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        중국철학 : 中和中心主義(중화중심주의)를 통해 본 氣質論(기질론)

        조민환 ( Min Hwan Jo ) 동양철학연구회 2014 東洋哲學硏究 Vol.80 No.-

        儒家가 誌向하는 美意識과 상관된 人物의 性情氣質論에서 가장 重視하는 것은 中和, 中庸, 中行이다. 儒家는 이런 中和와 中行을 중심으로 삼아 그것을 벗어나는 ‘偏’ 즉 過와 不及(혹은 不逮)을 批判하는데, 유가의 性情氣質論에서 中和와 對比되는 次元에서 말해지는 代表的인 것은 狂과 견이다. 儒家는 狂과 견처럼 ‘有偏有倚’한 것을 흔히 ‘偏’이라는 用語를 통해 規定한다. 孔子는 기본적으로 狂과 견을 배척하지 않는다. ‘六言六蔽’를 말하는 공자는 學과 不學의 유무에 따라 인간 性情氣質의 偏을 論하면서 아울러 學을 통한 氣質變化의 可能性을 열어놓는다. 공자의 이런 思惟는 以後에 주로 유학자들이 인간기질을 평가할 때 有效하게 作用한다. 劉초는 『人物誌』에서 인간의 性情과 氣質을 다양한 觀點에서 논하면서 平淡無味의 中和를 이상적인 것으로 규정한다. 劉초가 中和와 대비하여 말하는 성정기질론의 대표적인 개념은 抗과 拘인데, 過로서의 抗과 不逮(=不及)로서의 拘는 狂과 견의 다른 표현이다. 中國의 書畵藝術은 예술이란 작가의 마음과 기질을 표현하는 것으로 규정한다. 서예를 ‘心畵’라고 규정하는 것은 대표적 예에 속한다. 예술이 心을 표현한 것이라면 유가의 中和中心主義와 관련된 인간기질에 대한 이해는 예술창작의 결과물에 대한 비평에도 그대로 적용된다. 즉 中和를 담아내 작품은 이상적인 작품이고, 中和를 벗어난 작품은 어느 한 경향성(=偏)을 담고 있는 것으로 보고 문제시한다는 것이다. 이런 점은 孫過庭이나 項穆의 中和를 통한 서예인식에 잘 나타난다. 특히 項穆은 『書法雅言』의 「中和」, 「心相」을 비롯한 여러 편에서 中和中心主義를 강조하면서 狂견에서 中行으로 나아가야 함을 말한다. 모든 인간은 태어나면서부터 多洋한 기질을 가지고 태어나며, 다양한 기질은 다양한 예술작품으로 나타난다. 儒家의 中和中心主義입장에서 각각의 개성에 따른 예술창작의 結果物을 한쪽에 치우친 것으로 여기는 편향성은 일정 정도 문제가 있다. The Pre-Qin Confucian poets concept ``Beauty of Neutralization and Harmony`` and ``neutralization-centrism``, with its profound philosophical foundation and fervent human care, has made a profound and extensive impact on many areas of chinese culture. It has become on the most important chinese classical aesthetics proposition, and become a indispensible construction. This trend greatly influenced the Chinese calligraphy. Evolving into a kind of beauty, KuangJuan have experienced transformation from the philosophy category to aesthetics category. The KuangJuan beauty is a kind unique aesthetics formation, especially formed on the Wei - Jin period. But KuangJuan beauty was regarded as a heresy and ostracised by confucian scholar and ``neutralization-centrism`` Liu Shao``s Jen Wu Chih is a monograph on talented person research in Wei - Jin period. He explored classification, recognition, application of talented person in detail. The rule of individual``s nature has nine characteristics. If only one of characteristics emerged, the one would be called prominent characteristic. th this analysis above, Liu Shao classified different types of talented person and tried to construct supported theory. Restoration of classic calligraphy Neutralization by Xiang Mu. Xiang Mu was he author of Shu Fa Ya Yan. Shu Fa Yu Yan came from the standpoint of confucianism, also revealed the calligraphy was product of the time and society. Xiang Mu the classic calligrapher combined the classic theory of ``the doctrine of the mean`` and ``the beauty of neutralization``. He applied the confucian school of idealist philosophy of ethics into the calligraphy that is the restoration of ancient neutralization. At present the situation of calligraphy is the trend of neutralization of old style based on harmony neutralization.

