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      • 집단미술치료 프로그램이 결혼이주여성의 우울, 자아존중감 및 결혼만족도에 미치는 효과

        정선희 한국임상치유예술학회 2013 임상예술치료연구 Vol.2 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of group art therapy program on married migrant women's depression, self-esteem and marriage satisfaction. There were three research questions. First, does the group art therapy program have effects on married migrant women's depression? Second, does the group art therapy program have effects on married migrant women's self esteem? Third, does the group art therapy program have effects on married migrant women's marital satisfaction? Among migrant women who were taking Korean language program and Korean culture program designed specially for married migrant women in M city, 14 migrant women participated in this study. They were randomly divided into two groups: seven women in the experimental group and the other seven women in the control group. The experiment took place from July to October in 2009, consisting of eighteen week group art therapy sessions. Any treatment was not given to the control group. Pre-test scores and post-test scores in depression, self-esteem, and marriage satisfaction were compared. Results were as follows: First, the group art therapy program decreased depression of married migrant women. There were significant differences between pre-test scores and post-test scores in experimental group. Second, the group art therapy program had an effect on the self-esteem of married migrant women. The experimental group showed significantly higher self-esteem in post-test than pre-test. Third, the group art therapy program also had an significantly positive impact on the marriage satisfaction of married migrant women. Fourth, married migrant women in the experiment group showed that they felt happier in spite of no changes in their lives during the program. Also, they became more positive and confident to deal with any possible problems in current and future marriage. Thus, it was found out that group art therapy program has a positive effects on depression, self-esteem and marital satisfaction of married migrant women. Also, group art therapy program is expected to help married migrant women learn and adapt Korean language and culture.

      • KCI등재

        기혼자가 인식하는 30-40대 미혼 여성의 이미지 - 미혼 여성에 대한 고정관념을 중심으로 -

        류경희,왕석순 한국가정과교육학회 2010 한국가정과교육학회지 Vol.22 No.3

        In this work, we investigated the images of (unmarried) single women as seen from the viewpoint of married men and women. In-depth interviews were conducted with twenty-seven (married) men and women of ages from twenties to sixties. By carrying out a content-analysis on the interview results, we could extract three different thematic types of images on single women, which are (1) single women seeking some outlet of their passion instead of forming a family, (2) single women who are enjoying a life of unbound liberty, unlike married men and women, and (3) single women who have distinct personalities from married men and women. Each of these three thematic types could be further classified into narrower themes of specific images. From the first theme of single women who are looking for some outlet of their passion instead of forming a family, one could extract two specific image types in which the single women choose their work as the main outlet of their passion, or else they choose self-development. From the second theme of single women who are leading a life of unbound liberty, four different specific types were found, which are single women with sexual freedom, single women enjoying liberty from the bondage of a family, single women who can freely choose men to go out with, single women who have privileges to enjoy consumption and leisure life only for themselves. From the third theme of single women who have distinct personalities from married men and women, four different types of images were found, that are single women who want to avoid the hard reality of marriage life, single women who are selfish and self-assertive and leading a life that is self-centered or one that is centered around communities of only singles, single women who have secret feelings of emptiness and loneliness, and finally single women who can not find satisfaction in their life style. The images of married men and women on (unmarried) single women are based on the perception that 'those single women are different from us because they are not married'. That is, married men and women look upon the life of single women from the perspective of marriage life that they are experiencing. 본 연구에서는 기혼자의 싱글여성에 대한 이미지를 조사하기 위하여 20대에서 60대의 기혼 남녀 27명을 대상으로 심층면접을 실시하였다. 심층 면접 자료를 내용 분석한 결과, 가정 대신 열정을 쏟아 부을 수 있는 돌파구를 찾는 싱글 여성, 기혼자가 누리지 못하는 자유가 있는 싱글 여성, 기혼자들과 다른 성격 특성의 싱글 여성 이라는 3개의 대주제를 찾게 되었다. 가정대신 열정을 쏟아 부을 수 있는 돌파구를 찾는 싱글 여성이라는 주제에서는 가정 대신 열정을 쏟아 부을 수 있는 돌파구-일, 가정 대신 열정을 쏟아 부을 수 있는 돌파구-자기계발이라는 2개의 소주제가, 기혼자가 누리지 못하는 자유가 있는 싱글 여성이라는 주제에서는 성에 있어서 자유롭다, 가족으로부터의 자유가 있다, 이성과의 자유로운 만남이 있다, 자신만을 위한 소비와 여가생활에서 자유롭다 라는 4개의 소주제로 분류되었다. 기혼자들과 다른 성격 특성의 싱글 여성이라는 주제에서는 결혼의 힘든 현실을 회피하려고 한다, 자신과 싱글 중심 세계에서 살면서 이기적이고 자기주장이 강하다, 드러내놓고 싶지 않은 마음속의 공허함, 외로움이 있다, 삶의 만족감을 찾지 못한다 등의 4개의 소주제로 분류되었다. 기혼자들의 싱글 여성에 대한 인식은 결혼이 매우 중요한 기준이 되고 있으며 결혼을 경험한 ‘나와 다르다’는 인식에서 출발하고 있다. 즉 기혼자들은 자신이 경험한 결혼의 세계에서 싱글 여성들의 삶을 바라보고 있다.

