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        Expression profile of an operationally-defined neural stem cell clone

        Parker, Mark A.,Anderson, Julia K.,Corliss, Deborah A.,Abraria, Victoria E.,Sidman, Richard L.,Park, Kook In,Teng, Yang D.,Cotanche, Douglas A.,Snyder, Evan Y. Elsevier 2005 Experimental neurology Vol.194 No.2

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P><P>Neural stem cells (NSCs) are the most primordial and least committed cells of the nervous system, the cells that exist <I>before</I> regional specification develops. Because immunocytochemically-detectable markers that are sufficiently specific and sensitive to define an NSC have not yet been fully defined, we have taken the strong view that, to be termed a “stem cell” in the nervous system—in contrast to a “progenitor” or “precursor” (whose lineage commitment is further restricted)—a <I>single neuroectodermally-derived cell</I> must fulfill an operational definition that is essentially similar to that used in hematopoiesis. In other words, it must possess the following functional properties: (1) “Multipotency”, i.e., the ability to yield mature cells in all three fundamental neural lineages throughout the nervous system—neurons (of all subtypes), astrocytes (of all types), oligodendrocytes—in multiple regional and developmental contexts and in a region and developmental stage-appropriate manner. (2) The ability to populate a developing region and/or repopulate an ablated or degenerated region of the nervous system with appropriate cell types. (3) The ability to be serially transplanted. (4) “Self-renewal”, i.e., the ability to produce daughter cells (including new NSCs) with identical properties and potential. Having identified a murine neural cell clone that fulfills this strict operational definition—in contrast to other studies that used less rigorous or non-operational criteria for defining an NSC (e.g., the “neurosphere” assay)—we then examined, by comparing gene expression profiles, the relationship such a cell might have to (a) a <I>multipotent</I> somatic stem cell from another organ system (the hematopoietic stem cell [HSC]); (b) a <I>pluripotent</I> stem cell derived from the inner cell mass and hence without organ assignment (an embryonic stem cell); (c) neural cells isolated and maintained primarily as neurospheres but without having been subjected to the abovementioned operational screen (“CNS-derived neurospheres”). ESCs, HSCs, and operationally-defined NSCs—all of which have been identified not only by markers but by functional assays in their respective systems and whose state of differentiation could be synchronized—shared a large number of genes. Although, as expected, the most stem-like genes were expressed by ESCs, NSCs and HSCs shared a number of genes. CNS-derived neurospheres, on the other hand, expressed fewer “stem-like” genes held in common by the other operationally-defined stem cell populations. Rather they displayed a profile more consistent with differentiated neural cells. (Genes of neural identity were shared with the NSC clone.) Interestingly, when the operationally-defined NSC clone was cultured as a neurosphere (rather than in monolayer), its expression pattern shifted from a “stem-like” pattern towards a more “differentiated” one, suggesting that the neurosphere, without functional validation, may be a poor model for predicting stem cell attributes because it consists of heterogeneous populations of cells, only a small proportion of which are truly “stem-like”. Furthermore, when operational definitions are employed, a common set of stem-like genes does emerge across both embryonic and somatic stem cells of various organ systems, including the nervous system.</P>

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Measurement of Inequality-Adjusted Human Development at the Sub-National Level for the United States in 2015 And 2020

        PARKER HOWELL,MARITZA SOTOMAYOR 중앙대학교 경제연구소 2023 Journal of Economic Development Vol.48 No.3

        The search for an alternative indicator for the GDP led to the spread of composite indexes in recent decades. Among the indicators that demonstrated qualities for reliable measurement of the population’s well-being is the Human Development Index (HDI) by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in 1990. One of the HDI’s shortcomings was not considering inequality’s differences in its three metrics (health, education, and income). The UNDP’s inequality-adjusted HDI (IHDI) solved this problem, becoming an indicator of the actual status of the population’s well-being. The program publishes the IHDI at the country level; however, there are no estimates at the sub-national level for the United States. This paper estimates the IHDI at the state and county levels for 2015 and 2020. The estimates contribute to the empirical evidence since no such calculations exist at this level of disaggregation. Our work confirms regional disparities when the HDI is adjusted for inequality.