      • KCI등재

        中和中心主義를 통해 본 氣質論

        조민환 동양철학연구회 2014 東洋哲學硏究 Vol.80 No.-

        The Pre-Qin Confucian poets concept 'Beauty of Neutralization and Harmony' and 'neutralization-centrism', with its profound philosophical foundation and fervent human care, has made a profound and extensive impact on many areas of chinese culture. It has become on the most important chinese classical aesthetics proposition, and become a indispensible construction. This trend greatly influenced the Chinese calligraphy. Evolving into a kind of beauty, KuangJuan have experienced transformation from the philosophy category to aesthetics category. The KuangJuan beauty is a kind unique aesthetics formation, especially formed on the Wei - Jin period. But KuangJuan beauty was regarded as a heresy and ostracised by confucian scholar and 'neutralization-centrism' Liu Shao's Jen Wu Chih is a monograph on talented person research in Wei - Jin period. He explored classification, recognition, application of talented person in detail. The rule of individual's nature has nine characteristics. If only one of characteristics emerged, the one would be called prominent characteristic. th this analysis above, Liu Shao classified different types of talented person and tried to construct supported theory. Restoration of classic calligraphy Neutralization by Xiang Mu. Xiang Mu was he author of Shu Fa Ya Yan. Shu Fa Yu Yan came from the standpoint of confucianism, also revealed the calligraphy was product of the time and society. Xiang Mu the classic calligrapher combined the classic theory of 'the doctrine of the mean' and 'the beauty of neutralization'. He applied the confucian school of idealist philosophy of ethics into the calligraphy that is the restoration of ancient neutralization. At present the situation of calligraphy is the trend of neutralization of old style based on harmony neutralization. 儒家가 志向하는 美意識과 상관된 人物의 性情氣質論에서 가장 重視하는 것은 中和, 中庸, 中行이다. 儒家는 이런 中和와 中行을 중심으로 삼아 그것을 벗어나는 ‘偏’ 즉 過와 不及(혹은 不逮)을 批判하는데, 유가의 性情氣質論에서 中和와 對比되는 次元에서 말해지는 代表的인 것은 狂과 狷이다. 儒家는 狂과 狷처럼 ‘有偏有倚’한 것을 흔히 ‘偏’이라는 用語를 통해 規定한다. 孔子는 기본적으로 狂과 狷을 배척하지 않는다. ‘六言六蔽’를 말하는 공자는 學과 不學의 유무에 따라 인간 性情氣質의 偏을 論하면서 아울러 學을 통한 氣質變化의 可能性을 열어놓는다. 공자의 이런 思惟는 以後에 주로 유학자들이 인간기질을 평가할 때 有效하게 作用한다. 劉劭는 『人物志』에서 인간의 性情과 氣質을 다양한 觀點에서 논하면서 平淡無味의 中和를 이상적인 것으로 규정한다. 劉劭가 中和와 대비하여 말하는 성정기질론의 대표적인 개념은 抗과 拘인데, 過로서의 抗과 不逮(=不及)로서의 拘는 狂과 狷의 다른 표현이다. 中國의 書畵藝術은 예술이란 작가의 마음과 기질을 표현하는 것으로 규정한다. 서예를 ‘心畵’라고 규정하는 것은 대표적 예에 속한다. 예술이 心을 표현한 것이라면 유가의 中和中心主義와 관련된 인간기질에 대한 이해는 예술창작의 결과물에 대한 비평에도 그대로 적용된다. 즉 中和를 담아내 작품은 이상적인 작품이고, 中和를 벗어난 작품은 어느 한 경향성(=偏)을 담고 있는 것으로 보고 문제시한다는 것이다. 이런 점은 孫過庭이나 項穆의 中和를 통한 서예인식에 잘 나타난다. 특히 項穆은 『書法雅言』의 「中和」, 「心相」을 비롯한 여러 편에서 中和中心主義를 강조하면서 狂狷에서 中行으로 나아가야 함을 말한다. 모든 인간은 태어나면서부터 多樣한 기질을 가지고 태어나며, 다양한 기질은 다양한 예술작품으로 나타난다. 儒家의 中和中心主義 입장에서 각각의 개성에 따른 예술창작의 結果物을 한쪽에 치우친 것으로 여기는 편향성은 일정 정도 문제가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        진도북춤의 중화中和 사유적 분석

