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        Trends and Perspectives of PRC's Energy Policy Making Institutions and Policies

        이철원 한국외국어대학교 국제지역연구센터 2009 International Area Studies Review Vol.12 No.2

        The future direction of China's approach to energy policy making is, of course, difficult to predict. This is due not only to the opaque and fragmented nature of Chinese energy policy decision-making, but also to the fact that energy policy is a new topic for China's leaders and the individuals they rely on for advice to master that impinges on the interests of actors throughout the Chinese bureaucracy. The wide range of participants in the energy policy debate indicates that more diversified views on it probably reach the top leadership. The impact of the multiplicity of opinions is two-fold. It can result in more informed decision-making, but it can also delay the process as decision makers must assess a larger number of competing and sometimes contradictory views.

      • 女性勤勞者 保護에 관한 硏究

        李喆源 慶北大學校 1975 論文集 Vol.20 No.-

        In the industrial society nuder the mordern capitalistic system, woman working abiilty has a lot of specific gravity. This being the case, woman in comparision with man has handicaps and special phenomenon in body and spirit. Therefore woman laborer's portetcion is a very important theme in labor policy and labor law enforcement. In this paper, to study the problems like these the historical background for woman laborer's protection has been analyzed. Furthermore the permitant articles related to the labor law in force have mainly been inyestigated. As the methodology, the contents which are induced through immediate interviews and written verbal interviews(enque`ts) for women laborers have been analyzed. Then the theories related to these interviews have been presented. As a result, the women laborers are treated discriminatingly compared with the comparable men laborers. It is proven in many instances that the posture of employers disregarding for the labor law is remarkable. The supervision of government offices is also insufficient. At the same time the women laborers are ignorant themselves, and strife consciousness to protect themselves and to acquire the right is remarkably lacking in their consciousness. Therefore to protect the woman laborer five rules should be followed. They are; 1) Employers should have a posture to observe the labor law and reform labor conditions. 2) The directions and supervision of the government offices should be strictry erecuted. The discriminavive treatment between man laborer and woman laborer should be essentially eliminated. The labor law should be revised so that it is suitable to our present situation. The knowledge about the labor law should be pervaded to both employer and employee. Furthermore in order to acquire a better position a positive effort by the woman laborer herself is required.

      • 勤勞者들의 스트레스症狀에 關한 調査硏究

        李哲源,吳大成 又石大學校 1989 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        To obtain the data of this thesis, among workers of 5 industrial circles within the Chonju industrial Zone were 495, 255 male and female 240 workers given. In order to see how much physical and mental stress symptoms they feel by age, by working years, and by occupation of male and female, as a result of researching and analysing questionaires about mental and physical stress, the following conclusions were obtained. 1. Physical stress symptoms by age ; male workers show light symptoms highest in the tens and twenties, moderate symptoms in the thirties, and intensive symptoms in the forties. But female workers show light symptoms high. in the tens, and as growing age, they show the tendency of intensive symptoms high. 2. Mental stress symptoms by age ; male workers show light sympoms high in the tens, but show moderate symptoms higher in the other else age, But female work ers show intensive symptoms high in the twenties and thirties, while rather the tendency of light symptoms higher in the tens and forties. 3. Physical stress symptoms by Occupation ; male workers show light symptoms high in desk workers, while in skillful workers, and laborers they show intensive symptoms higher, but female workers show light symptoms high in desk Workers and skillful workers sitting in their chairs, while in standing skillful workers and laborers they show the tendency of intensive symptoms higher. 4. Mental stress symptoms by Occupation ; male workers show intensive symptoms highest in desk workers, light in laborers and skillful workers in the chair, and moderate in standing skillful workers, they show each difficult appearance, while female workers show intensive symptoms high in desk workers, but show light symptoms highest in all female workers of other else Occupations. 5. In Comparison by physical stress symptoms, on the both sides of male and female workers, the symptoms that 「Get tired of the whole body」, 「Have thick the huckle bone」, and 「Have stiff shoulders」 show high appeal proportion, and we can see that these parts of the body show stress symptoms most sensitivel and severe. 6. In Comparison by mental stress symptoms, on male workers the symptoms that 「Be ecome irritable」, 「Apt to make mistakes」, and 「Unable to straighten up in a posture」 show high appeal proportion, while on female, the symptoms that 「Become irritable」,「Become weary of talking」, and 「Unable to Concentrate attention」show high appeal proportion. Like this female workers show different symptos from male by sense of sensibility peculiar to female.

      • 중국외교에서 중국공산당 : 정당외교의 기원과 발전

        李哲源 韓國交通大學校 1967 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.51 No.-

        政党外交是政党政治在国际事务中的延伸,是一个政党由国内走向世界的过程. 在政党政治中,政党承担着政 治发动机和政治调解器的功能,政党对国家的内政外交基本走向和经济社会的发展起决定性的作用. 从政党自身 发展的逻辑上看,政党外交一项重要的任务,就是要通过与世界各国政党的交往,总结人类社会发展规律·社会 主义建设规律和执政规律,以及外国各类执政党的执政理念和方式,努力借鉴一些外国政党在治党·治国·理政方 面兴衰成败的经验教训,提高执政水平. 一方面,通过与欧美主流政党的交往,借鉴治国理政的经验和教训,探 索总结政党执政的一般规律,实现科学执政. 欧美主流政党多是老牌的执政党,有着近百年的历史和执政经验, 对社会治疗·经济发展·危机管理等方面有着成熟的经验和做法,对执政规律有着良好的驾驭能力,既有成功的经 验,也有失败的教训. 这些对执政时间较短的中国共产党来说,无疑有着诸多可以借鉴的成功经验. 另一方面, 学习和借鉴国外政党反腐败·党内民主建设·组织建设等自身建设的成功做法. 如新加坡人民行动党的反贪机制, 古巴共产党的党内民主建设等,都对中国共产党的自身建设产生了积极的影响. 通过政党外交,使党在重要战略 机遇期进行科学的战略部署,从容应对社会敏感和重大问题.

      • 물체의 반사성질이 능동형광센서에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        이철원,나석주 대한기계학회 1994 대한기계학회논문집 Vol.18 No.11

        Active range finders using laser beam have been widely used for the factory automation and quality assurance, but they may be unreliable if the object' slope is steep or its surface is specular. The reliability of an active range finder was analyzed for the variation of the reflected laser beam intensity. First, the properties of the object's reflection were modeled by using the bidirectional reflectance-distribution function(BRDF), and then the variation of the laser beam brightness was formulated for the different configuratioin of the object and sensor. The experimental data of the laser beam reflection were obtained for two materials, mild steel and stainless steel. The parameters of the proposed model were obtained by fitting the data of the mild steel to the model and it was found that the results calculated from the proposed model were in good agreement with the experimental data.

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