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        Photochemical Grafting of Organic Alkenes to Single-Crystal TiO<sub>2</sub> Surfaces: A Mechanistic Study

        Franking, Ryan,Kim, Heesuk,Chambers, Scott A.,Mangham, Andrew N.,Hamers, Robert J. American Chemical Society 2012 Langmuir Vol.28 No.33

        <P>The UV-induced photochemical grafting of terminal alkenes has emerged as a versatile way to form molecular layers on semiconductor surfaces. Recent studies have shown that grafting reactions can be initiated by photoelectron emission into the reactant liquid as well as by excitation across the semiconductor band gap, but the relative importance of these two processes is expected to depend on the nature of the semiconductors, the reactant alkene and the excitation wavelength. Here we report a study of the wavelength-dependent photochemical grafting of alkenes onto single-crystal TiO<SUB>2</SUB> samples. Trifluoroacetamide-protected 10-aminododec-1-ene (TFAAD), 10-<I>N</I>-BOC-aminodec-1-ene (t-BOC), and 1-dodecene were used as model alkenes. On rutile (110), photons with energy above the band gap but below the expected work function are not effective at inducing grafting, while photons with energy sufficient to induce electronic transitions from the TiO<SUB>2</SUB> Fermi level to electronic acceptor states of the reactant molecules induce grafting. A comparison of rutile (110), rutile (001), anatase (001), and anatase (101) samples shows slightly enhanced grafting for rutile but no difference between crystal faces for a given crystal phase. Hydroxylation of the surface increases the reaction rate by lowering the work function and thereby facilitating photoelectron ejection into the adjacent alkene. These results demonstrate that photoelectron emission is the dominant mechanism responsible for grafting when using short-wavelength (∼254 nm) light and suggest that photoemission events beginning on mid-gap states may play a crucial role.</P><P><B>Graphic Abstract</B> <IMG SRC='http://pubs.acs.org/appl/literatum/publisher/achs/journals/content/langd5/2012/langd5.2012.28.issue-33/la302169k/production/images/medium/la-2012-02169k_0004.gif'></P><P><A href='http://pubs.acs.org/doi/suppl/10.1021/la302169k'>ACS Electronic Supporting Info</A></P>

      • KCI등재

        International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 15189

        Frank Schneider,Caroline Maurer,Richard C. Friedberg 대한진단검사의학회 2017 Annals of Laboratory Medicine Vol.37 No.5

        The College of American Pathologists (CAP) offers a suite of laboratory accreditation programs, including one specific to accreditation to the international organization for standardization (ISO) 15189 standard for quality management specific to medical laboratories. CAP leaders offer an overview of ISO 15189 including its components, internal audits, occurrence management, document control, and risk management. The authors provide a comparison of its own ISO 15189 program, CAP 15189, to the CAP Laboratory Accreditation Program. The authors conclude with why laboratories should use ISO 15189.

      • KCI등재

        East Asia’s Fluid Dynamics: Whither Obama’s Pivot to Asia?

        Frank Jannuzi 통일연구원 2016 International journal of korean unification studie Vol.25 No.2

        President Obama’s pivot to Asia accomplished some of its core objectives, most notably strengthening the U.S.-Japan alliance, stabilizing U.S.-Japan-ROK security relations, and establishing diplomatic relations with Myanmar. However, it has left key tasks undone for the incoming Trump administration, including reining in North Korea’s nuclear ambitions and finding equilibrium with a rising China. Moreover, the apparent demise of the Trans-Pacific Partnership casts a dark shadow over Obama’s legacy in East Asia, and calls into question America’s continued leadership of the global economic order. President Trump will need to navigate East Asia’s fluid environment, a region lacking strong multilateral institutions. Trump’s decisions, particularly his handling of a possible crisis on the Korean Peninsula and China’s growing ambitions, will heavily influence how historians ultimately assess the wisdom of Obama’s pivot.

