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      • KCI등재

        18세기 중엽 사근도(沙斤道) 역인(驛人)의 호구(戶口) 구성과 실태 - 『사근도(沙斤道) 형지안(形止案)』 의 분석을 중심으로 -

        우인수 ( Woo In-soo ) 한국고문서학회 2017 古文書硏究 Vol.51 No.-

        본 논문은 새롭게 발견된 18세기 중엽인 1747년(영조 23)의 『사근도 형지안』을 분석하여 역에 속한 역인의 구성과 실태를 살핀 글이다. 『사근도 형지안』은 현존하는 4개의 역도 형지안 중의 하나라는 점에서 의미가 있고, 전체가 완전하게 남아있는 형지안이어서 그 의미가 더욱 크다. 현존하는 김천도와 송라도 형지안과는 비슷한 시기라는 점에서, 자여도 형지안과는 비슷한 지역이라는 점에서 좋은 비교 대상이 된다는 점도 자료가 가지는 큰 장점이다. 『사근도 형지안』은 소속 15개 역별로 작성되어 있는데, 사근역의 경우가 규모가 가장 커서 역인의 수가800명을 넘었고, 그 아래에 500명대의 안간역, 400명대의 유린역, 300명대의 정수역의 순이었다. 그 아래 100명대의 역이 5개역, 100명 이하의 역이 6개역이었다. 15개 역의 역인 총수는 3,468명이었다. 여기에 보인 460명을 더할 경우 3,928명이었다. 보인을 제외할 경우 자여도의 경우와 거의 비슷한 규모였다. 각 역의 역인은 호로 묶여 파악되고 있었다. 이때의 호는 역인 파악의 편의를 도모하기 위해 혈연에 기초하여 만든 호였다. 사근역의 경우 165개 호 가운데 40개 호의 호수가 사망자이거나 도망자였으며, 도망자중에는 100세가 넘는 자도 3명이나 있었다. 그리고 역인 중 다수를 차지하고 있는 역리의 경우 직접 역을 지지 않는 여성인 역녀가 기재 대상에서 아예 제외되어 있었다. 따라서 호를 통한 가족의 여러 가지 상황파악에는 근본적인 한계가 있다. 결국 형지안 작성의 주된 관심은 驛役을 지는 정확한 역인의 실태 파악에 있었다. 이 점을 고려하여 역인의 특징을 밝히는 데 집중하였다. 역리의 역별 구성과 규모, 연령대 및 연령별 분석의 특징을 추출할 수 있었다. 특히 역노비의 경우는 남녀가 모두 기재되어 있는 자료의 특성상 역리의 경우보다 더 다양한 분석이 가능하였다. 성비의 분석, 출자별 분석, 혼인의 양태 등이 그것이다. 나아가 분석의 결과를 김천도, 송라도, 자여도의 경우와 비교 분석함으로써 사근도의 특징을 더욱 드러낼 수 있다. 역에서 차지하는 비중이 점차 줄어들고 있는 일수와 보인의 모습과 실태도 확인하였다. This study set out to analyze the Census Register of Sageundo Stations, which is newly discovered material that was written in 1747 (the 23rd year of King Yeongjo`s reign) in the mid-18th century, and examine the composition and reality of station workers. The Census Register of Sageundo Stations holds its significance as one of the four remaining census registers of stations and even greater importance as the only census register with all of its contents kept intact. It also has a huge advantage of being a good object of comparison as it addresses a similar period to the census registers of Kimcheondo and Songrado and covers a similar area to the census register of Jayeodo. The Census Register of Sageundo Stations contains the data of 15 stations within the jurisdiction. Of the stations, Sageun Station was the biggest and had over 800 station workers, followed by Angan Station with about 500 stations workers, Yurin Station with about 400 station workers, and Jeongsu Station with about 300 station workers in that order. There were five stations with approximately 100 station workers and six stations with fewer than 100 station workers. The total number of station workers at the 15 stations was 3,468. Their workforce reached 3,928 when 460 carriers were added to them. Sageundo was a similar size to Jayeodo when the carriers were not included. The stations` workers at each station were surveyed in terms of household. There were 165 households within the jurisdiction of Sageun Station, and the head was dead or escaped in 40 of them. There were even three people that were 100 years old or older among the escapees. Accounting to the majority of station workers, the official clerks had Yeokneyo, which refers to women charged with no direct duty of Yeok, excluded from their census registers. These findings indicate that there are fundamental limitations figuring out various situations involving families based on households. The major concern of the census register was to examine the actual conditions of station workers charged with the duty of station Yeok accurately. Taking that into consideration, the present study focused on shedding light on the characteristics of station workers and identified the composition and size of official clerks by the stations and the characteristics of analysis by age groups. A more diverse analysis of station servants was more possible than official clerks at the station since the material contained the data of both male and female station servants. They include analysis by gender, birth condition, and marital status. Furthermore, the analysis results of Sageundo was compared and analyzed with those of Gimcheondo, Songrado, and Jayeodo to make its characteristics more prominent. The importance of errand boys and carriers gradually decreased at the station, whose binding force over them weakened. These situations were explained in comparison to the reality of the times.

