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      • KCI등재

        Vessel-Based Fast Deformable Registration with Minimal Strain Energy

        Xishi Huang,Jing Ren,Anwar Abdalbari,Mark Green 대한의용생체공학회 2016 Biomedical Engineering Letters (BMEL) Vol.6 No.1

        Purpose Image registration for internal organs and softtissues is considered extremely challenging due to organshifts and tissue deformation caused by patients’ movementssuch as respiration and repositioning. In this paper, wepropose a fast deformable image registration method. Thepurpose of our work is to greatly improve the registrationtime while maintaining the registration accuracy. Methods In this study, we formulate the deformable imageregistration problem as a quadratic optimization problem thatminimizes strain energy subject to the constraints of 3Dcurves of blood vessel centerlines and point marks. Theproposed method does not require iteration and is localminimum free. By using 2nd order B-splines to model theblood vessels in the moving image and a new transformationmodel, our method provides a closed-form solution thatimitates the manner in which physical soft tissues deform,thus guarantees a physically consistent match. Results We have demonstrated the effectiveness of ourdeformable technique in registering MR images of the liver. Validation results show that we can achieve a targetregistration error (TRE) of 1.29 mm and an average centerlinedistance error (ACD) of 0.84 ± 0.55 mm. Conclusions This technique has the potential to significantlyimprove registration capabilities and the quality of intraoperativeimage guidance. To the best of our knowledge, thisis the first time that a global analytical solution has beendetermined for the registration energy function with 3Dcurve constraints.

      • KCI등재

        Tunable electrorheological performance of silicone oil suspensions based on controllably reduced graphene oxide by surface initiated atom transfer radical polymerization of poly(glycidyl methacrylate)

        Miroslav Mrlík,Markéta Ilčíková,Tomáš Plachý,Robert Moučka,Vladimír Pavlínek,Jaroslav Mosnáček 한국공업화학회 2018 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.57 No.-

        This article is focused on the controllable reduction of the graphene oxide (GO) particles as asimultaneous process during surface initiated atom transfer radical polymerization (SI-ATRP) providinghybrid particles with tailored conductivity and substantial polymer shell on the particles tunable by SIATRPconditions. The main advantage of such approach is that both the compatibility improvement, dueto the polymer layer, and conductivity tuning, due to partial GO reduction, were simply achieved insingle-step reaction providing electrorheological (ER) system with enhanced performance in comparisonto either neat GO or similar non-covalently bonded GO-polymer hybrids. The presence of the poly(glycidyl methacrylate) (PGMA) on the surface of GO was investigated using FTIR spectrometry,transmission electron microscopy and thermogravimetric analysis and their chain length (Mw) andpolydispersity index (PDI) were determined by 1H NMR and GPC, respectively. Two different GO-PGMAparticle systems varied in Mw and PDI and also in electrical conductivities were prepared and theirelectro-responsive capabilities were investigated. The reduction of GO particles was confirmed by Ramanshift as well as conductivity measurements. Electrorheological (ER) performance was investigated atvarious electricfield strengths and repeatability of the phenomenon was confirmed by 10 on/offfieldcycles. Finally, with the help of dielectric measurements of GO-PGMA based ER suspensions,fitted byHavriliak–Negami model, the relaxation processes were properly investigated and the results werecorrelated with those obtained from electrorheological measurements.



        By in situ Raman spectroelectrochemistry the state of chemical dopants in the inner space of potassium vapor treated single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT), double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWCNT) and C60 fullerene peapods was followed. We show that the spectroelectrochemistry is a method of choice to locate the dopant within carbon nanostructures. The presence of potassium inside the carbon nanostructures was found to be associated with a characteristic response of the tangential (TG) mode of SWCNT to electrochemical doping after treatment of the sample with the water. Our study confirmed the presence of residual potassium in peapods even after treatment with water. On the other hand, potassium was not found in the interior of the water-treated DWCNT and SWCNT.

      • 以功能語法構建的應用文教材對提高非華語學生功 能字詞運用的成效

        Mark Shiu Kee SHUM,Wai Ip LAM,Chung Pui TAI,Paisley Tsz Mei CHEUNG,Jo Jo Wan Shan YUNG,Jessica Man Yi YOUNG 단국대학교 한문교육연구소 2020 International Han-character Education Research Vol.2 No.1

