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      • KCI등재

        라디오방송 텍스트의 정보조정에 관한 연구 -NHK World JAPAN ‘이야기로 즐기는 일본의 미’의 사례에서-

        김보애 동아시아일본학회 2019 일본문화연구 Vol.0 No.71

        This study concentrated on a program introducing ‘Fumie’ in ‘The Magic of Japanese Masterpieces’ that is a radio broadcasting of the NHK World JAPAN and examined a method to adjust information with texts of radio broadcasting in the course of delivering the Japanese culture to public after translating it into Korean that is a foreign language through the radio media. The above radio broadcasting is a program that is broadcasted with the 17 foreign languages based on the English script that was translated from an original Japanese manuscript. In results of analysis on the texts after transcribing the Korean broadcasting, several interesting facts were observed in a way of adjusting information. When broadcasting the Japanese culture using the Korean language, it was observed that some strategies, for instance, a strategy of using hypernym, a strategy of adding information, and a strategy of supplementing additional information on top of existing information were applied in the part that seemed to adjust the information before broadcasting it for the Korean radio audience with Korean language. Through a case study of ‘The Magic of Japanese Masterpieces’, those strategies, reversely, will be some references for the radio texts to deliver the Korean culture with the Japanese language and other texts.

      • KCI등재

        중고교생의 휴대폰사용 유형에 대한 비교분석 연구

        최병목 대한보건협회 2002 대한보건연구 Vol.28 No.4

        The focus of this research is on the actual usage of mobile phones among middle and high school students (Youths). The content of this research includes the usage period of mobile phones, the monthly average charge for calls, and information of charging methods and charge bearers. Disputes involving pay, degree of concern towards pay, expenditure of the usage of mobile phones and calls, number of inputted telephone numbers, text messages, reasons of mobile phone usage, and mobile phone etiquette are also included in the research. The goal of this research is to teach teenagers of productive methods of using mobile phones, such as to positively affect their studies and relationships. This research will help prevent and help students overcome mobile phone addictions. The research was found through questionnaires and in depth interviews. The results of this research conclude that there is a tendency for teenagers to use their mobile phones for more trivial purposes than the important matters, compared to the reasons adults use their phones. What seems trivial to adults are at times important issues to teenagers. To teenagers the mobile phone is a means of communication to express themselves effectively. It is also a way to escape the boredom of everyday life and keep in perpetual contact with close friends. In addition, because of a lack of recreation for teenagers, the mobile phone has become a type a toy that is always available. The average monthly payment for the use of mobile phones is higher for middle school students than it is for high school students. It is therefore concluded that middle school students use their mobile phones more than high school students. As predicted, the percentage of calls made and received by the same and other sex friends is the same. However, the percentage of calls received exceeds that of the calls made to parents. The first reason students use mobile phones is to find out what their friends are doing. The second reason is to search for information on-life when bored, and the third reason is to download pictures of animation characters, unique ringing sounds, and pictures of celebrities. Among 80 percent of the students answered that they had not received any education about mobile phone etiquette. Education through media would be appropriate. Most students first own a mobile phone between their first year of middle school and their first year of high school. At an average one teenager talks on his/her mobile phone for about 6.2 seconds per call to about 13.9 same sex friends. On the other hand, he/she will talk for about 7.6 seconds per call to about 6.2 other sex friends. Although teenagers have more same sex friends, they spend more time talking with their other sex friends. Also, teenagers make about 3-4 calls a day while they send about 20 text messages daily. The reliance level on text messages is significantly high. The more attached teenagers are to their mobile phones the more they are likely to use wireless Internet services. Listed in order of popularity, downloading different ringing sounds and animation characters, checking email, playing wireless Internet games, and chatting are come of the services students use. However, overall, the use of wireless Internet services is not high. Most students can punch about 86.9 text keys per minute. The more a student relies on his/her mobile phone, the more he/she is likely to send number messages (messages sent solely in numbers that carry certain meanings). In regard to the in depth interviews, the usage of mobile phones among middle school students, overall has little potential of becoming a social problem. In comparing the usage of mobile phones between students who are well adjusted to school life and those who are not, students who had trouble adjusting, normally had to nag their parents for a mobile phone. On the other hand, students who had little trouble adjusting were given mobile phones from their parents. Their parents bought them mobile phones to keep in contact with and know the whereabouts of their children. According to the results of the in depth interviews, students who had trouble adjusting at school felt they had strong friendships in part because of their mobile phones. On the other hand, students who adjusted well at school relatively used their mobile phones to keep in contact with family members. They also used their phones to express themselves more freely through text messages to close friends and relatives. Their usage of mobile phones is more appropriate. Of the interviewed students who did not own mobile phones, most were expecting to buy a mobile phone soon. In the meantime, they admit they use their friends mobile phones, almost to the extent that they share them.

