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        趙明翰,高成龍,趙炳煥 대한민국 학술원 2007 학술원논문집 : 인문, 사회과학편 Vol.46 No.1

        본 연구는 담화 이해와 추리에 관한 여러 실험들의 결과를 검토했고, 잘 알려진 실험 문장들을 변형하여 직관을 검토했고 또한 지식 구성을 간단히 하여 공명이론 기반의 시뮬레이션도 수행하였다. 실험 자료, 직관 자료 및 시뮬레이션 결과를 잘 설명하는 관점이 기억기반 접근임을 논의했으며, 더 나아가 이 접근에서 가정되는 작업기억과 장기기억간의 유연한 상호작용의 시각에서 개인차의 연구들을 고찰했다. 개인차 연구들의 핵심 결과는 비숙련 독자들도 숙련 독자들과 마찬가지로 관련 지식이 있으며, 더 나아가 관련 지식이 장기기억에서는 활성화되었음에도 불구하고 쓰이지 않을 수 있다는 것이었다. Zoh와 Ahn[2006]은 모순 정보를 담고 있는 문장들이 인과와 대초 추리 실험문장들 사이에 있을 때 비숙련 독자들도 숙련 독자처럼 인과와 대초추리를 하는 결과를 보고했다. 이 결과를 비숙련 독자들도 모순정보가 있을 때 더 세밀한 명제를 구성하여 전체적으로 정합성을 찾으려고 시도를 했으며 이 모순 문장들에 관한 누적된 처리 기술이 실험 문장으로 전이된 것으로 해석하였다. 결론적으로 Zoh와 Ahn의 연구가 담화 이해 및 추리와 같은 복잡한 인지 과제의 처리에서 핵심적인 역할을 하는 작업기억의 용량이 제한은 있으나 고정되어있는 것이 아니라 신축적이라는 것을 시사한다고 논의하였다. This study reviewed several experimental results on discourse comprehension and inference, examined our intuitions on the modified sentences constructed by changing one word in the well-known sentences, and carried out the computer simulation on the basis of the resonance model. We discussed that memory-based approach seemed to account for the results on the experiments and simulations pretty well. Furthermore, the studies on individual differences on inference were examined from memory-based approach’s viewpoint of the flexible relation between working memory and long-term memory. The crucial results were that less skilled readers was not ready to use the knowledge related to the inference, even though they had the knowledge, which was activated in long-term memory. Zoh and Ahn[2006] showed that less skilled readers made causal and contrastive inferences only when fillers with inconsistent information were used. This result was interpreted as showing that less skilled readers tried to construct more constrained propositions to seek the global coherence on the face of inconsistent information, and seemed to accumulate the knowledge and skills related to the inference, which were finally transferred to the comprehension of experimental sentences. We discussed that Zoh and Ahn’s study indicated that working memory for such complex cognitive tasks as discourse comprehension and inference waxes and wanes.

      • KCI등재

        A Psychological Study on the Early Developmental Stages of Korean Child Language language and Cognition


