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        일본어교육으로서 연극도입에 대하여 -대학생의 의식 조사를 중심으로-

        ( Saito,Akemi ) 한국일어교육학회 2012 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.22

        본고는 한국에서 대학교 수업으로 연극을 도입할 경우, 그 의의와 연극지도 순서에 대하여 설명한 후, 학생들이 쓴작문과 앙케이트 조사결과 등에 대하여 언급한 것이다. 연극도입의 의의로는 현실은 아닐지라도 문맥이 있는 장면으로 일본어회화를 배울 수 있다는 점, 그룹 활동을 통하여 학습의욕이 높아진다는 점 등을 들었다. 그리고 연극 순서로는 「사전지도→그룹 만들기→대본작성→대본 맞추기→연극 연습→발표」순서로 설명하였다. 이어, 앙케이트 조사결과를 보고하였다. 조사결과, 학생들은 연극이 재미있다고 생각하였으며 발표한 후 만족감을 느끼고 있다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 그리고 이러한 기회가 있으면 또 참가하고 싶다는 학생들이 많다는 것도 밝혀졌다. 또 그룹의 구성원들이 모두 열심히 했다고 느끼며 구성원들에게 감사하고 있다고 대답한 학생도 많이 있었다. 그러나 방과 후에 대본맞추기나 연극연습, 배경이나 음향준비 등을 하였기 때문에 그룹 구성원들과의 시간조정이 어려웠다고 대답한 학생들도 적지 않았다. 이것은 이후 개선해야 할 점이기도하다. 또 일본어학습에 관해서는 평소 교실에서 학습할 수 없는 일본어단어나 표현을 배울 수 있어서, 일본어실력이 늘었다고 느끼고 있는 학생들이 많음이 밝혀졌다. 本稿は、韓國の大學における日本語會話の授業に演劇を導入する場合の意義、演劇指導の手順について述 べたあと、演劇に對する大學生の感想文をあげ、最後に大學生を大象としたアンケ一ト調査の結果について 言及したものである。演劇導入の意義としては、現實ではないが、文脈のある場面で日本語會話學ぶこと ができること、グル一プ活動をすることにより仲間意識が芽生え、學習意欲が高まること等をあげた。また、 演劇の手順としては、「事前指導→グル一プ作成→台本作成→台本の讀み合わせ→動作を伴う演劇の練習→發 表」の順に說明した。續いて、感想文とアンケ一ト調査の結果を報告したが、調査の結果、學生たちは演劇は 面白いと思い、發表した後滿足感を感じていることがわかった。そして、このような機會があれば、また參加 したいと思っている學生が多いことも明らかになった。また、グル一プのメンバ一は皆一生懸命やったと感 じ、メンバ一に感謝していると答えた學生も多かった。しかし、放課後に台本の讀み合わせや動作を伴った 練習、演劇の背景や音響の準備等をしたので、グル一プのメンバ一と時間の調整をするのが難しかったと答 えた學生も少なくなかった。これは今後改善しなければならない点でもある。また、日本語學習に關しては、 平素敎室では學習できない日本語の單語や表現を學ぶことができ、日本語の實力が伸びたと感じている學生 が多いということが明らかになった。

      • KCI등재

        Perioperative Evaluation of Respiratory Muscle Strength after Scoliosis Correction in Patients with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

        Wataru Saito1,Kosuke Mizuno,Gen Inoue,Takayuki Imura1,Toshiyuki Nakazawa,Masayuki Miyagi,Eiki Shirasawa,Kentaro Uchida,Masashi Takaso 대한척추외과학회 2017 Asian Spine Journal Vol.11 No.5

