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        중,고등학생의 수산물 이용 음식에 대한 이용실태와 선호도 및 학교급식에서의 요구도 조사

        남혜원,이민준,이영미 한국조리과학회 2002 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.18 No.1

        A study on the seafood consumption was conducted from 1902 adolescent students (1110 boys and 792 girls) attending middle or high school to assess the attitude and degree of satisfaction for seafood being served in the school lunch program and ultimately to promote greater seafood consumption. A self-administered questionnaire was used to record the results. The results were as follows: Sixty percent of the respondents appeared to like or not to be reluctant to seafood. The main reasons for favoring seafood were its nutritious effect and taste. On the other hand, the reason for disliking seafood was due to its peculiar smell. In terms of cooking methods, the subjects preferred raw, fried, and grilled seafood, whereas they disliked salt-fermented, seasoned and stewed dishes. The highly preferred seafoods were crab, shrimp, tuna and squid. Only 6.6% of middle school students (MS) and 3.7% of high school students (HS) liked the seafood served in school lunch program, whereas the others responded ‘so so’or disliked it. The reasons for disliking seafood being served in school lunch program were poor taste (14.7% of MS, 23.5% of HS), lack of freshness(6.3% of MS, 13.9% of HS) and unattractable cooking methods(3.4% of MS, 11.1% of HS). To promote seafood consumption in school lunch program, the subjects anticipated the taste improvement (37.7% of MS, 48.5% of HS), use of a variety of seafood (19.8% of MS, 24.0% of HS) and cooking methods(12.6% of MS, 22.4% of HS). Above results suggested that further efforts are needed to provide preferred cooking methods and seafood items as a way of increasing seafood acceptability.

      • KCI등재

        브랜드 수산물이 소비자 태도를 매개로 구매의도에 미치는 영향

        장영수 ( Young Soo Jang ),이유진 ( Yu Jin Lee ) 한국수산경영학회 2011 수산경영론집 Vol.42 No.1

        Today, the consumer is more careful in buying goods, invests more time in collecting relevant information to avoid any potential danger, and restricts from potential impulse buying. To react this consumer`s carefulness, the seafood brands provide much information including the origin labeling system, the traceability, the food`s safety & hygiene. Also the branding by region or company is pursued. Like that, a seafood brand`s importance is increased, but there lack few researches dealing how current consumer`s attitude influences on real purchase behavior, and how the attitude works consumer purchase decision. Therefore, this study researched the brand`s influence on the consumer`s attitude and purchase intention. For this purpose, this study targeted the salty mackerel and the dried yellow corvina because they are already branded and sold in some popularity, and researched how a brand`s popularity, its image, and its recognized quality could effect on the consumer`s attitude and purchase intention. As the result, it was appeared that a seafood brand`s popularity didn`t directly effect on the consumer`s purchase intention, but indirectly influenced through the consumer`s attitude as a parameter. From this result, improving a seafood brand`s popularity needs some time to form the consumer`s positive attitude and to lead to consumer purchase intention of seafood brand. So, it is thought that various promotion activities for seafood consumption must be continually performed rather than some temporary special events. Consumers showed more positive attitude on familiar seafood based on a products original place and the freshness. Also they had better feeling about some seafood with their speciality images rather than the same kinds of products produced in other regions. This attitude temporarily led to purchase intention. Therefore, it is important that the branding strategy development should start from some seafood familiar to us in traditional food culture and food habit, but should delivery the reliance and the freshness in accurately indicating their origins, and should emphasize their differences as specialities. Consumers showed some positive attitudes on the seafood featuring the hygiene, the safety, continual good quality, and their attitudes led to their purchase intentions in temporary. The seafood product reflecting these results the best is the marketing activities on some Andong salty mackerel products acquired HACCP certification. it is thought that a seafood`s branding strategy should be established on distinctive branding strategies using reliable certification mark like HACCP based on the hygiene, the safety, and the quality.


        Microbial biofilms in seafood: A food-hygiene challenge

        Mizan, Md. Furkanur Rahaman,Jahid, Iqbal Kabir,Ha, Sang-Do Elsevier 2015 FOOD MICROBIOLOGY Vol.49 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Seafood forms a part of a healthy diet. However, seafood can be contaminated with foodborne pathogens, resulting in disease outbreaks. Because people consume large amounts of seafood, such disease outbreaks are increasing worldwide. Seafood contamination is largely due to the naturally occurring phenomenon of biofilm formation. The common seafood bacterial pathogens that form biofilms are Vibrio spp., Aeromonas hydrophila, Salmonella spp., and Listeria monocytogenes. As these organisms pose a global health threat, recent research has focused on elucidating methods to eliminate these biofilm-forming bacteria from seafood, thereby improving food hygiene. Therefore, we highlight recent advances in our understanding of the underlying molecular mechanisms of biofilm formation, the factors that regulate biofilm development and the role of quorum sensing and biofilm formation in the virulence of foodborne pathogens. Currently, several novel methods have been successfully developed for controlling biofilms present in seafood. In this review, we also discuss the epidemiology of seafood-related diseases and the novel methods that could be used for future control of biofilm formation in seafood.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Bacterial biofilms contaminate seafood. </LI> <LI> Most <I>Vibrio</I> spp. form biofilms on seafood. </LI> <LI> Numerous factors affect biofilm formation on seafood. </LI> <LI> Use of novel biofilm-reducing methods could minimize seafood-borne diseases. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • KCI등재