      • KCI등재

        19세기초 自如道 驛人의 구성과 그 실태

        禹仁秀(Woo In-soo) 역사학회 2009 역사학보 Vol.0 No.201

        This thesis research on Census register of Jayeudo(自如道) stations, which was discovered quite lately. Census register of Jayeudo stations was framed in 1804 and discovered after Kimcheondo(金泉道) and Songrado(松羅道) were found out. It was pretty useful to study a state and organization of single station district thanks to its absolutely good preservation without any defect. This thesis is quite meaningful to analyze station district and introduce it to the academic world for the first time. Jayeudo stations, one of 11 station district in Kyeongsang(慶尙) province, had competence over a subordinate office of Kyeongsang province area nearby Kimhea(金海) and Changwon(昌原). And it was about 15 stations including Jayeudo station, the major one. The scale of station was various. For example, while about 2,000 station workers served in major station, there were only 300 workers or even 50 worked in substitute station. Here, I'll introduce some facts found out from studying Census register. Structure and organization of early 19th century's all Jayeudo station workers could be revealed from the study. Classifying them into official clerks of station, servants and Ilsu(日守), here's some brief explanation for each. Official clerks of station, part of the station workers, were classified into regular clerks of station(元驛吏) and irregular clerks of station(流驛吏). There were 3,415 in total and regular clerks of station were 2,519 which is about 73.80% while irregular clerks of station were 896, 26.2%. The fact that there was discrimination between regular clerks of station and irregular clerks of station seems to prove that some needs to distinguish official clerks of station between themselves were raised, And researching surnames of official clerks, I could find out there were two or single major family names in each station, It seems this feature stems from their characteristics, aboriginal inhabitation and heredity of their jobs. A residential district of station clerks tended to be close to where their workplace, a station, was located. And their age, between grownups and young people, showed a ratio of 55 to 45. After adjusting for age, I could find out that they, purposely, reported their age younger than real trying to postpone a burden of obligations, which belongs to their offsprings. The population of station servants between station workers was quite small. In Jayeudo stations, the major one, there were only 146 servants and usually there were none in substitute stations. The proportion of males to females in Jayeudo station was in the ratio of 6 to 4. According to research about social status of parents of station servants, a source of their supply were mostly in case their maternal line were female servants, Also, based on lots of cases, I could find out that most of the female servants married to commoners, which means marriages between two individuals from different social position were kinds of common affairs at that time. The population of Ilsu was small, just same as station servants. Except 36 people who belongs to Jayedo station, the major one, there was almost no one in substitute stations. And unlike station servants, not any certain people from same family name were majority. It seems they were employed rather than being transmitted by heredity.

