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        The Relationship between Farm Characteristics and Farm Productivity

        김영준(Youngjune Kim),이한빈(Hanbin Lee) 한국농업경제학회 2020 農業經濟硏究 Vol.61 No.3

        Farm productivity is important since it determines the quantity of food supplied and the income of farms in the economy. Using two 5-year farm-level panel dataset that is rich in farm-specific characteristics, our goal is to explore the relationship between farm characteristics and farm productivity. For this goal, first, we estimate farm-specific productivity. Given estimated productivity, second, we select characteristics that substantially explain variations of farm-specific productivity across time, using Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO), an emerging variable selection method. The results indicate that farm types, and income and expenditure variables, such as primary farming, subsistent farming, profit margin, operator’s age, and rent are most strongly associated with farm-specific productivity.

      • 원활한 농장승계와 합리적 농장경영을 위한 교육·훈련과정 개발연구

        이영석,김성열,Lee, Y.S.,Kim, S.Y. 국립한국농수산대학교 교육개발센터 2009 현장농업연구지 = Journal of practical agricultural resear Vol.11 No.1

        This study is to find the causes of the current situations of conflict between generations in regards to succession of their family farm, for the target group of graduates Korea National Agricultural College of the year 2008 and their parents. This study aims at finding a way of controlling and solving the conflicts, and of developing a course of education and training, so that through this process they can come to a rational conclusion to the conflicts that arise regarding succession of the farm, in a climate of harmony and peace. It is found that communication between parents and graduates has normally gone on well, but specific problems related to management of the farm are often present. Furthermore, there is often lack of trust and promise between the parties which often causes difficulties in preparation for the succession of the farm. On the basis of these observation, we have designed and implemented an education workshop and training, as a program in which parents and their successors participated. As a result, we found it to be very effective, but it was also found to be in need of some changes. The workshop is to be implemented in two separate stages. The first stage should focus on communication and trust between family members. Firstly, they are given the opportunity to share the list of concerns withone another, as an ice breaking activity. Secondly, they can present their own hopes or wishes. And lastly, they can communicate with one another in an effort to find resolutions that will be keep both parties satisfied. The second stage should be aimed at establishing agreements concerning succession of the farm in a harmonious and peaceful manor; the second stage is also an opportunity to discuss 'Farm management and succession'. The Korea National Agricultural College (KNAC) is in the pursuit of fostering agricultural CEO's for the future of Korea. KNAC is currently implementing a very unique system of interviews in which parents participate together with students, in order to help them make a plan for rational management of their farm and smooth succession of the farm. Although KNAC now has students present a blueprint of their own unique business plans as a graduation thesis, it is necessary for KNAC to complement this system with education and training regarding the succession of family farms. Furthermore, KNAC should also develop an education and training program that is separate for this purpose, and make it a regular course of study of KNAC in the future.