        수산물 선호도에 의한 시장세분화와 친숙시장 형성과정에 관한 연구

        김지웅 ( Ji-ung Kim ),장영수 ( Young-soo Jang ) 한국수산경영학회 2016 수산경영론집 Vol.47 No.3

        The purpose of this research paper is to segment seafood market and find the factor and process that divide the segment market. Cluster analysis and in-depth interview was performed to identify meaningful segment market. The result of the research found three segment market such as seafood integration familiarity group, domestic seafood familiarity group, seafood unfamiliarity group. Seafood integration familiarity group is active consumer that consume both domestic and imported seafood at home. This group have high preference and familiarity about seafood. Seafood familiarity group purchase imported seafood for the reason that imported seafood is cheaper than domestic seafood and have similar quality level. Domestic seafood familiarity group consume mostly domestic seafood and not purchase imported seafood for the reason that imported seafood have low quality and safety. This group have high preference and familiarity about seafood. Seafood unfamiliarity group is low preference group about seafood and seldom eat at home. This study found that the main factor that divide segment market is seafood familiarity that formed by experiencing seafood in youth and seafood familiarity is main factor that determine consumption degree of seafood at home.

      • KCI등재

        해방 이후 인문지리적 변화와 상업도시 강경의 대응-어물객주에서 젓갈판매상으로

        김혜숙 한국역사민속학회 2022 역사민속학 Vol.0 No.63

        The salted seafood market in Ganggyeong-eup, Nonsan-si, Chungcheongnam-do boasts of its over two hundred years’ tradition. However, It was only after 1997 that the number of salted seafood sellers increased as at present. The foundation of that was set in the 1970s by merchants transformed from Gaekju(客主) in the fish trade business. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to investigate that the current situation of Ganggyeong, the largest salted seafood market in Korea located in, resulted from responses of Gaekju in the fish trade business to the change of the human and geographical environment and commercial conditions since the 1970s. Taking its advantage of an inland port of Geumgang(Geum River), Ganggyeong had already flourished as an important distribution hub of rice and seafood in the late Joseon Dynasty. And until the 1960s, Ganggyeong had been developed as a commercial city relying on the convenience of water transportation. Gaekju was in the center of this prosperity, and among kinds of Gaekju, some in the fish trade business were the most active until late. However Gaekju, the seafood brokers faced a crisis in the 1970s. It was because the amount of ships entering into Ganggyeong from Geumgang had been decreased and there were no ships entered the port from 1978. This situation was the result of those changes; the central fishing grounds of the West Sea were moving since the size of fishing boats became lager, and the center of the distribution structure of seafood had been shifted to Suhyup (National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives). Since the flow of ships was cut off, Gaekju in fish trade business could not continue their previous method of business. To cope with the situation, Gaekju in fish trade business changed their business to the salted seafood sales industry. Salted seafood was an item only handled in winter season, however, as number of fishing boats decreased and the proportion of salted fish increased, they had to transform to a wholesaler specializing in salted seafood. Relationships and information they had acquired from the previous business, and their own essential assets, such as manufacturing technologies, facilities, storage, and so on, played important roles to change their jobs to salted seafood business. Therefore, the choice of Gaekju in fish trade business to become salted seafood merchants, was not only based on the correlation between their previous and later business industries, but also a reasonable choice using their own assets. 충남 논산시 강경읍의 젓갈시장은 2백년 전통을 자랑한다. 그러나 현재와 같이 젓갈판매상이 많아진 것은 1997년 이후의 일이며, 그 기반은 1970년대 객주업에서 전업한 상인들에 의해 마련되었다. 이에 이 연구는 전국 최대의 젓갈시장이라는 강경의 현 상황이 1970년대 이후의 인문지리적 환경 및 상업 여건의 변화에 대한 어물객주의 대응에서 비롯되었음을 규명하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 강경은 금강의 내륙 포구라는 이점을 살려 조선 후기에 이미 미곡과 해산물의 중요한 유통지로 번성했다. 이후 1960년대까지도 수운(水運)의 편리함에 의존하며 상업도시로서 발달했다. 이러한 번성의 중심에 객주가 있었고, 가장 활발히 활동했던 것은 어물객주다. 그러나 1970년대에 어물객주는 위기에 직면했다. 금강 하류로부터 강경에 들어오는 배가 감소하다가 1978년으로 끝이 났기 때문이다. 이러한 상황에는 어선의 대형화 등으로 서해의 중심어장이 바뀌고, 수산물 유통구조가 수협 중심으로 변화한 것이 영향을 미쳤다. 배가 끊기면서 어물객주는 더 이상 기존의 영업 방식을 지속할 수 없었고, 상황 변화에 대응하기 위해 젓갈판매업으로 전업(轉業)했다. 젓갈은 주로 겨울철에 일시적으로 취급하던 품목이었으나, 어선이 줄면서 젓갈의 비중이 커지다가 아예 젓갈을 전문적으로 취급하는 도매상이 된 것이다. 어물객주가 젓갈판매업으로 전업할 수 있었던 데는 객주업을 하면서 획득한 인간관계와 정보, 젓갈판매업에 필수적인 제조 기술과 시설, 보관창고 등 상인 자신이 보유한 자산이 중요한 역할을 했다. 따라서 어물객주의 선택은 기존 업종과의 연관성에 기반 했을 뿐만 아니라 상인의 자산을 활용한 합리적 선택이었다.

