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      • KCI등재후보

        Verification of Difference in Empowerment of POLICE Officers in Security Department in Republic of Korea by Their Academic Background and Employment Route

        남재성,Hwasoo Kim,조성구 J-INSTITUTE 2021 Regulations Vol.6 No.1

        Purpose: Police officers in security department play important role in securing the safety of nation and the people from very broad security threat and have no choice but to have stricter vertical organizational structure compared to other police organizations. However, in order to change to more positive and active organization, police officers in security department must change to horizontal one where the members can make active communications and interactions. Thus, in this study, we make an empirical verification which differences will be caused by the educational background and employment route in members’ empowerment of police officers in security department which secure national preservation from various threat to the safety and seek for protecting the life and personal safety of the people. Method: Frequency Analysis, t-test, One Way ANOVA. In this study, a survey has been conducted in Self-Administration Method for 100 police officers in the security departments experienced in the duties for the residents escaping from North Korea out of the police officers in the security department with the population of the police officers of the Republic of Korea in 2020 in order to verify how difference will be caused in follower ship of leaders based on the number and work region of staffs in the department of security police officers. Results: As a result of analysis, in terms of difference in empowerment from educational background, it is discovered from all the questionnaires that the police officers in security department having higher educational background including graduates of universities and graduate schools have higher empowerment than the ones having comparatively lower educational background including graduates from college and high school. Moreover, in terms of difference in empowerment from employment route, it is discovered from most of the questionnaires that the public officers of police officers in security department graduated from the Korea National Police University or military cadet have higher empowerment level than the police officers employed from open recruitment or other special recruitment. Conclusion: In order to form positive empowerment of public officers of police officers in security department: first, in the National Police Agency and each local police agencies in cities and Do provinces, educational opportunity must be extended for formation of positive empowerment, improvement of work performance and other self development of police officers in lower position including police officers in security department; second, it is necessary for extending the window and route of decision making in internal organization of police so that various opinions and suggestions of lower level police officers in security department, who have lower educational background, been employed at comparatively lower ranking positions and have not promoted to a management position, are openly collected and actively reflected in the policies of police; third, fair and strict physical and emotional compensation system for empowerment of police officers including police officers in security department must be extended; and, forth, it is necessary to ensure that the chief of the National Police Agency and other officers from high ranking management from local police agencies develop transformative leadership.

      • KCI등재후보

        고려시대의 율관 - 법조(法曹)를 중심으로 -

        이미숙 ( Lee Mi-sook ) 한국사상문화학회 2018 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.92 No.-

