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        조선 節義論의 전개 양상

        강민구 동방한문학회 2023 東方漢文學 Vol.- No.97

        조선은 개국과 왕위 다툼․사화․전쟁 등을 겪으면서 節義라는 가치의 중요성을 때때로 자각하였다. 조선 전기에 절의를 규정하고 정리한 대표적 인물은 崔溥이다. 그는 史論인 「新羅節義」에서 국가의 흥망과 원인을 궁구하고 기술하는 역사가의 관점을 적용하여 ‘절의’가 국가의 흥망과 가장 밀접한 관계가 있다고 주장하였다. 조선 중기에는 이황과 같은 성리학자가 절의의 가치와 효용에 대해 근본적 考究를 하였으니, 그 직접적 요인은 朱子語錄 탐독에 있다. 주자가 후한 시대 절의의 문제점을 거론하였기 때문이다. 조선 중기 절의에 관한 의식의 전형은 羅世纘의 「崇節義論」과 權好文의 「節義天下之大閑」에서 볼 수 있다. 다만 「崇節義論」은 왕에게 보이기 위해 지은 글이므로 논지의 전개가 한정적이며, 절의가 천성에 내재하는 것이라고 주장하면서도 왕이 솔선하여 숭상하고 포양하여 불시에 쓸 수 있도록 대비하여야 한다는 논리가 다소 혼란스럽고 모순된 점이 있다. 「節義天下之大閑」은 賦라는 형식을 채용하였기에 논리를 정연하게 전개하기에는 한계가 있지만, 절의의 윤리적 가치와 정치적 효용의 상관성을 유기적으로 구성하였다. 조선 중기의 지식인들은 이전 시기에 경험한 端宗의 축출과 점철된 士禍로 인해 신념과 처세 사이에서 괴리감을 느끼지 않을 수 없었다. 이에 이전 시기의 막연했던 절의에 관한 견해가 이론화되었다. 조선 중기부터 후기에 이르기까지 절의론의 향배는 士禍 및 黨爭과 밀접한 관련을 맺는다. 대표적 사례는 중종 때, 이전 기묘사화의 무고를 바로잡고 희생자를 伸冤하는 과정에서 절의론이 거론된 것이다. 조선의 절의론에서 가장 극적인 것은 鄭介淸의 절의론을 둘러싼 사건이다. 정개청은 서인의 영수로 기축옥사를 처결하던 鄭澈 등으로부터 ‘排節義論’을 작성했다는 비난을 받았고, 鄭汝立의 모반 사건에 연루되어 죽었다. 그의 절의론은 원제목인 「東漢節義晉宋淸談說」보다 ‘排節義論’이라는 이름으로 전해지면서 사후에도 오랫동안 논란이 되었다. 조선 후기 절의론의 향배를 분명하게 보여주는 인물은 金壽恒이다. 김수항은 安邦俊이 주장하는 ‘절의’란 무엇인지 반문하는 과정에서 세 가지 주장을 전개하였다. 첫째, ‘벼슬을 하지 않는 것이 모두 옳고 벼슬에 나아가는 것이 모두 그른 것은 아니다’라고 하였으니, ‘은거’와 ‘절의’를 유사 개념으로 생각하던 전통적․일반적 절의 개념과 차별성을 보인다. 둘째, ‘尊周나 復讐도 義의 범주에 들어갈 뿐 아니라, 존주나 복수를 능가하는 절의는 없다.’는 것이다. 이러한 의식은 병자호란을 겪은 조선 후기 집권층의 이데올로기로 형성된 것이다. 셋째, 절의와 학문은 분리해서 논할 수 없다는 견해이다. 조선 후기에는 절의가 원론적 차원을 탈피해 사회적․현실적 차원에서 논의되는 현상이 보인다. 그러한 현상을 대표하는 것이 史家 李種徽의 절의론이다. 이종휘는 조선의 고유한 풍속이자 절의로 4가지 조목을 제시하였으니, 첫 번째는 士族과 백성의 구별, 두 번째는 중과 俗人의 구별, 세 번째는 종과 주인의 구분, 네 번째는 아녀자의 수절이다. 이 4가지 조목은 양반 중심의 사회를 재정비하고 강화하자는 논리이다. 이종휘의 절의론은 조선 후기 양반의 위기 심리를 반영하는 것으로, 이전 시기의 단선적 절의 개념과 달리 당면한 사회 현실의 문제를 ... Joseon Dynasty sometimes realized the importance of the value of fidelity as it experienced the founding of the nation, struggles for the throne, sahwa[literati purge], and war. In the early Joseon Dynasty, the representative figure who defined and organized fidelity was Choi Bu(崔溥). In his historical opinion, 「the Fidelity of Silla(新羅節義)」, he asserted that ‘fidelity’ is most closely related to the rise and fall of the country from the perspective of a historian who investigates and describes the rise and fall of the country and its causes. In the middle of the Joseon Dynasty, Confucian scholar such as Lee Hwang made fundamental investigation on the value and utility of fidelity, and the cause was in reading extensively of the Analects of Zhu Xi(朱子語錄) . This was because Zhu Xi mentioned the problems of fidelity during the Later Han Dynasty. A typical example of awareness about fidelity in the middle of the Joseon Dynasty can be seen in Na Se-chan(羅世纘)’s 「Sungjeoluilon(崇節義論)」 and Kwon Ho-mun(權好文)’s 