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      • KCI등재

        1920-30년대 天津傳統金融市場과 天津幇

        임지환 부산경남사학회 2019 역사와 경계 Vol.112 No.-

        The Chinese traditional banks, Chienchuang, could, keeping abrest with the modern banks, such as foreing banks and Chinese commercial banks, countinue to develop with double standard monetary system in Tianjin financial market in 1920-30s. In the early 1930s, with monetary reform which drove Eunliang, monetary unit that had been used to enter the sum only in account, out of the monetary market, the Chinese traditional bank faced the very serious banking crisis. As a result, the Chinese traditional banks lost the financial advantage that made it possible for them to make enormous profits in the prosses of exchanging the currency and of depositing and withdrawing money in the Chinese traditional bank. But, Chinese traditional banks could keep being prosperous lime in 1920s. Itis main causes can be summarized as follows: first of all, after the morth eastern area of China was occupied by Japanese troops, lots of Chinese capitalists began to move to Tianjin to avoid the political insurity and social unrest. Tianjin was the safest area for them to do business because the preferencial area of foreing powers was set up there. Lots of Chinese traditional banks began to be set up in the financial market to supply the commercial and industrial funds to the capitialists from each privinces in expanding their business without difficulties. Second, the deomestic trade between Tianjin and the local cities in north China countinued to grow with rapid industrial development of Tianjin, The capitalists who moved to Tianjin from local areas in north China began to establish the Chinese traditional banks in order for their same mative businessmen to do business in Tianjin without hitch, which contributed to increasing the number of Chinese traditional banks in Tianjin financial markte. In 1920-30s, lots of financial factions that special banking groups could be organized only among the same native bankers with strong exclusive propensity that non-native bankers were completely excluded in the organization of banking groups appeated in Tianjin financial market. Tianjin financial faction took control of Tianjin financial market. The main causes that Tianjin financial faction could take the lead in Tianjin financial market in 1920-30s can be summarized as follows; forst of all, the Tianjin financial faction’s strong exclusive propensity to their banking business domain obstrust other financial factional bankers to expand their banking business in Tianjin financial market. Tianjin financial faction had capability of, maintaining close banking relatiuon with the modern banks like foreing banks and Chinese commercial banks, collecting the banking funds which were necessary for the expansion of their banjking business, and of overcoming the financial crisis in the banking emergency, compared to other financial factions. 20세기 초 천진전통금융시장은 천진방의 금융조직이 주도권을 장악하고 있었는데 1930년대에 들어 천진금융시장의 방파조직은 일대 변화를 맞게 되었다. 외지방방파조직의 수가 천진방의 그것을 추월하기 시작하였다. 1930년대에 들어 외지방전장의 수가 급증하게 된 원인은 1930년대 초 동북지역이 일본군의 수중에 넘어간 뒤 만주와 화북지역의 많은 자본가들이 천진으로 이주하여 전장을 개설하기 시작했던 점, 천진시의 상공업발전이후 화북지역 내지와 천진시의 교역이 증가하고 천진시 공업발전에 필요한 원료공급기지가 화북내지에 광범위하게 형성되면서 천진금융시장에 외지상공업자들을 위한 전장이 급증하게 되었던 점으로 요약할 수 있다. 그러나 천진금융시장은 여전히 천진방전장에 의해 주도되었다. 1930년대에도 천진방전장조직이 천진금융시장을 장악할 수 있었던 요인은 외지방전장에 대한 천진방전장의 강한 배타성, 외지방전장조직들 사이의 강한 배타성으로 인한 연대의식의 결여, 전장간 자금청산제도의 폐쇄성, 마지막으로 천진방전장의 뛰어난 위기관리 등으로 요약할 수 있다. 항일전쟁 기간 중 천진전통금융시장에 대한 근대적인 개혁이 이루어지면서 천진방전장의 독주는 종식되었다.