        법조(法曹)는 성종(成宗) 14년에 중앙과 지방의 관제를 개편할 때 지방관원으로서 처음 파견되었다. 이후 명종(明宗) 때는 서경(西京)에 법조의 소속기관인 법조사(法曹司)가 설치되기도 하였다. 그러나 이것은 서북지방과 서경의 안정을 위해 설치하였던 것이다. 법조는 문종 대에 현(縣)과 진(鎭)을 제외한 고려의 모든 주부군현에 설치되었는데, 이것은 그들의 직무가 백성들의 삶과 밀접한 관련이 있기 때문이다. 또한 지방에 파견된 법조의 관품은 8품 이상으로 임명되었다. 율관에 대한 양성은 국초부터 고려 전 기간에 걸쳐 이루어졌는데, 성종 대 이후는 국자감(國子監)에서, 원 간섭기 이후에는 전법사(典法司)에서 이루어졌다. 법조는 옥송(獄訟)을 맡아 처리하거나 외관의 법률적인 자문 역할을 하였으며, 대민행정 업무와 수취업무도 담당하였다. 또 법조는 지방의 율생을 교육하였으며, 인명의 치사사건이 발생하였을 때는 심리·판결을 위한 검시(檢屍)도 담당하였을 것이다. 법조의 사회적·경제적 지위에 대해 살펴보면, 지방관원 중에 법조보다 지위가 낮은 관원은 의사(醫師)와 문사(文師)뿐이었다. 또한 법조의 승진 기간은 매우 길었다. 그러나 법조가 참군사(參軍事)나 장서기(掌書記)를 겸직하였을 때는 관품이 승급하였을 것이다. 법조의 녹봉액은 관부의 품질에 따라 차이가 있었다. Judicial officer was dispatched for the first time in history in the 14th year of King Seongjong when the organization systems of central government and local governments were reorganized. Thereafter, in the reign of King Myeongjong the judicial officer agency called "Beobjosa" in which judicial officers belonged was established once. The purpose of the establishment of the agency was, however, to ensure the stability of northwestern region and the western capital city called "Seogyeong". Judicial officer positions were estblished in all gun-hyeon level towns of Goryeo Dynasty except for "hyeon" and "jin" level towns because their duties were closely related to peoples' livelihoods. At the time of appointment, the position level of higher than the 8th grade("8 pum") was given to the judicial officers dispatched to local governments. The cultivation of legal officers had been done throughout the whole period of Goryeo Dynasty from the beginning of the Dynasty by the agency called "Gukjagam" after the reign of King Seongjong and by the agency called "Jeonbeobsa" after the period of Yuan's domination. Duties of judicial officers were to handle criminal lawsuits and to give legal consulting to other towns while dealing with administrative works and banking for town people. Judicial officers also educated legal officer candidates of local area and were in charge of autopsy for the murder trials. Reviewing the judicial officer's social and economic status at that time, among the officers of local governments, the officers who were the lower positions than judicial officers were medical doctors and men of letters called "Munsa" only. The promotion period for judicial officers were very long. When a judicial officer was holding concurrent positions called "Chamgunsa" or "Jangseogi", the judicial officer would have been given higher position. The stipends of judicial officers were different depending on the quality of local government organization.

      • KCI우수등재

        조선전기 의관층의 동향: 관료제와 신분제의 충돌

        이경록 역사학회 2019 역사학보 Vol.0 No.242

        In this article, I divided the early Joseon Dynasty’s medical officers into gentry-born medical officers and humble-born medical officers according to their status and tracked their growth process. The gentry-born medical officers sought to advance to the civil officer and the military officer as they tried to promote themselves beyond the senior thirdlevel officer. As a result, the door to the rise of status was left open in the form of special appointment in spite of the entrenched the classism of the yangban ruling class advantage. The humble-born medical officers had been entered the medical posts from the very beginning of the Joseon dynasty, thanks to the positive attitude of senior officials concerned about the future of their descendants. Since under the reign of King Yonsangun, humble-born medical officers had worked hard to qualify for the medical officer examination, and the King Jungjong has finally established a system to become a regular medical officer with the medical ofifcer examination. The medical officers achieved their status as the experts group, but had to endure the situation of being stuck in the middle class by the yangban ruling class. However, the humble-born medical officers were able to grow into the middle class by becoming the regular medical officers. And the gentry-born medical officers regarded as middle class could grow into the dominant class by advancing to the senior third-level officer. 이 글에서는 조선전기 의관층을 신분에 따라 양인의관층과 천인의관층으로 구분하고 의관으로서의 성장 과정을 살펴보았다. 특히 의관층의 변동을 관료제와 신분제가 대립하면서 타협점을 찾아가는 과정으로 이해하였다. 양인의관층은 3품 당상관 이상으로 승진하고자 노력하면서 문반․무반 관직으로의 진출을 모색하였다. 성종대 무렵부터는 양인의관들의 당상관 승진이 흔해졌으며, 중종대 무렵부터는 중추부를 비롯한 동반․서반의 실직을 받는 경우도 많아졌다. 그 결과 양반지배층 우위의 신분제(身分制)는 고수하면서도 특지(特旨) 형식으로 지위 상승의 문은 열어두게 되었다. 천인의관층은 후사를 염려하는 고위관료들의 적극적인 태도 덕분에 건국 직후부터 의직에 진입하고 있었다. 연산군대 이래 천인의관층은 의과(醫科) 응시 자격을 획득하기 위해 부단히 노력하였고, 중종대에는 드디어 의과를 통해 의관이 되는 제도가 만들어졌다. 이것은 천인까지 포용하는 관료제(官僚制)의 확대를 의미하는 것이지만, 그 과정에서 양반지배층은 의업에 대한 천시(賤視) 관념을 보편화시켰다. 의관들로서는 전문가 집단으로서의 위상은 확보하되 양반지배층에 의해 중인층으로 고착되는 상황을 감내해야 했다. 하지만 천인의관들은 제도적으로 의과를 통해 의관이 됨으로써 중인으로 성장이 가능했다. 중인층으로 간주된 양인의관들은 당상관이나 동반․서반 실직에 진출함으로써 중인층의 한계를 뚫고 지배층으로 성장이 가능하였다. 이처럼 의관층은 굉장히 유동적인 계층이었으므로 조선사회의 신분제를 균열시키는 존재가 될 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        제1차 세계대전과 러시아 장교단