      • A Holistic View of the Japanese Occupation of Southeast Asia

        Frank Dhont 부산외국어대학교 아세안연구원 2016 Suvannabhumi Vol.8 No.1

        The paper examined Southeast Asia as a whole and focused on similarities among countries composing what is now known as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). In order to determine these similarities, the analysis focused on the fact that during World War II the whole of Southeast Asia was occupied by one political power: Japan. The policies the Japanese implemented in the region were to a degree very similar in terms of pressures and tensions that occurred in the different countries. The paper argues that these pressures and the responses of the various peoples of Southeast Asia instilled a nucleus of common identity in Southeast Asia as a whole. Basically, the policies that the Japanese implemented all over Southeast Asia were the following: the setting up regional administrations; the extraction of resources and emphasis on local self-sufficiency; the implementation of cultural Japanization; and local indigenization policies. The Southeast Asian responses that crystalized this joint Southeast Asian identity may be described as: accommodating and resisting the Japanese; commemorating portraying; and collectively remembering the era. The process of action and reaction between Japan and Southeast Asia was formative of this joint Southeast Asian identity.

      • KCI등재

        Die Europäische Union nach der Reform durch den Vertrag von Lissabon

        Frank Bohn 안암법학회 2011 안암 법학 Vol.0 No.34

        헌법조약이 좌절된 이후 유럽연합은 처음에는 쇼크상태에 빠졌지만 깊은 성찰기간을 거쳐 리스본조약을 체결하는 데 성공했다. 이 리스본 조약은 유럽연합조약(EUV)과 유럽공동체 설립조약을 개정했고, 특히 유럽공동체조약은 유럽연합의 운용방식에 대한 조약(AEUV)으로 변경되었다. 이러한 개정을 통해 리스본 조약은 좌절된 헌법조약의 중요부분을 그대로 수용하긴 했지만, 그로 인해 – 원래 헌법조약도 그랬듯이 – 유럽연합의 헌법이라든가 또는 유럽연합이 독자적인 국가라는 인상을 불러일으키지 않도록 노력했다. 다시 말해 리스본 조약은 기존의 조약들을 변경했을 뿐, 헌법조약이 원래 의도했던 것처럼 기존의 조약들을 기존의 조약들을 대체하지 않았다. 헌법조약은 유럽연합의 법적 기초를 하나의 문서로 총괄하려고 했었다. 물론 리스본 조약을 통해 유럽연합 자체와 기존의 조약들은 상당히 커다란 구조적 변화를 겪게 되었다. 예를 들어 유럽연합과 유럽공동체를 법적으로 합병하여 하나의 독자적인 법인격을 갖는 유럽연합이 탄생했다는 점, 입법절차에서 다수결에 따른 결정의 범위를 확대했다는 점, 유럽의회를 공동입법자로 격상시켰다는 점, (사실상으로) 유럽연합의 외무부를 설립하게 되었다는 점, 각 회원국의 의회가 유럽연합의 법제정에 참여할 수 있는 기회를 확대했다는 점, 유럽이사회 의장을 선출하도록 했다는 점 그리고 유럽연합 기본권헌장의 법적 구속력을 확인했다는 점 등은 가장 중요한 변화에 속한다. 그러나 비록 리스본 조약을 통해 현재 27개의 회원국을 가진 유럽연합의 결정절차가 상당히 효율성을 갖게 되긴 했지만, 중요한 문제영역에서는 여전히 개별 회원국이 거부권을 행사하거나 결정을 봉쇄할 가능성이 남아 있다. 그리고 유럽위원회의 규모를 축소해야 할 절박한 필요성이 있음에도 불구하고, 사실상 실패했다는 문제점을 지적할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        Analysis of Draft Force Requirement of a Compact Disc Harrow and Model Development for Future Predictions

