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        서러움의 정치적 무의식 -역사적 신체로서 한하운의 자전(自傳)

        한순미 ( Soonmi Han ) 한국사회사학회 2012 사회와 역사 Vol.0 No.94

        한하운(1919-75)은 나환자로서의 위치를 직접 드러내면서 시, 산문, 소설 등 여 러 형식의 글을 통해 자신의 입장을 적극적으로 발언한 인물이다. 그의 자전(自傳) 은 그 혼자만의 것이 아니라 일제 식민지배에서 유신독재를 내리긋는 비극적 연대 기이며 그것은 또 한국 나환자들의 슬픈 역사가 새겨진 문신(紋身)이다. 한하운(의 자전)을 ‘역사적 신체’로 부른 것은 그런 그(의 자전)의 특수하면서도 보편적인 위 치에서 비롯된 것이다. 한하운의 삶과 문학이 갖는 의미는 나환자로서의 고통과 한(恨)을 문학적으로 승화시켰다는 것만으로는 충분하지 않다. 무엇보다 그에게 ‘문학’이 어떤 무엇을 ‘고백’하기 위한 장치였다는 점을 눈여겨보아야 한다. 이 점에 방점을 두면서, 이 글에서는 한하운의 산문집 『나의 슬픈 반생기(半生記)』(1958)와 소설 「사랑은 슬 픈 것인가」(1977)를 주요 대상으로 삼아 그 이면에 흐르는 고백의 욕망, 즉 그는 무엇을 고백하는지(아니 무엇을 고백하고자 하는지), 그리고 그의 고백에서 무엇이 말해지고 있는지를 읽음으로써 서러움의 정치적 무의식에 다가서고자 했다. 한하운의 고백에서 서러움의 감정은 일제와 히틀러가 패망하는 상황 속에서 민족과 국가 전체를 가리키는 환유적 감정으로 확장된다. 그것을 이 글에서는 신체 서사, 민족 서사, 사랑 서사로 구분하여 읽었다. 한하운의 민족의식과 신체론은 근대 의학담론의 제국주의적 시선과 개발근대의 논리와 맥을 같이한다. 나병 치유 에 대한 그의 확신은 ‘우생학’에 기초한 식민규율과 사회적 약자의 해방을 추구했던 나치의 파시즘과 맞닿아 있다. 한편 멜랑콜리한 사랑의 서사는 해방공간을 전후한 시기를 거쳐 월남에 이르는 동안 ‘반공주의’라는 새로운 대상을 발견하면서 점차 희미해진다. 한하운의 자전적 고백은 그가 ‘서러운 조국’인 대한민국의 ‘국민’으로 편입되고자 했던 흔적을 보여준다. As we know, Han Ha-un(1919-1975) made ‘speeches’ about his position positively through his poems, proses, novels, and other genre and forms, manifesting his situation as a leper. His autobiography is a tragic chronicle running from Japanese colonial rule of Korea to Yushin dictatorship, and it’s not limited to himself, but expanded to a tattoo of the history of Korean lepers. The reason he or his autobiography is called as a ‘historical body’ is derived from such a s pe cial a nd u nive rsal p osition. The me aning of H an H a-un’s l ife and his lite rature can n ot be shown enough by simply mentioning that he sublimated the pain and ‘Han’ (kind of sorrow and regret in Korean) as a leper literally. Above all, it is remarkable that ‘Literature’ for him is a device to ‘confess’ something. Marking the point, this paper studied Han Ha-un’s collection of prose, _An account of my sad half life_(1958) and his novel, _Love is something sad_(1977). We can get closer to ‘Political unconsciousness’ of sorrow by reading the desire of confession hidden in the lines, that is, what he confesses (or what he intends to confess) and ‘what’ is said in his confession. The guilt is developed to ‘the brevity of it’ with the collapse of Japanese imperialism and Nazism, and his sorrow turns to metonymic feeling, extending to ethenic and national sense. It is read, divided to body narrative, national narrative, love narrative. Han Ha-un’s national consciousness and Theory of the body are in the same context as the imperial perspective of modern medical discourse s and the l ogic o f de ve lopme nt m ode rnity. T he narrative of colonial regulations and his confidence of a recovery from leprosy based on ‘Eugenics’ is quite close to the logic of Nazism that pursues the socially underprivileged’s liberation. At the other hand, the narrative of melancholy love becomes dim, finding a new object called ‘Anti-communism’, passing through the times of Pacific War. Through the confession of his half life, he tried to be a member of society, a citizen of his ‘sad country’, Republic of Korea.