      • KCI등재

        Dynamic Metro Stations Importance Evaluation Based on Network Topology and Real-Time Passenger Flows

        Peipei Peng,Zhao Liu,Jianhua Guo,Chao Wang 대한토목학회 2023 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering Vol.27 No.10

        Identifying the importance of metro stations is crucial for enhancing the efficiency and safety of the urban rail transit system. This study proposes an integrated approach to evaluate the importance of metro stations based on jointly the static metro network topology and the dynamic real-time passenger flows. The static characteristics of metro stations are reflected through node degree and clustering coefficient of metro network topology based on the complex network theory. The dynamic characteristics of metro stations are assessed using the passenger flow time series, which were modeled using the autoregressive integrated moving average plus autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model (i.e., ARIMA+GARCH model). By combining the static and dynamic characteristics of metro stations, a comprehensive index is proposed to quantify the importance of metro stations. The integrated approach is tested using metro network and passenger flow data collected from Suzhou, China. The resultsindicate that compared with the topology analysis, the passenger flows could strengthen the importance of transfer stations and their neighboring stations. Especially for the loop lines that formed by the intersection of two or more lines within the network, the importance index of metro stations within these loop lines is inversely proportional to the number of stations in the loop. It indicates that as a metro network continues to expand with the addition of new lines and stations, this is a high likelihood of increased concentration of importance with the network. The concentration of importance in the metro network can be attributed to the emergence of highly connected loop lines that facilitate efficient movement of passengers.

      • KCI등재

        18세기 중엽 사근도(沙斤道) 소속 역인(驛人)의 직역과 신분 - 1747년 “사근도형지안(沙斤道形止案)” 자료의 분석 사례 -

        임학성 ( Lhim Hak Seong ) 한국고문서학회 2017 古文書硏究 Vol.51 No.-

        이 논문은 경상북도 문경시의 `옛길박물관`에 소장된 1747년 작성 “沙斤道形止案” 자료에 수록 된 驛人들의 職役·신분이 어떠했으며, 또 어떠한 변동 양상을 보였는가를 살펴본 것이다. “사근도형지안”은 경상도 咸陽에 위치한 沙斤驛을 본역으로 하고 인근 14개 驛을 편제한 沙斤道의 역인 현황을 조사·편제한 자료로 그동안 학계에 전혀 소개된 적이 없는 新발견 자료라는 점, 특히 기존에 공개된 여타 형지안과 달리 역인들에 대한 인적 정보가 매우 상세하게 기재되어 있다는 점에서 많은 관심을 끌고 있다. 자료의 분석 결과 확인된 주요 양상은 다음과 같았다. 첫째, 1747년 작성된 “사근도형지안”의 경우 驛吏는 일반 호적의 驛吏戶와 유사하게 기재된 반면, 驛奴婢는 그 직역·신분의 귀속을 명확히 판별하려는 목적으로 `驛卒降奴秩`, `(驛女)嫁公·私賤所生秩`, `(驛吏)娶公·私賤所生秩` 등과 같이 별도의 항목으로 묶어 기재하였다. 둘째, “사근도형지안”에서 확인되는 驛人의 종류는 驛吏, 驛奴, 驛婢와 日守, 保人 등이었다. 그런데 일수와 보인의 경우 자신들만의 독립 `戶`로 편제되지 않았다는 점에서 18세기 중엽 사근도의 주요 역인은 역리와 역노비로 구성되어 있었음을 알 수 있다. 셋째, 사근도 전체로는 역리가 70%의 압도적 점유율을 보였으며 그 다음으로 역노가 20%, 역비가 10%, 그리고 일수의 점유율은 1% 정도에 불과하였다. 넷째, 18세기 중엽 사근도 소속 역노비의 신분 귀속 경향은 父의 직역·신분이 역노·노비였던 자가 64%로, 그리고 母의 직역·신분이 양녀·평민이었던 자가 52% 등으로 나타났다. 그 결과 역노비의 부모 결합 경향은 <역노·노비(父)+양녀·평민(母)>이 48%로 절반가량이나 되었다. 다섯째, 18세기 중엽 사근도 소속 역인들의 직역·신분 변동 양상은 주로 역노비로 하락한 경우가 많이 나타났지만, 역노비의 직역·신분 상승 사례도 적잖이 확인할 수 있었다. 끝으로, “사근도형지안” 자료에서는 역인이 驛役에서 벗어난 경우도 多大하게 확인되었는데, 그 사유로는 老除 및 사망, 도망 등이 가장 빈도가 높았다. 이밖에 私奴, 軍保, 成均進士가 되었거니 驪興君의 후손이었다는 등의 다양한 사유로 驛役에서 벗어나는 경우도 발견되었다. 1747년 “사근도형지안” 자료를 분석하여 역인의 직역·신분 양상을 살펴본 결과 “사근도형지안” 자료가 지니고 있는 가치를 명확히 드러낼 수 있었다. 이 자료는 驛人帳籍이라는 형지안 본래의 성격을 매우 충실하게 지니고 있으며, 그런 이유로 현존하는 조선시대 최상의 驛(道) 形止案 자료라고 평가할 수 있다. This paper analyzes the changes in the jikyeok(work of life: 職役) and status of the station workers(驛人) in the mid-18th century. The data used in the analysis is the “Sageundo Hyeongjian(Census Register of Sageundo Stations: 沙斤道形止案)” written in 1747, which was collected in the “Museum of Old Roads(옛길박물관)” of Mungyeong City(聞 慶市), North Gyeongsang Province(慶尙北道). “Sageundo Hyeongjian” is a survey of the current status of stations in the area of Sageundo Stations(沙斤驛) in Hamyang(咸陽) area of Gyeongsang and 14 nearby stations. This data was recently discovered. The major findings were as follows First, in the case of the “Sageundo Hyeongjian”, the station officials(驛吏) are described similar to those of the census register, while the station servants(驛奴婢) are classified for the purpose of clearly identifying his or her status. It is listed as a separate item such as `Yeokjolkangnojil(驛卒降奴秩)`, `Yeoknyeogakongsacheonsosaengjil(驛女嫁公私賤所生秩)`, and `Yeokrichuikongsacheonsosaengjil(驛吏娶公私賤所生秩)`, etc. Second, the types of station workers identified in the “Sageundo Hyeongjian” are the station officials(驛吏), station servants(驛奴婢), station clerks(日守), etc. However, it can be seen that the station clerks were not organized as their own independent “Ho(household: 戶)”. Therefore, the main station workers of the Sageundo Stations was composed of the station officials(驛吏) and the station servants(驛奴婢). Third, in Sageundo Stations, station officials has an overwhelming share of 70%, followed by station man-servants(驛奴) of 20%, station woman-servants(驛婢) of 10%, and station clerks(日守) of 1%. Fourth, the station servants belonging to Sageundo Stations were found to be 64% of those whose father was a station man-servant and 52% of those whose mother was a common woman(良女). As a result, the parents` union of the station servants were 48% of the “father: station man-servant + mother: common woman”. Fifth, the station workers belonging to Sageundo Stations were generally downgraded to the status. However, We were able to confirm a lot of the station servants that raise their status. In conclusion, by analyzing the data of the “Sageundo Hyeongjian” in 1747, we can clearly show the value of the data. This data is very faithful to the original nature of the scheme, which is the census register of the station, and for that reason, it can be regarded as the best data of the present Joseon dynasty era.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 연안개발사업 환경영향평가 영향예측 결과에 근거한 해양생태계 조사정점 선정방안에 관한 연구