      • KCI등재후보

        기혼 직장여성의 삶의 질 경로에 관한 연구 - 경북 경산시를 중심으로 -

        허숙민,최원석 부산대학교 여성연구소 2014 여성학연구 Vol.24 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to closely examine causality on quality of life in married working women. For this, the survey subjects were randomly sampled the married career women aged over 30 who dwell in Gyeongsan city of Gyeongsangbuk-do Province. It widely distributed totally 200 copies and then used 148 effective analytical materials as the final analytical data among the collected questionnaires. Structural Equation Model was used after analyzing the mean & standard deviation, t- and F-test, and correlation in order to examine the measurement variable as an analytical method. As a result of analysis, the married working women’s gender role attitude was formed the path of perfect mediating effect on quality of life after passing through the women policy satisfaction. The credibility of the administration in the local government could be known to have perfect mediating effect even on quality of life after passing through the women policy satisfaction. Suggesting a plan for promoting married working women’s quality of life based on the results of this study, first of all, the married career women’s quality of life originates greatly from which our society regards household labor as woman’s role yet. Thus, there is a need of supporting the working women so that work and family life can coexist. In such context, the policy-based measure is demanded that can lead to men’s participation in household chores and childrearing. Second, a women policy plan is demanded for vitalizing family- friendly system available for changing the traditional gender-role value that is left in our society, given considering that the more the married working women stick to the traditional gender-role value, the lower result the women policy satisfaction was shown. Third, the women policy of considering region-based characteristic needs to be mapped out, through promoting credibility in the local government, when considering the path of perfect mediating effect that the credibility in the local government passes through the women policy satisfaction on the married career women’s quality of life. For this, a study of research institution for women family policy by local government will need to be activated. 본 연구의 목적은 기혼 직장여성의 삶의 질에 관한 인과적 관계를 규명하기 위한 것이다. 이를 위해 조사대상은 경상북도 경산시에 거주하는 30세 이상 기혼 직장 여성을 임의표집 하였으며, 총 200부를 배포하여 회수된 설문지 중 유효 분석 자료 148부를 최종 분석 자료로 사용하였다. 분석방법으로는 측정변수를 검토하기 위한 평균 및 표준편차, t 및 F 검증, 상관관계 분석을 한 후 구조방정식 모형을 이용하였다. 분석결과, 기혼 직장여성의 성역할태도는 여성정책만족도를 거쳐서 삶의 질에 완전매개효과 경로가 형성되었으며, 지방정부 행정의 신뢰도가 여성정책만족도를 거쳐 삶의 질에도 완전매개효과가 있음을 알 수 있었다. 본 연구의 결과를 바탕으로 기혼 직장여성의 삶의 질 증진을 위한 방안을 제시해보면 우선, 기혼 직장여성의 삶의 질은 아직까지 우리 사회가 가사노동의 영역을 여성의 역할로 간주하는 데에서 기인하는 바가 크므로 여성발전기본법에 명시된 구체적인 정책들을 실행해 나가는 것이 필요하다. 둘째, 기혼 직장여성은 전통주의 성역할 태도를 견지할수록 여성정책만족도가 낮은 결과를 나타내고 있음을 고려해 볼 때 우리 사회는 잔존하고 있는 전통주의적 성역할 가치관을 변화시킬 수 있는 여성정책 방안이 요구된다. 셋째, 기혼 직장여성의 삶의 질은 지방정부 행정의 신뢰성이 여성정책만족도를 거치는 완전매개효과 경로를 감안할 때, 지방자치단체는 신뢰성 증진을 통하여 지역별 특성을 고려한 여성정책을 입안하는 것이 필요하다. 이를 위해 광역단체별 여성가족정책연구기관의 연구가 활성화 되어야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        성인 비혼 남녀의 비혼 유형 관련 요인 탐색 연구

