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Effect of Annealing Temperature on Binary TiO2:SiO2 Nanocrystalline Thin Films
F. Mei,C. Liu,J. B. Wang,L. Zhou,W. K. Zhao,Y. L. Fang,Y. Y. Ren 한국물리학회 2006 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.48 No.6
Binary TiO2:SiO2 nanocrystalline thin films were prepared using liquid phase deposition at 35 C and annealed in air at temperatures ranging from 100 C to 500 C. The microstructural and the optical properties of the thin films were characterized by using an ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer, a Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer, a scanning electron microscope, and a transmission electron microscope. The photocatalytic performance of the thin films was evaluated by using photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue. The results showed that most TiO2 nanocrystallites were uniformly dispersed onto an amorphous SiO2 matrix and that nanopores had been formed on top of the TiO2 nanoparticles, resulting in an improved photocatalytic efficiency due to an increase number of effective adsorption sites. As we increased the annealing temperature, the small crystallites progressively aggregated into larger clusters, reducing the specific surface area of the TiO2 nanocrystallites. Moreover, SiO2 nanopowders moved towards the surface and covered the TiO2, resulting in a decreased photocatalytic activity.e
Hui, K.S.,Hui, K.N.,Dinh, D.A.,Tsang, C.H.,Cho, Y.R.,Zhou, W.,Hong, X.,Chun, H.H. Elsevier Science 2014 Acta materialia Vol.64 No.-
A green chemical approach to control the dimensions of Ag nanoparticle-decorated graphene oxide (AgNP-GO) composites was proposed by in situ ultrasonication of a mixture of AgNO<SUB>3</SUB> and GO solution with the assistance of vitamin C acting as an environmentally friendly reducing agent at room temperature. The AgNP-GO composites were characterized by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, energy-dispersive spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectra and ultraviolet-visible absorption spectra. The results demonstrated that Ag nanoparticles with an average diameter of ~15nm were uniformly dispersed on the surface of GO nanosheets by in situ ultrasonication of 1min with vitamin C. Increasing the ultrasonication times resulted in Ag nanoparticles with tunable dimensions ranging from 15 to 55nm being formed on the surface of GO nanosheets. The amount of silver nitrate and the ultrasonication time play a key role in the control of the dimension of Ag nanoparticles on GO, and a formation mechanism of the as-prepared AgNP-GO composites is proposed. This study provides a guide to controlling the dimensions of AgNP-GO composites, which may hold promise as advanced materials for various analytical applications such as catalysis, sensors and microchips.
Deletion of the Lmna Gene Induces Growth Delay and Serum Biochemical Changes in C57BL/6 Mice
Ruan, J.,Liu, X.G.,Zheng, H.L.,Li, J.B.,Xiong, X.D.,Zhang, C.L.,Luo, C.Y.,Zhou, Z.J.,Shi, Q.,Weng, Y.G. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2014 Animal Bioscience Vol.27 No.1
The A-type lamin deficient mouse line ($Lmna^{-/-}$) has become one of the most frequently used models for providing insights into many different aspects of A-type lamin function. To elucidate the function of Lmna in the growth and metabolism of mice, tissue growth and blood biochemistry were monitored in Lmna-deficient mice, heterozygous ($Lmna^{+/-}$) and wide-type ($Lmna^{+/+}$) backcrossed to C57BL/6 background. At 4 weeks after birth, the weight of various organs of the $Lmna^{-/-}$, $Lmna^{+/-}$ and $Lmna^{+/+}$ mice was measured. A panel of biochemical analyses consisting of 15 serological tests was examined. The results showed that Lmna deficient mice had significantly decreased body weight and increased the ratio of organ to body weight in most of tissues. Compared with $Lmna^{+/+}$ and $Lmna^{+/-}$ mice, $Lmna^{-/-}$ mice exhibited lower levels of ALP (alkaline phosphatase), Chol (cholesterol), CR (creatinine), GLU (glucose), HDL (high-density lipoprotein cholesterol) and higher levels of ALT (alanine aminotransferase) (p<0.05). $Lmna^{-/-}$ mice displayed higher AST (aspartate aminotransferase) values and lower LDL (lowdensity lipoprotein cholesterol), CK-MB (creatine kinase-MB) levels than $Lmna^{+/+}$ mice (p<0.05). There were no significant differences among the three groups of mice with respect to BUN (blood urea nitrogen), CK (creatine kinase), Cyc C (cystatin C), TP (total protein), TG (triacylglycerols) and UA (uric acid) levels (p>0.05). These changes of serological parameters may provide an experimental basis for the elucidation of Lmna gene functions.