      • KCI등재

        입학사정관전형 신입생의 대학적응 경험에 관한 내러티브 연구

        강기수(Kang, Gi-Su) 한국교육사상연구회 2012 敎育思想硏究 Vol.26 No.1

        이 연구의 목적은 입학사정관전형으로 입학한 신입생들이 대학적응 과정에서 어떤 경험을 하며, 이러한 경험이 의미하는 바가 무엇인지를 밝히는데 있다. 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위하여 다섯 명의 입학사정관전형 신입생을 대상으로 6개월 동안 개인면담, 집단면담, 이메일, 전화, 연구일지 등을 통하여 자료를 수집하고, ‘이야기하기’와 ‘다시 이야기하기’를 통하여 현장텍스트를 구성한 다음, 이에 근거하여 반복적으로 나타나는 패턴, 줄거리, 주제 등을 찾아내어 연구텍스트를 구성하였다. 연구결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 입학사정관전형은 선발제도로서는 성공 가능성을 보여주고 있으나, 대학 입학 이후의 교육이 미흡하여 입학사정관전형 신입생들은 모두 각자의 능력과 노력으로 홀로서기를 하고 있으며, 냉정하고 높은 현실의 벽을 경험하고 있다. 그러나 입학사정관전형 신입생들은 기초학력이 다소 부족함에도 불구하고 전공만족도는 높으며, 각자의 방식으로 어려움을 극복하고 홀로서기에 성공하고 있다. 이런 점에서 입학사정관전형은 입시제도로서의 가능성을 보여주고 있다. 이러한 입학사정관전형이 성공적으로 정착하기 위해서는 홀로서기를 도울 수 있는 대학과 정부의 적극적인 지원과 노력이 필요하다. The purpose of this study is to examine the 1st year experience in the university and its meaning, of those who have been accepted through the screening process of the admission officer system. The researcher chose five students, and collected data through personal interview, group meeting, e-mailing, and research journal. The study tries to construct the research text by identifying repeated patterns, plots, and themes in the field text based on students’ telling and retelling of their experiences. The research finds that the admission officer system can be successfully settled down as a selection system of university students, because the students, who have been accepted through the system, are content with both their studies in their major and campus lives. However, the students do not find proper supporting programs for their better performance after entering the university. Therefore, in order for the system to be successfully conducted, it is necessary to add a supplementary program for the student based on their needs.

      • KCI등재

        『걸리버 여행기』 번역에 나타난 교육적 목적의 변환 고찰

        신지선 ( Ji Sun Shin ) 건국대학교 동화와번역연구소(구 건국대학교 중원인문연구소) 2006 동화와 번역 Vol.11 No.-

        This research aims to confirm Pedagogical Shift occurring in the translation of Gulliver`s Travels. The text has been transferred from adult to children`s literature, which allows translators to delete the various elements regarded undesirable for children. The adjustment of the text to children by omitting many parts of the text is made in consideration of the educational goal in children`s literature. Children`s literature plays an essential role in the moral and cognitive development in children. It also provides children with an opportunity to grow a lifelong habit of reading. For these reasons, the translators of Gulliver`s Travels for Children excluded many scenes of the text, which indicates Translational Shift intended for pedagogical purpose. The omitted elements in the translation process include excretion, sexual activity, satire, complicated institution of human society, and unflattering characterization of adults such as atrocity, brutality, violence, relentlessness, etc. Those scenes are left out either for enhanced reading comprehension of children or young readers` mental welfare. In conclusion, the prevalent conception of children`s literature -a tool for education and emotional growth- dictates the translation process, which results in Pedagogical Shift in translating Gulliver`s Travels.

      • KCI등재

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