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      • Play Interactions between Children with Autism and their Siblings in a European American and a Vietnamese American Family

        Sage, Kara D.,Jegatheesan, Brinda Korean Association of Child Studies 2012 Child studies in Asia-Pacific context Vol.2 No.1

        We examined play interactions between siblings when one child has autism in a Vietnamese American and a European American family. Analysis was based on video recorded free play sessions with each set of siblings at their home. Interviews with the typically developing sibling and parents also provided supplemental data to aid our knowledge about their play behavior. This study describes the role of the typically developing sibling in play and the types of play engaged in by siblings. Findings indicate that the two sets of siblings differed in their play behavior. Specifically, significant differences were noted in the role of the typically developing sibling in play, and the types of play engaged in by the siblings. The perceptions of the typically developing siblings and parents regarding autism also differed across families, significantly affecting their play behavior. Implications for research are described.

      • The process of designing interior textile products & the influence of Design for the Environment (DfE)

        Sage Calamari,Karen H Hyllegard 한국의류학회 2015 Fashion and Textiles Vol.2 No.1

        This study examined the processes involved in the design of interior textile products, with emphasis upon processes undertaken by designers’ who are committed to a Design for the Environment (DfE) orientation. Handfield et al. (IEEE TEM 48:189–208, 2001) model of product design and development provided a context by which to explore inclusion of environmental performance criteria within the design process. Data were collected through interviews with twelve professional designers of interior textile products. Analyses revealed six themes or stages in the design process for interior textile products: resources and research, consumer need and trend identification, inspiration, creative exploration, product samples, and design completion. DfE-oriented designers and conventional designers did not differ in their narratives regarding design process however, the focus and scope of decision-making within each theme or stage allowed for an additional component to the DfE-oriented design and development process of interior textile products.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI우수등재

        아는 만큼 보인다? : 추천 알고리즘 이용자 태도에 미치는 인지된 지식, 실제 지식, 지식격차 요인의 영향력 탐색

        이슬기(Slgi (Sage) Lee),김범수(Bumsoo Kim) 한국언론학회 2024 한국언론학보 Vol.68 No.4

        Recommendation algorithms, while not immediately evident, can have a significant and lasting impact on users. Therefore, it is critical that media users recognize and comprehend these algorithms. Specifically, it is essential to accurately identify the potential negative outcomes and biases that recommendation algorithms may introduce, and to apply them with critical awareness. Such critical attitude is fundamental for the democratic use of recommendation algorithms. Hence, this study conducted an empirical analysis of the factors that shape peoples attitudes toward recommendation algorithms. Specifically, we examined how perceived and actual knowledge about recommendation algorithms influence attitudes toward three types of recommendation algorithms—that are, entertainment content, news, and advertisements recommendation algorithms. We first investigated how two types of algorithm knowledge are influenced by (a) socio-demographic factors, (b) media use, and (c) digital literacy (collectively referred to as the knowledge gap factor), and examined how algorithm knowledge is associated with algorithm attitudes. A nation-wide survey of 1,169 adult algorithm users was conducted using quota sampling. The findings show that there were substantial disparities in levels of algorithm knowledge based on the knowledge gap factors such as age, income, education level, online media use, and digital literacy. Groups with younger individuals and those with higher levels of income, education, online media use, and digital literacy tend to have both higher perceived, and actual knowledge of recommendation algorithms. Second, perceived knowledge about recommendation algorithms had a positive relationship with actual knowledge. However, these two types of knowledge had different relationships with algorithm attitudes; that is, only perceived knowledge showed a positive relationship with entertainment-content algorithm, whereas actual knowledge did not show any significant relationship with any types of algorithm attitude. Third, there were several knowledge gap factors that significantly correlated with algorithm attitude. Age, online media use, and digital literacy were significantly related to attitudes toward entertainment-content recommendation algorithms, whereas traditional and online media use were positively related to news recommendation algorithm attitudes. On the other hand, no factors were found to influence attitudes toward advertisements recommendation algorithms. Fourth, across all three types of algorithms, traditional media use, online media use, and digital literacy were found to be significant factors influencing algorithm attitudes, while algorithm knowledge (both perceived and actual) was of lower importance. Overall, media use and digital literacy were the most critical factors in shaping attitudes toward recommendation algorithms, whereas algorithm knowledge had a minimal impact. Additionally, we found a knowledge gap in algorithm knowledge, in which peoples level of algorithm knowledge varies significantly depending on their age, income, education level, and digital literacy. However, no identical pattern of gap was found in relation to the formation of algorithm attitudes. Implications for algorithm literacy education were discussed.