        김지유 ( Kim Ji-yu ),조희선 ( Cho Hee-sun ) 한국가족관계학회 2018 한국가족관계학회지 Vol.23 No.3

        Objectives: The objectives of this study were to classify never-married types of adult men and women and explore factors related to these types. Never-married types were categorized into 4 types according to continuity and voluntariness: continuous voluntary type; changed voluntary type; continuous non-voluntary type; and changed non-voluntary type. Factors related to types of being single were examined in terms of socio-demographic factors, individual and psychological factors (self-esteem, depression), dating relationship factors (current relationship status), original family factors (parental conflict, relationship with parents, parents’ demand for marriage), marriage related factors (division of roles after marriage), and occupation related factors (work values, employment instability). Method: As for research method, a survey was conducted with never-married adult men and women between the ages of 35 and 49 living in Seoul, Gyeonggi or Incheon areas. Of 300 copies of questionnaire distributed, data from 295 copies were processed using SPSS 24.0 program for multinomial logit analysis. Results: The study results showed that, of never-married men respondents, continuous voluntary type accounted for 20.5%; changed voluntary type 18.9%; continuous non-voluntary type 49.6%; and changed non-voluntary type 11.0%. It was found that the factors related to continuous non-voluntary type among never-married men are age, religion, average monthly income, while the factors related to changed voluntary type are religion, self-esteem, depression, and frequency and strength of parental conflict, while the factor related to changed non-voluntary type men was living with parents. Examining never-married women respondents, it was found that, continuous voluntary type accounted for 33.9%; changed non-voluntary type 19.6%; continuous non-voluntary type 22.6%; and changed voluntary type 23.8%. The factor related to continuous non-voluntary type among never-married women was parents' demand for marriage, while the factors related changed voluntary type were age, depression and strength of parental conflict. Also, the factors related to changed non-voluntary type of never-married women were age, religion, living with parents, depression and parents' demand for marriage. Conclusion: In conclusion, it was found that continuous non-voluntary type formed the largest group among never-married men, whereas continuous voluntary type was the majority in never-married women. Both never-married men and women chose to remain single when they are living with their parents and their parental conflict is intense. Parents' demand for marriage was related to women, but not to men.

      • KCI등재후보

        부산지역 기혼남녀의 심리적 복지감에 관한 비교연구

        이정숙 한국지역사회생활과학회 2004 한국지역사회생활과학회지 Vol.15 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to empirically verify the influence of certain variables on the psychological well-being of married men and women and to provide a basis for promoting the quality of life. The subjects of this study were 366 married men and women in Busan. The data was obtained through administering a self-reported questionnaire. Statistical analysis was carried out using SPSS/WIN 10.0 and included frequencies, means, standard deviation, Chronbach'a, x2, t-test, and regression analysis. The major results of this study were as follows: First, the scores for degree of income propriety, fate control orientation and material orientation of married men was higher than those of married women. The scores for degree of stress recognition and perceived equity showed no significant difference between men and women. The score for psychological well-being of married men and women was relatively low. The score of psychological well-being of married women(2.94) was higher than that of married men(2.67). Second, variables that affect the psychological well-being of married men were degree of income propriety(p<.001), degree of perceived stress(p<.001), fate control orientation(p<.001) and material orientation(p<.001). Variables that affect psychological well-being of married women were degree of income propriety(p<.001), degree of perceived stress (p<.001), fate control orientation(p<.001) and perceived equity(p<.01). The variable of perceived equity didn't affect psychological well-being of married men. The variable of material orientation didn't affect the psychological well-being of married women. Third, the influence level of the degree of income propriety of married men and women was the highest among the variables.