「Jeoluicheonhajidaehan(節義天下之大閑)」. However, since 「Sungjeoluilon」 was a text addressed to the king, the development of the argument was limited. And while it claimed that fidelity is inherent in human nature, the logic that the king should take the initiative to reverence and exalt it and prepare for it to be used at an unexpected time is somewhat confusing and contradictory. Although there was limitation in developing the logic in an orderly manner because 「Jeoluicheonhajidaehan」 adopted the form of Bu[賦, Ode], it organizationally structured the correlationship between the ethical value and political utility of fidelity. Intellectuals in the middle of the Joseon Dynasty had no choice but to feel a sense of disconnect between their beliefs and their worldly wisdom due to the expulsion of King Danjong(端宗) which they experienced in the previous period and the widespread sahwa[literati purge] at the time. Accordingly, the vague view about fidelity in the previous period was theorized. From the middle of the Joseon Dynasty to the late Joseon Dynasty, the trend of the theory of fidelity was closely related to sahwa[literati purge] and interparty strife. A representative example was that the theory of fidelity was mentioned in the process of correcting the false accusations of the previous Gimyosahwa(己卯士禍) and acquitting the victims, during the reign of King Jungjong(中宗). The most dramatic thing about the theory of fidelity in Joseon Dynasty was the incident surrounding the theory of fidelity of Jung Gae-cheong(鄭介淸). Jung Gae-cheong was criticized by Jung Cheol(鄭澈) and others, who were executing GichukOksa(己丑獄事) as the leader of Seoin, for writing the ‘Baejeoluilon(排節義論)’, and he died due to involvement in Jung Yeorip(鄭汝立)’s rebellion. His theory of fidelity became controversial for a long time even after his death, as it was handed down under the name ‘Baejeoluilon(排節義論)’ rather than its original title 「Donghanjeoluijinsongcheongdamseol(東漢節義晉宋淸談說)」. The person who clearly had showed the trend of the theory of fidelity in the late Joseon Dynasty was Kim Su-hang(金壽恒). Kim Su-hang developed three arguments in the process of questioning what ‘fidelity’ advocated by An Bang-jun(安邦俊) was. First, it was said that ‘all not holding a government service is right and not all entering into government service is wrong’, showing a difference from the traditional and general concept of fidelity which ‘retirement’ and ‘fidelity’ were considered similar concepts. Second, ‘Not only do reverence to Zhou Dynasty[尊周] and revenge[復讐] fall into the category of righteousness(義), but there is no fidelity that surpasses reverence to Zhou Dynasty and revenge’. This consciousness was formed by the ideology of the ruling class in the late J...