      • Play Interactions between Children with Autism and their Siblings in a European American and a Vietnamese American Family

        Kara D. Sage,Brinda Jegatheesan 한국아동학회 2012 Child studies in Asia-Pacific context Vol.2 No.1

        We examined play interactions between siblings when one child has autism in a Vietnamese American and a European American family. Analysis was based on video recorded free play sessions with each set of siblings at their home. Interviews with the typically developing sibling and parents also provided supplemental data to aid our knowledge about their play behavior. This study describes the role of the typically developing sibling in play and the types of play engaged in by siblings. Findings indicate that the two sets of siblings differed in their play behavior. Specifically, significant differences were noted in the role of the typically developing sibling in play, and the types of play engaged in by the siblings. The perceptions of the typically developing siblings and parents regarding autism also differed across families, significantly affecting their play behavior. Implications for research are described.

      • Influence of Hydrogen on Ternary MgZrNx Thin Films Deposited by Combinatorial Sputtering

        김제경,( Sage R. Bauers ),( Imran S. Khan ),박보인,( Kevin R. Talley ),( John Perkins ),김대한,( Andriy Zakutayev ),신병하 한국공업화학회 2019 한국공업화학회 연구논문 초록집 Vol.2019 No.1

        Nitride materials have been widely used in optoelectronic applications such as light emitting diodes (LED) or as coatings and diffusion barriers in semiconducting industries; however, there is almost no study of photovoltaic devices based on nitride regarldess of their remarkable properties. Espcially, ternary nitrides with transition metals have been reported to posses a high dieletric constant which is favorable for photovoltaic applications. In this study, MgZrNx thin films were deposited by a high-throughput combinatorial sputtering technique. Only a few studies on the material properties of these ternary nitrides have been reported. Using a high-throughput analysis, we studied their optoelectronic, electrical, and optical properties as a function of the compositional (or cationic/anionic) ratio. Furthermore, we incorporated hydrogen to MgZrNx thin films as a passivation means.

      • A Look at Teacher Candidates` Measurement and Geometry Abilities

        ( Patton Barba ),( Le Sage-clements Teresa ) 한국수학교육학회 2011 수학교육 학술지 Vol.2011 No.2

        Teacher Candidates enrolled in a math or science methodology classes completed a brief survey determining their ability in measurement and geometry. Questions were modeled after the released fifth grade questions on the state achievement exam. Data revealed these teacher candidates need additional training prior to entering the classroom as teacher-of-record.

      • KCI등재

        Development and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite markers in northern fulmar, Fulmarus glacialis (Procellariiformes), and cross‑species amplification in eight other seabirds

        Meg C. Gravley,George K. Sage,Andrew M. Ramey,Scott A. Hatch,Verena A. Gill,Jolene R. Rearick‑Whitney,Aevar Petersen,Sandra L. Talbot 한국유전학회 2019 Genes & Genomics Vol.41 No.9

        Background In the North Pacific, northern fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis) forms extensive colonies in few locales, which may lead to limited gene flow and locale-specific population threats. In the Atlantic, there are thousands of colonies of varying sizes and in Europe the species is considered threatened. Prior screens and classical microsatellite development in fulmar failed to provide a suite of markers adequate for population genetics studies. Objectives The objective of this study was to isolate a suite of polymorphic microsatellite loci with sufficient variability to quantify levels of gene flow, population affinity, and identify familial relationships in fulmar. We also performed a crossspecies screening of these markers in eight other species. Methods We used shotgun sequencing to isolate 26 novel microsatellite markers in fulmar to screen for variability using individuals from two distinct regions: the Pacific (Chagulak Island, Alaska) and the Atlantic (Hafnarey Island, Iceland). Results Polymorphism was present in 24 loci in Chagulak and 23 in Hafnarey, while one locus failed to amplify in either colony. Polymorphic loci exhibited moderate levels of genetic diversity and this suite of loci uncovered genetic structuring between the regions. Among the other species screened, polymorphism was present in one to seven loci. Conclusion The loci yielded sufficient variability for use in population studies and estimation of familial relationships; as few as five loci provide resolution to determine individual identity. These markers will allow further insight into the global population dynamics and phylogeography of fulmars. We also demonstrated some markers are transferable to other species.