      • 자녀세액공제제도 도입이 기혼여성노동공급에 미치는 영향

        김현숙(Hyunsook Kim),성명재(Myung Jae Sung) 한국재정학회(구 한국재정·공공경제학회) 2007 공공경제 Vol.12 No.1

          본 논문에서는 세후소득에 근거한 기혼여성 노동공급함수를 효용함수가 CES(Constant Elast of Substitution)함수라는 가정 하에 구측하고 2004년 한국노동패널자료를 이용하여 기흔여성의 노동공급함수를 추정하여 기흔여성이 소득세 부담에 따라 노동공급을 어떻게 변화시키는지 분석하였다. 실증분석 시 세후소득에 대한 도구변수들로 기혼여성의 직장경력, 교육수준, 시간당 보육비용의 추정치를 사용하여 2SLS 추정법으로 분석한 결과 세전소득에서 소득세를 차감하고 자녀의 시간당 보육비용을 차감한 세후소득에 대한 기혼여성의 보상임금탄력성은 0.23~0.26으로 세후소득이 증가할 때 노동공급시간을 증가시키는 것으로 나타났다. 실증분석을 통해 도출한 노동공급함수 추정치를 직접적으로 이용하여 기혼여성의 보육비용 지출을 세액공제를 통해 지원할 때 과연 기흔여성의 노동공급은 어느 정도 영향을 받는지를 살펴보기 위해 정책 시뮬레이션을 한 결과, 근로장려세제(EITC)와 유사한 내용으로 면세점 이하의 기혼여성 근로자만을 대상으로 세액공제를 허용해 주는 방안은 기혼여성 노동공급시간 확대는 9.5%, 신규노동시장 참여비율은 19.6% 증가시켜 그 효과가 상당한 것으로 나타났다. 또한 노동공급확대를 통해 나타나는 소득창출효과는 필요재정규모의 약 4매 수준으로 증가하는 것으로 나타났다.   The trend toward very rapidly fallen total fertility rates and population ageing causes high share of elderly and low share of young and labor active population in Korea. It may imply the slow or negative economic growth in the economy due to the shortage of labor force in the future.<BR>  We need to devise policy tools to increase fertility rates to cope with shortage of labor supply in the long run. At the same time, we need to induce inactive labor force into participating in labor market in the short term and the main force for inactive labor is married women in Korea.<BR>  It is well-known that there may be a trade-off between fertility rates and women"s labor force participation and recently this relationship is changed to positive relationship in a few countries due to strong family friendly government policies.<BR>  Thus we need to consider how to get high fertility rates as well as high married or coupled women"s labor force participation rates in designing a family friendly government policy. One of policy tools is to help women with children under age 5 to reconciliate work and child rearing, i.e., child care policy.<BR>  Our research agenda is to lessen households" child care expense within income tax scheme using child tax credit and to see how much it can impact on women"s labor force participation rates and working hours.<BR>  First, we construct married women"s labor supply function under CES<Constant elasticity of substitution) utility function assumption with the budget constraints incorporating child care expense and hour allocation <working-leisure) constraint. We estimate compensated and uncompensated wage elasticity for married women using year 2004 Korean Labor and Income Panel Study and get the compensated elasticity ranged from 0.23 to 0.26.<BR>  We waive child care expense via child tax credit and increase women"s hourly wage to see child care cost impact on labor force participation and working hours of married women with children under age 5.<BR>  We simulate three different child tax credit scheme to compare effects of different schemes. First, we give child tax credit for only low income women workers with children under age 5 without tax burden in current income tax regime. We design increasing-constant-decreasing tax credit based on the income size as Earned Income Tax Credit system does. The size of child tax credit is 30% of income under wage 5 million won, 1,500 thousand won for income 5~7 million won of income range and 50% of the difference between income and 7 million won for income 7~10 million won.<BR>  This scheme creates 19.6% increase of new labor force participation and 9.5% increase of working hours. It also creates extra income four times higher compare to tax revenue loss for child tax credit implementation.<BR>  Second scheme is to give lump-sum tax credit, 600 thousand won for middle income class and has no effect on married women"s labor activity. Third scheme is a proportional tax credit with tax burden under the current income tax regime and has only a small positive effect on working hours.<BR>  We found that negative income tax credit for low income earners has large effect on women"s labor market activity whereas child tax credit policy for middle class and highly educated women has little effect.<BR>  However, we can not conclude child tax credit for highly educated women has no effect based on this result only. Our income elasticity of married women is relative low and more diverse and sophisticated child tax credit design is needed to examine child tax credit effect on women"s labor force participation as well as working hours for the further elaborated study.