      • KCI등재

        계층적 크리깅 모델을 이용한 설계 최적화 기법의 유용성 검증

        하홍근(Honggeun Ha),오세종(Sejong Oh),이관중(Kwanjung Yee) 한국항공우주학회 2014 韓國航空宇宙學會誌 Vol.42 No.2

        근사모델을 이용한 최적설계 문제에서는 설계변수의 수가 증가함에 따라 근사모델의 정확도를 확보하기 위한 계산 횟수가 급격히 증가한다. 이를 해결하기 위해 저정확도 모델을 바탕으로 고정확도 모델로 보정하는 Variable-Fidelity Modeling을 이용하였다. 본 논문에서 Variable-Fidelity Model로는 계층적 크리깅 모델을 이용하였으며, 다목적 유전자 알고리즘과 결합하여 최적화 프레임워크를 제안하였다. 이 방법의 유용성을 검증하기 위하여 천음속 영역에 대한 익형 최적 설계를 하였다. 설계변수로는 PARSEC의 파라메터를 이용하였으며, 서로 다른 격자수를 가지는 경우 그리고 서로 다른 정확도를 가지는 해석자를 이용한 경우에 관하여 해석을 수행하였다. 검증을 위해 단일 정확도 모델에 대한 최적화 결과와 비교하였다. 모든 경우에 관하여 파레토 라인이 유사하게 나오는 것을 확인 할 수 있었으며, 계산시간은 계층적 크리깅 모델을 이용한 Variable-Fidelity Model이 단일 정확도 모델에 비하여 훨씬 줄어들었다. 이를 바탕으로 본 논문의 방법이 단일 정확도를 가지는 모델에 대한 최적화 방법과 유사한 정확도를 가지며 더욱 효율적임을 확인 할 수 있다. On the optimization design problem using surrogate model, it requires considerable number of sampling points to construct a surrogate model which retains the accuracy. As an alternative to reduce construction cost of the surrogate model, Variable-Fidelity Modeling(VFM) technique, where correct high fidelity model based on the low fidelity surrogate model is introduced. In this study, hierarchical kriging model for variable-fidelity surrogate modeling is used and an optimization framework with multi-objective genetic algorithm(MOGA) is presented. To prove the feasibility of this framework, airfoil design optimization process is performed for the transonic region. The parameters of PARSEC are used to design variables and the optimization process is performed in case of varying number of grid and varying fidelity. The results showed that pareto front of all variable-fidelity models are similar with its single-level of fidelity model and calculation time is considerably reduced. Based on computational results, it is shown that VFM is a more efficient way and has an accuracy as high as that single-level of fidelity model optimization.

      • 계층적 크리깅 모델을 이용한 최적화 과정의 유용성 검증

        하홍근,오세종,이관중 한국항공우주학회 2013 한국항공우주학회 학술발표회 논문집 Vol.2013 No.11

        근사모델을 이용한 최적설계 문제에서는 설계변수의 수가 증가함에 따라 근사모델의 정확도를 확보하기 위한 계산 횟수가 급격히 증가한다. 이를 해결하기 위해 저정확도 모델을 바탕으로 고정확도 모델로 보정하는 Variable-Fidelity Modeling을 이용하였다. 본 논문에서 Variable-Fidelity Model로는 계층적 크리깅 모델을 이용하였으며, 다목적 유전자 알고리즘과 결합하여 최적화 프레임워크를 제안하였다. 이 방법의 유용성을 검증하기 위하여 천음속 영역에 대한 익형 최적 설계를 하였다. 설계변수로는 PARSEC의 파라메터를 이용하였으며, 서로 다른 격자수를 가지는 경우 그리고 서로 다른 정확도를 가지는 해석자를 이용한 경우에 관하여 해석을 수행하였다. 검증을 위해 단일 정확도 모델에 대한 최적화 결과와 비교하였다. 모든 경우에 관하여 파레토 라인이 유사하게 나오는 것을 확인 할 수 있었으며, 계산시간은 계층적 크리깅 모델을 이용한 Variable-Fidelity Model이 단일 정확도 모델에 비하여 40~55%감소하였다. 이를 바탕으로 본 논문의 방법이 단일 정확도를 가지는 모델에 대한 최적화 방법과 유사한 정확도를 가지며 더욱 효율적임을 확인 할 수 있다. On the optimization design problem using surrogate model, it requires considerable number of sampling points to construct surrogate model that retain the accuracy. As an alternative to reduce construction cost of surrogate model, Variable-Fidelity Modeling(VFM) technique that correct high fidelity model based on the low fidelity surrogate model was introduced. In this study, hierarchical kriging model for variable-fidelity surrogate modeling was used and a optimization framework with multi-objective genetic algorithm(MOGA) is presented. To prove this framework, airfoil design optimization process is performed for the transonic region. The parameters of PARSEC were used to design variables and the optimization process is performed in case of varying number of grid and varying fidelity. The results showed that pareto fronts of all variable-fidelity model are similar with its single-level of fidelity model and calculation time is reduced 40~55% for its model. Based on this result, this method shows the fact that it is a more efficient way and it has a accuracy as much as single-level of fidelity model optimization.

