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한병호 ( Han Byeong Ho ),조동휘 ( Jo Dong Hwi ),전태희 ( Jeon Tae Hui ),주기중 ( Ju Gi Jung ),이중건 ( Lee Jung Geon ),이종수 ( Lee Jong Su ),송갑영 ( Song Gab Yeong ) 대한내과학회 2003 대한내과학회지 증례 특집호 65-5 부록3 Vol.0 No.-
Typhoid fever often manifests hepatic involvement but pleural involvement has rarely been reported to occur as a complication of typhoid fever. One case of typhoid pleurisy, in which Salmonella was isolated from the blood, is presented with the brief revi
한병호(Han, Byeong-Ho),김호철(Kim, Ho-Cheol) 한국도시행정학회 2020 도시 행정 학보 Vol.33 No.2
정부는 2014년 공공임대주택의 손실구조 개선과 지속적인 공급확충을 위해 공공임대주택리츠를 도입하였다. 공공임대주택리츠는 사업성이 우량한 지구와 다소 부족한 지구를 조합하여 교차보전이 이루어 질 수 있도록 하였고, 임대주택을 건설할 토지는 「공공주택건설 등에 관한 특별법」등에서 정한 공급기준인 조성원가 등으로 공급하였다. 또한, 주택도시기금과 LH 등 공공부문이 지분 출자하고, 주택도시보증공사의 지급보증 및 LH의 매입확약 등 신용보강을 통해 재원조달비용을 낮추어 리츠의 사업성 제고에 성공할 수 있었다. LH 등 종전 사업방식의 시행자는 공공임대주택리츠를 도입함에 따라 회계분리가 가능하여 공공임대주택 공급을 확대하면서도 재무부담이 완화되어 재무구조가 개선되었다. 본 연구에서는 공공임대주택리츠의 역할과 임대주택의 지속적인 공급확충을 위한 정책적 개선방안을 모색하고자 NHF 제15호 사례를 종전 사업방식과 비교 · 분석하였다. 리츠방식은 구조화 비용이 추가되지만 건축 공사비와 재원조달비용 등을 절감할 수 있었고, 기존 방식에 의한 사업시행자의 재무부담을 완화하면서 공공임대주택의 정책목표를 달성한 점에서 큰 의미가 있는 것으로 평가된다. 공공임대주택리츠는 리츠시장의 양적 확대에는 기여했으나, 사모리츠로 운영되어 일반국민의 건전한 부동산 간접투자를 위한 리츠시장의 질적 성장에 기여한 정도는 여전히 미흡하다. 향후 리츠를 활용하여 공공임대주택을 지속적으로 확충하기 위해서는 공모활성화를 통한 일반국민의 참여확대 등 재원조달 근원(Source)을 다양화하고, 공공부문과 재무적투자자 등 사업 참여자간 수익(Return)과 위험(Risk)을 분산하는 등 사업구조를 다양화하여야 한다. The government announced REITs in 2014, in order to improve the loss structure of public rental housing and to ensure the sustainable supply. Typical REITs pay a dividend based on operating profit, but public rental housing REITs, used as a real estate policy tool, are modified ones established at the expense of credit enhancement by the public sector, such as investing in common stocks, making a repurchase agreement, providing payment guarantees, etc. Stable profits in public rental housing REITs are based on both the business structure with a business portfolio in view of the marketability and the reduction of construction costs, which is inserted in making the site by LH, in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations. Thereby lowering the funding cost to enhance the business feasibility of REITs. To investigate the role of REITs in the supply and management of public rental housing, this study analyzed examples from NHF No.15 by comparing with previous business methods, and it focused on finding the good result caused by REITs in terms of rental housing demanders, suppliers and financial markets. In this study, NHF No. 15 case analysis showed that the REITs method was able to reduce construction and financing costs compared to the previous project method, and that the introduction of REITs method was advantageous even if the costs for structuralizing REITs were added. In addition, public rental REITs are considered to be of great significance in achieving the policy goals of public rental housing while easing the financial burden on project implementers in the public sector such as LH. Concretely, since accounting separation between REITs and LH was possible, REITs greatly contributed to the improvement of financial structure such as debt reduction in accounting along with promoting investment in public rental housing. Hereafter, in order to continue to supply public rental housing by REITs, the source of funding should be diversified by expansion of participation to the general public, and its business structure must be diversified in order to share revenues and risks among project participants.
고관절 치환술 후 생긴 감염에 대한 99mTc-HMPAO 백혈구 스캔의 진단적 가치
이수호 ( Soo Ho Lee ),차유철 ( You Cheol Cha ),한병호 ( Byeong Ho Han ),장재석 ( Jae Suk Chang ),김기용 ( Key Yong Kim ) 대한고관절학회 1997 Hip and Pelvis Vol.9 No.1
The bone infection after hip arthroplasty which can bring a catastrophic results to the patient has been problem due to the difficulties in the diagnosis and treatment. To solve this problem, infectionspecific WBC scan has been developed. Recently "Tc-HMPAO(Technetium-99m hexamethylpropylene-amineoxime)-WBC scan was introduced and have been adopted for detection of infection. However the diagnostic value and possible problem have not been proved yet. The authors attempted to find out the diagnostic value and limitation of " Tc-HMPAO-WBC scan in the infection after hip arthroplasty. Twenty-five patients, who underwent " Tc-HMPAO-WBC scan from October 1994 to February 1997 in Asan Medical Center, were analysed. Through comparing the results of " Tc-HMPAO-WBC scan with operative, microbiologic, radiologic and clinical findings, we have reached the following conclusions. 1. ""Tc-HMPAO-WBC scan was very sensitive to the detection of bone infection after hip arthroplasty. 2. The delayed imaging decreased the false negative rate, but the problem of detection of subacute or chronic infection should be studied. 3. The false positive rate was relatively low, and when we combine Tc-MDP bone scan with Tc-HMPAO-WBC scan, probably the false positive rate will be decreased more than now. 4. Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography(SPECT) could help to localize the infection focus and detect the low activity of infection.