      • KCI등재

        북양정부시기 군벌관료자본의 금융업에 대한 투자

        임지환 호남사학회 2019 역사학연구 Vol.76 No.-

        Chinese government officials and warlords began to invest on the commercial industry and banking industry during the Baiyang government times, The development of Chinese banking industry was deeply linked to the investment of warlords and government official. Their investment for the establishment of commercial banks had a characteristics to be focused on Hobei province. Hobei province was the center of Chinese politics during Beiyang government times. In the early 20th century, Chinese commercial banks would rather seek to continuously grow under the protection of government than the expansion of receiving and loan business on credit. The main causes for Chinese government official and warlords to make a great deal of investment on the banking industry can be summarized as follows: first of all, Chinese government officials and warlords needed to constitute the new banking infrta-structure to provide effectively industrial funds to the large scaled enterprises established by their investment. Also, they sought to make lots of profits in the new banking environment for the developnent of Chinese banking industry with the rapid increase of total currency. Besides, each warlord faction wanted to possess their own commercial banks that could provide political funds for their power strife. The large scaled investment on the development of Chinese banking industry left the following impacts in the Chinese modern economy. First, the investing activities of Chinese banking industry contributed to prompting the industrial development in Huipei provinge. Second, Their investing actives not only led to the rapid development of Chinese national industry, but prevented, to some degree, foreign banks and foreign funds from penetrating into Chinee financial market. 북양정부시기 군벌관료들은 중국의금융업에 대대적인 투자를 전개하였다. 그들의 투자는 경진지역에 주로 집중되었는데 그것은 당시 경진지역은 중국의 정치의 중심지로서 경진지역의 상업은행에 투자를 할 경우 정부와의 유착 속에 은행의 빠른 성장을 기대할 수 있었기 때문이었다. 북양정부시기 군벌관료들이 금융업에 대대적인 투자를 하지 않으면 안 되었던 이유는 제1차 세계대전 이후 빠른 속도로 발전을 거듭했던 중국의 상공업발전에 필요한 기업자금의 원활한 공급을 위한 새로운 금융인프라가 필요했기 때문이다. 그리고 중국의 금융산업 발전에 유리한 국제여건의 조성 속에 더욱 많은 부를 축적하려는 의도에서 금융업에 대대적인 투자를 전개하였다. 그리고 각 계파의 군벌들은 그들의 정치자금의 조달을 원활하게 하기 위해 그들이 사금고처럼 사용할 수 있는 상업은행을 소유하려는 경향이 뚜렷했다. 군벌관료의 금융업에 대한 투자는 중국경제에 영향을 미쳤는데 첫 번째로 경진지역의 상공업발전에 중요한 역할을 하였으며 그들의 금융업에 대한 투자활동은 민족공업의 발달을 촉진시켰을 뿐만 아니라 외국자본이 중국의 금융시장을 장악해 들어오는 것을 어느정도 저지할 수 있었다. 그러나 1920-30년대 중국의 상업은행 다수가 군벌관료의 직접 투자로 설립되었던 까닭에 금융경영에 경험이 없었던 그들의 친인척을 경영에 참여시키는 등 상업은행의 경영이 그들의 영향력 하에서 자유롭지 못한 부정적인 면이 많았다.

      • KCI등재

        1920년대 천진금융시장과 華商銀行의 발전

        임지환 호남사학회 2015 역사학연구 Vol.57 No.-

        With industrial development, Chinese commercial banks could be rapidly developed in Tianjin financial market, which made it possible for TianJin to become the second largest banking center in China, behind Shanghai, in 1920s. This paper has shed a light on how Chinese commercial banks could be rapidly developed for a short period of time after the first world war broke out. The main causes that, with outbreak of the first world war, the commercial banks in Tianjin financial market can be summarized as follows : first of all, the rapid growth of Chinese commercial banks was deeply linked to the development of Chinese industry in 1920s. Withe the outbreak of first world war, China could not import the daily commodities and industrial products from European countries, which led to cause the abrupt rise of their price all around China. This new economic condition which was in favor of Chinese industrial development got Chinese capitalist to make an investment on textile and flour milling industry that had deep relation with people's life. As a result, thousands of industrial factories began to be established for a shout period of 10 years in Tianjin. A large number of commercial banks began naturally to appear to provide industrial funds to the industrial enterprises efficiently. Second, the development of Chinese commercial banks had deep relation with the investment of warlords and government officials related to them on the banking sector in 1920s. In the early stage of republic of China, influential warlords could control China, based on the economic cooperation of Chinese commercial banks. Therefor, Chinese commercial banks could continue to develop under the protection and support of warlords. Third, Nanking government conducted the reform of monetary system, which contributed to paving the way that made it possible for Chinese commercial banks to be rapidly developed under the new financial environment. We need to take a look at the historical meanings of rapid development of Chinese commercial banks in Tianjin financial market. It can also be summarized as follows: first, The rapid growth of Chinese commercial banks in Tianjin financial market contributed to making the industrial development possible by providing the industrial funds to businessmen in Tianjin efficiently. Second, the development of Chinese commercial banks played very important role in detering the capitals of foreign powers from occupying the Chinese industry and financial market. As I mentioned above, Chinese capitalists began to make an investment on the industrial field, like the textile and flour milling industry, that had much demand of consumption when the first world war broke out in Europ. These kinds of industries played important role in sprouting the Chinese national industry in 1920s. Finally, In 1920s, Chinese commercial banks and Chinese traditional banks weer coexisted in Tianjin financial market. The Chinese traditional banks lent money to Chinese businessmen on credit basis, but Chinese commercial banks demanded the offer of proper collateral when they wanted to borrow the industrial funds . As a consequence, the small and medium sized enterprises could not approach the Chinese commercial banks, due to the lack of proper collateral. The Chinese commercial banks tried to flow their funds into the small and medium sized enterprises in the secondary way by depositing the large sum of money in the traditional banks. 1920년대 천진금융시장은 대단히 빠른 속도로 발전을 거듭하였다. 천진금융시장에서 화상은행의 발전은 괄목할만한 성과를 이루었는데 화상은행의 빠른 발전의 요인을 다음 몇 가지로 나누어 설명할 수 있다. 천진시 상공업의 급속한 발전, 북양군벌과 관료들의 금융업에 대한 집중적인 투자, 국제금융환경의 은행업발전에 유리한 조건의 형성, 그리고 화상은행 자신의 여수신업무 확장을 위한 노력 등을 들 수 있다. 다음으로 화상은행의 발전이 갖는 역사적인 의의로서는 천진금융시장의 발전으로 인해 천진시 상공업이 안정적인 발전을 이룰 수 있었다는 점, 제국주의 열강이 천진금융시장을 장악해 들어오는 것을 저지시킬 수 있었다는 점, 구식은행과의 긴밀한 금융 유대감을 통해 화상은행의 자금이 천진시의 중소상공업자들에게 흘러들어가 상공업의 발전에 유효하게 쓰일 수 있도록 했다는 점 등을 손꼽을 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        Gilbert 증후군과 동반된 원인을 모르는 선천 용혈빈혈 1예