      • KCI등재후보

        태국의 수산식품 안전관리에 관한 연구

        한능호(Neung-Ho Han),김병조(Byung-Jo Kim),이재성(Jae-Sung Lee) 한국해양비즈니스학회 2010 해양비즈니스 Vol.- No.16

        The worldwide public interests on the safety and the reliability of seafood products have been growing in recent years. Though food is an essential element of supporting human life, the cases prejudicial to human life caused by it are often occurring. As seafood is particularly vulnerable to deterioration, it is inevitable to inspect the entire process of production from fishing, processing and distribution for the purpose of preventing the occurrence of such a harm. In this study, the safety management of seafood in Thailand has been reviewed. The results of this study showed that Thailand, one of the major seafood-export country in the world, is promoting the safe import and export of seafood by letting DOF(Department Of Fisheries), the authority in charge of seafood, implement constant monitoring in the course of seafood production and the certificate of HACCP(Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) for quality management. In addition, the registration system targeting all the culturists is being enforced for the safe management of shrimp aquaculture process, and the sanitation management tailored to Codex guidelines and COC(Code Of Conduct) certification project are also being implemented. In the processing procedure of seafood, the seafood factories are classified into 4 categories from A to D according to the production capacity and business type, and the export of those who are classified as D is prohibited thereby; moreover, the efforts to give customers a sense of reliability are being exerted by thorough safety management. The safety of seafood is thoroughly managed and inspected through the strict procedures as the implementation of registration system even in the process of import and export. Through this study, the present condition of seafood safety management in Thailand, the world's third largest seafood-export country, has been reviewed and the suggestions to the importers and the consumers in Korea who are intaking lots of shrimps and tunas-the major export items of Thailand-have been made hereby.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 대인도 수산물 수출 확대 방안

        NAHAKPAM BIDHANCHANDRA SINGH,김진백 한국해양수산개발원 2022 해양정책연구 Vol.37 No.2

        The objective of this study is to investigate how Korean seafood exports to India can be expanded to improve the trade balance of seafood. Due to changes in Indian lifestyles, meat prices, and awareness surrounding fish, the quantity of seafood consumed in India is increasing. On the other hand, Korean seafood trade has been in deficit for over 20 years. India's huge market with a population of more than 1.4 billion and the rising consumption of seafood will act as a significant opportunity to Korean seafood exports. Therefore, if Korean seafood exporters understand the current Indian seafood market conditions, it would be of substantial help to increase the export amount of Korean competitive seafood. This study endeavored on how to improve the Korean seafood trade balance, focusing on the Indian seafood market and deriving Korean competitive seafood in the Indian seafood market in terms of econometric methods such as the trade specialization index, the revealed comparative advantage, and the export bias index. Finally, export expansion plans for Korean competitive seafood were made to pioneer the Indian seafood market based on Indian food culture, Indian seafood consumption trends, and Indian seafood distribution environments for five items, including laver, oysters, abalone, fish processed goods, and tuna, all of which were found to be Korean export-competitive seafood. 인도 수산시장 규모는 인도 루피(INR) 기준으로 2020년에 약 1조 2,320억 달러였다. 인도 수산시장 규모는 2021년~2026년 동안 연평균 10.5%씩 추가 성장할 것으로 예상되며, 이로 인하여 2026년까지 거의 INR 기준으로 2조 2,430억 달러에 이를 것으로 예상된다(Expert Market Research, 2022). 인도 수산시장의 성장은 시장 개방화, 도시화, 경제발전에 따른 소득증대, 인도 내 소비 요인 등으로 가속화될 것으로 기대된다. 인도의 시장 개방화는 각종 무역협정으로 인한 것으로 인도는 우리나라와 체결한 FTA인 포괄적 경제동반자 협정(IKCEPA: India-Korea Comprehensive Economic Partnership)뿐만 아니라 여러 국가 혹은 경제블록들과 FTA 체결을 하고 있다. 이로 인해서 인도는 수산업뿐만 아니라 모든 산업 분야의 생산제품이 자유롭게 수출입됨에 따라 시장 규모가 증가하고 있다. 인도의 도시화는 꾸준히 증가하고 있으며, 도시화가 GDP 성장 등 경제성장에 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤으며, 이러한 현상은 향후에도 지속될 것으로 추정되고 있다(이순철․조충제, 2017; Das et al., 2015; Ghosh and Kanjilal, 2014). 따라서 GDP 성장으로 유발되는 소득 증대는 신흥국 중국에서와 같이 수산물 소비 증가로 이어질 것으로 예상됨으로 수산시장 성장을 유발할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        고등학생의 수산물 섭취 실태와 기호도에 관한 조사 -충남 지역을 중심으로-