Electron Transport and Magneto - optical Properties of Magnetic Shape - memory Ni₂MnGa Alloy
Y. P. Lee,S. J. Lee,C. O. Kim,X. S. Jin,Y. Zhou,Y. V. Kudryavtsev,J. Y. Rhee 한국진공학회(ASCT) 2002 Journal of Korean Vacuum Science & Technology Vol.6 No.1
The physical properties, including magneto-optical and transport ones, of Ni₂MnGa alloy in the martensitic and austenitic states were investigated. The dependence of the temperature coefficient of resistivity on temperature shows kinks at the structural and ferro-para magnetic transitions. Electron-magnon and electron-phonon scattering are analyzed to be the dominant scattering mechanisms of the Ni₂MnGa alloy in the martensitic and austenitic states, respectively. The experimental real parts of the off-diagonal components of the dielectric function present two sharp peaks, one at 1.9 eV and the other at 3.2 eV, and a broad shoulder at 3.5 eV; all are identified by the band-structure calculations. These peak positions are coincident with those in the corresponding optical-conductivity spectrum, which is thought to originate from the single-spin state in Ni₂MnGa alloy.
C.W. Zhou,K.F. Cai,D. H. YU,Y. Du 성균관대학교(자연과학캠퍼스) 성균나노과학기술원 2013 NANO Vol.8 No.6
Crystalline Si1-xGexOy nanorods were successfully synthesized by a chemical vapor deposition method using germanium as a starting material on Au-coated Si (111) substrate at ~ 1000°C in a flowing high-purity Ar atmosphere. Most of the nanorods have smooth surfaces, with diameters ranging from ~ 50 nm to 165 nm and lengths longer than several microns. Ultraviolet-visible absorption spectrum of the nanorods shows a maximum absorption wavelength at 203 nm. Photoluminescence spectrum of the nanorods exhibits an ultraviolet emission peak at 336 nm. The growth of the nanorods follows a vapor–liquid–solid mechanism.
Y.G. Xiao,M.H. Tang,Y. Xiong,J. C. Lin,C.P. Cheng,B. Jiang,H.Q. Cai,Z.H. Tang,X.S. Lv,X.C. Gu,Y.C. Zhou 한국물리학회 2012 Current Applied Physics Vol.12 No.6
The surface potential and drain current of double-gate metal-ferroelectric-insulator-semiconductor (MFIS) field-effect transistor were investigated by using the ferroelectric negative capacitance. The derived results demonstrated that the up-converted semiconductor surface potential and low subthreshold swing S = 34 (<60 mV/dec) can be realized with appropriate thicknesses of ferroelectric thin film and insulator layer at room temperature. What’s more, a reduction gate voltage about 260 mV can be reached if the ON-state current is fixed to 600 mA/mm. It is expected that the derived results can offer useful guidelines for the application of low power dissipation in ongoing scaling of FETs.
MHD Instability Fluctuation Measurement on the HL-2A Tokamak by Using the HCN Laser Interferometer
Y. G. Li,Y. Zhou,Z. C. Deng,J. Yi,Y. Li,H. X. Wang,X. Q. Ji,W. Deng 한국물리학회 2014 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.65 No.8
The multichannel HCN laser interferometer has been routinely used to measure the electron density(ne) on the HL-2A tokamak for several years. In order to explore its capability for qualitativelyevaluating the Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) fluctuation in plasmas from the probing signal, weimplemented two important modifications on the hardware of channel #3 (r = −10.5 cm): (1) applicationof the high-response Schottky diode waveguide detector, and (2) utilization of a preamplifierwith a broad pass-band of up to 500 kHz so as not to filter the fluctuation component mixed withthe intermediate frequency (IF). Many MHD fluctuation phenomena, such as tearing modes (TMs),fishbones, long lived modes (LLMs), have been successfully detected by using the modified channel#3 in the HL-2A experimental campaign, and the results were quite coincident with those derivedfrom the magnetic probe and the soft X-ray systems. We propose to apply this novel approach tomore channels of the HCN laser interferometer.