        임지환,최준혁,남양훈,서인석,윤성민,구명숙 대한혈액학회 2008 Blood Research Vol.43 No.1

        Congenital hemolytic anemia is mainly developed due to intrinsic defects of erythrocytes, but in some cases the cause of hemolytic anemia is unclear. Gilbert's syndrome shows mild, chronic unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia that is due to reduced UDP glucuronosyltransferase (UGT-1A1) activity and this develops because of UGT-1A1 gene mutation. We report here on a case of severe hyperbilirubinemia in a 17-year-old male who was diagnosed with congenital hemolytic anemia of an unknown cause combined with Gilbert’s syndrome.

      • KCI등재

        제1차 세계 대전 후 천진시의 상공업 발전과 금융시장

        임지환 전북사학회 2012 전북사학 Vol.0 No.40

        In 1920s, Tianjin was the second largest industrial city in China. The outbreak of the World War I served as a momentum for the remarkable, industrial development of China. Tianjin took this opportunity and its industry grew rapidly in a short period time. In 1920, there were over 6000 factories established in this city. Even if small and medium sized factories accounted for over 95% of all the factories, a few of the large factories were globally competitive, especially the textile and flour milling industries as well as some of the chemical industries. The early stage of commercial and industrial development in Tianjin owes its growth and success to the banking infrastructure that had been well organized since Ch'ing dynasty. On the other hand, as time went by, the rapid development of Tianjin industry in the early 20th century accelerated the growth of the financial market. During the early years of the Republic of China, there were three kinds of financial groups: the foreign banking group, the Chinese banking group, and the Chinese traditional banking group. Large enterprises borrowed the industrial funds from the foreign or Chinese banks, and most of the small and medium sized enterprises borrowed their industrial funds from the traditional Chinese banks called ChienChuang . Most of the small and medium sized enterprises didn't have enough collateral to take out the industrial funds and, therefore, they favored the Chinese traditional banks which had been loaning on a credit basis since Ch'ing dynasty. The development of the financial market made it possible for businesses in TianJin to secure their industrial funds easily. As it was mentioned earlier, the rapid development of industry in Tianjin influenced the growth of financial market, which can be summarized as follows; In the first place, banking facilities had a tendency to grow larger in size in order to better provide industrial capital funds to businesses. In the case of Chinese banks, large-sized banks began to secure large amount of banking capitals; in the case of traditional banks, they tried to meet the demand of businesses for increased industrial funds by intensifying the financial alliance among banks. Secondly, the financial institutions in Tianjin began to expand their banking branches into various areas in north China. With the rapid industrial development in Tianjin, many businesses expanded their activities into the inland of north China to purchase the agricultural products or stock farm products they needed, and transported them to Tianjin for processing. The banking facilities began to establish their branches in the major cities in north China in order to make the industrial funds readily available for businesses if need be. Thirdly, the industrial development prompted the prosperity of traditional banks. There were several factors that made it possible for traditional banks to prosper in 1920s. First, unlike Chinese modern banks, the traditional banks loaned industrial funds on credit basis. So they played a very important role in providing industrial funds to most of the small and midium sized enterprises that had no enough collateral to borrow money . This kind of banking policy of traditional banks became one of the most important factors that made many businessmen favor the traditional banks. Second, the exchange of financial capitals helped the traditional banks to maintain deep relations with Chinese modern banks. The Chinese banks took advantage of traditional banks to provide industrial funds to small and medium sized enterprises by giving financial assistance to them. It helped traditional banks secure enough financial capitals to loan industrial funds to businesses. Thirdly, it was the complicated monetary system of early Republic of China that helped tradition banks to prosper. China had adopted double metallic monetary standards called Eunliang and Eunwon which coexisted as standard currencies in the financial market. The exchange value of two currencies was decided by supply and demand in the financial market. All kinds of currency