        Study Design: Retrospective cohort study. Purpose: To investigate the effect of spinal correction on respiratory muscle strength in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). Overview of Literature: Several studies have reported that scoliosis correction in patients with DMD does not improve pulmonary function. In these studies, pulmonary function was evaluated using the traditional spirometric values of percent vital capacity (%VC) and percent forced vital capacity (%FVC). However, traditional spirometry may not be suitable for patients with DMD because the results can be influenced by patient fatigue or level of understanding. Therefore, we evaluated respiratory function focusing on respiratory muscle strength using maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP), maximal expiratory pressure (MEP), and sniff nasal inspiratory pressure (SNIP), in addition to %VC and %FVC. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 16 patients with DMD who underwent spinal correction surgery between 2006 and 2011 at Kitasato University Hospital. All patients were males, and the mean age was 13.5 years. Respiratory muscle strength was evaluated using MIP, MEP, and SNIP. Measurements were obtained preoperatively and at 1 and 6 months postoperatively, and %VC and %FVC were obtained preoperatively and within 6 months postoperatively. Results: The mean preoperative and postoperative %VC values were 54.0% and 51.7%, whereas the mean %FVC values were 53.9% and 53.2%, respectively. The mean MIP, MEP, and SNIP values obtained preoperatively and at 1 and 6 months postoperatively were as follows: MIP, 40.5, 42.7 and 47.2 cm H2O; MEP, 26.0, 28.0, and 29.0 cm H2O; and SNIP, 33.4, 33.0, and 33.0 cm H2O; respectively. The mean MIP and MEP values significantly improved postoperatively. There were no significant differences in SNIP, %VC, or %FVC preand postoperatively. Conclusions: By focusing on respiratory muscle strength, our results suggest that scoliosis correction in patients with DMD might have a favorable effect on respiratory function.

      • KCI등재

        The Consonant System of West Middle Mongol

        ( Saito Yoshio ) 한국알타이학회 2011 알타이학보 Vol.0 No.21

        A quadrilingual manuscript of the Muqaddimat al-Adab created in Central Asia in the fifteenth century AD contains many West Middle Mongolian words in Arabic transcription. Taking consonantal differences and implicational universals into consideration, the author posited in Saito (2009) eight phonemic vowels /i, e, a, o, u, u, o, i/ for the Mongolian language recorded in the Muqaddimat al-Adab. In the present paper, he investigates the consonant system of the same language and sets up the following seventeen consonant phonemes through analysis of the use of Arabic characters in the document: /t, k, b, d, g, c, j, s, s, h, r, l, m, n, ŋ, w, y/.

      • KCI등재

        オンライン授業による日本語作文にみられる誤用例研究 ― 韓国の大学生を中心にして ―

        齊藤良子 ( Saito¸ Ryoko ),齊藤明美 ( Saito¸ Akemi ) 한국일어교육학회 2023 일본어교육연구 Vol.- No.64

        韓国では、新型コロナウイルス感染防止のために2020年からオンライン授業を実施する大学が増加した。新型コロナウィルスの流行以前の韓国の大学における日本語作文の授業は主に対面で行なわれ、課題として出された作文を授業時間外に書いて提出することはあったが、授業中は教員の目があることもあり、単語や文法を教科書や辞書で調べることはあっても、それ以外の手段を用いて書くということはあまりなかったと思われる。しかし、オンライン授業で行なわれる場合、作文はすべて授業時間外に書かれ、教員の目が全く届かないこともあり、課題として出された日本語作文を書く際に、従来通り教科書や辞書を用いて自分一人の力で作文を書く学生、翻訳アプリを利用する学生、日本語が得意な知人の助言を得て作文を書く学生等がいると思われる。また、社会に出た後も学生が翻訳アプリを使用する機会は多いだろう。このような様々な可能性を考えると、オンライン授業を受講している韓国の大学生が書いた日本語作文の誤用研究をすることは意義があると思われる。そこで、本研究ではオンライン授業にて開講された授業の課題として提出された日本語作文にみられる誤用例をあげ、誤用が生じた原因について考察した。調査の結果、名詞、形容詞、形容動詞、助詞、敬語、授受表現に誤用がみられた。また、誤用の原因を一つに定めることは難しいが、母語干渉によるもの、学習不足、翻訳アプリによるもの等いくつかの要因があると思われる。 Many South Korean universities have conducted online classes since 2020 to prevent COVID-19. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, Japanese composition classes in South Korean universities were mainly held face-to-face, and with the teacher’s supervision, students used textbooks and dictionaries during class to look up words and check grammar. Students may complete the assigned compositions outside of class, but they mainly used these tools in writing. However, in the case of online classes compositions are all written outside of class, and with no teacher present to monitor the writing, some students may write using dictionaries and textbooks as usual, some may use translation apps, and some may ask for advice in writing. Students will have many opportunities to use translation apps even after graduation. Considering these possibilities, it would be meaningful to study misuse found in Japanese compositions that South Korean university students write in online classes. This study presents misuse examples found in the submitted compositions assigned in online classes, and discusses the reasons that led to misuse. Results show that misuse was found in nouns, adjectives, adverbs, particles, honorifics and expressions for acceptance. It is difficult to determine a single reason for misuse, but various factors such as mother-tongue interference, lack of study and use of translation apps can be considered.