      • KCI등재

        지방자치단체장 선거 후보자의 전략적 PI 관리 방안 연구 : AHP 분석기법을 중심으로

        황성욱(Sungwook Hwang),장태영(Taeyeong Jang),이슬기(Slgi (Sage) Lee) 한국광고홍보학회 2023 한국광고홍보학보 Vol.25 No.1

        본 연구는 지방자치단체 후보자의 PI(president identity)수립 과정과 관련된 여러 요인 중 PR 전문가들이 중요하게 여기는 요인을 파악하고, 각 요인들의 상대적 중요도와 우선순위를 분석하였다. 이를 위해 PR 커뮤니케이션 전략 수립 과정 이론인 RACE 모델에 기반하여 PI 수립 과정 상의 중요요인들을 도출하였으며, AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process)기법을 이용하여 총 31명의 학계 전문가 및 PR 실무자들의 응답을 분석하였다. 연구 결과, PR 전문가들은 가장 상위 계층의 중요요인으로 PI 전략 수립을 위한 ‘조사’, ‘PI 전략’, ‘PI 실행’, PI 활동에 대한 ‘평가’ 순으로 상대적 비중을 평가하였다. 상위 계층의 중요요인들을 세부적으로 알아보기 위한 중분류 요인 평가에서 조사 요인으로는 후보자 경쟁력 조사가, 전략 요인으로는 소구력 있는 메시지 구축 전략이, 실행 요인에서는 언론과 SNS 등을 활용한 후보자 개인의 소통 활동이, 평가 요인으로는 선거 결과의 평가 등이 상대적으로 중요하게 평가되었다. 대분류와 중분류를 구성하는 총 49개의 하위항목의 전체적인 중요도를 분석한 결과, 목표 공중에 대한 소구력을 가진 메시지 전략, 유권자의 이념 · 사회 · 경제적 특성에 대한 조사, 후보자의 대 언론 홍보 활동, 전략 수립에 있어 인적 자원, 후보자의 정책 및 공약에서 오는 후보자 경쟁력 조사가 상위 5개 중요요인으로 인식되었다. 반면 평가 차원의 하위 항목인 홍보자료 배포 부수, 정치적 이벤트 빈도, 언론의 정책 평가 등이 최하위 요인으로 평가되었다. 이는 효과적인 PI 구축 과정에 있어 목표 공중의 특성과 니즈를 심층적으로 분석하여 후보자의 정책적 유능함을 강조할 수 있는 적절한 언론 홍보 전략이 중요하나, PI 수립과정 전반을 복기할 수 있는 피드백(feedback)의 중요성은 상대적으로 적은 비중으로 인식되고 있음을 시사한다. 이와 같은 결과를 통해 지방자치단체장 선거캠페인을 기획하고 준비하는 후보와 관련 실무자들에게 경험적이고 과학적인 지침을 제공할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. This study examined key factors that are considered important by PR experts in the process of PI (president identity) formation for local (municipal) election candidates. Drawing on the RACE model, a framework for building PR communication strategies, we extracted key factors that are instrumental in the PI formation process. We also analyzed responses of PR experts (31 academics and PR practitioners) using the AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) method. Findings suggest that the experts rated the comparative importance of the highest level factor in the order of ‘research’, ‘PI action’, ‘PI communication’, and ‘PI evaluation’. For the mid-level factors, researching the candidate’s competitiveness, constructing a strategic and appealing message, the candidate’s communication activity via mass media and social media, and evaluation of the election outcome were rated as comparatively important. The overall importance of the lowest-level factors was also analyzed. Findings suggest that strategies for constructing an appealing message for a target audience, researching voters’ ideological and socio-economic characteristics, the candidate’s mass media PR activities, human resources for constructing PR strategies and researching the candidate’s competitiveness regarding their policy and pledge, were considered as the most important factors. On the other hand, evaluation-related factors, such as distribution of press releases, the frequency of political event occurrence, and evaluation of media on the candidate’s policy, were rated as the least important factors. These findings indicate that while analyzing the characteristics and needs of the target audience, and developing media PR strategies that are appropriate for stressing the candidate’s political competence are considered relatively important, the importance of the feedback process that can review the entire steps of the PI formation is comparatively neglected. We expect that these findings can offer empirical and scientific guidelines for PR practitioners and candidates who plan for campaigning for a local election.

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