        조범준 ( Beom Jun Cho ),맹준호 ( Jun Ho Maeng ) 한국환경영향평가학회 2012 환경영향평가 Vol.21 No.5

        In case of executing surveys in marine ecosystems, the most important things are scientific selection measures of survey stations that can represent various ecosystems characteristics in subjected areas. The situations show a lot of differences that understand characteristics of marine ecosystems in targeted areas according to selection methods and positions in survey stations. Investigation ranges and station numbers in marine ecosystems are classified according to project characteristics and scales. But, currently a clear divisions or objective standards are not. Therefore, this study tried to provide selection measures of survey station in scientific and objective marine ecosystems through precise analysis among environmental impact statements of coastal development projects until now. In this study, impact scopes of marine ecosystems correspond to physical impact predictions by undertaking projects. Impact ranges were divided into three(physical impact ranges) coastal waters. In case of proposing numbers of survey stations according to this survey ranges, numbers of investigation stations due to minimum survey scopes in targeted projects applied 20∼30% of all numbers in survey stations. Number of survey stations due to average investigation scopes within physical impact ranges applied 60 ∼70% of all numbers in investigation stations. Numbers of survey stations due to maximum survey ranges within physical impact scopes applied 10∼20% of all numbers in survey stations. So, improvement measures were deducted. Finally, according to prediction ranges in impact of various coastal development projects, several kinds of conclusions are suggested. And, it is thought to be able to use as fundamental database to select investigation stations in marine organisms through this study.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Analysis of Strategies for Installing Parallel Stations in Assembly Systems