      • KCI등재

        高敬命 詩文에 나타난 節義와 忠義의 形象化

        정일권(Jeong Il Gwon) 한국언어문학회 2014 한국언어문학 Vol.91 No.-

        This study speculates on the faithful spirit of Jebong Go Gyeong-Myeong. His faithful spirit was a manifestation of his deeply rooted intention to practice justice dutifully adhered by the heaven as a scholar. To examine his faithful spirit, this study reconsidered what happened to him with regards to Lee Ryang. If Jebong was a faithful man to Lee Ryang, the fidelity he showed during the Imjinweran was hard to understand. As a result, he was discharged from his duties. This discharge was not directly related with the violence of the Lee Yang party. Rather, its evaluation depended on which faction had power at that time. Sagye Kim Jang-Seng was confused between fidelity to his king and his parents, but he praised the fidelity of Jebong who submitted to an appeal by the king according to his duty. Jebong had been living a shameful life as a local administrator for 19 years when he was discharged from his government post. However, Jebong achieved inner maturity and had a good viewpoint to see the society around him rather than fall into despair and frustration. He had direct experience with the sorrows of the common people and consolidated the concept of loyalty to the king and justice for the people. In 1581, Jebong returned to the position of governor of Yeongam and had an opportunity to recover his honor out of the shackles of being a small fry. At that time, Jebong's reward was a benefit from the king and he had direct experience of Chinese culture which he used to increase his knowledge. By realizing our autonomous spirit through writing poetry, he consolidated his fidelity to the country. He paid reverence at the Saamchungsa Shrine to admire the spirit of Mun Chon-Sang who showed fidelity to the country. This demonstrated his fidelity. Jebong did his government work faithfully even though he was already old after he returned to his government post. He recruited volunteers and risked his life as an ordinary person when the Imjinweran broke out. Likewise, Jebong practiced fidelity based on having a firm mind as a scholar under such difficult circumstances. This would be the influence of his grandfather named Go Un who had Confucian justice ideals and the strong fidelity of Honam Sarim. Following teachings by friends and men with noble ideas, he manifested a will to practice the devoted mind of Confucius and pursuing justice in spite of the risk of death. His mind for fidelity was a model of fidelity through which national disasters were overcome through support and fortitude derived from the spirit of Honam Sarim.