        박상철 한국서양사연구회 2022 서양사연구 Vol.- No.66

        World War I raised the need for large-scale recruitment of officers due to the general mobilization, the new formation of military units, and the enormous loss of troops. The Russian authorities mobilized retired or reserve officers, and hastily commissioned military academy cadets as officers. The short courses of military academies was opened and the Ensign School was established. And brave or educated soldiers or non-commissioned officers were promoted to officers. In this way, the Russian authorities were able to increase the number of officers in service approximately from 330,000 to 340,000. It can be said that the war efforts of the czar system were quite successful in this way. However, this rapid expansion of the Russian officers’ corps was coupled with the enormous loss of the officers’ corps. As infantry officers at lower ranks and at the early period of the war experienced the most loss and regular officers were promoted to fill the vacancy in the upper positions, the number of regular officers in the infantry unit sharply decreased. The upper ranks of the Russian officers’ corps were still mostly regular officers, but most infantry regiments were commanded by officers with not much administrative-commanding experience and experienced officers in the regiment was few. Therefore, it was difficult for the hierarchical leadership system within the officer corps to function effectively. On the other hand, wartime officers with low educational background hardly earned respect from the soldiers due to their lack of military knowledge and experience. Therefore it would not be acceptable as a satisfactory explanation to suggest that the large influx of ‘unqualified’ wartime officers was the sole cause of the weakening of officers’ control over their soldiers. The lack of command ability of regular officers who were quickly promoted to major commanding positions and the strategic incapacity of senior generals who took for granted huge human losses should be considered as the another causes. Moreover, the fact that the upper echelons of the Russian army officers consisted mainly of regular officers, while the lower tiers consisted of wartime officers had a negative effect on the unity of the officers. While the number of hereditary aristocrats in the wartime officers declined sharply, the number of peasants increased rapidly. But this tendency was started before the war and only intensified during the war. The majority of hereditary aristocrats before World War I were not ‘landlords’ but ‘service aristocrats’ who made military service their sole or main means of livelihood. Therefore the proposition that the Russian officers represented the “bourgeois-landlord aristocracy” just before World War I cannot be admitted. Finally, as almost educated or brave youngsters who had positive toward war became to serve as officers, soldiers or non-commissioned officers that would have had a potential influence among soldiers were reduced, which would have negatively affected the soldiers’ attitudes and moods toward war.