      • KCI등재

        일제하 조선고등법원 판례를 통해 본 소작문제

        최은진(Choi, Eun-jin) 독립기념관 한국독립운동사연구소 2017 한국독립운동사연구 Vol.0 No.59

        일제하 조선고등법원의 판례를 통해 소작문제 유형별 쟁점적 권리 사안과 그 판결에 활용된 법적 기준을 파악해 본다. 첫째, 소작지의 소유권과 점유권에 대한 관심이다. 1910~1920년대에 집중된 관련 판례를 보면 소작지에 대해 지주와 소작인 모두 점유권을 가지는 것은 인정했으나, 토지 소유권이 우선 보호되었고 ‘악의의 점유자’로 판정되면 즉시 점유물로부터 얻은 수익 전부를 반환해야 했다. 실제 지주-소작관계보다 우선적으로 토지 소유권자에게 수확 이익이 돌아갔고, 일본 민법은 그 절대적인 판단 기준이 되었다. 둘째, 소작권과 관련한 쟁점이다. 도지권은 1910~1920년대 조선고등법원 판례에서 영소작권으로 축소 해석하여 영구적인 것이 아니라 20~50년으로 제한했다. 기존에 등기를 하지 않아도 도지권은 인정되었으나, 이제 일본 민법과 부동산등기법에 따라 영소작권은 설정 등기 신청을 해야만 인정되었다. 그러나 영소작권 설정 등기는 1930년대에도 제대로 이루어지지 못해 도지권 분쟁은 지주에게 유리하게 전개되었다. 통상 소작권은 민법과 부동산등기법에 따라 소작계약에 의해 보장되고 임대차 등기가 필수였다. 그런데 당시 소작계약은 주로 구두로 이루어지고 임대인에게 임대차 등기 책임을 강제하지 않아 소작권은 제한적으로 보장되고 지주에게 유리했다. 조선농지령 시행 후 소작지 소유권자 변경 시 별도의 소작계약과 임대차 등기 없이도 이전 소작권이 보장되었으나, 지주들의 자의적인 소작권 취소·이동 현상은 계속되었다. 셋째, 소작료에 대한 분쟁이다. 소작료 지불방법은 민법상의 임대차계약서로 입증해야 했으나, 당시 구두 소작계약이 많던 상황을 지주는 악용했다. 농지령 실시 후 실수확량 감소 시 소작료 감면 청구가 가능해졌는데, 기존의 임차료 감액에 관한 민법 효력을 농지령 규정에서 순이익 개념을 도입하여 강화시킨 것이었다. 그러나 실제 농지령 발표를 전후하여 지주들은 앞다투어 소작료를 증액하였다. 넷째, 소작지관리자 문제이다. 농지령에 의해 마름 등 소작지관리자는 반드시 행정관청에 신고해야 했고, 부적당한 경우 행정관청이 변경할 수 있었다. 그런데 기대만큼 소작지관리자는 잘 통제되지 않았고, 그의 문제행위를 직접 규제할 수 없는 농지령의 결함을 악용하여 마름과 지주가 결탁하는 사례가 많았다. 이처럼 1930년대 중반 소작입법으로 제한되게나마 소작문제를 해결하려 했던 식민권력의 정책 의도는 실제로는 지주들의 자의적인 농지령 미준수나 결함 악용의 방임으로 이어져 제대로 달성되지 못했다. 특히 소작권, 소작료, 소작지관리자 문제를 두고 식민농정은 농촌 통제에 성공하기에 역부족이던 것으로 보인다. 결과적으로 식민지 조선의 지주제는 강화·유지되는 방향으로 나아갔다. Through the precedents of the Joseon High Court under Japanese colonial rule, the issues related to the farm tenancy problems could be identified. First, it concerned the ownership and the possessory right of the tenant farm. Apart from the actual relation of the landlord and the tenant, harvest profits were preferentially given to the landowner, and the Japanese Civil Code became the absolute standard of judgment. Second, it was an issue related to the tenant right. According to the Japanese Civil Code and the Japanese Real Property Registration Act, the tenant right was guaranteed by the contract of the tenant farming. The registration of lease was also necessary, so it was favorable to the landlord. After the enforcement of the Joseon Agricultural Land Act, the previous tenant right was secured without a separate contract of the tenant farming and its registration at the time of changing the ownership of the tenant farm. However, the phenomenon of the arbitrary rescission and change of tenant rights by landlords continued. Third, there was a dispute over the farm rent. The payment method of the farm rent was to be proved by a lease contract document under the civil code, but landlords abused the situation where there were many oral contracts for the tenant farming at that time. After the effectuation of the Agricultural Land Act, it was possible to demand to reduce the farm rent when the actual harvest decreased. But in reality landlords competitively increased the farm rent around the announcement of the Agricultural Land Act. Fourth, it was a problem of the farm manager. By the Agricultural Land Act, the information on the farm manager must be reported to the administrative office, and if he was inappropriate, the administrative office could change him. However, the farm manager was not as well controlled as expected, and there were many cases in which they abused the flaws in the Agricultural Land Act which could not directly control his problem behavior. Thus, the policy of the colonial authority intended to solve the farm tenancy problem through the tenant farming legislation in the mid-1930s, although it was limited. But in fact, the policy was not properly achieved because landlords did not follow the Agricultural Land Act and abused its flaws arbitrarily, and the colonial authority also had a laissez faire attitude. Especially, the colonial agricultural policy was not enough to succeed in controling farming villages where the problem of the tenant right, the farm rent, and the farm manager existed. As a result, the landlord system of colonial Joseon was strengthened and remained.

