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      • KCI등재

        근대 전시 음악에 나타난 ‘전쟁’의 양상과 이데올로기적 함의 - 메이지 군가와 쇼와 군가․군국가요를 중심으로 -

        이유희 일본어문학회 2024 일본어문학 Vol.105 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the metaphors and vocabularies of ‘war’ that appear in 80 military songs of the Meiji era and 141 military songs and militarism songs of the Showa era as modern popular songs, and to identify the implications and camouflaged ideologies of these. In the Meiji period, the archaic word ‘戦’(ikusa) was cited as a language code and colocation to strengthen solidarity with the masters, 君(kimi) and 大君(ogimi). ‘義戦’(gisen, crusade) advocated by Takamori Saigo was instilled as a ‘political ideology for the cause of the Joseon Dynasty’s independence and civilization and enlightenment against the Ch’ing Dynasty’. In the Showa era, ‘決戦’(geksen, decisive battle) and ‘聖戦’(seisen, holy war) were so-called ‘various language codes for suicide attack’ that 100 million people should throw themselves to death as special forces, and ‘war culture of self-destruction for the emperor(country) at the same time, and were fixed as ideological myths leading popular culture at wartime.

      • KCI등재

        Z표상의 변천에 관한 연구 - 전시의 미디어 콘텐츠를 중심으로 -

        이유희 일본어문학회 2019 일본어문학 Vol.87 No.-

        本研究では、明治․昭和戦時の流行軍歌․軍国歌謡、アニメーションなどでの「Z」の表象が社会文化の中でいかに表出されているかを明らかにし、これがどのようなインプリケーションを持っており、どのような言語コードツールとして神話․イデオロギー化され変遷されたかについて究明することを目的としている。 「Z」は、朝鮮半島の占領を巡る日露戦争-対馬沖海戦で導入され始めた。(1)明治時代には、「英雄」、「軍神」、「決戦」、「勝利」、「神国思想を根幹とした国家主義․帝国主義」を表象する神話․イデオロギーのインプリケーションが現れていたと言える。(2)昭和時代には、田中智学の超国家主義に基づいた政府の大東亜共栄圏の政策スローガンが「桃太郎海鷲」のアニメーションに注入され、「英雄」、「軍神」、「決戦」、「勝利」、「神国思想をベースとした超国家主義」へと拡大された神話․イデオロギー的言語コードとして活用されたと言える。 これは大衆文化に影響を与える神話現象․大衆文化を主導する現象であると言えるが、社会全体に自然に収容され現れた一種のイデオロギーであり、かつ社会的通念がまさに「Z」に発現されていると言えるだろう。 This study aims at first, clarifying how the representation of Z is expressed in social culture in wartime and post-war popular music, animation, and advertisement; second, exploring what the Z implies and what myth and ideology it represents. The Z began being used in the battle of Tsushima, fought over the occupation of the Korean Peninsula and appeared in the Meiji era as hero, god of war, victory, and nationalism and imperialism based on the concept of the thoughts of Shinkoku. In the Showa era, the Z appeared as an implication of myth and ideology, which represented the transnationalism based on the concept of the thoughts of Shinkoku as the government's policy slogan of Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere based on the transnationalism of Tanaka Jigaku was injected into the animation of Momotaro Sea Eagle. In the post-war period, with the exception of the Honda Z car, the Z represented, similar to the wartime era, a symbol of hero, god of war, victory, and the transnationalism based on the concept of the thoughts of Shinkoku, as illustrated in the Mazinger Z, Mobile Suit Z Gundam, Dragon Ball Z, My Fair Lady (Nissan sports car), and Momoiro Clover Z (idol group). In the case of vehicle products, it was also used as an implication of the image-centered strategy of differentiation. In the wartime era, warriors of achievement or those killed in war were revived as heroes and gods of war. In the post-war period, robots, a sports car, a J-pop girl group, and an anime hero were reborn as gods of war as the last global superheroes. This is a mythological phenomenon influencing and leading popular culture. Thus, Z is a kind of ideology and a social notion that appears naturally accepted throughout the society.