      • KCI등재

        처용과 아기장수의 문학적 변용에 담긴 비극성

        한순미(Han Soonmi) 한국언어문학회 2009 한국언어문학 Vol.70 No.-

        This study addresses the phase of variations according to the writers' sensitivities, and periodic meaning of the tragic through examinations of modernist variations on Chu-young and Agi-jangsu tale written in 1960s and after. Chu-young poems of Kim Choon-su reflect the feeling of loss which is triggered by juvenile trauma and violent ideology with various viewpoints. For Kim, the possibility of healing and reconciliation remains far off because the theme constantly arouses the tragic pain. Therefore, Chu-young theme of Kim is periodic indication which reveals crisis on human existence and feeling of loss and nihility. And The Lost Song of Chu-young, the trial work of Kim Hyun also has same context. This study also considers Youk-sa by Kim Seung-ok, Long Time Ago Whu-a Whu-i by Choi In-hoon, and An Island That Swallowed a Myth as variations of Agi-jangsu tale and focuses on their sharing the tragic theme. For the first, in Youk-sa, the main character Seo shows the reality that needs and accepts no warrior. The endeavor Seo makes to maintain and keep his power looks eccentric and by presenting isolation of individual, it criticizes the reality based on capitalism. Secondly, Long Time Ago Whu-a Whu-i displays tragic condition and barren reality of here and now. So as to say, the reality is not able to accept a hero like Agi-jangsu and led to disillusion that the possibility he can save society is slim. For the last, An Island That Swallowed a Myth presents pursuit of critical history-cognition and realms of possibility. Agi-jangsu in Lee's work heads to no salvation that is solely done by savior, but to open space of possibilities that exist in the people's lives and destinations they take. As mentioned above, these writers vary the traditional theme and common periodic experiences, such as April 19 Revolution, into multiple context. They don't take the tradition as definite one but as basis of aesthetic imagination within the sensitivity of the time. For further study, it would be possible to sort the phases of variation by thorough consideration on each writer's sensitivity and imagination, and then to place it under the context of the time.

      • KCI등재

        ‘가(假)’의 관점에서 바라본 이청준의 소설 인식

        한순미(Han Soonmi) 한국언어문학회 2005 한국언어문학 Vol.55 No.-

        This thesis considers chiefly in the 'False(假)' motif, appears repeatedly in Lee Chung-jun's novel. And attentions how the motif tuned with his formation of view of novel, and pursuits the aesthetic philosophic cognizance within. In Lee's work, the question about 'False' processed as follows. On the basis, there is tragic cognizance that the actual world is full of the 'False', then searching alternative plan both in individual and social dimension. In such course, he used aesthetic device like 'Mask' and a 'rhetoric of Masquerading' in pickpocket character. Consequently, he rescues the romantic truth which has critical attitude on the absurdity and violence of actual world. It is clear that his works are not only the fictions but also the fictions intermediate actuality. All of these examination let us notice Lee's post-modern speculation. And his works formated strategically by the supplement relation in "Truth/False, Fact/Rumor, Genuine/Corrupted, Value in use/Exchange value, Real/Fictional". Like this, by tuning the cognizance of 'False' variety, supplements new significance of the 'fiction', the basic concept of novel. Lee's peculiar 'pseudomorph(假象)' formed in this way.

      • KCI등재

        초등학교 중학년의 창의성 교육 혁신 방안 연구

        이경화(Kyunghwa Lee),성은현(Eunhyun Sung),최병연(Byungyeon Choi),박춘성(Choonsung Park),전경원(Kyungwon Jeon),하종덕(Jongduk Ha),한순미(Soonmi Han) 한국창의력교육학회 2009 창의력교육연구 Vol.9 No.2

        본 연구는 초등학교 중학년(3~4학년)의 창의성 교육이 효과적이고 효율적으로 운영될 수 있도록 창의성 교육의 혁신방안을 마련하여 교육과정 개선작업에 도움을 주기 위해 실시되었다. 이에 따라 본 연구에서는 초등학교 3, 4학년의 교육과정과 국어, 수학, 과학 교과목에서 창의력 계발 목표, 수업활동 및 평가 등을 1단계로 분석하였으며, 2단계로 250여명의 현직교사들을 대상으로 창의성 교육에 관한 설문조사를 실시하였다. 연구 결과, 창의성 교육이 효율적으로 이루어지기 위해서는 각 교과별 창의성에 대해서 교사의 인식, 교수ㆍ학습 방법, 그리고 평가에 대한 전문성을 갖추기 위한 교사교육과 교수ㆍ학습 프로그램 및 평가 프로그램 등의 자료개발이 필요하다고 볼 수 있다. 그리고 학교교육과정에서 다루게 되는 창의성의 요소들은 매우 한정적이고, 교사들은 창의성의 중요성은 인식하지만 교사의 창의성 교육을 지원할 수 있는 프로그램, 수업방안, 평가방법에 대한 구체적인 지원 부족하여 어려움을 겪고 있다고 보고하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 교과서 개정, 교수-학습 방법 및 평가 방법의 구안을 비롯하여 창의성 교육을 위한 전반적인 교육과정 개선 작업에 도움을 줄 수 있을 것이다. The purpose of this study was to guide the curriculum development of the 3rd-4th graders to improve creativity. The curriculums of Korean language, Math, and Science and the survey data of 250 teachers were analyzed. The results of this study were as follows. First, the professional developments of teachers about teaching and evaluation methods and program developments to enhancing students' creativity were needed. Second, resource systems to supporting teachers’ teaching activities such as lesson plans and experts of creativity education were needed. Finally, it is urgent to revise the curriculum to improve students' creativity, including text books and teachers' guide books.

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