      • KCI등재

        사랑은 어떻게 여성의 신분과 정절이데올로기를 극복했나

        신태수(Shin, Tae-soo) 한국비평문학회 2016 批評文學 Vol.- No.59

        본고는 여성의 신분한계와 정절이데올로기를 극복하고 사랑을 성취한 서사들을 고찰한 것이다. 우선, 애정을 다룬 고전소설에서 사랑을 가로막는 주요한 갈등 소재로 여성의 신분과 정절을 꼽을 수 있음을 가장 대중적 작품인 「춘향전」과 대표적 비극소설인 「운영전」, 「심생전」 등을 통해 밝혔다. 다음으로는 신분한계를 극복하고 사랑을 성취한 기녀의 사랑이야기를 두 유형으로 나누어 살폈다. 조선사회에서 기녀는 신분적 특수성을 지니고 있었는데, 기녀의 사랑이야기에서 기녀가 신분적 장벽을 극복하고 사랑을 성취하는 현실적인 방식은 두 가지, 즉 경제력을 이용하여 남자를 출세시키는 방법과 정절이데올로기를 전략적으로 사용하는 방법으로 나눌 수 있다. 「소설인 규옥소선」류는 사랑을 방해하는 신분의 굴레를 경제력을 통해서 극복하였고, 「춘향전」류는 여성이 신분한계를 극복하고 사랑을 성취하기 위해 정절이데올로기를 전략적으로 사용하였음을 볼 수 있다. 마지막으로는 정절이데올로기를 극복하고 사랑을 성취한 서사로 「홍도의 반생」(1940)을 살폈다. 오랜 세월 여성은 물론이거니와 남성에게도 진정한 사랑을 방해하는 강박으로 작용한 정절이데올로기의 극복 문제가 근대 이후의 이 작품에서야 비로소 구체적으로 다뤄지고 있는데 그 완고한 굴레에서 벗어나려는 몸부림이 세밀하게 묘사되어 있는 이 작품의 분석을 통해 정절 이데올로기의 극복 양상을 밝혔다. This paper reviewed the narratives where the constraints resulting from a woman’s social status and the ideology of a woman’s fidelity were the theme. First, tragic love stories that were the result of a difference in social status and the ideology of fidelity were surveyed. 「Unyoung-jeon」 and 「Simsaeng-jeon」 are two of the representative tragic novels in Korean classical culture. They address tragic love stories between a man and a woman and portrays realistically the barriers created by social statuses. The reality of how such constraints deter pure love between younger men and women is raised as a sad reality. These works showcase how, despite love being a natural emotion, the strict social class system made it impossible to manifest such love and instead led to the two characters’ death. Next, the love stories of keishas who had overcome the limits of a social class system and achieved love were reviewed. During the Joseon Dynasty, keishas had a specific social class. The realistic way for them to overcome the constraints of their social class and achieve were through two methods: first, she could use her economic means to help her man achieve success in the world; and second, she could strategically leverage the ideology on fidelity. The types of 「So-seol-in-gyu-oksoseon」 saw women overcome the limits of their social class through economic means, while the types of 「Chunhyang-jeon」 saw a woman strategically using the ideology on fidelity to overcome her social class and achieve love. Lastly, 「The Half Life of Hongdo」 (1940) was reviewed as an example of a narrative where the ideology of fidelity was overcome and love was achieved. For a long time, the ideology of fidelity deterred not only women but also men in achieving true love. But only in works after the modern area is overcoming this ideology addressed in specific terms. This paper analyzed works where the struggle to break away from the constraints is described in detail, to review the pattern of overcoming the ideology of fidelity.

      • KCI등재후보

        정보시스템 감리의 충실성이 고객 만족도와 프로젝트 성과에 미치는 영향

        김동수(Dongsoo Kim),양경식(Kyungsik Yang),김현수(Hyunsoo Kim) 한국IT서비스학회 2006 한국IT서비스학회지 Vol.5 No.2

          This research is to suggest the factor which is effecting on the information system audit fidelity in the perspective of audit procurer, to develop the measure to evaluate it, to investigate the audit performance and project performance for comparison the audit fidelity between the audit teams.<BR>  As the analysis results, we found that the audit service factors can be divided to the expert knowledge of auditor and the project attributes itself. It means these factors are the major measures for the audit fidelity. In this research, the hypothesis of this study model is verified throughout the factor and corelation analysis, and the structured equation model is applied.<BR>  Analysis results show that all relations between the factors are significant statistically. The audit service factors has an effect on audit fidelity. Also the information system audit fidelity can be affect on the project performance, audit performance and customer satisfaction. So, in conclusion, we need to judge closely the audit service factors affecting the audit fidelity for the enhancement of the project performance, audit performance and customer satisfaction.