        홍콩의 비중국어권 학습자의 실용문 학습과 상황에 맞는 정확한 표현 능력의 제고를 위해 홍콩대학 Dr. Mark Shum Shiu Kee (岑紹基) 연구팀은 교육국의 연구비 지원을 받아 2016~ 2017년 비중국어권 학습자용 실용문 교재를 개발하였다. 본 논문은 기능 어법 이론을 바탕으로 비중국어권 학습자용 실용문 교재를 어떻게 설계했는지를 밝히고, 본 교재가 비중국어권 학습자의 기능어 운용 능력 향상에 끼친 영향에 대해 고찰하였다. 또한 연구팀이 개발한 실용문 교재가 비중국어권 학습자의 기능어 운용 능력 향상에 어떠한 성과를 가져왔는지를 밝히는 것을 본 논문의 주목적으로 삼았다. 연구팀은 체계 기능 언어학 이론을 바탕으로 비중국어권 학습자용 실용문 교재를 개발하였으며, 실용문의 종류에 따라 달라지는 의사전달 기능, 도식 구조, 어법 특징을 고려하여 읽기 예문의 주제를 선정하였다. 또한, 비중국어권 학습자가 기능어와 구문 활용에서 갖는 어려움을 실용문 종류에 따라 나누어 분석하였다. 아울러, 「文類功能(문체기능)」 이론 및 「閱讀促進學習(읽기촉진학습)」 교수법을 참고로 읽기 쓰기 통합형 쌍방향 연습법을 개발하여 학습자가 모범 예문을 분석, 해체 및 재구조화를 할 수 있게 하고, 더 나아가 학습자가 스스로 실용문 쓰기를 할 수 있도록 도왔다. 이외에도, 교육 일선에서 지도하고 있는 중국어 교사들을 초청하여 시범적으로 교수법을 시행하고 이를 통해 본 교재의 실제 효과를 검증해 보았다. 학습자가 작성한 실용문을 교수법 시행 전후로 비교 분석하고 교사와 학습자 인터뷰도 함께 진행하여, 본 실용문 교재가 비중국어권 학습자의 기능어 운용과 실용문 쓰기에 끼친 효과를 평가하였다. 아울러, 본 연구 결과를 바탕으로 비중국어권 학습자 실용문 교육을 위한 실행 가능한 몇 가지 방안을 제시하였다. In order to enhance Hong Kong non-Chinese speaking (NCS) students’ ability to learn practical writing and presenting ideas appropriately in Chinese, Dr. Mark Shum Shiu Kee’s research team received funding from the Hong Kong Education Bureau to develop Chinese practical writing teaching materials for NCS students in 2016/17. This paper describes how the researchers develop these teaching materials by adopting Functional Grammar Theory, and investigates the effectiveness of the teaching material package at equipping the NCS students’ with ability in using function words. This paper aims at exploring how effective the newly developed practical writing teaching material package at enhancing NCS students’ ability to use function words is. With reference to the Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL) Theory, Chinese practical writing teaching material package suitable for NCS students was developed. The package reading materials were developed by looking into the communicative function, schematic structure and metalanguage of different genres. Besides, NCS students’ difficulty in using function words and expressions of different genres were also analyzed. By referring to “Genre Function” theory and “Reading to Learn” pedagogy, interactive exercises that combine reading and writing were designed. These suggested exercises guide students to learn in a process, from deconstruction of the sample texts to joint construction and individual construction. Apart from the above, frontline Chinese language teachers were invited to conduct tryout sessions to test the effectiveness of the teaching material package. The analysis of students’ writings in pre-tests and post-tests, together with the research data from teachers and students interviews, provide a comprehensive evaluation on the effectiveness of the practical writing teaching material package. Feasible suggestions for enhancing NCS students’ ability, particularly in using function words and constructing practical writing, are provided for teaching NCS students to construct practical writing.

      • An Ever-Enlarging Circle: Polyphony, Ecology and Nation in John Ralston Saul’s A Fair Country and Robert Bringhurst’s Ursa Major

        Mark Dickinson(Mark Dickinson ) 한국캐나다학회 2011 Asia-Pacific Journal of Canadian Studies (APJCS) Vol.17 No.1

        In his groundbreaking book A Fair Country: Telling Truths About Canada (2008), public intellectual John Ralston Saul argues that the senior founding pillar of contemporary Canadian civilization is the persistent influence of Aboriginal ideas and customs on non-Aboriginal culture. Saul places an emphasis on the Aboriginal concept of the ever-enlarging circle, an ethical pact of fairness and equality, as a defining factor in ideas of modern Canadian nationhood. I illuminate Saul’s argument by bringing it into conversation with one of the most unusual long poems in Canadian literature, Robert Bringhurst’s polyphonic masque Ursa Major (2003/2009). Ursa Major, composed in four languages (Cree, Greek, Latin and English) integrates Ovid’s myth of Callisto and Arcturus, with “Bear Woman” by the Sweet Grass Cree mythteller Kâ-kîsikâw-pîhtokêw. It is Bringhurst’s re-imagined Arcturus, transplanted to the Saskatchewan prairie, who enacts the ever-enlarging circle, demonstrating that the only fair country is one that exists in a state of continuous negotiation and open-heartedness with that which it is not.

      • The Ageing of the World's Population and The Life Course of Individuals and Families

        Mark Gorman 한국노인복지학회 2002 International Journal of Welfare for the Aged Vol.6 No.-

        Demographers note that if current trends in ageing continue as predicted, a demographic revolution, wherein the proportions of the young and the old will undergo a historic crossover, will be felt in just three generations. This portrait of change in the world`s population parallels the magnitude of the industrial revolution-traditionally considered the most significant social and economic breakthrough in the history of humankind since the Neolithic period. It marked the beginning of a sustained movement towards modern economic growth in much the same way that globalization is today marking an unprecedented and sustained movement toward a "global culture". The demographic revolution, it is envisaged, will be at least as powerful.