        So far we have discussed the stages of language development of our three children particularly relying upon the results of semantic analysis. Consequently, the developmental stages we have classified came from the results of rather qualitative criteria. However, mean length of utterance (MLU) has been recommended to use a better index of the development, where MLU is defined as the average length of the child's utterance in morphemes. A group of developmental psycholinguists at Harvard has proposed the term stage I for the period beginning with the emergence of the first multiword utterances and continuing until MLU reaches 2.0. Further stages are defined by increments of 5. to the MLU (Brown, 1973). We presented here our children's MLU in accordance with the developmental stages as shown in Table3. But it should be kept in mind that our MLU would not be directly comparable to the Brown's or others because we have not collected all the speech uttered in a certain period but only the different kinds of speech. Moreover, only the above two-word speech were included in calculating the MLU whereas one-word speech were omitted. However, Table 3 shows that our calculation of MLU also has a discerning power at least between tow-and three-word stages. In summing up, we adopted the term 'monoreme' from Werner and Kaplan to the first pseudowords produced by the children in the sense that they are neither words nor sentences in view of their function. Only insofar as they fulfill a grammatical and syntactic function in an utterance, a name becomes a word and combination of words becomes sentence. For this very reason, we defined the earliest two-word combinations 'duoreme' ; the initial word in the word-order of two-words were contentives that make reference to the objects, some state of conditions, or movements. Only at a later period, they became sentence in which the two-words has been related in their semantic function. Before emerging the three-and the above three-word sentences, there also appeared pseudo three-word sentences which we called 'trioreme', even though the duration of their emergence was not discrete but persisted to occur over a long time. From the end of this stage on, i.e., at the stage we have not yet analyzed its characteristics, comples derivational rules such as past and future tenses, and subject and object case markers were observed. The developmental stages we have so far observed are roughly corresponding to the early stage Brown has defined. He analyzed the child speech of stage I in almost all the aspects in detail, but failed to pay attention the specific stages such as duoreme and trioreme, probably, we have been deeply impressed by the fact that how elaborate steps our children made forward in their developing processes of language, apart from the fact that how astonishing regularities in the child speech is. One might say that the child language develops as if it would keet step with the pyramid-like staircase of five stages at least, namely, monoreme, duoreme, two-word sentence, troireme, three-and above three-word sentence, and so on. As one steps up the ataircase, the first step becomes the base for the second step-stone, and the next is also the same as the former one. The step-by-step characteristic of language acquisition might suggest some negative answers against the innateness hypothesis. However different child speech is from adult speech, it is evident that it gradually approach to the resemblance of its mother tongue. I think the innate hypothesis has been induced not only from the theoretical necessity but also from practical, ordinary life-oriented, necessity that has fascinate parents as to how a child masters the acquisition would never take place abruptly. Rather it seems more reasonable to say that the mystery of how a child becomes capable to speak rapidly can be solved only by understanding that he accomplishes necessary and due course on a step-by-step basis. By this word, however, we do not mean the gradual learning model as will be discussed later. Those who are fascinated by the Chomsky's hypothesis of LAD have a tendency to believe that ecidence for universal proves the hypothesis of innateness. Certainly the data from our three children support the universals with regard to the constructional rules as well as the semantic relationships. As Brown(1973, p.198) appropriately pointed out, "The Stage I meanings have proved to have some generality