      • KCI등재

        K-FARM 프레임워크 구축을 위한 국내외 사례 분석 및 유형분류

        강신길 ( Kang Shin-gil ),최영완 ( Choi Young-wan ),김영주 ( Kim Young-joo ) 한국농촌계획학회 2021 농촌계획 Vol.27 No.2

        As the measures for solving problems of modern city and farming & fishing villages through mutual cooperation and complementation, this study aims to present an integrated rural area development model by changing the farming & fishing villages from a food production-focused space to a service space for the whole nation including urban residents, into the direction of creating new vitality and jobs in farming & fishing villages. In order to establish a service space that could increase the life quality and happiness of the people, this study presented the K-FARM framework types that would integrate and arrange total four themes such as rental farm, experience farm, stay farm, and management farm. In case when this K-FARM framework is applied to rural areas adjacent to cities, especially farming & fishing villages around innovative cities, there would be great effects such as expansion of exchanges between public institutions and local residents of innovative cities. Especially, the theme model classified into four types could be applied suitable for the characteristics of farming & fishing village development project district that is currently operated. Meanwhile, to realize the construction of K-FARM framework, on top of demand analysis of rental farm, it would be also necessary to additionally analyze the urban residents’ demand for experience farm and management farm.

      • KCI등재

        영농형태별 농가의 규모 변환 확률 분석

        최예준,유찬희,손미연 한국농업경제학회 2024 農業經濟硏究 Vol.65 No.2

        Korean agriculture exhibits a dual structure featuring both small and large farms. This structure faces challenges such as an aging demographic and increasing operational costs, which simultaneously promote the growth of large-scale farms and impede the competitiveness and expansion of smaller ones. This study utilizes farm household survey data to categorize farms into rice cultivation, orchards, vegetables, livestock, and part-time class II operations. We employed Markov Chain theory and an Ordered Logit Model to examine the variation in farm size across different types of farming. Our findings indicate that most farm types tend to retain the farm size from the previous year, making only minor adjustments rather than significant changes. While small and medium-sized farms generally were more likely to increase rather than decrease in size, exceptions include part-time class II farms such as those focusing on rice, orchards, and vegetables. Notably, livestock farms often maintained or increased their size, suggesting a consolidation trend towards larger operations. This ongoing trend is likely to reduce the number of small-scale farmers and increase mediumto- large operations. Despite this, the slow pace of farm consolidation suggests that the polarized structure of small and large farms will continue. These insights can aid in the more effective formulation and implementation of government support policies that take into account the distinct characteristics and size differences among farming types.

      • KCI등재

        농업경영개선을 위한 지역단위 경영조직화의 연구과제

        이소영(SoYoung Lee),김승규(SeungGyu Kim) 한국농식품정책학회 2016 농업경영정책연구 Vol.43 No.3

        The purpose of this paper is to provide the research agendas how to organize regional and local farms by recognizing farm business problems based on the changes of characteristics of these agricultural business entities. When it comes to identifying current farm business changes, the mainstream is switching from individual agricultural households to agricultural firms, i.e., agribusiness. Thus, the major interests of the current researches for farm management include, but not limited to, performance and/or farm scale improvements and organizing regional and local farms. However, there is a lack of studies dealing with roles and functions of individual farms. While the researches regarding agribusiness may focus more on agricultural supply and economic efficiency, agricultural multi-functionality or non-trade concerns must be considered by the researches to improve the functions and services individual farms provide. In addition, organizing regional and local farms can be viewed as an efficient way to support individual farms since supporting farm entities at the level of individual household is limited due to the lack of institutional and policy efficiency.

