거리 당 1층 상가출입구수를 통한 이벤트 밀도 산출과 1층 상가 업종분석을 통한 가로지향형 상가밀도를 분석하는 정량적인 방법이 유효할 수 있다. 결론적으로 홍성읍 원도심 상업지역 내 걷고 싶은 거리 조성 구간으로 적합한 수준의 구간은 A·B구간, C·D구간, F구간으로 최종 판단하였다.

      • KCI등재

        가로유형별 물리적 환경특성과 보행량간의 연관성 분석

        이정우(Lee, Jeongwoo),김혜영(Kim, Hyeyoung),전철민(Jun, Chulmin) 한국도시설계학회 2015 도시설계 : 한국도시설계학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 보행변화패턴 분석을 통해 서울시 내 가로유형을 세분화하고 가로유형별 보행영향요인을 분석하는 것이다. 대부분의 기존연구가 도시공간구조나 토지이용에 따른 공간적 분류를 기반으로 보행권을 구분한 데 반하여 본 연구는 요일별 시간대별 유동인구의 흐름을 기반으로 실제 인구가 움직이고 집중되는 가로의 위계적 중요도를 토대로 가로를 유형화하고 있다는 점에서 기존 연구와 차별화된다. 본 연구의 결과 서울의 가로는 업무위주 상업가로, 주거위주 상업혼재가로, 상업위주 업무복합가로, 주거위주 산업ㆍ업무혼재가로, 그리고 공동주택위주 상업ㆍ업무혼재가로의 5개 유형으로 나뉘었다. 이러한 가로유형별 보행영향요인을 파악하기 위하여 다중회귀분석을 사용한 결과 보행량 증감에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 특정 계획요소들이 가로 유형별로 상이함을 보여주었다. 업무위주 상업가로구역의 경우 대중교통 접근성과 보차분리유무가 보행량과 유의미한 관계를 보였고, 상업위주 업무복합 가로구역의 경우 가로체계 및 보행편의성과 관련된 변수들이 유의미한 관계를 보였다. 주거밀도가 높은 가로구역의 경우 가로의 물적 환경을 이루는 가로체계보다도 저층부 용도나 토지이용 혼합도 특성이 보행량에 더 큰 영향력이 있음을 본 연구를 통해 확인할 수 있었다. 본 연구를 통하여 도출된 가로의 유형과 유형별 보행환경요인 분석은 추후 신시가지 개발이나 재개발을 통한 보행환경 조성 시 계획 방향을 제시할 수 있는 기초자료로서 활용 가능할 것이다. The purpose of this study is to categorize streets in Seoul and to identify key factors that affect pedestrian volumes. While most studies have categorized pedestrian areas based on land use patterns or urban spatial structure, this study categorizes streets by pedestrian flow characteristics in terms of time of day and day of week via a cluster analysis. It then identifies a relationship between actual patterns of pedestrian flow and land-use distributions. The results find that Seoul’s streets can be categorized into office-centered commercial streets, residential-centered commercial-mixed streets, commercial-centered office-mixed streets, residential-centered manufacturing-and-office-mixed streets, and multifamily-housing-centered commercial-and-office-mixed streets. The study investigates key factors affecting pedestrian volumes using regression models and finds that the factors which increase pedestrian volume differ by type of street. A large number of pedestrians were observed in an office-centered commercial street with greater accessibility to public transportation and sidewalks that blocked car traffic. One key to increased walking in commercial-centered office-mixed streets was the convenience of pedestrian facilities and street configuration, whereas factors that had greater impacts on pedestrian volumes in residential-centered streets were land-use mix and building use at street level.

      • KCI등재후보

        여름철 주간 실제 보행 피험자의 피부온도 측정 실험

        정근주(Jung Gun-Joo) 한국건축친환경설비학회 2010 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집 Vol.4 No.1