      • KCI등재

        日韓機械翻訳使用に関する認識と日本語の誤用例研究 ― オンライン授業を受講した韓国の大学生を中心にして ―

        齊藤良子 ( Saito Ryoko ),齊藤明美 ( Saito Akemi ) 한국일어교육학회 2024 일본어교육연구 Vol.- No.66

        近年、新型コロナウイルス感染防止のために韓国の多くの大学で実施されたオンライン授業の課題として提出された日本語作文にみられる誤用は新型コロナウイルス流行以前の対面授業での課題作文にみられた誤用とは様相が異なっていると思われる。このような日本語の誤用に変化をもたらした要因の一つに日本語の作文を書く際に学生が用いた翻訳アプリ、翻訳サイト、翻訳ソフト等を含む機械翻訳の影響があったと思われる。オンライン授業を受講し教室以外の場所で書いた日本語作文は、対面授業での日本語作文とは異なり辞書や教科書を参考にする以外に日本語のできる知り合いの力を借りたり、機械翻訳をすることをも可能にした。本研究では、まず、オンライン授業を受講した韓国の大学生が課題の日本語作文を書く際に、どの程度翻訳アプリ等を使用しているのかについて現状を調査した。また、翻訳アプリを使用している学生は翻訳アプリをどのように認識し、どのような使い方をしているのかについても明らかにしようとした。さらに、学生が韓国語と日本語で、同じ内容で書いた作文をもとに、日本語作文にみられる誤用例と翻訳アプリの誤訳とを比較し分析することによって、翻訳アプリの使用と日本語に誤用が生じた原因との間に関連があるか否かについても調査した。調査の結果、大部分の学生が翻訳アプリ等を使用しているが、認識の仕方と使い方は専攻、学習歴と関連があることが明らかになった。機械翻訳が一般化しつつある現在、機械翻訳と日本語教育を初めとする言語教育との共存を実現するためには、このような研究が必要であると思われる。 Many South Korean universities have adopted online classes to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Recently misusage examples seen in Japanese composition assignments submitted in these classes differ from those in conventional face-to-face classes before the COVID-19 pandemic. One factor that led to this change is the influence of machine translation, which includes translation apps, translation sites and translation softwares that students use when writing. In case of online classes, students can write Japanese compositions outside of the classroom, asking for help from Japanese speaking acquaintances and using machine translation, while students would use dictionaries and textbooks in face-to-face classes. This study surveys the actual status of the usage of translation apps among online-class students when writing Japanese compositions, as well as examines how students recognize translation apps and how they use them. Composition assignments written in both Korean and Japanese with the same content were used to compare and analyze word misusage seen in the Japanese compositions and mistranslation by translation apps. This study looked for relevant factors between the use of translation apps and the actual misusage in the writing. Results of this survey shows that the majority of students used tools such as translation apps, but the condition of recognition and usage was relevant to the students’ major subject and their individual study history. With machine translation becoming increasingly common, studies such as this are necessary to achieve coexistence of language education including Japanese and machine translation.

