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      • KCI등재

        The complete mitochondrial genome of a threatened loach (Sinibotia reevesae) and its phylogeny

        Yuan‑Chao Zou,Bi‑Wen Xie,Chuan‑Jie Qin,Yong‑Ming Wang,Deng‑Yue Yuan,Rui Li,Zheng‑Yong Wen 한국유전학회 2017 Genes & Genomics Vol.39 No.7

        In present study, the complete mitochondrial genome of Sinibotia reevesae was first sequenced using the next-generation sequencing technology and annotated using bioinformatic tools. The circular mitochondrial genome was 16,572 bp in length, and contained 13 proteincoding genes, 2 ribosomal RNA genes, 22 transfer RNA genes, and 1 displacement loop locus. It presents a typical gene organization and order for completely sequenced cypriniformes mitogenomes. The control region could be divided into three parts included the extended termination associated sequence domain, the central conserved domain and the conserved sequence block. Interestingly, two stemloop domains were found in control region and OL region, respectively. Furthermore, phylogenetic analyses using concatenated amino acid and nucleotide sequences of the 13 protein-coding genes with two different methods (Maximum likelihood and Bayesian analysis) both highly supported the close relationship of S. reevesae and Sinibotia superciliaris, which was in line with the previous classifications based on morphological and molecular studies. These data provide useful information for a better understanding of the mitogenomic diversities and evolution in fish as well as novel genetic markers for studying population genetics and species identification.

      • KCI등재

        Factors Affecting Self-management Behavior among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes in a Border Area of Southwest China

        Yuan,Yingmei,Jun,Sangeun 한국기초간호학회 2022 Journal of korean biological nursing science Vol.24 No.4

        Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the status and factors associated with self-management behavior (SMB) of patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) in a border area of southwest China. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with T2DM patients in Dali, China. The participants filled in the questionnaires including demographic and disease-related characteristics, psychosocial status, resources of DM knowledge, knowledge of DM care, competency in DM care skills, the Chinese Diabetes Management Self-Efficacy Scale (C-DMSES), and the Chinese Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities (C-SDSCA). All the data were analyzed with SPSS version 26. Multiple linear regression analysis examined associations between predictors and SMB. Results: A total of 470 valid questionnaires have been collected. The score for overall SMB was 50.71±11.99; 19.6% of patients were at a good level, 48.3% were moderate, and 32.1% were poor. The significant factors that influenced SMB included self-efficacy (β=0.37; p<.001), competency in DM care skills (β=0.22; p<.001) and lacked in the treatment confidence (β=-0.09; p=.023). Conclusion: The level of self-management among T2DM patients in this area was medium-low state. For future studies, our findings suggest that self-efficacy, competency in DM care skills, and treatment confidence should be considered essential factors in improving the self-management behavior of T2DM patients in the border area of southwest China.

      • KCI등재

        한국전쟁기간 중국의 군비지출과 대북지원

        Wang Yuan Zhou 건국대학교 통일인문학연구단 2011 통일인문학 Vol.52 No.-

        중화인민공화국 건국 1년도 채 되지 않은 1950년 6월 25일 발발한 한국전쟁으로 당시 중국공산당의 재정은 매우 어려운 상황에 직면했다. 이 위기에서 벗어나기 위해 중국은 노력하고 있었다. 미국이 한국전쟁에 개입하여 전세가 역전되었을 때 중국은 파병여부를 토의하는 과정에서 군사문제뿐만 아니라 재정적인 부담 또한 고려해야만 했다. 한국전쟁 이후 중국과 북한간의 구상무역이 어려워지자 북한은 중국에 각종 물자, 현금과 인적 자원의 원조를 요청하였고, 중국 동북지역은 사실상 북한의 후방 지원 기지가 되었다. 북한의 각종 원조에 대해 중국정부는 동북인민정부와 동북군구에 명하여 북한이 만족할 수 있도록 충분한 지원을 하도록 하였다. 심지어 당시 제공된 원조 성격을 가지지 않는 물자와 비용은 전후 모두 원조한 것으로 처리하였다. 정전 협정 이후 중국과 북한은"경제와 문화 협력에 관한 협정"을 체결하여 구 인민폐 8조 원 지원하고, 북한의 철로 등 교통 시설 복구에 참여했을 뿐만 아니라 북한학생의 중국 유학과 기술자를 양성하여 북한의 전후 복구에 있어 중요한 역할을 하였다. The Korean War, broke out in June 25, 1950 which was only one year after People's Republic of China(PRC) was found, aggravate the financial difficulties of Communist Party of China (CPC). CPC recognised that it was not only military affairs but also financial issues when they were discussing whether to fight due to USA was involved in the Korean War and turned the tide. North Korea requested PRC for help in resources, financial and human resource areas. The north eastern part of China became the back base for supporting. CPC required the local people's governments and army headquarters in north eastern China to satisfy all the requirements from North Korea. After the armistice of Korean War was signed, PRC and North Korea signed an Economic and Cultural Cooperation Agreement. The amount of assistance from PRC to North Korea was 8 trillion old yuan. PRC helped North Korea repairing the transportations such as railway and trained their technical staff via studying in China. In conclusion, PRC plays a key role in the reconstruction of North Korea after the Korean War.