      • KCI등재

        Evaluation of a digital textbook program in terms of implementation fidelity

        Hyesook Kim,Anna Shin,Bokyung Kye 한국교육개발원 2018 KEDI Journal of Educational Policy Vol.15 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of a digital textbook program in terms of program implementation fidelity. The outcome variable of the program was defined as changes in pre- and post-scores of student competencies composed of self-directed learning (SDL) ability, creativity and innovative (CI) ability, and information literacy (IL) skill. The implementation fidelity of the digital textbook program was measured by three sub-factors: “dose,” “quality of delivery,” and “participant responsiveness”. For whole groups, changes in SDL ability and CI ability were not significant or were slightly decreased unexpectedly. Analysis of the groups by dividing them into upper and lower groups based on implementation fidelity showed that SDL and CI ability improved in the upper group at the level of implementation fidelity but were degraded in the lower group. The multi-level analysis showed that based on the total scores, SDL ability, CI ability, and IL skill all improved in classes with higher implementation fidelity. Among the sub-areas of implementation fidelity, a higher dose defined as the time and frequency of students’ use of digital textbooks induced a stronger effect compared with other sub-factors of implementation fidelity.

      • KCI등재

        Evaluation of a digital textbook program in terms of implementation fidelity

        김혜숙,신안나,계보경 한국교육개발원 2018 KEDI Journal of Educational Policy Vol.15 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of a digital textbook program in terms of program implementation fidelity. The outcome variable of the program was defined as changes in pre- and post-scores of student competencies composed of self-directed learning (SDL) ability, creativity and innovative (CI) ability, and information literacy (IL) skill. The implementation fidelity of the digital textbook program was measured by three sub-factors: “dose,” “quality of delivery,” and “participant responsiveness”. For whole groups, changes in SDL ability and CI ability were not significant or were slightly decreased unexpectedly. Analysis of the groups by dividing them into upper and lower groups based on implementation fidelity showed that SDL and CI ability improved in the upper group at the level of implementation fidelity but were degraded in the lower group. The multi-level analysis showed that based on the total scores, SDL ability, CI ability, and IL skill all improved in classes with higher implementation fidelity. Among the sub-areas of implementation fidelity, a higher dose defined as the time and frequency of students’ use of digital textbooks induced a stronger effect compared with other sub-factors of implementation fidelity.

