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Emotion Detecting Method Based on Various Attributes of Human Voice
MIYAJI Yutaka,TOMIYAMA Ken Korean Society for Emotion and Sensibility 2005 감성과학 Vol.8 No.1
This paper reports several emotion detecting methods based on various attributes of human voice. These methods have been developed at our Engineering Systems Laboratory. It is noted that, in all of the proposed methods, only prosodic information in voice is used for emotion recognition and semantic information in voice is not used. Different types of neural networks(NNs) are used for detection depending on the type of voice parameters. Earlier approaches separately used linear prediction coefficients(LPCs) and time series data of pitch but they were combined in later studies. The proposed methods are explained first and then evaluation experiments of individual methods and their performances in emotion detection are presented and compared.
T. Miyaji,M. Krumpe,H. Brunner,T. Ishigaki,H. Hanami,A. Markowitz,T. Takagi,T. Goto,M. A. Malkan,H. Matsuhara,C. Pearson,Y. Ueda,T. Wada 한국천문학회 2017 天文學論叢 Vol.32 No.1
The AKARI NEP Deep Field Survey is an international multiwavelength survey over 0.4 deg$^2$ of the sky. This is the deepest survey made by the InfraRed Camera (IRC) of the infrared astronomical satellite AKARI with 9 filters continuously covering the 2-25 μm range, including three filters in the Spitzer gap between the IRAC and MIPS coverages. This enabled us to make sensitive MIR detection of AGN candidates at z ~ 1, based on hot dust emission in the AGN torus. It is also efficient in detecting highly obscured Compton-thick AGN population. In this article, we report the first results of X-ray observations on this field. The field was covered by 15 overlapping Chandra ACIS-I observations with a total exposure of ~ 300 ks, detecting $\approx 450$ X-ray sources. We utilize rest-frame stacking analysis of the MIR AGN candidates that are not detected individually. Our preliminary analysis shows a marginal detection of the rest-frame stacked Fe K$\alpha$ line from our strong Compton-thick candidates.
Koji Miyaji,Taku Uchiyama,Kazuya Yamaguchi 한국항공우주학회 2008 한국항공우주학회 학술발표회 논문집 Vol.- No.-
A Balloon-based Operation Vehicle (BOV), which has been successfully developed at JAXA in the past two years for a new micro-gravity experimental method, is aiming a next stage of being a flying test bed of an air-breathing engine (pre-cooled turbojet engine) planed in 2008. In this paper, the aerodynamic characteristics of BOV obtained by CFD simulations are compared with wind tunnel experiments in 2005-2006. In addition, the latest experimental results for a new configuration with a main wing for a level flight are also presented.
Tomoaki Miyaji,Tetsuo Takayama,Kazuhisa Yuki,Satoshi Baba,Yuki Osawa,Masanori Fujita 한국소성가공학회 2018 플라스틱가공 심포지엄(한일 공동 세미나) Vol.2018 No.8
Foaming behavior progressed by core-back form injection molding a blend of thermally expandable microcapsules in glass wool-containing PP, and it was possible to reduce the weight of the molded product. The mechanical properties were investigated, it was found that the anisotropy of glass wool-orientation was confirmed, and guidelines for further strength preservation were suggested.
Hidekazu Miyaji,안교한,박수문,김대식,Byoung-Yong Chang 대한화학회 2008 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.29 No.12
Described are the electrochemical and 19F NMR detection of anions, ion-pairs, and zwitterionic L-phenylalanine with the ferrocene-based hetero-ditopic receptor. A cyclic voltammetric study shows that the receptor induces a positive shift in the ferrocene oxidation potential upon binding of a potassium cation, whereas it induces a negative shift upon binding of an acetate anion, both of which can be reversed. Also, the redox potential shifts were dependent on ion-pairing interactions. Furthermore, direct detection of an amino acid in its zwitterionic form is demonstrated by 19F NMR spectroscopy in aqueous media.
Numerical simulation of the crack propagation behavior in 3D elastic body
Taniguchi, Takeo,Miyaji, Akihiko,Suetsugu, Takeshi,Matsunaga, Shohgo Techno-Press 1994 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.2 No.3
The purpose of this investigation is to propose a numerical simulation method of the crack propagation behavior in 3-dimensionl elastic body. The simulation method is based on the displacement-type finite element method, and the linear fracture theory is introduced. The results from the proposed method are compared with those from the structural experiments, and the good coincidences between them are shown in this paper. At the same time, 2-dimensional analysis is also done, and the results are compared with those obtained from 3-dimensional analysis and the structural experiments.