      • KCI등재

        Short-Term Results of Hybrid Closed-Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy: A Case Series with a Minimum 3-Year Follow-up

        Hidetomo Saito,Kimio Saito,Yoichi Shimada,Toshiaki Yamamura,Shin Yamada,Takahiro Sato,Koji Nozaka,Hiroaki Kijima,Naohisa Miyakoshi 대한슬관절학회 2018 대한슬관절학회지 Vol.30 No.4

        Purpose: High tibial valgus osteotomy (HTO) is a well­established surgical procedure for patients with medial compartment osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. The hybrid closed­wedge HTO (CWHTO) procedure permits extensive correction in patients with severe deformities or patellofemoral joint OA. The aim of this study was to report the short­term results in a consecutive series of patients treated with hybrid CWHTO.Materials and Methods: We retrospectively evaluated the clinical outcomes and radiographic parameters in 29 consecutive knees that underwent hybrid CWTHO to correct medial compartment OA at an average follow­up of 52.6 months. Clinical outcomes were assessed using the Lysholm score and knee scoring system of the Japanese Orthopedic Association (JOA). The Kellgren­Lawrence grading system and pre­ and postoperative mechanical axis (MA), femorotibial angle (FTA), posterior tibial slope, and patella height were assessed.Results: The FTA and MA significantly changed from 180.7° to 170.4° and from 22.0° to 60.2°, respectively. No significant differences were observed between the mean pre­ and postoperative posterior tibial slope, Insall­Salvati ratio, or Caton­Deschamps index. The postoperative JOA and Lysholm scores significantly improved from 76.7 to 95.8 and from 58.8 to 90.2, respectively. Conclusions: Satisfactory outcomes can be achieved with hybrid CWHTO in patients with medial OA.

      • KCI등재

        『増鏡』「内野の雪」をめぐって ―鎌倉時代の分水嶺―

        Saito Ayumi 단국대학교 일본연구소 2019 일본학연구 Vol.58 No.-

        “Masukagami” is a story that describes the Kamakura period in Japan. “Uchino no yuki (Snow in Uchino)” examined in this paper deals with the first half of Go-Saga Emperor’s rule. Twenty years before this, the traditional noble government tried to defeat the newly formed samurai administration, and they were defeated. This period is a stable 30 years in the Kamakura era, but the cause of the confusion of the next era was also prepared. That is, it can be called an important turning point of the Kamakura period. In addition, there are two lines in the text, in this part of “Masukagami”, and the superiority and inferiority and the establishment process have not been elucidated.In view of this position, I will consider how people were aware of the times. In addition, I will try to make a proposal to the writing process of this literary work. 『増鏡』は日本の鎌倉時代を叙述する物語である。本稿で検討する「内野の雪」は後嵯峨天皇の治世前半を扱う。これに先立つこと20年前、伝統的な貴族政権は新しく成立した武家政権に挑戦し敗北した。この時代は鎌倉時代の中では安定した30年間であるが、次の時代の混乱の原因も準備されていた。つまり鎌倉時代の重要な転換点と呼ぶことが可能である。『増鏡』自体も本文系統に大きな混乱が見られる部分であり、この場所を検討することによって当時の人々がどのように時代を認識していたかについて考察し、その検討の中でこの作品の執筆過程について提言を試みる。

      • KCI등재

        한국과 중국의 중학교에 있어서 일본어교육에 관한 고찰 -한국과 중국 교과서 비교를 중심으로-

        ( Saito Akemi ) 한국일어교육학회 2011 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.20