      • KCI등재

        결혼이주여성의 지역사회참여 현황과 교육법적 과제

        박지인(Park, Ji In) 대한교육법학회 2021 敎育 法學 硏究 Vol.33 No.2

        결혼이주여성의 지역사회참여는 이주한 국가에서 개인의 정체성을 형성하고, 사회・문화・정치적 통합에 긍정적인 작용을 하기에 중요한 의미를 가진다. 지역사회참여는 지역사회에서 상호작용을 위한 다양한 모임 및 활동에 참여하거나, 자신의 삶과 관련된 정책 결정 과정에 영향을 미치기 위한 활동을 모두 포괄하는 개념이다. 그러나 지금까지 결혼이주여성의 지역사회참여는 다양한 유형의 참여에 대한 논의와 제도적 지원이 이루어지지 못하였다는 한계가 있다. 이 연구에서는 결혼이주여성의 지역사회참여의 의의와 유형을 살펴보고, 관련 법제도에서 결혼이주여성의 참여에 대한 제도적 지원이 어떻게 나타나고 있는지를 검토하였다. 또한 결혼이주여성의 지역사회참여 현황을 실증적으로 살펴보기 위해 수도권 거주 결혼이주여성 210명을 대상으로 지역사회참여에 대한 설문조사를 실시하였다. 연구 결과 관련 법제도에서는 사회적응교육을 중심으로 한 교육 지원이 주로 이루어지고 있었으며, 설문조사 결과 결혼이주여성들은 다문화가족지원센터를 중심으로 한 교육문화 프로그램에 가장 높은 참여를 보이고 정책참여에 가장 낮은 참여를 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구 결과에 따라 결혼이주여성의 지역사회참여를 활성화하기 위한 방안으로 사회구성원으로서 결혼이주여성의 참여에 대한 시각의 전환, 평생교육의 관점에서 결혼이주여성 교육 프로그램의 다양화, 실효성 있는 정책참여 기회의 확대, 일반 시민의 다문화인식 개선을 위한 다문화교육의 강화를 제안하였다. Community participation of married immigrant women has important meaning in forming individual identity in the country they have immigrated to and having positive effect on social, cultural, and political integration. Community participation is a concept that encompasses participation in various meetings and activities for mutual interactions in one’s local community and in activities aimed at exerting influence on policy-making process related to one s life. However, community participation of married immigrant women has been limited so far in that discussions about various types of participation and institutional support have not been made. This study examined the significance and types of community participation of married immigrant women and how institutional support for such participation of married immigrant women is reflected in relevant legal system. In addition, a survey on community participation was conducted with 210 married immigrant women living in the metropolitan area in order to empirically examine the current status of community participation of married immigrant women. As a result, it was found that educational support focused on social adaptation education is mainly reflected in relevant legal system. The survey results indicated that married immigrant women show the highest participation in educational and cultural programs provided mainly by Multicultural Family Support Centers and the lowest participation in policy affairs. Based on the results of this study, the following suggestions were made as ways to activate community participation of married immigrant women; change of perspective on community participation of married immigrant women as members of society, diversification of education programs for married immigrant women from the viewpoint of lifelong education, and reinforced support for vitalization of policy participation through ordinances, and reinforced support for multicultural education to improve multicultural awareness among ordinary citizens.