      • 오르간의 구조와 설명

        이유희 이화여자대학교 음악대학 1974 이화음악 Vol.- No.3

        [오르간]은 악기중의 왕이라고 한다. 이는 아마도 [오르간]이 많은 악기의 음색을 동시에 낼 수 있으며 폭 넓은 음량을 갖고 있기 때문일 것이다. 그러기에 19세기 낭만과 작곡가인 Widor와 Viern이 "Organ Symphony"까지 쓴 바가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        明治軍歌と昭和軍歌・軍国歌謡にみられる言語表現に関する比較研究 -兵士のメタファー・語彙を中心に-

        이유희 한국일어일문학회 2018 日語日文學硏究 Vol.104 No.2

        본고에서는 메이지(明治) 군가 80 곡과 쇼와(昭和) 군가 · 군국가요 140 곡을 대상으로 ‘병사’에 대한 언어 표현에 포커스를 두어 메타포 · 어휘의 종류와 특징, 출현 배경 등을 비교 분석하였다. 메이지 시대에는 93 곡에서 총 37 종류의 메타포・어휘가 나타나고 있는데, 「丈夫/軍・皇御軍・大御軍/武士・武夫/兵・兵士/男/醜の御楯」등과 같이 다양한 고어 (특히 와카에서 다용된 어휘)의 활용에 역점을 두고 있는 것을 특징으로 들 수 있다. 이러한 특징은 신체시 (新体詩) 및 메이지 군가의 창성자 도야마 마사카즈(外山正一)의 와카에 대한 계승의식에서 출발 한 것이라 할 수 있다. 이것은 ‘천황제 시스템・이데올로기’를 표방하는 동시에 ‘봉건적 군신관계와 봉건 무사정신・도덕으로의 복귀와 각성’ 통해 발현되어진 이른바 ‘헌신・죽음의 각오와 의무를 요구하는 언어코드’로써 활용되었다 할 수 있다. 이러한 메타포・어휘 외에도 서양의 근대 군대 제도의 수용과 징병제 실시를 배경으로 메이지 ​​제국 국가의 신 군대- 육 · 해군의 활약과 역할의 홍보에 중점을 둔 ‘병(兵)’의 어휘가 메이지 시대에는 빈출되고 있다. 또한 ‘군신(軍神)’의 용어가 다용되고 있는데, 이것은 일본이 아마테라스오가미('天照大神)에 의해 건국 된 ‘신국(神国) 사상'과 천황을 현인신(現人神)으로 신격화하고, ‘전사 = 군신’이라는 '국가 신도(国家神道)의 신앙’이 표출된 것으로 볼 수 있다. 쇼와기에 있어서는 96 곡에서 총 39 종의 메타포・어휘가 나타나고 있다. 주로 고어 (와카 어휘)가 빈번히 활용되고 있는데, 대부분 메이지 시대의 패턴이 그대로 답습된 것임을 알 수 있다. 군가집을 통해 주로 지식인 계층에 의해 널리 보급된 메이지 군가에 비해 쇼와 군가・군국가요는 국가권력의 미디어・언어통제에 의해 생산된 ‘국가 이데올로기 장치’이자 ‘정부 주도의 Top-down형 메커니즘’으로써 활용된 특징을 보이고 있다. 메이지 시대와의 차이점으로 주목해야할 점으로써는 ‘용사(勇士)’와 ‘독수리(鷲)’의 단어의 사용빈도가 상당히 높다는 것이다. ‘용사’는 ‘폭탄 삼용사(爆弾三勇士)의 영웅 미담을 계기로 화제가 되어 관・군・언론 미디어의 협력에 의해 현상 공모곡 발표로 대유행한 것이다. ‘독수리(鷲)’는 쇼와기에는 육・해군 항공 부대명으로도 사용되었는데, 독수리의 국장(国章)과 제복 등을 사용한 나치 독일을 추종하여 활용된 것으로 추측된다. 태평양 전쟁의 발발과 함께 특공의 항공대원이 되었던 ‘독수리’와 , ‘젊은 독수리(若鷲)’(청소년부대)는 ‘승리’, ‘용맹’의 상징 뿐 만 아니라 ‘특공・자폭’의 메타포로써 표출 되었다. 전후에는 전시 유행어 '若鷲'에서 모티브를 얻은 것으로 보이는 「독수리 오형제(科学忍者隊ガッチャマン)」애니메이션이 방송 되어 대인기를 얻기도 하였다. 