        Leung, John W.K.,Lai, K.K. Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers 2005 Industrial Engineeering & Management Systems Vol.4 No.2

        An assembly system (AS), a valuable tool for mass production, is generally composed of a number of workstations and a transport system. While the workstations perform some preplanned operations, the transport system moves the assemblies by special designed pallets from one station to another. One common problem associated with automatic assembly systems is that some assembly operations may have relatively long cycle times. As a consequence, the productivity, as determined by the operations with the longest cycle time, can be reduced significantly. Therefore, special forms of parallel workstations were developed to improve the performance of an assembly system. In this paper, three most commonly used parallel stations: on-line, off-line and tunnel-gated stations in a free transfer assembly system are studied via discrete event simulation. Our findings revealed that the off-line parallel system has the best performance because the two independent parallel stations can lower the buffer requirement; reduce the sensitivity to variability of processing time and balance of a line. On-line parallel systems were found to have a relatively poor performance, because the operations of two parallel stations block each other, and higher buffer capacity is required to achieve similar capacity. The tunnel-gated system was more efficient than the on-line system since the first parallel station can operate independently. More importantly, we have quantified the productivity of the three different strategies mentioned. Engineers can choose the optimal strategies for installing parallel stations under their working environment.

      • KCI등재

        철도역 특성이 부지가격에 미치는 영향 분석 -수도권 광역철도 중심으로-

        김현수,박문수 한국철도학회 2023 한국철도학회논문집 Vol.26 No.7

        This study attempted to improve the management environment by increasing the value of railway operating organization assets. We analyzed the relationship between the characteristics of 163 metropolitan area railway stations operated by Korail and the land price, and proposed a railway station development and operation plan. The study used a multiple regression model; the dependent variable was the land price of the railway station, and the independent variables were the location, facility, and operational characteristics of the railway station. As a result of the study, location characteristics were found to be significant and to have a positive (+) effect on railway stations in large cities and urban areas. Facility characteristics were significant and had a positive (+) effect on railway stations elapsed years, railway operating institution assets, and railway stations with both entrances. Operational characteristics were significant and had a positive (+) effect on complex railway stations and railway stations with high numbers of passengers. Finally, we suggested an urban planning strategy, an asset unification strategy, a customer increase strategy, and a complex development strategy as a railway station development and operation plan to improve the railway management environment.

      • KCI등재

        국내 주유소 시장의 휘발유 가격경쟁 분석: 공간 효과를 중심으로

        Hyung-Gun Kim 한국유통과학회 2018 유통과학연구 Vol.16 No.4

        Purpose – This study conducts an empirical analysis on gasoline pricing of Korean retail gas stations focusing on spatial effects. Unlike previous studies, the study uses an official land price for a proxy of the importance of location, and also allows the spatial effects from other competing gas stations as well. Research design, data, and methodology - In collection of data, we obtain more abundant data than those of previous studies. The gasoline prices used in the study are 909,084 observations as daily data from January 1 to July 31 of the year 2016. A proxy for the land price is collected by linking official public land price data with address information on each gas station. For the estimation, the study employs the Panel Spatial Dubin Model to make the best use of the collected location information. Results - As expected, spatial properties of gas stations have significant effects on the gasoline price. As the price per square meter increases by 100 thousands won, the price of gasoline rises 9 won per liter. Among other characteristics, the price increases by 16 won per liter if the station has a convenience store, and about 5 won if it has a car wash service. Gasoline price in Singapore accounted for 26% of variations in domestic gasoline prices. SK Energy and GS Caltex are the top brands in terms of price. The study also finds prices and other important properties of competing gas stations have significant effects on others' prices. Prices of competing gas station have a positive relationship with those of others. If a competing gas station raises the price, the gas station also raises the price, and lowering the price lower the price. Among brands, GS Caltex has the greatest downward pressure on nearby gas stations. Conclusions - The study confirms that location value of gas stations affect their gasoline prices, and the prices of the competing gas stations also have a significant effects on their prices. It suggests that the prices in the competing retail areas tend to be synchronized with each other.