      • 가정법원 조사관 제도 개선 방안에 관한 연구

        안문희 ( An Moon Hee ) 사법정책연구원 2018 연구보고서 Vol.2018 No.17

        It has been 55 years since the first probation officer was assigned to the newly established Seoul family court. Today, in 2018, the number of probation officers in Korean family courts is approaching 180―and nearly 150 of those officers are specialized. The aim of this new system was to enhance the family court’s guardianship and welfare functions by utilizing experts in fields of human relationships (e.g., psychology, welfare studies, and education) at judicial proceedings. But many argue that the goals of the new system have not been sufficiently realized due to a lack of family court probation officers, insufficient training, limited promotional opportunities, and a lack of care and attention by the Korean Judiciary. Acknowledging these problems, this research conducts a comparative legal analysis of similar systems in other countries, which may shed light on how Korea could improve its system. It is, in this regard, especially noteworthy that the function and role of family court probation officers in the U.S. are broader because U.S. officers also provide education for parents before divorce, counseling, and mediation services. The German courts are also providing counseling and mediation services by utilizing external agencies. In Japan, which has the most similar system to Korea, family court probation officers provide counseling and mediation services, as well as fact-finding tasks. There, the number of officers now amounts to 1,600. Based on a comparative analysis, this research examines suggestions for improving the effectiveness of Korea’s system. In particular, a number of suggestions are examined, including: streamlining the processes of selection and operation, managing officers as a team, increasing the number of specialized probational officers, rotating officers at a regional lev el, prohibiting new hires from being placed alone, providing feedback on problems of reports, and utilizing the periods of family investigation effectively. Increasing training opportunities for both new hires and long-term employed officers―in addition to specialized trainings for family probational officers, juvenile case probational officers, and family protection case probational officers―could also provide a good resolution. Ultimately, increasing the effectiveness of the operation and expertise of the family court probation officers could contribute to improving Korea’s family courts’ guardianship and welfare functions.

      • KCI등재

        교정공무원과 경찰공무원의 정신건강 및 건강복지제도 비교

        이창수(Lee, Chang Soo),이용주(Lee, Yong Ju),홍상욱(Hong, Sang Ook) 한국교정상담심리학회 2021 교정상담학연구 Vol.6 No.3

        본 연구는 교정공무원과 경찰공무원의 정신건강 및 건강복지제도를 비교하는데 목적을 두었다. 교정공무원은 업무특성상 특수직군으로 신체적, 정신적으로 스트레스를 많이 받는 직업군에 속한다. 그럼에도불구하고 교정공무원은 경찰공무원과 달리 일반직군에 해당하는 건강검진을 받는 등 건강복지혜택을누리지 못하고 있다. 연구방법은 교정공무원과 업무특성상 동일한 직군인 경찰공무원을 대상으로 간이정신진단검사를 실시하여 일원분산분석을 실시하였다. 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 간이정신진단검사의하위요인에서 교정공무원의 스트레스 지수는 모든 하위영역에서 경찰공무원보다 다소 높게 나타났다. 이는 근무 시 교정공무원이 경찰공무원보다 더 높은 스트레스를 받고 있음을 의미한다. 이에 교정공무원과 경찰공무원의 건강복지제도를 비교한 결과, 경찰공무원은 경찰공무원 보건안전 및 복지 기본법이제정되어 특수건강검진 등의 혜택을 받고 있었다. 하지만 교정공무원은 특수직군임에도 불구하고 여전히 일반공무원과 동일한 일반건강검진을 받는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구에서는 교정공무원도 교정공무원 보건안전 및 복지 기본법을 제정하여 특수직군에 해당하는 건강복지혜택을 받도록 할 필요성을제기한다. 교정공무원은 경찰공무원과 동일한 범죄자들을 대상으로 업무를 수행하고 있다. 특히 교정공무원은 항상 재소자와 같은 공간에서 근무하고 있어 위험과 스트레스가 더 심한 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 본 연구는 교정공무원에 대한 건강복지제도의 제정과 실시를 통해 근무 시 경험하는 위험과스트레스로부터 화복할 수 있는 제도적 방안이 필요하다고 본다. This study compared the mental health and health welfare system between correctional officers and police officers. Correctional officers belong to special occupations groups that are physically and mentally stressed. Nevertheless, unlike police officers, correctional officers do not receive health welfare benefits such as receiving health checkups corresponding to their general occupations. The study was conducted as a one-way. The results are as follows: In the sub-factors of the Simplified Mental Diagnosis Test, the stress index of correctional officers was somewhat higher than that of police officers in all sub-factors. This means that correctional officers are under higher stress than police officers at work. Comparing the health welfare system of correctional officers and police officers, police officers benefited from special health checkups by enacting the Basic Law on Health and Safety Welfare of Police Officials. However, even though the correctional officers are special workers, they still receive the same general health checkup as general public officials. This study suggests the necessity of correctional officers receiving health welfare benefits that correspond to special occupations by enacting the Basic Law on Health and Safety Welfare of correctional officers. Correctional officers work with the same criminals as police officers. In particular, correctional officers undergo stress working in the same space with inmates. Therefore, this study finds that it is necessary to establish and implement a health welfare system for correctional officials.