      • 고지방 식이를 섭취한 흰쥐에서 마테의(Ilex praguariensis) 중성지방과 콜레스테롤 저하 효과

        박지연,안희정,정주현,변정은,이해진,장원원,위해리,최세림,안진표,이명숙 誠信女子大學校 生活文化硏究所 2012 生活文化硏究 Vol.26 No.2

        With obesity caused by high fat intake having various adverse effects on people of today's society, the aim of this study is to examine the lowering effect of proportional mate intake on tissue triglyceride and cholesterol levels. Mate, binomial name Ilex paraguariensis, is a species of holly (family Aquifoliaceae), well-known as the source of the mate beverage, which is native to subtropical South America. Five-week-old male Sprague-Dawleys weighing about 200g were used for this experiment. These rats were fed on a diet mixed with 60% fat and instant Mate powder in market circulation. They were divided into four groups, with the control group on a normal diet (n=6), a group on a high fat diet (HFD) (n=6), a group on a high fat diet containing 2% mate powder (MT2) (n=6), and the last group on a high fat diet containing 4% mate powder (MT4) (n=6). The food efficiency ratio made no difference in the MT2 group compared to the HFD group. With the intake of mate powder, serum and tissue triglycerides were decreased in the MT2 group. Especially notable was the fall of triglyceride levels in the liver in the MT2 group by roughly 60%, compared to those of the HFD group. Cholesterol levels in epididymal fat pads were sig-nificantly decreased - by 60% - in the MT4 group compared to those of the HFD group. Also, as a result of DPPH(1,1-Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) assay, the anti-oxidant activity of Mate powder showed a similar level to that of vitamin E. These findings indicate that triglyceride and cholesterol levels in liver and epididymal fat pads are decreased by the intake of Mate powder. That the dose of Mate powder in the MT4 group had a signifiant effect means that Mate may be capable of interfering in triglyceride and cholesterol levels.

      • KCI등재

        Core prescription pattern of Chinese herbal medicine for depressive disorders in Taiwan: a nationwide population-based study

        Diem Ngoc Hong Tran,I-Hsuan Hwang,Fun-Jou Chen,Yuan-Pu Tseng,Ching-Mao Chang,Shih-Jen Tsai,Jen-Lin Yang,Ta-Peng Wu,Chung-Hua Hsu,Fang-Pey Chen,Yen-Ying Kung 한국한의학연구원 2021 Integrative Medicine Research Vol.10 No.3

        Background: Depressive disorders (DD) affect not only mood and behavior but also various physical functions. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been shown to have some benefits in treating DD. However, one formula or one single herb might be not show high efficacy when used to treat depression. Thus, this study aimed to examine the core prescription pattern of Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) among patients with DD in Taiwan as a reference for related research and clinical applications. Methods: All patients, who had been diagnosed with major depressive disorder or minor depression or dysthymia without any other baseline diseases and had at least one CHM outpatient clinical visit from 2002 to 2011, were extracted from three randomly sampled cohorts, namely the 2000, 2005 and 2010 cohorts of the National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD) of Taiwan. The collected data was analyzed to explore the patterns of herbal products. Results: There were 197,146 patients with a diagnosis of DD and of these 1806 subjects had only a diagnosis of DD and utilized CHM. The most common formula was Gan-Mai-Da-Zao-Tang (12.19%), while Suan-Zao-Ren (3.99%) was the most commonly prescribed single herb. The core pattern of prescriptions consisted of a combination of Gan-Mai-Da-Zao-Tang, Jia-Wei-Xiao-Yao-San, Chai-Hu-Jia-Long-Gu-Mu-Li-Tang, He-Huan-Pi, Yuan-Zhi and Shi-Chang-Pu. Conclusions: This study describes the CHM core prescription pattern used to treat patients in Taiwan with DD and it is a potential candidate for study in future pharmacological or clinical trials targeting DD.