        Most pedestrians suffer from the heat stress when they are walking on the town street in summer day. The heat stress of human body at the street influence on the human activities such as the student performance, the productivity, etc. in building. Therefore, the research about reduction of heat stress for pedestrian is an important work. The researchers carried out so many issues about thermal environments in the building in world wide. In contrast, there seems to be the poor publishing about the reduction of heat stress for the pedestrian. In the summer day, the streets are so hot because density of sun radiation is so high, the air temperature of surrounding is high. The street trees is a good material for the sun shade in the street. In this research, we survey on two thermal environments of streets. First street has no tree and second one has high density trees. The purpose of this research is to provide the raw data for heat stress reduction research and the reduction method of heat stress for the pedestrian who is walking on the town street in summer day, through that survey on Mean Skin Temperature(MST) and Thermal Sensation Vote(TSV) for the pedestrian subject on the street in summer day in Busan Korea. In conclusion, The pedestrian subject answers "warm" in the street of high density trees. In contrast, the subject answers "hot or very hot" in the street of no tree. MSTs of pedestrian subject was 33.6℃ in the street of high density trees, 34.1℃ in the street of no tree.

      • KCI등재

        가로환경개선을 위한 보행 공간 디자인 개발

        이주형(제1저자) ( Joohyoung Yi ),김철중(교신저자) ( Cheoljoong Kim ) 한국공간디자인학회 2015 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.10 No.6

        (Background and Purpose)In terms of pedestrians, a street is the passage of understanding urban context by walking along. It is a connecting space and medium of experiencing unique circumstances and local identities as well. In Korea, Streets were not planned for the pedestrian condition, but focused on physical functions. This attitude has been getting worse the pedestrian environment in a city. The changes of social recognition for the pedestrians` environment since 1993, however, require clear and comfortable spaces that can lead fluid and changeable communication between pedestrians and urban contexts. This design proposal is try to propose the new street environment reflecting the new social requirement by redesign of Man-nam ro, where is the representative street of Cheonan city. (Method)Man-nam ro is about 550m long street from Bang-juk five-way crossing to the terminal crossroad. The design coverage focuses on the sidewalk and roadside facilities among the pedestrian environment factors. The first step of design is the research of existing condition. The general design requirement is arranged by survey and defined the problems of Man-nam ro are analyzed by checking out traffics, walks, and roadside facilities issues. The second, the design direction and concept are delivered to solve the problems of pedestrians` environment. The third, the design is proceeded by 4 design phases; to void, to open, to connect, and to fill. (Result)To void , the widths of traffic lanes are rearranged to expand the side walk. The temporary parking lanes are narrowed to gain more pedestrians` room. The side walk block too steep is made to easy slope for pedestrian safety also. To open, new pedestrians` space plan and the space in front of buildings are arranged to provide the visitors visual openness. The illegal open parking lots and outdoor facilities are eliminated to get more sights in this step. To Connect, the pedestrians` space block patterns and connecting road are planned to pedestrians` moving coherence. A new passage way connecting Cheonan Stream is proposed to link natural environment specially. To fill, green areas are delivered to provide shading and rest places and newly designed roadside facilities are installed to provide spatial amenities and urban visual image unification. (Conclusion)Attracting visitors constantly as Man-man ro recognized as the representative of Cheon-an city from now on, the street is needed to be enhanced not the pedestrians` environment, but locational properties that means sociocultural space including special activities and symbolic images.

      • KCI등재

        도시상업가로 보행환경의 현황분석과 개선방향 연구

        최강림(Choi Kang-Rim) 대한건축학회 2008 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.24 No.12

        The walking along the street is the basic transportation of mankind. The right of walking and the pedestrian environment are rising as important issues of sustainable development. And urban commercial streets are useful in the urban economic revitalization and the quality of life. The purpose of this study is to analyse the existing condition of the pedestrian environment of the commercial streets in the City of Incheon for the improvements of them. The three sites of this study are composed of ‘Juan 2030 Street’, ‘Bupyeong-ro’ and ‘Hwapyeong-dong Naengmyun Street’ those are located in the core zones of the City. The result of the analysis on existing condition that is focused on three facts of the secure of enough pedestrian space, good streetscape and pedestrian safety has a lot of problems. The pedestrian space is occupied with illegal parking cars, non-suitable street furnitures and piled up-goods on the sidewalk. The townscape is harmed by disordered signboards, sign-system and irregular set-back lines of the buildings. The pedestrian safety was threatened to the wrong street facilities. The improvements in pedestrian environment of urban commercial streets are suggested as follows ; improvements in physical environment, improvements in public system and improvements in user participation. Urban commercial streets have to be the place of the harmony of public and commercial side. So we have to make the commercial street as a public place of safety, amenity and attractiveness.

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