        이용희 ( Young Hee Lee ) 한국무용교육학회 2015 韓國舞踊敎育學會誌 Vol.26 No.3

        This study aims at revealing the aspect of the thought of the aesthetics of the neutralization which has appeared in the Jindo-Drum-Dance. Hence in this script, in order to find the aspect of the beauty of the Republic of China which can be explained to the Jindo-Drum-Dance, this study examines how aesthetics of the neutralization has related and to which aspect it has been explained in the beauty-consciousness of the thought of beauty of the neutralization and jindo-Drum-Dance on the foundation of books precedent and studies precedent. It also draws the thought of aesthetics of the neutralization within JindoDrum-Dance to which has been applied the expression principle of ‘harmonious but different’ and ‘innocent but different’, with which we can reveal the distinctive features and identity of Jindo-Drum-Dance by understanding the characteristics of the motion and rhythm of Jindo-Drum-Dance. Thus, it explores thought of the Republic of china and beauty-consciousness first, through the understanding of『Moderate』with which we can understand the concrete practical methods of Jindo-Drum-Dance which has been explained with the thought of aesthetics of the neutralization. Second, it develops the philosophy of aesthetics by applying the moderate aesthetics and thought of aesthetics of aesthetics of the neutralization. Third, in order to reveal the concept of the true sense of aesthetics of the neutralization, it displays diverse motions in stillness and beauty of movement within stillness by expressing the spirit of ‘harmonious but different’ and ‘innocent but different’ These results of Jindo-Drum-Dance, which could be explained with the thought of aesthetics of the neutralization hold values in the aspect of practical use of new reference at the present when there are few references analyzed by aesthetics and philosophy. Therefore this study has its meaning and value in that it has studied the historical references concerning Jindo-Drum-Dance and that I have got fruits even if insufficient.

      • KCI등재후보

        茶文化와 儒家의 中和 思想 (Ⅰ)

        변정희,박문현 한국차학회 2009 한국차학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        The key words of the Confucian School’s thought reflected the most bigger influence to the East Asia culture is neutralization. The concept of neutralization is the thought commonly shown from the Confusion, the Buddha and Taoism, and it appears with a mutual mixes in the tea culture. We are now seeking for the spirit world of the tea culture in center of neutralization of Confucian School. The spirit of neutralization is the most important concept in the all courses of realization of tea events after recognition of the main nature of tea. The spirit of neutralization will improve the original nature through the tea life and also it will harmonize to himself together with society. And the neutralization spirit will pursue harmony of the cosmic dual forces and will gain the principle of the nature of the universe. the tea life is one of the method to be attained to neutralization and it will come to the same meaning of the persons who control himself and the person who lead the nation said by the confusional system, such as it is the ultimate purpose to be said that it is the individual completion and social completion.