      • KCI등재후보

        Strange Freedom in Nietzsche and Beauvoir

        PARKER, Emily Anne 이화여자대학교 이화인문과학원 2014 탈경계인문학 Vol.7 No.1

        This essay explores the surprising relationship between what Simone de Beauvoir calls the will to disclose being and what Friedrich Nietzsche calls the will to power. I argue that the will to disclose being is an appropriation of the will to power in Nietzsche. Both terms suggest an image of the ethical, the irreducible and unpredictable element of valuation necessary to all life, which does not require a concept of the human. Both the will to disclose being and the will to power affirm that bodies are subject to the power of non– volitional valuation, and this is what motivates the critique in both Beauvoir and Nietzsche of the will to morality as social critique. The essay proceeds in three parts. In the first part I demonstrate that it is unclear whether Beauvoir intended the will to disclose being as an appropriation of the will to power. The second part articulates the will to disclose being as the mutual disclosure of inherently relational singularities. The relational nature of the will to disclose being is a response to what Beauvoir calls the “bare will to power.” However, as I discuss in part three, this bare will to power in fact resembles what Nietzsche himself deplores. My conclusion is thus that Beauvoir’s will to disclose being forwards the relational nature of the will to disclose being/will to power but is too strongly an implicit appropriation of the will to power to be considered a rejection of the will to power itself.

      • Hybrid photonic loss resilient entanglement swapping

        Parker, Ryan C,Joo, Jaewoo,Razavi, Mohsen,Spiller, Timothy P IOP 2017 Journal of optics Vol.19 No.10

        <P>We propose a scheme of loss-resilient entanglement swapping between two distant parties in lossy optical fibre. In this scheme, Alice and Bob each begin with a pair of entangled non-classical states; these ‘hybrid states’ of light are entangled discrete variable (Fock state) and continuous variable (CVs) (coherent state) pairs. The CV halves of each of these pairs are sent through lossy optical fibre to a middle location, where these states are then mixed (using a 50:50 beam-splitter) and measured. The detection scheme we use is to measure one of these modes via vacuum detection, and to measure the other mode using balanced homodyne detection. In this work we show that the <img ALIGN='MIDDLE' ALT='$| {{\rm{\Phi }}}^{+}\rangle =(| 00\rangle +| 11\rangle )/\sqrt{2}$' SRC='http://ej.iop.org/images/2040-8986/19/10/104004/joptaa858aieqn1.gif'/> Bell state can theoretically be produced following this scheme with high fidelity and entanglement, even when allowing for a small amount of loss. It can be shown that there is an optimal amplitude value (<I>α</I>) of the coherent state, when allowing for such loss. We also investigate the realistic circumstance when the loss is not balanced in the propagating modes. We demonstrate that a small amount of loss mismatch does not destroy the overall entanglement, thus demonstrating the physical practicality of this protocol.</P>

      • Odorous VOC emission following land application of swine manure slurry

        Parker, D.B.,Gilley, J.,Woodbury, B.,Kim, K.H.,Galvin, G.,Bartelt-Hunt, S.L.,Li, X.,Snow, D.D. Pergamon Press ; Elsevier [distribution] 2013 Atmospheric environment Vol.66 No.-

        Swine manure is often applied to crop land as a fertilizer source. Odor emissions from land-applied swine manure may pose a nuisance to downwind populations if manure is not applied with sufficient forethought. A research project was conducted to assess the time decay of odorous volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions following land application of swine manure. Three land application methods were compared: surface application, incorporation 24 h after surface application, and injection. Emission rates were measured in field plots using a small wind tunnel and sorbent tubes. VOCs including eight volatile fatty acids, five aromatics, and two sulfur-containing compounds were quantified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. In most cases, a first order exponential decay model adequately described the flux versus time relationship for the 24 h period following land application, but the model sometimes overestimated flux in the 6-24 h range. The same model but with the time term squared adequately predicted flux over the entire 24 h period. Three compounds (4-methylphenol, skatole, and 4-ethylphenol) accounted for 93 percent of the summed odor activity value. First order decay constants (k) for these three compounds ranged from 0.157 to 0.996 h<SUP>-1</SUP>. When compared to surface application, injection of swine manure resulted in 80-95 percent lower flux for the most odorous aromatic compounds. These results show that VOC flux decreases rapidly following land application of swine manure, declining below levels of detection and near background levels after 4 to 8 h.

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