      • KCI등재

        교정의 미래와 여성교도관의 역할 - 교정조직의 성고정관념 수준과 여성교도관의 역할확대에 대한 인식을 중심으로 -

        김은영,윤옥경 한국교정학회 2015 矯正硏究 Vol.- No.69

        The purpose of this study is to explore prevailed gender stereotyped perceptions against female correlational officers in correctional organizations. Women’s ability to perform as a professional correctional officers has been continuously questioned since the entrance of female correctional officers to the correction business which has been traditionally male oriented organization. Yet, recent studies revealed the competence of female correctional officer in prison. Such findings suggest that even the overall concretional officers’ competence would not be differ, but the perceptions toward female correctional officers performance would be differ. That is so called gender stereotyped perception against female correctional officers. Based on these hypothesis, this study examined male and female concretional officers’ perceptions of female correctional officers performance and the potential of being introduced to male inmates prison facilities. The findings of this current study revealed there were significant difference of gender stereotyped perceptions between male and female correctional officers. This study, however, found that there was no difference of male and female correctional officers regarding female officers’ involvement in male inmates prison facilities management and security duties. The results, contributions and limitations were discussed in result and discussion of this paper. 이 연구는 남성중심의 교정조직에서 남녀교정직원들의 여성 교정직원에 대한 일반적 태도와 인식을 연구분석하였다. 특히, 남성교정직원들의 여성교정직원들에 대한 인식과 태도에 관해서 여성에 대한 성 고정관념적인 역할태도가 어떠한 영향을미쳤는지를 이해하고자 하였고, 이러한 성고정관념이 여성교정직원들 자신들에 대한 인식과 태도에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 여부를 분석하고자 하였다. 더 나아가, 대한민국 미래교정에서 여성교도관의 역할영역의 확대가 어디까지 이루어질 수 있는지에 대한 전망과 분석을 위해서 남녀 교도관들의 여성교도관의 남성수용자 사동관리에 대한 태도와 의견에 대한 일반적 인식을 분석하고, 남녀교정직원들의 남성수용자 사동관리에 대한 태도에 영향을 미치는 요인들을 분석하였다. 이를 위해서전국의 12개의 교도소에서 총 448명의 남녀교정직원들에게 설문조사를 실시하여다양한 경험적 분석을 수행하였다. 분석결과, 남성교정직원들에게서 여성교정직원들에 대한 부분적 성고정관념적 인식이 존재하였다는 것을 발견하였다. 그리고 이러한 성고정관념적 인식은 여성교정공무원들에게서도 발견이 되었다. 그리고 남녀교도관 모두는 여성교정직원의 남성수용자 사동관리에 일반적으로 부정적인 의견을가지고 있다는 것을 발견하였는데, 여기서 남녀교정직원의 차이가 발견되지 않았다.이 연구의 결과에 대한 논의, 공헌점, 그리고 제한점 등이 결과와 논의 부분에서 논의되었다.