      • KCI등재

        미취업 기혼여성이 지각하는 진로장벽이 진로준비행동에 미치는 영향

        이수분,이정희 한국직업교육학회 2010 職業 敎育 硏究 Vol.29 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to help prepare basic data which is required for married women's vocation career education through analyzing the influence of career barriers perceived by unemployed married women on career preparation behaviors. Research subjects of this study are following. First, how are career barriers perceived by unemployed married women? Second, how are the career preparation behaviors levels of unemployed married women? Third, how is the influence of career barriers perceived by unemployed married women on career preparation behaviors?The summary of this study results are following. First, married women perceive career barriers highly in 'restriction of employment', 'discrimination', and 'child rearing environment' among 7 subordinate factors. Second, married women's average on career preparation behavior level is 3.06. When comparing with preceeding researches which analyzed career preparation behaviors levels of university students, married women's career preparation behaviors levels are relatively higher. Third, there are negative correlations between career barriers and career preparation behaviors perceived by married women. Furthermore, 'preparation/skill lack' and 'child rearing environment' factors among 7 subordinate factors of career barriers brought out negative effects on career preparation behaviors. 'Restriction of employment' factor, however, gives positive effects on career preparation behaviors. It showed that 7 subordinate factors of career barriers include 14% of career preparation behaviors. 본 연구의 목적은 미취업 기혼여성들이 지각하는 진로장벽이 진로준비행동에 미치는 영향을 분석하여 기혼여성의 직업교육에 요구되는 기초자료를 마련하는데 도움이 되고자 하는 것이다. 이러한 연구목적을 달성하기 위한 연구문제는 첫째, 미취업 기혼여성의 개인적 특성에 따라 지각하는 진로장벽은 어떠한 차이가 있는가? 둘째, 미취업 기혼여성의 개인적 특성에 따라 진로준비행동 수준은 어떠한 차이가 있는가? 셋째, 미취업 기혼여성이 지각하는 진로장벽이 진로준비행동에 미치는 영향은 어떠한가? 이다. 이를 위해 부산∙양산지역에 거주하는 미취업 기혼여성 231명을 대상으로 진로장벽 척도와 진로준비행동 척도를 활용하여 설문조사를 실시하였으며, 기술통계 및 상관분석과 회귀분석을 통해 자료를 분석하였다. 본 연구의 결과를 요약하면, 첫째, 미취업 기혼여성이 지각하는 진로장벽은 7개의 하위요인 중 ‘고용의 제약’, ‘차별’, ‘자녀양육환경’ 요인 등을 높게 지각하는 것으로 나타났으며, 둘째, 미취업 기혼여성이 지각하는 진로장벽은 연령, 학력, 막내자녀의 나이, 직업교육 수강정도에 따라 통계적으로 유의미한 차이가 있는 것으로 확인되었다. 셋째, 기혼여성의 진로준비행동 수준의 평균은 3.06으로, 이는 대학생들의 진로준비행동 수준을 분석한 선행연구들과 비교했을 때, 기혼여성의 진로준비행동 수준이 상대적으로 높은 것으로 나타났으며, 넷째, 미취업 기혼여성의 진로준비행동 수준은 연령과 학력에 따른 차이는 통계적으로 유의미한 차이는 없었으나, 막내자녀의 나이와 직업교육 수강정도에서는 통계적으로 유의미한 차이가 있었다. 다섯째, 미취업 기혼여성이 지각하는 진로장벽과 진로준비행동은 부적(-)상관관계가 있으며, 진로장벽 7개의 하위요인 중 ‘준비/기술부족’ 요인과 ‘자녀양육환경’ 요인은 진로준비행동에 부적(-)영향을 주며, ‘고용의 제약’요인은 진로준비행동에 정적(+)영향을 주는 것으로 확인되었다. 또한 진로장벽 7개 하위요인은 진로준비행동을 14% 설명해 주고 있는 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        기혼여성노동자의 일ㆍ가족 경험과 직업의식