in a sampling of child speech studies, and I do feel tempted to hypothesize universality. But not innateness. Not innateness because. . . it is my impression that the first meanings are an extentsion of the kind of intelligence that Jean Piaget calls sensorymotor". Slobin's (1973, p.184-185) descriptions are more pertinent to our argument : "Studies which have considered the supposed intended meanings of children's utterances support a far-reaching principle which could be phrased as follows : New forms first express old functions, and new functions are first expressed by old forms. It turns out that this is a familiar principle in the psychology of cognitive development, and it is not surpring to find it in linguistic development as well." In conclusion, the Slobin's principle of linguistic development must be taken granted. in which what we have observed for the developmental stages may be included. In other words, we suggest that this principle may reflect nothing other than the step-by-step characteristics of language acquisition we have so far discussed. For example, when Gyeong said Mommy bread give for the first time in a trioreme form, it just expressed what he had expressed through the two-word sentence like Mommy give or bread give. Therefore, this is the case which can be phrased as new forms first express old functions. On the other hand, the same expression Mommy bread give is going to be used after a while to indicate the nonlinguistic context in which mother was giving bread to his sister. This is the case which can be phrased as new functions are first expressed by old forms. Slobin believes that this principle supports the cognitive prerequisite hypothesis for the development of grammar that language is used to express only what the child already knows. I think that Slobin deliberately disregard how new forms urge to modulate new functions and the vice versa. Originally the principle was described by Werner and Kaplan(1963, p.60) as following : "We believe that the shifts which take place from concrete action models to syntactic relations of a more abstract sort reflect the operation of the basic deveropment principle pertaining to form-function relationships. As one will recall, according to this principle, wherever functional shifts occur during development, the novel function is first executed through old, available forms ; sooner or later, of course, there is a pressure towards the development of new forms which are of a more functionspecific character, i.e., that will serve the new function better than the old forms." More emphasis put on the interaction between forms and functions in the Werner and Kaplan's phrases. While there is no doubt that linguistic structures are determined by the cognitive capacity of the child, the possibility has notto be excluded that new linguistic structures will serve the new function better than the older ones. It must be kept in mind that the new form of duoreme or trioreme was expressed first before our subjects explicitly expressed the two- or three-term semantic relationships. There is a strong possibility that the new function of two and three-term relations has been fascilitated to emerge by the force of the available form of duoreme or trioreme. Recently Schleginger(1976) has argued for the interaction between cognition and language in such way that cognition is responsible for the interpretation problem without the aid of language whereas the categorization problem depends on the language. Cognitive skill which enable a child to understand what is going on in his or her environment is called the interpretation problem. However, for example, "what are the boundaries of the agent concept? Mummy handing the bottle to the child is no doubt an event where an agent is performing some action, but what about mummy just holding the bottle? To take one further step, can the bottle be said to be an agent 'containing' the milk in the same way that mother is an agent holding the bottle? Clearly there are gradations here of 'agentiveness'"(Schlesinger, 1976, p.6). What he suggests is that the linguistic input would hepf a child to categorize the various agents into one concept, and that cognitive development and linguistic input may be mutually supportive. Of course, Schlesinger rightly has pointed out, it is usually not wise to side with a extreme theorizing.(All of the transeriptions presented in this paper are theli teral translation into English)