      • KCI등재

        사이버폭력에서 중화의 작용과 그 설명요인들

        이성식,성승현,신지민,임형연 대한범죄학회 2022 한국범죄학 Vol.16 No.2

        This study examines the effect of neutralization in order to explain cyberbullying. In addition, this study tests a model which cyberbullying culture, victimization of cyber bullying, and anonymity can have influences on neutralization, which in turn affects cyberbullying. Using data from 220 male and female college students in Seoul, results show that all independent variables such as cyber bullying culture, victimization of cyberbullying, and anonymity have significant effects on neutralization, and those effects on cyber bullying are mediated by neutralization. That is, it is shown that cyberbullying culture, victimization of cyberbullying, and anonymity have positive effects on neutralization, and that neutralization has a significant effect on cyberbullying. However, it is also shown that victimization of cyberbullying has a direct effect on cyberbullying. 이 연구는 사이버폭력을 중화의 논의를 중심으로 설명함에 있어 사이버폭력 상황에서 중화 경 향이 높을수록 사이버폭력의 가능성이 높은지에 관심을 가졌다. 아울러 중화의 설명요인으로 사이 버폭력문화, 사이버폭력 피해경험, 그리고 익명성을 주요 변인으로 사용하여, 인터넷 등의 이용에 서 폭력문화에 있고, 사이버폭력 피해경험이 있을수록, 그리고 익명으로 사용할수록 중화 경향이 높고 중화를 함으로써 사이버폭력을 저지르게 된다는 연구모형을 제시하고 검증했다. 서울시 남녀 대학생 220명 대상의 조사자료의 구조모형 분석에서 본 연구결과는 본 연구에서의 예측을 지지했 고, 사이버폭력문화, 사이버폭력 피해경험, 그리고 익명성은 중화에 영향을 주고 중화를 매개로 사이버폭력에 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 즉 사이버폭력문화에 있을수록, 사이버폭력 피해경험이 있을수록, 그리고 익명의 상황에서 더 중화를 하는 것으로 나타났고 중화를 할수록 사이버폭력 가능 성은 매우 높은 것을 제시했다. 그 외에 사이버폭력피해가 중화를 매개로 간접적으로 뿐만 아니라 사이버폭력에 직접적으로 영향력을 갖는 것을 제시했다.

      • KCI등재

        스웨덴과 핀란드의 중립화의 정치: 국제-지역-국내정치의 다이내믹스

        김진호,강병철 한국유럽학회 2007 유럽연구 Vol.25 No.3

        Most of countries had been pursuing one sided alliances toward USA or USSR. But it is interesting there are almost different alternatives for Nordic countries's choosing the foreign policy orientations: alliances, neutralization, nonalignment. It means Nordic has been become peace zone ever since world war II. It is estimated to be due to the neutralization of Sweden and Finland. The political option of neutralization is not responsive to simplicity, uniformity but to geographical location. And also, it is very important for the political contexts to be taken into granted. Therefore, Nordic countries's options for neutralization should be considered to be structural components in this areas. In this regard, this papers is to review the different background, implications, and process of founding the neutralization of Sweden and Finland in terms of viewing the historical structural analysis. In order to do this purpose, the neutralization affecting the political dynamics, three levels such as international-regional-domestic politics, should be investigated. 강대국의 정치적 이해관계가 교차하는 북유럽 지역에서 거시적인 국제정치의 영향은 이 지역 국가들에게 친소와 친미 중의 하나를 선택하도록 강요하는 구조적 힘으로 작용했다. 그러나 대체로 이 지역 국가들은 다른 지역에 비해 양자택일의 선택보다는 상대적으로 중간적인 선택의 경향을 보였다. 그것이 북유럽 지역에서 중립에 관한 국가 내 또는 국가간 협의의 활성화를 가져왔고 다른 어떤 지역보다도 많은 중립국들이 탄생하는 계기가 되었다. 중립이라는 정치적 선택은 국제정치적 영향에 대한 단순하고 획일적인 반응은 아니다. 이들 국가들이 지정학적으로 어떤 지역에 위치해 있으며 지역 내에서의 정치적 맥락은 어떻게 구성되는가도 중요하다. 따라서 중립정책 선택에는 북유럽 지역정치의 맥락이 중요한 구조적 요인으로 작용을 했다고 볼 수 있다. 그러나 이 지역 국가들이 모두 동일한 형태의 중립이라는 정치적 또는 정책적 선택을 한 것은 아니다. 따라서 본 연구는 스웨덴과 핀란드의 상이한 중립정책의 형성 배경과 과정에 대한 역사적ㆍ구조적 분석을 통해 중립정책 형성의 조건과 함의를 탐색하고자 한다. 이러한 목적을 위해 본 연구는 중립정책의 형성에 영향을 미치는 정치적 다이내믹스를 국제정치-지역정치-국내정치 등의 세 수준으로 구분하여 분석할 것이다. 본 연구는 거시-중범위-미시 등 분석의 세 가지 수준에서 스웨덴과 핀란드 양국의 외교정책에 미치는 영향의 차이가 양국의 중립정책의 차이를 가져왔다는 데 초점을 맞출 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        Neutralizing Bacterial Spores Using Halogenated Energetic Reactions