      • 경영에서 grab start와 track start의 운동학적 분석

        김연정,이민형,원문학,김헌수 한국운동역학회 2000 한국운동역학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        본 연구는 남녀 수영 선수 6명씩을 대상으로 grab start와 track start를 실시하여 두 집단간과 두 출발법간의 동작 특성을 운동학적으로 분석한 후 변인들을 정량화 하여 선수들에게 출발법에 대한 심층적인 이해를 제공하고 효과적인 훈련에 기여하도록 하는 것이 목적이며 실험으로 카메라 4대를 이용하였으며 분석을 위해 권(1993)이 개발한 Kwon3D 동작 분석 프로그램으로 3차원 영상 분석을 실시하였다. 결과의 통계 처리 자료로는 SPSS 프로그램을 사용하였으며 출발에 관련된 운동학적 변인을 수평방향과 수직방향에서의 인체 중심점 위치와 속도의 변화를 측정하였다. 위치 변화에서는 출발대를 떠나는 지점에서 남자 선수들은 수직 지향을 여자 선수들은 수평 지향을 함을 알 수 있었고 속도 변화에서 출발대를 떠나는 순간 track start가 속도값이 크기는 하나 두 출발법 사이에 유의한 차이는 나타나지 않았다. The research has the aim to analyze and find out kinematic features of grab start and track start between male and femail. With having selected 6 swimmers form each for this experiment four video-cameras(60 frames/sec) and control-box(length-2m, width-1m, hight-1m) to get real space coordinates were used. The DLT method was employed to obtain the 3-dimensional coordinates of the 25 body points for digitizing with Kwon3D Motion Analysis Package developed by Kwon, Young-hoo (1993). SPSS was used for statistic process. Kinematic variable were measured in start: The center of mass of body in horizontal and vertical, variation of velocity, entry distance. The following are the results. 1. In change of the body-center, the starting methods of man and women are same in horizontal directions, but in vertical directions the amount of women´s body changement is decreasing ever, while the amount of man´s body changement is increasing continuously with his foot off the start line. The change of the position and velocity in vertical directions is changing with the same tendency in case of starting ways of both man and women, but in vertical directions man´s amount of changement has steep increasing curve, and women´s one has decreasing curve. 2. Horizontal ANOVA analysis of body-center shows that starting method represent not such difference at taking-off moment but significant difference at initial moving point(F=237.016, p<.01). Vertical analysis shows significant difference in gender and starting method(for each F=31.132, p<.01, f=22.591, p<.01)