      • KCI등재

        소규모 가족농의 다활동성 실태에 관한 연구

        이혜원 ( Lee Hyewon ),김태연 ( Kim Tae-yeon ) 한국유기농업학회 2023 韓國有機農業學會誌 Vol.31 No.1

        This study aims at identifying the characteristics of various income earning activities conducted by small family farms, so-called pluriactivity, in Korea, Traditionally small farm households have been regarded in Korea as those who have not only very limited economic capability, but also very low status in rural society. However, in Europe, since the 1990s, there have been some researches found out the role of small farms in socio-economic development of rural regions. These tended to conclude that such various economic activities of small farms’ may contribute to the development of rural region. Introducing the concept of pluriactivity from the European studies, this study carried out surveys and interviews with 38 small farm household in Chungnam region in terms of the fundamental reasons for pluriactivity and the impact on rural economies. The analysis revealed the main reason of pluriactivity could be the lack of income for family. Nevertheless, this study also identified another important reason of pluriactivity that small farms’ desire to live in rural areas may drive them to do the pluriactivity. It may mean that farming could not be the main option for them to live in rural areas. In addition, it was confirmed that this pluriactivity has a positive impact on rural areas, such as landscape management, job creation, and cultural provision. Along with this, it was confirmed that there is a difference in pluriactivity characteristics according to age. It then necessary concludes that the rural development policy must consider the characteristics of farm households when they provide the support for farming and non-farming activities.

      • KCI등재

        1960년대 민간 협업농장의 경험과 자산 - 경기도 화성지역 화남협업농장을 중심으로

        김영미 연세대학교 국학연구원 2020 동방학지 Vol.191 No.-

        Cooperative farms were established in several places as government pilot farms in the 1960s. The initiative of almost all of these farms was government-led rather than private-led. However, the Hwanam Cooperative Farm, which was formed in 1961, was a private-led organization based on the strong activity of its members. There were three groups involved in the establishment and operation of the Hwanam Cooperative Farm. The first group included college-graduate intellectuals who had returned to their hometown and were willing to take part in rural movements. The second group included young men who had become rural activists through the 4H movement during their adolescence. And the third group included intellectuals in Seoul and the region who supported the other two groups. The people who participated in the Hwanam Cooperative Farm had led the cooperative movement and the 4H movement in the 1950s. And in order to overcome the limitations of the movements, they launched a cooperative farm movement in the 1960s. The Hwanam Cooperative Farm, which lasted for about 10 years from 1961 to 1970, shared the government’s cooperative farm policies and issues. In other words, the organization wanted to overcome the problem of the Korean rural areas which had been divided into small farming lands, through cooperative management. The participants of the organization pursued the private-led cooperation. Moreover, they experimented with a non-possession community which shared not only the production but also the possession. They rejected pesticides and fertilizers and moved on to eco-friendly agriculture where humans and nature could live together. The Hwanam Cooperative Farm was disbanded in 1970. But the rural movement of its founders continued, and the experience of the cooperative farm was accumulated and continued in the movement. The experience of Hwanam Cooperative Farm served as a valuable asset to the ecological and pro-life movement that aimed at eco-friendly farming where nature and humans coexist, and to the cooperative and community movement to protect rural areas from capitalist market principles. 협업농장은 1960년대 정부 시범농장으로 여러 군데에 설립되었다. 이들 농장들은 구성원들의 자발성보다는 정부 주도의 성격이 강했다. 이와 달리 1961년 결성된 화남협업농장은 민간 주도의 조직으로 구성원들의 강한 능동성에 기반하고 있었다. 화남협업농장의 설립과 운영에 관여한 그룹은 세 부류였다. 첫째는 고향마을로 귀농한 농촌운동을 지향한 대졸 지식인들이다. 둘째는 청소년기에 4H운동을 통해 농촌운동가로 성장한 청년들이다. 셋째는 이들을 뒷받침하고 있는 서울과 지역의 지식인들이다. 화남협업농장에 참여한 인물들은 1950년대에는 협동조합운동과 4H운동을 주도하였다. 그리고 그 한계를 극복하기 위해 1960년대 협업농장운동을 전개하였다. 1961년부터 1970년 무렵까지 약 10년간 존속했던 이 조직은 정부의 협업농장 정책과 문제의식을 공유하였다. 즉 영세화된 한국 농촌의 문제를 협업경영을 통해서 극복하고자 하였다. 그러나 이들은 민간 주도의 협업을 지향하였을 뿐 아니라, 생산뿐 아니라 소유까지도 공유하는 무소유 공동체를 실험하였다. 또한 농법에서도 농약과 비료를 거부하고 인간과 자연이 함께 살아가는 친환경 농업으로 나아갔다. 화남협업농장은 1970년 해체되었다. 그러나 화남협업농장의 경험은 현대 농촌운동·농민운동의 중요한 흐름을 형성하게 되는 자연과 인간이 공존하는 친환경 농업을 지향하는 생태·생명운동, 자본주의 시장원리로부터 농촌을 지키기 위한 협동(조합)운동과 공동체운동의 소중한 자산이 되었다.