exchange had to be done in the exchange house. All exchange houses were under the control of traditional banks. Traditional banks took advantage of this kind of financial environment to expand their banking business in the financial market. Fourth, it can be said that Chinese financial market was free of the government control during early Republic of China. The Chinese government had no capability of controling the financial market. As a consequence, irregularity and speculation were rampant in the financial market. Particularly, speculation was a very important method of making profits for traditional banks in the financial market. Currency was a main object of speculation before currency reform was carried out in the early 1930s. The objects of speculation were shifted to actual goods after the currency reform. The laissez faire financial market caused speculation to be rampant in the Chinese society, which made it possible for traditional banks to make huge profits through speculation. As mentioned above, small and medium sized enterprises couldn't borrow industrial funds from modern banks, due to the lack of collateral. If it had not been for traditional banks, small and medium sized enterprises might have had to borrow money from private moneylenders who practiced usury. The prosperity of traditional banks contributed to weakening the private loan market in the Chinese society, and made it possible for businesses to use industrial funds at low interest.

      • KCI등재

        1920년대 천진시의 공업발전

        임지환 전북사학회 2010 전북사학 Vol.0 No.36

        In 1920s, Tianjin was the second largest industrial city in China. With the outbreak of the world war I, China could achieve remarkable industrial development. Tianjin could also develop it's industry in a short period time. In 1920, there were over 6000 factories established in Tianjin. Even if small and medium sized factories occupied 99% of all the factories, a few of large factories were globally competitive, especially in the textile and flour industries as well as part of the chemical industries. There were several factors that made it possible for Tianjin to achieve the rapid industrial development in a short period time. In the first place, in the early 20th century, the expansion of railway network revolutionized the transportation of commercial goods and industrial raw materials. The large amount of industrial raw materials, collected from various areas of North China such as cotton, wheat, fur etc, could easily be transported to Tianjin without geographical hindrance, and lots of industrial products produced in Tianjin could also be easily supplied to various areas in North China. Secondly, the financial market had well been developed in Tianjin since Ch'ing dynasty. During the early years of the republic of China, there were three kinds of financial groups: the foreign banking group, the Chinese banking group, and the Chinese traditional banking group. The large enterprises borrowed the industrial funds from the foreign or Chinese banks, and most of the small and medium sized enterprises borrowed their industrial funds from the traditional Chinese banks. Most of the small and medium sized enterprises didn't have enough collateral to take out the industrial funds and, therefore, they favored the Chinese traditional banks which had been lorning on a credit basis since Ch'ing dynasty. The development of the financial market made it possible for businessmen in Tianjin to secure their industrial funds easily. Thirdly, to establish large factories, a large amount of investment could be made in the textile, flour, and chemical industries, mainly by the warlords and government officials. The investment of warlords and government officials could contribute not only to take the lead in promoting Chinese national industries in Tianjin, but to put a stop to foreign capital's penetration into the Chinese industry. Fourthly, constant investments to produce industrial raw materials, such as cotton, wheat, and fur, had been made since the end of Ch'ing dynasty. Especially foreign capitalists made a large amount of investment in the northwestern area of North China to collect fur. The cotton producing districts which covered a wide range of North China rpompted the rapid development of textile industry, and the expansion of fur collecting districts into Northwest China contributed to developing the leather industry in Tianjin. The rapid development of industry in Tianjin had an effect on the commercial development. For example, the development of industry led to prompting the warehouse and distribution industry, and, in the various areas of North China, caused a lot of wholesale markets to be established to supply the industrial products.

      • KCI등재

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