      • KCI등재

        윤대성의 노년희곡 연구

        조보라미(Zoh Borami) 한국문학회 2016 韓國文學論叢 Vol.72 No.-

        본고는 윤대성 후기 희곡의 한 갈래인 노년희곡에 대해 고찰했다. 윤대성의 후기 희곡은 사회현실에서 실존적 문제에로 관심이 이동한 시기로, 특히 중년기와 노년기라는 인생 주기에 따른 ‘자아정체성’의 문제를 다루고 있다. 이 중 <한 번만 더 사랑할 수 있다면>, <아름다운 꿈 깨어나서>, <동행> 등의 노년희곡은, 노년에 당면한 자아정체성의 위기를 드러내고 이것의 극복방안을 모색하는바 ‘자아정체성을 찾는 여정’이라 요약될 수 있다. 윤대성 노년희곡에서 자아정체성의 위기는 구체적으로 역할상실과 고독, 질병, 빈곤 등 노인의 4고(苦)뿐 아니라 독거노인의 문제, 자녀와의 관계, 요양시설 등 다양한 노인문제로 나타난다. 그리고 노년을 살아가는 긍정적인 비전으로 사랑과 기억, 추억이 제시된다. 이때 사랑은 노년에도 얼마든지 ‘낭만적 사랑’이 가능하다고 보면서도 ‘친밀감’과 ‘헌신’이라는 요소를 부각시킴으로써 노년의 현실을 반영하고 있다. 또한 기억과 추억은 노년의 발달과업인 ‘자아통합감’ 형성을 위한 핵심적인 요소로, 윤대성의 희곡이 자아정체성을 찾는 여정임을 분명히 한다. 한편 윤대성의 노년희곡은 남성 젠더에 주목하여 그들의 삶과 고민을 그리고 있다는 특징이 있다. 기존의 노년문학 및 노년학 연구는 젠더에 대한 관심이 부족하고, 있다 하더라도 여성 노인에 관심을 기울여 온 것이 사실이다. 이러한 상황에서 윤대성의 노년희곡은 여성노인과는 또 다른 의미에서 소외되어 있는 남성노인에 주목했다는 점에서 의미가 있다. 또한 그의 희곡은 남녀 간의 통속적인 사랑, 음악과 시, 우연성, 파토스, 도덕적 결말구조 등과 같은 특징을 가짐으로써 멜로드라마 양식을 취한다. 이것은 멜로드라마적 세계의 구현을 통해 노년의 삶을 긍정하고 위안을 제공하려는 태도로 이해할 수 있다. 결론적으로 윤대성의 노년희곡은 노인문제를 제기하는 것을 넘어 노년의 긍정적인 비전을 드러냄으로써 대안적인 노년담론을 형성하는 데 기여한다. 또한 ‘자아정체성을 찾는 여정’이라는 주제는 물론, 작가의 인생주기에 따른 희곡이라는 점에서 노년희곡 창작에 하나의 모델을 제공한다. 아울러 멜로드라마 양식을 통해 대중적인 노년연극의 가능성을 제시한 의의가 있다. This paper studies the old age plays of Daesung Yoon, If I love again, Awakening from a beautiful dream, Going together. Old men and women in these plays experience the crisis of self-identity and seek for the solution to overcome it, so these plays can be interpreted as the journey looking for the self-identity in old age. Self-identity is the keyword of late plays of Mr. Yoon which covers from his plays about the crisis in the middle age. The crisis of self-identity is expressed by various problems of the aged, including loss of role, poverty, illness and loneliness. Love, memory ability and beautiful memories of life are revealed as a positive vision for the life of the old. Therein romantic love is whatsoever possible, but intimacy and commitment are necessary for the love of old age. Memory ability and beautiful memories of life contribute to the ego-integrity, too. Especially, Mr. Yoon’s plays focus on the problems of old ‘male’ men which have been neglected in the old age literature as well as gerontology and take the melodramatic mode which is different from the main stream of Mr. Yoon’s past plays. In conclusion, old age plays of Mr. Yoon propose an alternative discourse of the old age through the positive vision; They also present a model for the writings of the old age plays such as the journey looking for the self-identity; Lastly they give a possibility of popular old age drama through the melodramatic mode.