      • KCI등재

        龍山시대 海岱지구 稻作文化 - 稻作의 전파와 확산 機制 -

        배진영 한국중국학회 2010 中國學報 Vol.61 No.-

        The purpose of this research was to investigate the reasons why rice farming was disseminated in Haidai district in the period of Longshan Culture. After this research, for this, examined the dissemination process of the farming into the district and the substance of rice farming management in the district, a mechanism for the spread of the farming was presumed. According to the examination, the dissemination the farming in the district in the period began in full scale from the latter half period of Daiwenkou Culture, and the farming spread quickly at the coming period of Longshan Culture. The inflow of the farming into the district was a phenomenon that appeared during the dissemination process of the farming in the north bound throughout the long period of time. Besides, the beginning of the farming in the period of Longshan Culture was not caused by either climate changes or the movement and replacement of foreign political states as external causes. It is considered that such spread of the farming was caused intertwiningly by two internal causes: firstly, evolution of Longshan Cultureto to etiquette society and, secondly, population increase. The first cause can be examined by the following process. The evolution to etiquette society was maintained throughout frequent religious ceremonies. And, in the process of the ceremonies, the brewing industries developed greatly. Consequently there was a need for rice as the main raw material of brewing. The second cause is as follows. The extremely developed Longshan Culture caused increase of population. Consequently a need for food source was raised to support the increased population. Therefore, it is considered that necessary was the restructuring of the agriculture that cultivated rice, the most productive farming. As stated, it is considered that there is a strong aspect that the dissemination and spread of the rice farming in the district in the period of Longshan Culture was caused by the internal needs of the Longshan society.

      • KCI등재

        용산(龍山)시대 해대(海岱)지구 도작문화(稻作文化) -도작(稻作)의 전파와 확산 기제(機制)-

        배진영 ( Jin Young Bae ) 한국중국학회 2010 중국학보 Vol.61 No.-

        The purpose of this research was to investigate the reasons why rice farming was disseminated in Haidai district in the period of Longshan Culture. After this research, for this, examined the dissemination process of the farming into the district and the substance of rice farming management in the district, a mechanism for the spread of the farming was presumed. According to the examination, the dissemination the farming in the district in the period began in full scale from the latter half period of Daiwenkou Culture, and the farming spread quickly at the coming period of Longshan Culture. The inflow of the farming into the district was a phenomenon that appeared during the dissemination process of the farming in the north bound throughout the long period of time. Besides, the beginning of the farming in the period of Longshan Culture was not caused by either climate changes or the movement and replacement of foreign political states as external causes. It is considered that such spread of the farming was caused intertwiningly by two internal causes: firstly, evolution of Longshan Cultureto to etiquette society and, secondly, population increase. The first cause can be examined by the following process. The evolution to etiquette society was maintained throughout frequent religious ceremonies. And, in the process of the ceremonies, the brewing industries developed greatly. Consequently there was a need for rice as the main raw material of brewing. The second cause is as follows. The extremely developed Longshan Culture caused increase of population. Consequently a need for food source was raised to support the increased population. Therefore, it is considered that necessary was the restructuring of the agriculture that cultivated rice, the most productive farming. As stated, it is considered that there is a strong aspect that the dissemination and spread of the rice farming in the district in the period of Longshan Culture was caused by the internal needs of the Longshan society.

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