      • KCI등재

        규암 송인수의 학문과 의리정신의 구현

        안동교 ( Ahn Dong-gyo ) 충남대학교 유학연구소 2018 儒學硏究 Vol.45 No.-

        이 글은 규암(圭菴) 송인수(宋麟壽, 1499~1547)의 학문과 의리정신을 살펴보고, 그 의리정신이 경세적으로 구현되는 과정을 탐구한 것이다. 송인수는 기묘사화의 여독으로 선비들의 기상이 꺾여 유학의 근본정신이 어두워지려 하자, 이를 개탄하면서 성현의 글을 통해 의리(義理)를 탐구하여 독실하게 믿고 힘써 행하였다. 그만큼 유교의 참된 가치를 구현하기 위해 학문적 신념과 정치적 열정을 짧은 기간에 폭발적으로 분출했던 기묘명현(己卯名賢)의 정신을 매우 흠모한 인물이다. 송인수는 산림에 묻혀 학문에만 몰두하기보다는 현실정치에 깊숙이 관여하여 조광조(趙光祖)가 이루지 못한 도학정치를 재현하려고 했다. 그는 정치 현장에서 도학에 근거하여 선(善)을 배양하고 정도(正道)를 세우고자 노력했으나, 결국 권신ㆍ척신들의 간사한 계책으로 인해 좌천되기도 하고 유배당하기도 하고 결국 목숨을 잃었다. 송인수는 기묘사화 이후 침체되어 가던 도학과 의리정신의 부식(扶植)을 위해 헌신한 유학자였다. 문헌으로 볼 때 송인수는 윤탁(尹倬)과 김안국(金安國)을 통해 정몽주로부터 김종직으로 내려오는 도학파의 학맥에 접속하였고, 그의 학풍은 도학(道學)이 포괄하는 학문 범주를 고루 갖추고 있다. 특히 문장과 과거시험을 중시하던 당시 풍토에 의리(義理) 탐구가 학문의 본질이 되어야 한다고 역설하고, 『소학』과 『근사록』 등 도학의 기본서적을 강론하고 권장하였다. 그는 군자와 소인을 준엄하게 구별하였고, 옳고 그름, 선과 악을 의리의 척도로 재단하여 단호하게 처리하였다. 그것은 권신과 척신들과 타협하지 않는 정직함으로 드러났으며, 정치 전반에 깔린 부조리를 가감 없이 비판하는 용기로 드러났다. 이렇게 보면, 송인수는 능숙한 권모술수를 사용하기보다는 도덕적 차원에서 정치행위를 생각한 관료였다. 또한 물리적인 힘보다는 객관적인 도덕률에 따라 자신의 사고와 행위를 조절한 엄격한 도학자였음이 확인된다. This study examines the learning of Gyuam(圭菴) Song In-su (宋麟壽, 1499~1547) and his fidelity spirit, as well as the realization process of fidelity spirit. When scholars, affected by Gimyosahwa(己卯士禍) Plot, lost courage, leading to the deterioration of the fundamental spirit of Confucianism, Song In-su deplored the situation, explored the fidelity of sages by reading their books, and firmly believed in and practiced their teachings on fidelity. To implement the true values of Confucianism, he displayed academic belief and political passion explosively for a short period of time, and embraced the spirit of Gimyomyeonghyeon(己卯名賢) Figures. Song In-su, rather than hiding in the rural area to be engrossed in learning only, participated deeply in reality politics, and tried to re-implement the Neo-Confucian politics that Jo Gwang-jo(趙光祖) failed to achieve. He tried to promote good and right way based on Neo-Confucianism in reality politics arena, but due to the cunning conspiracy of powerful subjects and king-related subjects, he eventually was demoted, exiled and died. Song In-su as a Confucian scholar was dedicated in helping revive Neo-Confucianism and fidelity spirit which were being deteriorated in the wake of Gimyoshwa Plot. According to the literature, Song In-su was associated with Neo-Confucianism School, which was transferred to Jeong Mong-ju(鄭夢周), then Kim Jong-jik(金宗直) via Yun Tak(尹倬) and Kim An-guk(金安國), and his learning style is characterized by the category of learning including Neo-Confucianism. In particular, he emphasized that, when writing and the Gwageo(科擧) official examination were valued, the exploration of fidelity should be the essence of learning. He also lectured on the basic books such as 『Sohak(小學)』and 『Geunsarok(近思錄)』and recommended them. He sternly distinguished between moral gentleman and Soin(small man), measured right and wrong and good and evil by the means of fidelity, and acted strictly on them. Such attitudes were shown in his honesty that did not compromise with powerful subjects and king-related subjects, as well as in his courage that strictly criticized the political improprieties. Given all this, Song In-su was a moral political bureaucrat rather than using cunning tactics. Also, he was a strict moralist that adjusted his thoughts and acts according to the objective morality rather than by physical power.