      • KCI등재
      • 친환경 복합재료 경량 전주의 난연성 평가

        김조권(Zoh-Gweon Kim),한동룡(Dong-Yong Han),이칠순(Chil-Soon Lee) 산업기술교육훈련학회 2009 산업기술연구논문지 (JITR) Vol.14 No.3

        The flammability test prescribed by KS M 3015 code was accomplished on the composite utility pole made from glass fiber reinforced plastics. The used resin was vinylester added by flame retardant as Halogen compounds and Antimony trioxide. The specimen were consisted of #1, #2 and #3 group with each 5 specimen. The composite utility pole was produced from glass woven roving and vinyleser by PVRTM. The results showed that all the specimen satisfied V-0 class of KS M 3015 without igniting on the cotton indicator by flaming particles or drops, and flaming or glowing up to the holding clamp. Almost all the specimen were safe without flame time after firs and second flame application.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 변증법(辨證法)에 대한 Platon과 Aristoteles의 견해차이(見解差異)

        趙要翰 ( Zoh Jo-hann ) 숭실대학교 인문과학연구소 1974 인문학연구 Vol.5 No.-

        Die Dialektik stammt von Platon, der seine Philosophie in der Form von Dialogen beschreibt. Die Dialektik selbst definiert Platon, nach der gewohnlichen Bedeutung des Wortes, als die Kunst, gesprachsweise in Fragen und Antworten Erkenntnisse zu entwickeln. Fiir die For- tsetzung des Gesprachs aber gibt es jetzt zwei Grundmoglichkeiten. Die eine Moglichkeit ist dadurch bestimmt, daB sich nun jeder von beiden bemiiht, seine Auffassung von der strittigen Sache gegen den anderen durchzusetzen. Solche Art des Streitgesprachs nennt Platon Eristik. Die andere Moglichkeit besteht darin, daB beide Teilnehmer gemeinsam sich bemiiht, das Wahre zu finden. Solche Art der richtigen Mitteilung im Gesprach beschreibt Plato die Dialektik als die Wissenschft, die Rede richtig durchzufiihren und die Gattung der Dinge, d. h. die Begriffe, richtig zu unterscheiden und miteinander zu verbinden. Platon sprciht von “meiner Philosophie”,darunter er versteht nicht Eristik. Er redet an dieser Stelle nicht Ethik, Politik, Kosmologie, Physik, die Lehre von den Gottern, die die Philosophen vor ihm bemuhten. Die neue Untersuchung Platons nimmt die Mitteilbarkeit der philosophischen Einsichten vor. Unter diesem Aspekt ist das Problem der Mitteilbarkeit gegeniiber den Anderen ein untergeordnetes und kann vorgezogen werden; es fiihrt hin zu dem eigentlichen Problem, das in etster Linie Platon selbst betrifft. Die Notwendigkeit seiner Mitteilbarkeit macht danri auch die Frage nach der Methode des Philosophierens notwendig und geben gleichzeitig einen Vorblick auf die Aufgabe der Philosophe. Die Topik des Aristoteles fiihrt uns auf anschauliche Weise mitten in den Streit in der Akademie um die Frage nach dem Begriff der Dialektik. Aristoteles nimmt auch die Aufgabe vor, eine Methode zu finden, die uns in den Stand setzen wiirden, liber einen aufgestellten Satz mit Ausgangspunkt von allgemein anerkannten Ansichten Schliisse zu ziehen. Denn dies ist die Aufgabe der Dialektik, aber auch der wissenschaftlichen Priifung. Die Dialektik ist zwar mit der sophistischen Argumentationstechnik nahe verwandt, aber es kommt hinzu, daB der Unterredner den Satz nicht nur formal und dialektisch priifen soli, sondern auch in bezug auf den Inhalt. Aristotelische Philosophic ist Fortfuhrung der von Platon aufgeworfenen Probleme, ihr Erweiterung. Im Gegensatz von Platon betrachtet Aristoteles, jedes Urteil sei entweder ein bejahende oder eine verneinende Aussage. Eine Gegensatzaussage bringt den Mwidersprechenden: Gegensatz, bei dem “das Dritte ausgeschlossenen ist”; kontrare Gegensatze bezeichnen da: in einer Reihe zusammengehoriger Begriffe am weitesten voneinander Entfernte. Aus de Verkniiptung zweier Urteile mit gemeinsamem Begriff ergibt sich der SchluB, den Aristotele; “Syllogismus” nennt. Die Entdeckung des Syllogismus bei Aristoteles entstand aus dem Zusammenwirken de; Diairesis und des Erfordernisses der Disputationsdialektik, Aristoteles bildet den Syllogismui aber auf dem Basis der Ausarbeitung seiner eigenen Organon auf. Wenn der Syllogismuj ganz neue methodische und philosophische Dimension abgewinnt, bleibt er doch vergleichs weise partikular. Im Zerfall der Dialektik wird man recht eigentlich die Grenzscheide seher miissen, die Aristoteles von Platon trennt.

      • KCI등재

        ‘한국적인 심성의 근원’을 찾아서 : 최인훈 문학의 도정(道程)