        Frank Gyan Okyere,Waqas Qasim,Jayanta Kumar Basak,Fawad Khan,이용진,박지훈,Elanchezhian Arulmozhi,윤용철,강대식,김현태 한국농업기계학회 2019 바이오시스템공학 Vol.44 No.2

        Purpose During tillage operations, draft force contributes hugely to the operational cost. Accurate knowledge of draft force (DF) requirement for tillage implements is a useful tool for machinery selection, matching of implements to tractor, etc. The goal of this research was to measure the draft force of a compact disc harrow and analyze the effect of soil moisture content (SMC) and machine speed on draft force. Also, another aim is to develop a model equation to predict draft force requirement of compact disc harrow. Methods A EWX 10000F winch was used to provide the draft (pull) force which was powered by a 24 V DC battery. The draft force was measured using a load cell which transmitted the measured values to an AND ad 4532B indicator. The draft force of the compact disc harrow was measured at three different levels of SMC: low SMC (5–7%, 9–11%, 13–15%); medium SMC (25– 27%, 29–31%, 33–35%); and High SMC (40–42%, 44–46%, 48–50%) with machine speed (MS) of 0.06 m/s, 0.09 m/s, and 0.12 m/s. Results The results obtained were statistically analyzed and it showed that the lowest draft force occurred at 26% SMC with a force of about 658 N. A multi-variable regression equation was developed after the regression analysis. The regression equation DF = 466.91 + 6.25*(SMC) + 2952.1*(MS) was selected as the best model for predicting draft force. This equation was verified using the Bland–Altman plot, the t test analysis, and the standard error analysis. Conclusion The results of the verification methods proved that the suggested model can be used for predicting draft force requirement of a compact disc harrow.

      • Some Fundamental Problems in Robotics

        Frank Chongwoo Park 한국산업응용수학회 2005 한국산업응용수학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.- No.-

        We review some fundamental problems that arise in robot mechanics, and show how tools from differential geometry and Lie group theory have played an integral part in their solution.

      • KCI등재

        독일 민법에서의 손해배상과 형벌 -위자료와 일반적 인격권 보호를 중심으로-

        ( Frank Bohn ) 안암법학회 2011 안암 법학 Vol.0 No.36

        독일 민법의 유럽화와 국제화의 정도가 높아지면서 특히 징벌적 의도를 지닌 규범들이 과연 어느 정도까지 독일 민법에서 자리를 잡을 수 있을 것인가라는 물음이 제기되는 경우가 많아지고 있는 실정이다. 이에 대해 대다수의 견해는 부정적인 입장을 취하는데, 무엇보다 민사법규범과 행사법규범이 원칙적으로 서로 완전히 다른 체계에 속하고, 따라서 제재는 형법의 영역이지 민법의 영역이 아니라는 근거에서 비판을 제기한다. 즉, 민사법은 단지 보상적 작용만을 해야 한다는 것이다. 본 논문은 위자료와 일반적 인격권을 보기로 삼아 민법을 지나치게 경직되게 이해고 있는 기존의 비판척 견해들이 타당성이 없을 뿐만 아니라, 민법의 기능에 비추어 볼 때에도 오히려 불이익이 된다는 점을 밝히고자 한다. 물론 현대법에서 형사법과 민사법이 분리된다는 점 자체에 대해서는 당연히 의문을 제기할 수 없지만, 그럼에도 불구하고 전체 체계로서의 법 및 공동생활의 전체질서로서의 법의 기능에 대해 주목할 필요가 있다. 그래야만 법의 과제가 지속적인 상황변화에 올바르게 대처할 수 있기 때문이다. 더욱이 민사법(특히 유럽법에 의해 제시된 기준을 충족해야 한다는 점에서)으로서는 행위조종의 관점에서 상당히 넓은 범위에 걸쳐 새로운 과제를 떠안게 되었으며, 형벌적 요소가 담긴 세분화된 제재체계를 이용할 때에만 그러한 과제를 해결할 수 있는 상황이다.

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