      • KCI등재

        고려전기 지방 무신의 지위와 중앙으로의 진출

        이정훈 ( Lee Joung-hoon ) 한국중세사학회 2021 한국중세사연구 Vol.- No.65

        This thesis is to review the organization, employment and promotion of local military officers as well as The stipend land system(Jeonsigwa 田柴科) and the Nokbong(official salary) regulations that were paid to them in the early ages of Goryeo, examining how they could be converted into the central government officers. The local military officers were divided into officers who commanded the Joojin-gun(Joojingun Musin) and those who commanded the Joohyeon-gun(Joohyeongun Musin). Joojingun Musin included Jungnangjang, Nangjang, Byeoljang, Sanwon, Gyowi, and Daejeong, while Joohyeongun Musin included Byeoljang, Sanwon, Gyowi, and Daejeong. More military positions were assigned to Joojingun Musin than Joohyeongun Musin. In addition, Joojingun Musin had the titles such as Doryeong Jungnangjang, Doryeong Nangjang, Gabyeoljang, and Seopsanwon in it, being much more subdivided than Joohyeongun Musin. The local military officers were mainly recruited among Hyang-ris(Local Administrative Clerk). They continued to hold the Hyang-ri post even after being selected as local military officers. The central government recognized that the main job of Joojingun Musin was the military officer but the main job of Joohyeongun Musin was Hyang-ri. As a result, Joojingun Musin could be promoted within the military posts regardless of the Hyang-ri position and, in special cases, could be converted into the central government military officers. On the other hand, Joohyeongun Musin, who were selected according to the rank of Hyang-ri, could be promoted in their military position only when promoted in their Hyang-ri position and, even if they made brilliant services, could not be converted into the central government military officers. Since the government regarded the Joojingun Musin as the military officers, they were given the Jeonsigwa and the Nokbong. However, unlike the central military officers who received the Jeonsigwa based on their official posts, the Joojingun Musin received it based on their Hyang-ri posts. In addition, after the Nokbong regulations were enacted in the 16th year of King Yejong, they also got the Nokbong. As such, Joojingun Musin and Joohyeongun Musin were different in their organization, promotion, economic support, and conversion into the central government officers. It was because the Goryeo Dynasty put a greater weight on external defense in the 2 border areas than in the 5 provinces according to the defense method combined with the province governing system. As a result, Joojingun Musin, who played a key part in the defense of the border areas, were not only recognized as the bureaucrat with more diversified ranks but also received the Jeonsigwa and the Nokbong. However, compared to the central military officers, the amount of their Jeonsigwa and Nokbong was small, and there was the limitation that they could not freely converted or promoted to the central military officers.