        Oliver Mulamba,Emily M. Hunt,Michelle L. Pantoya 한국생물공학회 2013 Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering Vol.18 No.5

        The fight against biological warfare has prompted investigation of the chemistry and exothermic energy from energetic material reactions as a means for the neutralization of bacterial spores. The interaction between energetic reactions containing biocides and spore forming bacteria is not well understood. The goal of this work is to fundamentally examine the mechanisms of neutralization for Bacillus thuringiensis utilizing a halogenated energetic material reaction. Spore neutralization is attributed to a thermal effect from the reaction heat and the associated chemical influence of the halogen gas (i.e., produced from combustion). Results show heat transfer in the spore enhances the effectiveness of the halogen gas in the neutralization process and that elevated temperatures increase spore permeability, facilitating gas penetration and accelerating spore neutralization. Based on experimental results, a mathematical model was developed to predict spore behavior during reaction exposure over varying time scales. In the millisecond range, the model showed that the coupled thermal-biocidal gas mechanism will require elevated temperatures of 360oC to produce 80% neutralization in tens of milliseconds while thermal conditions alone would require nearly 1,000oC for the same neutralization. These results provide molecular-level insights into the components underpinning biological processes leading to spore neutralization.

      • KCI등재후보

        2000년 이후 중립화통일론의 특징

        유명철 대한정치학회 2014 大韓政治學會報 Vol.22 No.1

        First, the following factors may contribute positively to Korean reunification through neutralization: the North-South acknowledgement at the first North-South summit of 15 June 2000 of common elements in South Korea's proposal for a confederation and North Korea's proposal for a federation of lower stage as the formulae for achieving reunification, the proposal for the establishment of a separate forum to discuss the permanent peace regime on the Korean peninsula suggested in the Six-Party Statement of 19 September 2005 and the Six-Party agreement of 13 February 2007, and the second North-South summit of October 2007. Another characteristic includes the facts that the Austrian formula would be the model for neutral reunification of Korea, that the United States, China, Russia, and Japan would guarantee neutralization of Korea, that the United States would lead Korean neutralization with the possible withdrawal of its forces from South Korea, that the existing regimes in both Koreas should agree on neutralized reunification of the Korean peninsula, and that a precondition for neutral reunification would be relaxation of military tensions on the Korean peninsula and specifically active utilization of the opportunity of increased inter-Korean economic cooperation based on the premise that recently Northeast Asia is situated in the Cold War security environment and at the same time close post-Cold War economic cooperation. The third characteristic is that the formulae of neutralization of the Korean peninsula first and then reunification of Korea have formed the mainstream in discourses on Korean reunification. Reunification would be achieved gradually and by stages, based on the idea that integration of the two Koreas would follow neutralization and long coexistence of the two Korean states in accordance with both Koreas' agreement on the South's proposal for a confederation and the North's proposal for a federation of lower stage manifested in the Joint North-South Declaration of 15 June 2000. 2000년 6.15 남북정상회담과 더불어 중립화통일론이 집중적으로 제기되고 있다. 이와 관련하여 2000년 이후에 제기된 중립화통일론의 특징에 대하여 알아보고자 하였다. 이를 위해, 시대적 배경과 관련한 특징, 중립화의 모델, 중립화 보장국, 중립화통일에 대한 주체와 관련하여 현정권 해체냐, 존립이냐의 문제, 중립화통일을 위한 전제조건(여건조성), 중립화통일을 위한 중간단계로 총선거를 통하느냐, 국가연합의 과도기적 단계를 거치느냐의 문제, 중립화통일의 정부형태를 단일국가로 하느냐, 연방국가로 하느냐의 문제, 중립화통일의 정치체제, 중립화통일의 과정과 관련하여 선통일 후중립화냐, 선중립화 후통일이냐의 문제에 대하여 분석해 보고자 하였다.