        박홍주(Park HongJu),이은아(Lee Euna) 한국여성학회 2004 한국여성학 Vol.20 No.2

        이 글은 기혼여성노동자의 일ㆍ가족 경험과 노동시장 내 제반 조건이 이들의 직업의식에 어떤 영향을 미치는지 여성의 경험과 입장을 중심으로 살펴보고자 한다. 기혼여성노동자 278명을 대상으로 일과 가족경험을 조사한 결과, 정규직 기혼여성보다 비정규직 기혼여성의 일ㆍ가족갈등이 더 높고 가족의 정서적 지원은 더 낮게 나타났다. 고용불안정은 노동시장뿐 아니라 가족 내에서도 기혼여성을 불완전 노동자로 규정하는 이중의 효과를 갖는다. 업무전문성과 노동통제 강화는 정규직 기혼여성이 비정규직 기혼여성보다 더 높았으며, 평균교육 년수와 월평균 소득, 생계부양역할과 가족의 정서적 지원, 가족지향성, 그리고 업무전문성이 직업의식에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구 결과는 저임금과 불안정 노동으로 관철되는 여성노동의 특성을 변화시켜야만 여성의 일과 삶의 질을 향상시킬 수 있으며, 이를 위해 기혼여성노동자의 고용안정과 노동자로서의 인정 및 지원이 필요하다는 것을 보여준다. This study aims at examining how the work of married women, their family experiences, and various circumstances in labor market have influenced upon their vocational consciousness. 'Vocational consciousness' has been transformed or reconstructed under specific circumstances not only as a social knowledge system but also a gendered institution which is constructed in a certain social, historical, and cultural context. Although the participation rate of economic activity for married women has been consistently increased, their vocational consciousness has been still represented as 'non-being' or 'deficiency'. For instance, the low level of their vocational consciousness has been generally attributed as a cause for a justified excuse for gender discrimination such as the low employment rate of women, the gender discrimination in retiring age and layoffs. Keeping in mind this problems, this study focuses on the women's work and family experiences through their own voices. To analyze the difference in work and family experiences of the married women workers according to their different employment status, this study surveyed 278 the married women workers asking their work and family experiences. The results from the analysis show that in the family life of the contingent workers of married women, they have higher rate of work-family conflicts, while lower rate of emotional support from their family. The instability of employment has doubly influenced upon married women workers designating them unstable workers in family as well as in labor market. In the aspects of labor experiences, study results reveal that the regular workers of married women have more their work professionality and reinforcement of the labor control than the contingent workers of married women do. It furthermore shows that the factors affecting on their vocational consciousness are the average years of educational attainment, the average incomes, the role of family supporter, the emotional support from their family, the family orientation, and their work professionality. As the dual-earner households have been increased recently, it is recommended that government or employers should establish the practical supporting institutions and systems for married women worker. The implications from the study results indicate that acknowledging the married women as a worker and providing the subsequent supporting system are prerequisite for achieving an employment stability of the married women.