        본고는 한국의 중학교에 있어서 일본어교과서『중학교 생활일본어』와 중국의 중학교에 있어서 일본어교과서[『好朋友(친구)』를 교과서목표(교육이념), 단원구성, 토픽/화제, 문화에 대한 취급, 만화의 채용, 문자(오십음도)교육 등에 대하여 언급한 것이다. 조사결과, 유사점으로는 ①「교육목표」「교육이념」은 커뮤니케이션과 문화이해를 중시하고 있다. ②교수법은 의사전달 접근방식으로 문법중심이 아니다. ③기본적으로는 문법용어를 사용한 문법 설명은 보이지 않는다. ④교과서의 토픽·화제가 유사하다. ⑤문화에 관한 기술이 많다. ⑥정중체(丁寧體)와 보통체 문장을 동시에 학습할 수 있는 형식을 취하고 있다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 상이점으로는 ①한국의 교과서는 1권이나 중국의 교과서는 5권으로 구성되어 있다. ②한국의 단원구성은 「듣기, 말하기, 읽기, 쓰기」의 4기능 중심으로 구성되어 있으나 중국의 교과서는 그렇지 않다. ③한국은 단편적인 장면설정으로 만화를 활용하고 있으나 중국은 완결형 스토리 만화로 되어있다. ④한국의 만화 무대는 일본이 많으나 중국에서는 기본적으로 중국 다렌(大連)이 무대가 되고 있다. ⑤한국에서의 만화 회화 문장은 일본어로 되어 있으나 중국 교과서에서는 일본어와 중국어가 혼재하고 있다. ⑥한국의 교과서에서는 일본과 한국의 문화중심이나 중국의 교과서에서는 일본, 중국 이외의 각국 문화도 다루고 있다. ⑦한국에서의 문자 교육은 한국어로 된 이미지·일러스트가 보이지 않으나 중국 교과서에서는 이미지·일러스트가 있다는 것 등을 알았다. 本稿は、韓國の中學校における日本語の敎科書『中學校生活日本語』と中國の中學校における日本語の敎科書[『好朋友ともだち』を敎科書の目標(敎育理念)、單元構成、トピック/話題、基本表現、文化、漫畵、文字敎育(五十音圖)等について言及したものである。調査の結果、類似点として①「敎育目標」「敎育理念」はコミュニケ―ションと文化理解を重視している。②敎授法はコミュニカティブ·アプロ―チであり、文法中心ではない。③基本的には文法用語を用いた文法說明がみられない。④敎科書のトピック/話題が類似している。⑤文化に關する記述が多くみられる。⑥丁寧體と平常文が同時に學習できる形式をとっている、こと等がわかった。異なる点については、①韓國の敎科書は1冊であるが、中國の敎科書は5冊で構成されている。②韓國の單元構成は、「聞く、話す、讀む、書く」の4技能中心に構成しているが、中國の敎科書は異なっている。③韓國は斷片的な場面設定として漫畵を活用しているが、中國は讀み切りのスト―リ―漫畵になっている。④韓國の漫畵の舞台は日本が多いが、中國では基本的には中國(大連)が舞台になっている。⑤韓國では漫畵の會話文が日本語で書かれているが、中國の敎科書は日本語と中國語が混在している。⑥韓國の敎科書では日本と韓國の文化中心であるが、中國の敎科書では、日本、中國以外の國國の文化も取りあげている。⑦韓國の文字敎育は韓國語によるイメ―ジ·イラストがみられないが、中國の敎科書には中國語のイメ―ジ·イラストがある、こと等がわかった。



        Saito, Hiroki Korean Mathematical Society 2019 대한수학회보 Vol.56 No.2

        Let n be the spatial dimension. For d, $0<d{\leq}n$, let $H^d$ be the d-dimensional Hausdorff content. The purpose of this paper is to prove the boundedness of the dyadic strong maximal operator on the Choquet space $L^p(H^d,{\mathbb{R}}^n)$ for min(1, d) < p. We also show that our result is sharp.

      • KCI등재

        日本語会話の授業における演劇活動 -演劇がどのような領域に効果があると思われるかに関する学習者の意識調査-

        SAITO AKEMI 한국일본어학회 2012 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.35


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