      • KCI등재

        제2공화국 전후 경찰중립화 구상 연구

        신창훈 ( Chang-hoon Shin ) 수선사학회 2018 史林 Vol.0 No.64

        This research focuses on the background, development and consequence of the conception of police neutralization around the Second Republic. Syngman Rhee regime appropriated police as its ‘house soldier’. Police fortified political surveillance and election interference. To prevent these activities, Democratic Party conceived the conception of police neutralization. It concluded establishment of public safety commission and constitutional guarantee of police neutralization. It was proliferated by election pledge and constitutional amendment draft of Democratic Party. As a result, public opinion headed to police neutralization after the April Revolution. It was reflected in ‘Second Republic Constitution’. Huh Chung Interim Government accepted police neutralization as its task. However, it accepted advices U.S recommended, too. Main objective of U.S was transforming police into non-political, efficient and respected organization. Chang Myon regime also promised police neutralization. Nevertheless, the regime insisted majority of public safety commission. It became main cause for miscarrying of police neutralization legalization.

      • KCI등재후보

        A Study on Permanent Neutrality Unification of Korea

        강종일 사단법인 한국평화연구학회 2009 평화학연구 Vol.10 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is to explore a possibility of the unification of the Korean Peninsula through permanent neutrality that would contribute to the peace in the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia. This paper lists five steps to realize the unification of the Korean Peninsula in permanent neutrality. The first step is the period of confidence building between South and North Korea; the second one is to change the existing political system, in which each party pledges to confront the other; the third one is that the two Koreas will accept a confederation or federation system as the unification process of the Korean Peninsula. In this stage, both sides should revise their constitution to include articles recognizing a permanent neutralized state; the fourth one is available for South and North Korea to separately put themselves into the permanent neutral state in continuing the current system; the fifth is the last one in which South and North Korea will achieve their unification as a permanent neutral state. In order to realize the unification of the Korean Peninsula through permanent neutrality, the peoples and leaders of South and North Korea should express their strong will for neutralization to the four great powers The purpose of this paper is to explore a possibility of the unification of the Korean Peninsula through permanent neutrality that would contribute to the peace in the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia. This paper lists five steps to realize the unification of the Korean Peninsula in permanent neutrality. The first step is the period of confidence building between South and North Korea; the second one is to change the existing political system, in which each party pledges to confront the other; the third one is that the two Koreas will accept a confederation or federation system as the unification process of the Korean Peninsula. In this stage, both sides should revise their constitution to include articles recognizing a permanent neutralized state; the fourth one is available for South and North Korea to separately put themselves into the permanent neutral state in continuing the current system; the fifth is the last one in which South and North Korea will achieve their unification as a permanent neutral state. In order to realize the unification of the Korean Peninsula through permanent neutrality, the peoples and leaders of South and North Korea should express their strong will for neutralization to the four great powers

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