      • KCI등재

        부모와의 근거리 거주가 기혼여성의 경제활동에 미치는 영향

        이경곤 ( Kyunggon Lee ),성효용 ( Hyo-yong Sung ) 한국질서경제학회 2017 질서경제저널 Vol.20 No.3

        여성의 교육기회 확대 등을 통해 현세대의 여성들은 이전 세대보다 경제활동참가율이 더 많이 증가하고 있다. 하지만 우리나라에서 고학력 여성을 중심으로 결혼 이후에 노동시장에 복귀하지 않는 이른바 L자형 여성 고용률을 보이고 있다. 전통적으로 여성 노동시장은 M자형의 노동시장 참여를 보여 젊은 연령대에서는 고용률이 높다가 결혼 이후 급격히 하락하고, 이후에 다시 증가하는 모습이었다. 그러나 L자형 모습은 고학력 여성을 중심으로 결혼 이후의 경력단절이 심각함을 보여준다. 기혼여성의 노동시장 진입과 경력단절에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 요인은 자녀, 특히 미취학 자녀의 양육과 이에 따른 시간적 부담과 함께 가사부담으로 보고되고 있다. 최근의 정책적 지원 역시 양육 부담 감소를 위한 영유아 보육시설 확대에 집중되어 있다. 예전보다 나아지고 있지만 아직 우리나라의 보육시설은 운영시간이나 서비스 면에서 제한이 많은 편이다. 이런 경우에 부부의 부모나 형제와 자매를 포함한 친인척은 공식적인 보육서비스의 비공식 공급자로서 이해될 수 있다. 부모와의 동거 및 근접 거주는 기혼여성의 경제활동에 영향을 줄 수 있음에도 이에 대한 연구는 활발히 진행되지 못하고 있다. 선행연구에 따르면, 세대 간 동거는 세대 간 사적 자원이전을 통해 기혼여성의 노동공급에 긍정적인 영향을 미침을 보였음에도 사용한 자료의 한계로 인해 세대 간 시간 자원의 사적 이전을 정확하게 설명하지 못하고 있다. 본 연구는 기존 연구에서 반영하지 않았던 가족 구성의 특성을 고려하여 기혼여성의 경제활동을 설명한다. 구체적으로 부부의 거주지 근처에 부모가 거주할 경우와 그렇지 않을 경우에 기혼여성의 경제활동을 비교한다. 이는 부모의 육아 및 가사 도움이 여성의 경제활동에 영향을 미칠 것으로 기대되기 때문이다. 추정결과에 따르면, 기혼여성 본인과 남편 부모는 기혼여성의 경제활동에 있어서 일정한 영향을 미친다. 도보로 도달 가능한 거리에 부모가 거주하는 경우에, 기혼여성의 노동시장 참여확률은 7.8%p 정도 높아지며, 노동공급 시간은 하루에 23분 정도 증가한다. 그렇지만 부모와 동거하는 기혼여성의 경우에는 경제적 효과가 명확하지 않다. 이런 결과는 부부가 부모와 동거 또는 근처에 거주하는 이유가 단순히 경제적인 이유 때문만은 아님을 암시하며, 경제적인 이유 이외에 가족 구성원 간의 친밀감을 통한 만족감을 높이려는 선택일 수 있다는 것을 암시한다. 본 연구의 한계점으로는 부부의 거주지 선택의 내생성 문제를 적절히 처리하지 못한 점에 있다. 패널 상관확률효과모형을 통해 개인의 특성을 적절히 통제했지만, 어떤 이유로 부모와의 거주지 거리를 선택하는지는 적극적으로 고려되지 못했다. 또한, 거주지 선택에서의 성별 특성을 명시적으로 고려하지 못했다. 기혼여성의 부모나 남편의 부모 거주지 근처로 이동하는 원인은 다를 수 있으며, 이런 차이점은 여성의 경제활동에 영향을 미칠 것이다. 이런 한계점은 추후 연구 과정에서 보완될 것이다. The upheaval of women’s social status due to higher education has stimulated the labor force participation rate of women in the current generation rather than the previous generation. Even though women’ employment rate has steadily increased, it is showing a ‘L’ shaped pattern which means most highly educated women are not returning to the labor market after marriage and childbirth. Traditionally Korean women’s labor force participation rate shows a ‘M’ shaped patten. It implies that a number of women drop out of labor market when they have childbirths, some of whom return to the market as their children grow. However, a ‘L’ shaped pattern indicates that the career discontinuity of highly educated women after marriage is serious. Raising Employment rates in the labor market is importantly considered in the wake of the maternity and childcare crisis. Thus studies on married women’s labor market have been conducted in various aspects, mainly due to factors concerning childbirth and childcare, primarily involving childbirth and childcare, and human characteristics of women and spouses. The purpose of this paper is to examine the impacts of the parents’ proximity on married women’s labor force participation. This study describes the economic activity of married women considering the characteristics of family members not reflected in previous studies. It compares the economic activity of married women, especially if they reside in close proximity to a couple of dwellings. This is because parental childcare and parental support are expected to affect the economic activity of women. According to the estimates, the role of parents and parents-in-laws in married women’s economic activity has a certain impact. In cases where parents are living on a walking distance, the probability of participating in the labor market is increased by 7%p, and labor supply hours increase by 23 minutes. Also, the economic effects of married women who live with their parents are unclear. The implication implies that the reason why couples live with their parents or living nearby is not simply because of economic reasons, but rather by choosing to increase their satisfaction with the lifestyle of their family members rather than economics reasons. The limitation of this study is that it is not adequately treated an endogeneity problem of residence choice by married couples. We control individual characteristics by panel correlated random model, but it is not actively considered why couples choose residence distance from their parents. The reasons for moving close to a married woman’s parents or her parents’ home may differ, and this difference affects women’s economic activities. This limitations will be supplemented in future research.

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