      • KCI등재

        금융회사 임원의 적격성 심사에 관한 법적 문제와 정책적 과제 – 영국의 적격성 심사제도(Fit and Proper Test)를 중심으로 -

        이영경 법무부 2024 선진상사법률연구 Vol.- No.105

        In recent years, there has been ongoing social controversy concerning the qualifications of executive officers of financial institutions, particularly regarding the issues such as the CEO succession in financial holding companies, parachute appointments, and financial accidents. In order to ensure that qualified individuals who can best serve shareholders or societal interests are appointed as the executive officers of financial institutions, institutional measures should be put in place to support this goal. This paper aims to explore the ‘Fit and Proper Test’, which is a system implemented by financial regulatory authorities in many overseas countries including U.K. to examine the suitability of executive officers of financial institutions. This paper reviews the details about the Fit and Proper Test of U.K. including the requirements of officers of financial institutions, status of operation, etc. In Korea, Act On Corporate Governance Of Financial Companies stipulates the requirements of the officers of financial institutions. Under the same law, there are not any positive requirement regarding suitability for officers of financial institutions except for outside directors. It only provides for certain disqualifications for officers of financial institutions. As result, a financial institution can appoint an officer only after checking such disqualifications. It also requires for a financial institution to check the requirements of officers and report about the appointment immediately to the FSS. If a financial institution does not perform such obligations, it will be subject to administrative fines not exceeding 30 million won, which is not severe. Considering the importance of financial institutions in a society, it should be necessary to impose strict requirements to secure the fitness and propriety of their officers. In this regard, the recent passage by the National Assembly of the Amendment to the Financial Company Governance Act, which imposes positive qualification requirements on officers of financial institutions, is highly commendable. The amended law requires financial institutions to determine whether the officers meet the criteria of expertise, work experience, honesty, and integrity when appointing or changing their positions. However, the amended law does not specify detailed criteria other than these general provisions, leaving room for discretion by financial institutions when assessing the fitness and propriety of officers. Therefore, it would be necessary for enforcement decrees or supervisory regulations to establish specific standards on matters to be reviewed when a financial institution assesses the qualification requirements of officers. Moreover, in order to ensure that officers of financial insitutions are fit and proper for their roles, it would be essential to tighten penalties and sanctions for financial institutions if they fail to fulfill their obligations to verify, report, and disclose the qualifications of their officers. In addition, it would be necessary to utilize an independent committee to fairly conduct qualification assessment for officers of financial institutions, and to implement measures to dismiss the officers if they are no longer deemed qualified after the appointment. 최근 금융지주회사 CEO의 장기 연임, 낙하산 인사, 금융사고 등으로 금융회사 임원의 적격성 여부에 대하여 사회적 논란이 있어 왔다. 이러한 논란은 금융회사의 대표이사 등 임원의 적격성이 얼마만큼 보장되고 있는지에 관한 의문을 제기하게 한다. 금융회사는 사적 기업이지만 그 사회적 중요성에 비추어 임원의 적격성 요건 확보는 매우 중요하다. 이러한 인식 하에 영국을 비롯한 해외 여러 국가에서는 금융감독당국이 금융회사 임원의 적격성을 심사하는 제도(Fit and Proper Test)를 운용하고 있다. 본 논문은 영국의 금융회사 임원의 적격성 심사제도의 구체적인 내용과 관련 요건 및 운용 현황 등에 관하여 살펴본다. 우리나라는 금융회사의 지배구조에 관한 법률(“금융회사지배구조법”)에서 금융회사 임원의 자격요건을 정하고 있는데, 사외이사 외에는 임원에 대하여 적격성을 적극적으로 요구하고 있지 않아 적격성 심사의무가 법상 부과되지 않고 있다. 그 결과 금융회사는 임원의 결격사유만 확인하여 이에 해당되지 않으면 자유롭게 선임이 가능하다. 금융회사지배법상 금융회사는 임원의 자격요건 확인의무와 공시 및 금융감독원장에 대한 사후 보고의무를 지는데, 의무위반시 3천만원 이하의 과태료 부과대상으로 벌칙이 경미하고 감독당국의 제재 또한 적극적으로 이루어지지 않고 있다. 금융회사가 사회적으로 가지는 의미와 중요성에 비추어 임원에 대하여 엄격한 자격요건을 부과하는 것이 필요하다. 이러한 점에서 최근 금융회사 임원에 대하여 적극적 요건을 부과하도록 하는 금융회사지배구조법 개정법률이 국회를 통과한 것은 크게 환영할 만하다. 동 개정법률은 금융회사는 임원의 선임 또는 직책변경시 전문성, 업무경험, 정직성 및 신뢰성 요건을 충족하는지 확인할 것을 요구한다. 그런데 개정법률은 이러한 일반 규정 외에 세부적인 기준 등을 정하고 있지 않아 금융회사가 실제 임원의 적격성 심사를 할 때 자의적으로 판단할 여지를 남기고 있다. 따라서 시행령이나 감독규정 등을 통해 금융회사가 임원의 적격성 요건 심사시 검토하여야 할 사항에 관하여 구체적인 기준을 마련하여야 할 것이다. 그리고 임원의 적격성 확보를 위하여 금융회사가 임원의 자격요건 확인의무 및 보고·공시의무에 위반한 경우 벌칙 및 제재 수준을 강화할 필요가 있다. 또한 금융회사의 임원의 자격요건 심사를 공정하게 할 수 있도록 독립된 위원회를 활용하도록 하고, 임원으로 선임된 후 적격하지 않음이 드러난 때에는 해임하도록 하는 등 관련 제도를 정비하여야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        근로자성을 지닌 임원의 퇴직금제도에 관한 노동법적 고찰