        김명희 ( Myung Hee Kim ),최미경 ( Mi Kyeong Choi ),김미원 ( Mi Won Kim ),김수진 ( Su Jin Kim ) 한국식품영양학회 2011 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.24 No.2

        This study is aimed at examining the status of seafoods intake and preference to actively use the seafoods with high nutritional values and preference. For this purpose, this study conducted a questionnaire survey. The demographic features of the respondents are as follows: male and female high school students were 50%, respectively; first graders were 33.3%, second graders were 35.0% and third graders are 31.7%; the primary dietary-care giver was mother in 80% of the respondents. The survey results on seafood intake at home showed that the most frequently responses to the question of the degree of liking seafood were ``on average`` and ``like it``, respectively in order. The reason for preferring seafood is ``because it tastes good`` in 43.7% of the respondents. Both male and female respondents answered they like seafood for its good taste. With respect to the degree of preference for the seafood provided from the school meals, there were more students who like it than those who do not like it. The most frequent reason to ingest seafood in the school meals is because ``I want to eat it`` followed by ``because parents push``, ``because friends eat it``, ``because health-related TV programs recommend it``, respectively in order. The most preferred seafood in the school meals was fried shrimp and the most disliked one is the boiled warty sea squirt. The above results collectively suggest that the preference level for seafood is low and the most preferred one is fried seafood. It is suggested that the nutritionists need to actively develop menu for the students to ingest more various seafoods.

      • KCI등재

        Some Thoughts on the Food Safety in Seafood Trade

        Kim EunJoo 한국해양비즈니스학회 2004 해양비즈니스 Vol.- No.4

          Over recent years there has been an increased demand for seafood at the consumer level, which has resulted in higher seafood prices. The review is carried out in preparation for analysis of economic impacts of food safety on seafood trade, using the case of fresh seafood. for which consumer confidence has at times been shaken by concern over contamination.   The paper deals with food choice and seafood consumption, and the importance of seafood safety in seafood trade.

      • KCI등재

        수산분야 블록체인기술 도입에 관한 인식도 연구

        고동훈 ( Dong-hun Go ),김종천 ( Jong-cheon Kim ) 한국수산경영학회 2021 수산경영론집 Vol.52 No.1

        This study utilizes the IPA (Importance-Performance Analysis) method to assess the importance, possibility, and urgency of using blockchain technology for fisheries sectors and the related policies. Based on a field survey targeting experts and stakeholders in the fisheries and blockchain technology sectors, the following major results and corresponding implications are drawn. First of all, the respondents of our survey have an outlook that the introduction and utilization of blockchain will be required in four major parts. These parts include i) the seafood’ information system managed by the government or public institutions, ii) traceability and certification process for domestic and foreign seafoods, iii) meeting the need of seafood safety from consumers, and iv) taking prompt actions to seafood safety related accidents. Next, the seafood information system managed by the government or public institutions has been limited in maintaining information consistency and continuity once the fisheries ministries and departments are integrated, closed or partially transferred. Thus, it is assessed that the technology will be able to improve consistency and continuity of the seafood information in case of applying blockchain to the seafood information management system. This result that blockchain is necessary for the seafood information system have a significant implication in Korea’s seafood management which has been independently controlled until now. Lastly, the application of blockchain to seafood traceability and certification systems has the most well-known cases through international and domestic pilot projects, and the results of our survey reflect this reality. Our results contribute to showing an additonal characteristics of blockchain in the fisheries sector, resulting in the possiblity that blockchain can be used for taking swift steps in the event of seafood safety accidents and meeting the need of seafood consumers for safety.

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