      • Biphasic effects of ANP infusion in conscious, euvolumic rats: roles of AQP2 and ENaC trafficking.

        Wang, Weidong,Li, Chunling,Nejsum, Lene N,Li, Hongyan,Kim, Soo Wan,Kwon, Tae-Hwan,Jonassen, Thomas E N,Knepper, Mark A,Thomsen, Klaus,Frokiaer, Jorgen,Nielsen, Soren American Physiological Society 2006 American journal of physiology. Renal physiology Vol.290 No.2

        <P>Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) acutely promotes water and sodium excretion, whereas subchronic effects involve water retention. Renal hemodynamics, water and sodium excretion, and aquaporin-2 (AQP2) and epithelial Na channel (ENaC) subcellular trafficking were determined in response to continuous ANP infusion in conscious rats, where body sodium and fluid balance was constantly maintained. ANP (0.5 microg x kg(-1) x min(-1)) evoked a transient (peak at 10 min) fivefold diuresis followed by reduced urine production to control levels (30- to 90-min period). The fractional distal water excretion was significantly increased initially and then decreased in response to ANP. There was no change in the subcellular localization of AQP2 and AQP2 phosphorylated in PKA consensus site S256 (p-AQP2) 10 min after ANP infusion. In contrast, after 90 min a marked increase in apical labeling of AQP2 and p-AQP2 was observed in the inner and outer medullary collecting ducts but not in cortical collecting ducts. In support of this, ANP induced plasma membrane targeting of AQP2 in transiently AQP2-transfected cells. ANP infusion evoked an instant increase in renal sodium excretion, which persisted for 90 min. Ten minutes of ANP infusion induced no changes in the subcellular localization of ENaC subunits, whereas a marked increase in apical targeting of alpha- and gamma-subunits was observed after 90 min. In conclusion, 1) ANP infusion induced a sustained natriuresis and transient diuresis; 2) there were no changes in the subcellular localization of AQP2 and ENaC subunits after 10 min of ANP infusion; and 3) there was a marked increase in apical targeting of AQP2, p-AQP2, and alpha- and gamma-ENaC after 90 min of ANP infusion. The increased targeting of ENaC and AQP2 likely represents direct or compensatory effects to increase sodium and water reabsorption and to prevent volume depletion in response to prolonged ANP infusion.</P>

      • Host genomics in viral hepatitis

        ( Mark Thursz ) 대한간학회 2012 춘·추계 학술대회 (KASL) Vol.2012 No.1

        The outcome of viral hepatitis infection varies substantially in different individuals. This is particularly marked in hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections where the clinical course may vary from asymptomatic self limited infection to chronic infection progressing to cirrhosis, liver failure and / or hepatocellular carcinoma. Family clustering and twin studies indicate that some of the variability in the outcomes of these infections is determined by the host genetic background. Over the last 20 years a number of the genes which exert influence on the outcome of infection have been identified. In HBV infection both candidate gene studies and genome wide association studies have demonstrated the importance of the genes in the major histocompatibility region and in particular to the HLA class II alleles. In HCV infection recent excitement has focussed on a series of genome wide association studies revealing the importance of specific single nucleotide polymorphisms in the IL?28b gene which influence both response to treatment and spontaneous resolution of infection. Genetic association studies have also addressed variation in the rate of liver fibrosis and susceptibility to cancer. Polymorphisms in the coagulation system proteins have highlighted the importance of thrombin in fibrogenesis and therefore indicated a potential therapeutic approach for patients with progressive disease. A number of genome wide association studies have identified susceptibility loci for hepatocellular carcinoma but there is, at present, a lack of consistency in these findings.

      • Host genomics in viral hepatitis

        ( Mark Thursz ) 대한간학회 2012 춘·추계 학술대회 (KASL) Vol.2012 No.-

        The outcome of viral hepatitis infection varies substantially in different individuals. This is particularly marked in hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections where the clinical course may vary from asymptomatic self limited infection to chronic infection progressing to cirrhosis, liver failure and / or hepatocellular carcinoma. Family clustering and twin studies indicate that some of the variability in the outcomes of these infections is determined by the host genetic background. Over the last 20 years a number of the genes which exert influence on the outcome of infection have been identified. In HBV infection both candidate gene studies and genome wide association studies have demonstrated the importance of the genes in the major histocompatibility region and in particular to the HLA class II alleles. In HCV infection recent excitement has focussed on a series of genome wide association studies revealing the importance of specific single nucleotide polymorphisms in the IL 28b gene which influence both response to treatment and spontaneous resolution of infection. Genetic association studies have also addressed variation in the rate of liver fibrosis and susceptibility to cancer. Polymorphisms in the coagulation system proteins have highlighted the importance of thrombin in fibrogenesis and therefore indicated a potential therapeutic approach for patients with progressive disease. A number of genome wide association studies have identified susceptibility loci for hepatocellular carcinoma but there is, at present, a lack of consistency in these findings.

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