        정명현 사법발전재단 2019 사법 Vol.1 No.48

        상법상의 임원은 회사와 고용관계가 아닌 위임관계에 있다고 보아 민법 및 상법의 규정이 적용되고 노동법이 적용되지 않지만, 상법상의 이사가 아닌 상무, 전무 등의 명칭으로 불리는 비등기임원(집행임원)은 비록 실무상 임원으로 지칭된다고 하더라도 그 실질은 사업 또는 사업장에서 임금을 목적으로 사용종속적인 관계에서 사용자에게 근로를 제공하는 근로자에 해당하기 때문에 이들 비등기임원은 노동법의 적용을 받는다고 할 수 있다. 현재 다수의 기업에서는 임원퇴직금지급규정에 따라 상법상의 등기임원만이 아니라 비등기임원까지 포함하여 일반근로자보다 2배 내지 6배까지 높은 퇴직금지급률을 적용하여 지급하고 있다. 근로자성을 갖는 임원은 근로자에 해당하므로 노동법이 적용되고 이들 임원의 퇴직금에 관한 사항을 정하고 있는 임원퇴직금지급규정은 근로기준법상의 취업규칙에 해당한다고 할 수 있다. 임원 승진 시 기존의 근로관계를 단절하고 위임관계로 변경한다고 하더라도 그것이 유효한지는 그 실질을 보고 판단해야 한다. 여러 회사에 임원으로 겸임하여 각각의 회사로부터 퇴직금을 지급받는 것은 기여도에 비례하지 않는 비합리적인 보상이라고 평가된다. 근로자퇴직급여보장법상의 퇴직금차등금지규정도 근로자인 임원에게 동일하게 적용된다고 할 것이므로, 임원의 업무능력, 성과 등을 반영해 일반근로자보다 더 높은 보상이 필요하면 기본적으로 임원이 받는 보수(연봉)를 높게 설정하여 보상을 하는 방법으로 해결해야 하고 이와 별도로 임원의 퇴직금산정기준을 달리함으로써 일반근로자에 대해 중복적인 차등을 설정하는 것은 바람직하지 않다고 본다. 원래 퇴직금은 퇴직 이후 안정적인 생활을 보장하기 위한 노후대책으로서의 의미가 강하고 일반직원의 퇴직금에 비해 지나치게 많은 임원의 퇴직금은 경영이익 분배의 공정성의 문제가 제기될 뿐만 아니라 근로자 간 형평성에도 반한다고 본다. As executive officers under the Commercial Act are deemed to be in a delegation relationship with the company, not an employment relationship, they are governed by the Civil Act and the Commercial Act instead of the labor law. However, non-registered executive officers holding such positions as a managing or executive director, despite being referred to as executive officers in practice, are subject to the labor laws because they are considered as workers who provide labor to an employer for wage purposes in a use-dependent relationship. Currently, in accordance with the executive retirement allowance regulations, many companies are applying retirement allowance rates that are two to six times higher than those applied to regular employees in paying retirement allowances to their executives, including not only registered executive officers under the Commercial Act but also non-registered executive officers. Since executive officers having an employee status are workers under Labor Standards Act, they are subject to the labor laws. Therefore, the executive retirement allowance regulations stipulating the matters relating to the retirement allowances of these executive officers can be said to correspond to the employment rules on Labor Standards Act. Despite the transition of the relationship between a company and its employee promoted to an executive officer into a delegation relationship after having severed the previous employment relationship, the validity of such a transition must be determined based on the actual substance of the relationship. A person holding concurrent positions in several companies as an executive officer and receiving retirement allowances from each of those companies is considered to be compensated unreasonably, disproportionate to his level of contribution. A provision for the prohibition of differentiation in the retirement allowance under the Act on the Guarantee of Workers’ Retirement Benefits applies to executive officers having an employee status. As such, in a case where it appears to be necessary to provide executive officers with higher compensation than regular employees by taking into account their job performance and accomplishments, the executive officers can be compensated with a high salary. The overpayment of the retirement allowance to executive officers having an employee status by applying a high retirement allowance rate than those applied to ordinary workers, thereby discriminating against the ordinary workers, is undesirable. A retirement allowance is originally intended to ensure a stable livelihood after retirement. Excessive retirement allowance of executive officers having an employee status compared to regular employees’ retirement allowances not only raises concern with regard to fairness in the distribution of corporate profits but also goes against the equity principle among individual workers.

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