      • 大法官會議制度芻論

        顧元(고원, Gu Yuan) 경북대학교 아시아연구소 2009 아시아연구 Vol.- No.4

        헌법은 헌법 변천의 일종의 중요한 방식이며, 그 존재의 필요성과 가능성이 있다. 본문은 입헌정치사의 관점으로부터 1947년 <<중화민국의 헌법>>의 헌법설명제도를 고찰하고, 구체적으로 대법관 회의제도의 발전단계, 조직체제, 직권의 특징과 격식 운영 등의 이론과 실천 문제를 상세히 설명하였다. 대법관 회의는 헌법 제도가 1940년대의 “내전”의 시기에 시작되었고, 서방제국제도를 참조하였으며, 원래 시국에 대처하기 위해서 생겨났지만, 세월의 흐름에 따라 모두 갖춰진 제도로서 형성되었다. 사법원의 대법관은 회의방식를 통하여 헌법을 해석하고, 법률에서 명령의 안건까지 해석하여 사법원에서 협의하여 심사 처리한다. 그리고 헌법 법정을 구성하고, 정당한 위헌이 되는 해산안건을 협의하여 심사 처리한다. 대법관은 헌법과 관련하여 헌법을 적용할 수 있는 것에 문제가 발생하는 것, 법률 혹은 명령, 헌법에 저촉되는 것의 유무와 아울러 省자치법, 현 자치법, 省법규와 현의 규칙까지 헌법에 저촉되는 사항을 해석한다. 해석의 사항들은 헌법의 조문 규정자로 제한됨이 있다. 대법관의 회의는 5권 헌법의 사법의 체제의 구조 내에서 건립하였고, 민주적인 헌법제를 수호하고 발전시키는 중요한 도구가 되고, 언제나 인민의 생활에 중대한 영향을 준다. 본문은 헌법을 해석하는 주체모식, 설명의 제한, 해석의 효과와 대법관의 신분 등 약간의 문제를 다루었고, 대법관 회의제도와 서방의 헌법체제 제작에 상응하게 비교하여, 그 제도의 연원과 특색이 더욱 나타나게 하였다. 대법관의 회의는 헌법의 기능의 운용제작의 성공을 충분히 발휘하였고, 의의는 매우 두드러진다고 할 수 있다. The constitutional interpretation is an important way of the constitutional changing, its existence is necessary and probable. This paper surveys the interpretation of the Constitution of the Republic of China in 1947 from the perspective of constitutional history, with analysing theoretical and practical issues in development periods, organizational institution, authority characteristics as well as procedure operation and so on. Commencing with the civil war period in 1940s, the constitutional interpretation system of the Grand Justices of the Judicial Yuan has been developed a rather characteristic and complete institution for more than semi-century which created for coping with the current political situation originally. The Justices of the Judicial Yuan (“Judiciary”)shall be in session en masse and adjudge the petitions concerning interpretation of the Constitution and uniform interpretation of statutes and regulations; the Justices may form as well a Constitutional Court to declare the dissolution of political party whenever it violates the Constitution. The matters for which the Justices shall interpret the Constitution are as follows: Matters concerning doubts and ambiguities in the application of the Constitution; Matters concerning the constitutionality of statutes or regulations; Or matters concerning the constitutionality of laws governing the self-government of provinces and counties, and regulations promulgated by. Constructing in the judicial system framework of the Five Power Constitution, the Grand Justices of the Judicial Yuan has become an important facility for maintenance and evolution of democracy constitutional system which has been had an influence on people’s life most profoundly and deeply. This paper will compare the system of the Grand Justices of the Judicial Yuan with the constitutional interpretation systems of the western countries in some issues such as main body mode, restriction and effectiveness of the constitutional interpretation as well as the status of the Justices, which aims to visualize its sources and features. It has a significant meaning for the constitutional interpretation system of the Grand Justices of the Judicial Yuan to carry out its function successfully and sufficiently.

      • KCI등재

        W. B. Yeats’s Influence on Mu Dan and Yuan Kejia, Two of the Nine Leaves Poets in China

        Ze-yuan Hu 한국예이츠학회 2021 한국예이츠 저널 Vol.64 No.-

        W. B. 예이츠의 시는 1920년대 이후 중국에 소개되었는데, 그는 아일랜 드의 대표적 시인이다. 그의 시는 중국의 시에 큰 영향을 끼치는데 특히 나인 리브스 파 시인들 중 무 단과 연 게이자에 대한 영향이 크다. 비교연구를 통해서, 본 논문은 무 단은 자신의 시 스타일 형성에 예이츠에게 영향을 받았으며, 연 게이자는 자신의 시이론을 형성하는데 많은 자양분을 흡수했다는 사실을 증명한다. W. B. Yeats is an important Irish poet whose poems have been introduced to China since 1920s and exerted great influence on Chinese poetry, especially on Mu Dan and Yuan Kejia, two of the Nine-Leaves Poets. Through a comparative study, the paper discovers that while forming his own poetic style Mu Dan got much inspiration from Yeats and that Yuan Kejia formed his poetic theory by taking nutrition from Yeats.

      • Health Economics Evaluation of a Gastric Cancer Early Detection and Treatment Program in China

        Li, Dan,Yuan, Yuan,Sun, Li-Ping,Fang, Xue,Zhou, Bao-Sen Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2014 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.15 No.13

        Objective: To use health economics methodology to assess the screening program on gastric cancer in Zhuanghe, China, so as to provide the basis for health decision on expanding the program of early detection and treatment. Materials and Methods: The expense of an early detection and treatment program for gastric cancer in patients found by screening, and also costs of traditional treatment in a hospital of Zhuanghe were assessed. Three major techniques of medical economics, namely cost-effective analysis (CEA), cost-benefit analysis (CBA) and cost-utility analysis (CUA), were used to assess the screening program. Results: Results from CEA showed that investing every 25, 235 Yuan on screening program in Zhuanghe area, one gastric cancer patient could be saved. Data from CUA showed that it was cost 1, 370 Yuan per QALY saved. Results from CBA showed that: the total cost was 1,945,206 Yuan with a benefit as 8,669,709 Yuan and an CBR of 4.46. Conclusions: The early detection and treatment program of gastric cancer appears economic and society-beneficial. We suggest that it should be carry out in more high risk areas for gastric cancer.

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