        조보라미(Zoh Borami) 한국현대문학회 2010 한국현대문학연구 Vol.0 No.30

        탈식민주의적 시각은 최인훈 문학에 대해 본질적으로 접근하는 방법 가운데 하나이다. 이것은 작가 자신이 ‘5부작’으로 읽히기를 바랐던 주요 소설-『광장』, 『회색인』, 『서유기』, 『소설가 구보씨의 일일』, 『태풍』-이나 그 외 다른 소설은 물론, 희곡으로의 장르 전환에 대해 해명할 수 있는 중요한 단서를 제공한다. 최인훈 소설은 서구의 가치와 문화가 한국을 지배하는 현실을 반복해서 표현하고 있으며, 이에 대한 경계심을 늦추지 않고 있다. 또한 후기 소설에는 이에 대한 극복 방안이 모색되고 있는데, 우선 『태풍』은 세계 패권국의 지배권 경쟁구도 가운데 약소국들의 국제적 연대의 필요성과, 민족이라는 고정 관념을 유보한 채 잡종성을 하나의 대안으로 제시하고 있다. 그런가 하면 『소설가 구보씨의 일일』은 식민지적 현실을 극복할 대안으로 불교를 중심으로 한 전통의 회복을 제시한다. 이때 『태풍』이 최인훈 소설사의 구도 속에서 다분히 예외적인 형식을 띠며 그 해결책 역시 독특하다면 『소설가 구보씨의 일일』은 작가의 다른 소설들과의 연계성이 강하다. 한편 최인훈 희곡은 이러한 탈식민주의적 인식의 연장선상에서 한국의 문화적 경험을 적극적으로 담보하고자 하는 의도에서 창작되었다. 이것은 무엇보다 최인훈 희곡이 한국의 설화나 고전소설을 소재로 한 것과, 무대지시문과 대사에 있어 한국어의 아름다움을 최대로 살리고자 한 데서 확인된다. 또한 한국의 고유한 심성인 정(情)과 한(恨)을 바탕으로 한 인물을 형상화하고, 비극적인 극의 내용과 상반된 축제적 결말을 통해 한(恨)을 작품 구조의 측면에서 구현하고 있다. 그 외에 굿과 농악, 각설이 타령과 풍년가 등 연극적인 표현양식을 통해서도 ‘한국적인 것’이 구현된다. 그런데 이때 최인훈 희곡에서 ‘한국적인 것’은 남을 인정하는 바탕 위에서 나의 것을 주장하는, 보다 폭넓은 논리를 가지고 있음이 주목된다. 즉, 최인훈 희곡은 언어에의 의존도를 낮추고 움직임과 소리, 빛 등 비언어적 요소를 강화한다는 점에서 현대 연극의 흐름과 일치하며, 기존에 실용적이고 부차적인 기능만을 가져온 무대지시문에 본질적이며 미학적인 기능을 부여함으로써 세계 희곡/연극의 측면에서 새로운 미학을 드러낸 의의가 있다. 이런 점에서 〈옛날 옛적에 훠어이 훠이〉에서 아기장수의 생애를 예수의 생애와 유비하고 있는 것은 한국이라는 ‘특수성’과 세계라는 ‘보편성’을 결합시키기 위한 의도로 해석할 수 있다. 결국 최인훈 문학은 일본의 식민 체험은 물론 서구의 영향력이 점차 그 지배력을 강화하는 20세기 한국의 상황 속에서, 작가 자신이 ‘한국적인 심성의 근원’이라고 표현한바 한국의 정체성을 모색하는 작업이었다고 할 수 있다. The view of postcolonialism is one of the essential ways of approaching the literature of Choi Inhoon. It applies to his main novels which the writer Choi called 'pentalogy'-the Square, the Gray Man, Seoyugi, The Day of a Novelist, Gobo, and Typhoon- and the other novels as well. And it also provides the key to apprehending why he writes plays in 1970's. Writer Choi's novels express and criticize the reality that western culture dominates the Korean society. And his later novels, Typhoon and The Day of a Novelist, Gobo show how to overcome it in different ways. On the one hand, Typhoon represents the need of international solidarity of small nations against the world powers, and hibridity instead of a rationally homogeneous belief. On the other hand, The Day of a Novelist, Gobo provides the recovery of tradition centering Buddhism. In this respect, The Day of a Novelist, Gobo is in the main line of Choi Inhoon's novels, different from Typhoon. Meanwhile, Choi Inhoon's plays are also created in the postcolonial view, especially to express the Korean identity in positive way: At first, Writer Choi's plays deal with various folk tales and traditions; his works display the most attractive merits of Korean language; they also display the protagonists' emotional depiction of affection(情) and tragedy(恨) representing Korean mentality; they display a great aesthetic appeal of tragedy launched by some ritual ceremony in the end in a way of ironic interaction with grave main contents; in addition, Korean identity is also expressed by shamanistic and farming songs along with folk songs during the performance on the stage. Choi In-hoon's plays are conscious of universality. Writer Choi's plays reinforce the nonverbal elements such as movement, sound, light instead of verbal elements, which accords to the contemporary theatre toward performance beyond the text. And stage directions have essential and aesthetic function instead of practical and secondary function, thereby reveals the new aesthetics in the world of drama. In this respect, the analogy of the life of baby commander(아기장수) and that of Jesus in Long long time ago, whoee whoee(〈옛날 옛적에 훠어이 훠이〉) can be interpreted to integrate the specificity of Korea and the universality of world. In conclusion, Choi Inhoon's literature is to search for the Korean identity which the writer Choi called 'the essence of Korean mind', in the dominance of Japan and western culture in the 20th century of Korea.

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