      • KCI등재

        알뜰주유소 진입에 따른 경쟁주유소의 생존율 영향 분석

        황현준,장연재 한국산업조직학회 2023 産業組織硏究 Vol.31 No.3

        본 연구는 알뜰주유소의 진입이 인근 경쟁주유소의 생존율과 시장구조에 미치는 영향에 대해 분석한다. 주유소 간 가격경쟁을 촉진시키기 위해 도입된 알뜰주유소 정책은 한계 기업의 폐업 확률을 높인다는 지적을 받고 있어 이에 대한 실증분석이 필요한 상황이다. 이에 2010 ∼ 2020년까지 주유소 진입 및 퇴출에 대한 자료와 주유소 특성 데이터를 사용하여 Cox 비례위험모형을 토대로 알뜰주유소 진입의 효과를 추정하였다. 분석 결과, 알뜰주유소가 진입하는 경우 인근 일반주유소가 폐업할 확률이 통계적으로 유의하게 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 생존율의 감소는 알뜰주유소의 진입이 인근 주유소 간의 경쟁을 심화시킨 결과로 사료된다. 결과적으로 본 연구 결과는 알뜰주유소의 가격 인하 효과뿐만 아니라 경쟁주유소의 퇴출로 인한 소비자의 선택권 감소 등의 잠재적 부작용을 함께 고려하여 정책 평가가 이루어져야 함을 시사한다. This study examines the impact of the entry of thrifty gas stations on the survival rate and market structure of nearby competing gas stations. Using data on gas station entry and exit, as well as station characteristics from 2010 to 2020, we estimated the entry effect of thrifty gas stations using the Cox proportional hazards model. The analysis revealed that the entry of thrifty gas stations significantly increases the probability of nearby regular gas stations going out of business. This decline in survival rate is attributed to the heightened competition among neighboring gas stations resulting from the entry of thrifty gas stations. Consequently, our study underscores the importance of policy evaluation that considers not only the price reduction effects but also potential side effects, such as reduced consumer choice due to the exit of competing gas stations.

      • KCI등재

        자가폴주유소의 시장진입과 가격경쟁 효과에 대한 연구

        김동훈 ( Dong Hun Kim ),김형건 ( Hyung Gun Kim ),이지연 ( Ji Yon Lee ) 한국산업조직학회 2012 産業組織硏究 Vol.20 No.3

        본 연구는 한국의 주요 대도시에서 자가폴주유소의 시장 진입에 따른 휘발유 소매시장 경쟁 효과를 추정하였다. 이를 위하여 이중차분 (Difference-in-Differences) 모형을 통해 분석하였으며 자가폴주유소가 반경 1km 이내에 존재할 때, 인근 주유소의 휘발유 가격에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 추정하였다. 자가폴 주유소가 존재하는 지역과 존재하지 않는 지역에서의 가격 차이는 자가폴 주유소의 시장진입에 따른 가격경쟁의 효과로 시장가격이 낮아지는 효과와 자가폴주유소가 단순히 가격이 낮은 지역에 진입하는 위치효과로 분리할 수 있는데 기존의 국내 연구들은 이를 분리해 내지 못하였다. 본 연구는 자가폴주유소의 시장 진입 전후의 데이터를 이용하여 이 두 효과를 구분하였으며 자가폴 진입에 따른 인근 주유소의 휘발유 가격 하락폭은 리터당 12원 정도인 것으로 추정이 되었다. This paper investigates how the entries of independent gas stations affect the competition in the Korean retail gasoline markets. For this purpose, we used the data which contain the entry information of independent gasoline stations in the largest five cities of Korea and estimated a difference-in-differences estimator model. In the paper, we find that the retail gasoline prices are much lower in the areas where branded gas stations compete with independent gas stations compared with the areas where only branded gas stations exist. The prices differences between the two types of areas can be decomposed into to the location and competition effects. The former refers to the tendency that independent stations enter the areas with low gasoline prices. The latter describes the competitive pressure caused by the entries of independent gas stations. We find that, controlling for the location effects, the entries of independent gas stations lowered the retail gasoline price by 12 Won per liter.

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