      • KCI등재후보

        조선 전기 실록 사료에 나타난 鄭夢周像

        김호동(Kim, Ho-dong) 포은학회 2010 포은학연구 Vol.6 No.-

        고려말 공양왕 옹립이후 정몽주는 태조 이성계-태종 이방원 부자와 정도전.조준 등과 사활을 걸고 대립하였지만 결국 선죽교에서 피를 뿌리고 제거당하다. 그렇지만 자신이 거부하였던 신왕조, 즉 조선조에 '以身殉國'한 충절과 儒宗으로 추숭되어 문묘에 종사됨으로써 화려한 부활을 하였다. 조선전기의 조선왕조실록에 의하면 태조대에서 세종대까지 不事二君한 충절의 표상으로서의 정몽주상이 정립되었다. 그것을 바탕으로 정몽주의 충절이 높이 평가되어 중종대에 정몽주의 문묘종사가 이루어졌다. 세조의 쿠데타와 중종반정, 연이은 사화로 인해 군신 간, 신하 사이에 대립, 갈등이 노정되는 상황에서 태조-태종 부자와 정도전.조준 등의 개혁파와 반목을 하면서 끝내 태조를 제거하고자 하였던 정몽주를 문묘에 종사시키지 않을 수 없었던 상황을 "정몽주는 우리나라의 원수와 같습니다. 그러나 이 사람을 褒奬하고 존숭하여야 綱常이 크게 밝아집니다"라고 한 권벌이나 "정몽주가 태조에 대하여 이와 같이 해를 입혔으니, 이것으로써 말한다면 과연 원수와 같다. 그러나 지금으로는 이 사람을 褒奬한 뒤에야 나라의 規範을 세울 수 있다."고 한 중종의 인식은 태종이 정몽주를 영의정으로 추증한 태종의 인식도 그와 같았을 것이다. 강상과 나라의 규범을 확립하는데 정몽주만한 인물이 없었기 때문이다. 사림파에 의하여 고조되었던 節義와 명분론은 17세기 인조반정과 호란을 계기로 서인이 집권하면서부터 더욱 숭상되었다. 결국 여말의 변절자와 15세기의 훈구파가 격하되고 상대적으로 왕조교체기에 '不事二君'의 정몽조.길재와 같은 절의파와 세조등극을 반대하던 인사가 숭앙의 대상이 되자 17세기이후 사족들은 자기 선조를 그러한 충절과 결부시켜 국가적 포숭을 받고자 하였다. 그런 목적하에서 자신의 선조를 정몽주와 연결시키고 또 정몽주의 후손의 발탁을 건의하기도 하였다. In late Goryo(高麗) Dynasty, Jeong Mong-ju was assassinated in blood at Seonjuk-gyo bridge as he opposed to King Taejo Lee Seong-gae and King Taejong Lee Bang-won the son of Taejo, and Jeong Do-jeon.Cho-jun the nobles had to die after the enthroning of King Gongyang. However, he recovered his honor by Joseon Dynasty which he ever denied to obey and listed the name at Munmyo(Confucius shrine to be commemorated) under the title of 'sacrifice himself with physical body toward nation' and the Confucian fidelity. According to the record of early Joseon Dynasty Silrok, the image and status of Jeong Mong-ju was established as a symbol of fidelity toward royal family from King Taejo to King Taejong as filial fidelity. The memorial ceremony for Jeong Mong-ju at Confucian shrine was started from King Jungjong for his high value of the fidelity Along with the stumbling situation of Coup D'etat by King Saejo and taking over the Crown by King Jungjong, and aftermath of historical reforming event, there was serious conflict among classes and sovereign power. King Taejo-King Taejong the son of King Taejong contradicted to Jeong Do-Jeon.Jo Jun of evolutionary group but they have to enshrined Jeong Mong-ju who revolted to King Taejo and commenting the situation "Jeong Mong-ju is same as enemy of our country. But we have to enlighten and reward him for his establishment of standard of national right and justice." by Scholar Kwon Beol or King Kaejong's refer concerning "Jeong Mong-ju is evaluated as enemy of our nation because of his harm but we have to enlighten and reward him for his establishment of standard of national right and justice." The recognition of King Jungjong might be same to the recognition of King Taejong who admitted posthumous conferment of honors to Jeong Mong-ju as Prime Minister. That was because of no comparative persons as Jeong Mong-ju who established the standard of national right and justice. The discussion on fidelity and justification which highly spirited by Scholastics Party(士林: Sarim) during 17th century was more esteemed after taking over the throne by King Injo and the War between Choseon and Chin Dynasty, which strengthen the power of Western Party(西人: Seoin). As a result, the apostasy group and conservative group in 15th century of late Goryo Dynasty were doomed to collapse and fidelity groups such as Jeong Mong-ju.Kiljae who insisted fidelity to previous king and the persons who opposed the policy of enthrone of King Saejo were esteemed comparatively, which resulted national reward by the descendants of the previous fidelity groups after 17th century. For the purpose of the national rewards, the Scholastic Party(Sarim) and Western Party(西人: Seoin) suggested the national reward relating their ancestors to Jeong Mong-ju of whom the descendants were recommended as major position of the government.

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