이 외에도 「사키모리의 노래(防人の歌)」에서 차용된 ‘시코노 미타테(醜の御楯)’, ‘미타테(御楯)’는 신풍특별공격대(神風特別攻撃隊)의 부대명(第一御楯~第7御楯)으로 사용되기도 하였다. 이러한 메타포는 총력전을 위한 ‘국가・국민 총동원’과 ‘1억 옥쇄’, ‘1억 특공’ 과 같은 정치적 슬로건을 내세운 고노에(近衛)-토조(東條)-고이소(小磯) 내각의 ‘군국적 시스템・조직과 이데올로기’를 극명히 표방하고 있다. 이것은 ‘독수리(鷲)’ 와 ‘젊은 독수리( ... The results of analysis about soldier's linguistic expressions(metaphor・vocabulary) via 80 military songs in the Meiji era and 120 military songs・militarism songs in the Showa era showed that in the case of the Meiji era military songs, ① masurao(丈夫・大丈夫・勇者)・masuratakeo(ますら猛夫), ②ikusa(軍)・sumeramiikusa(皇御軍)・oomiikusa(大御軍)・miikusa(御軍・皇軍)・ikusabito(軍人), ③mononohu(武士・武夫), ④hei(兵)・suihei(水兵)・kouhei(工兵)・houhei(砲兵)・hohei(歩兵)・kihei(騎兵)・shicyohei(輜重兵), ⑤tsuwamono(兵・兵士・つわもの), yamato otoko(大和男子・日本男子・大和男子・日本男子), ⑦gunshin(軍神), yushi(勇士), kaigun(海軍)・rikugun(陸軍)・gunzin(軍人)」, ⑩cyushin(忠臣), shiko no mitate(醜の御楯), ⑫other busha(武者), eiu(英雄)、gouketsu(豪傑), and keshi no shi(決死の死) were used in 93 songs. In the case of the Showa era military songs・militarism songs, the metaphor and vocabulary of a total of 37 types were examined and analyzed as the followings: ①masurao(丈夫),yushi(勇士),③washi(荒鷲・海鷲・神鷲・赤鷲),④tsuwamono (兵・強兵・強者・武士),⑤ikusa(軍)・miikusa(皇軍)・shumeraikusa(皇軍)・kuwaugun(皇軍), ⑥kami(神)・gokoku no kami(護国の神)・mamori kami(守り神)・ikusagami(軍神)・uzigami(氏神)・shinpei(神兵), ⑦nipon danshi(日本男子)・nipon danzi(日本男児), ⑧kougun(皇軍), umi no onoko(海の男)・yamato onoko(大和男子)・onoko(男の子・男児), shiko no mitate(醜の御楯)・mitate(御楯)・tate(楯), ⑪hei(兵)・hohei(歩兵)・(kouhei(工兵), ⑫mononohu(武士), ⑬buzin(武人), hashira(柱), ⑮ other gunzin(軍人), senshi(戦士), and kaitakusi(開拓士) were used in 59 songs. Rhetoric technique of archaic words(words particularly used in the Waka) such as ‘masurao (丈夫)’・‘ikusa (軍) ’・ ‘mononohu (武士)’ ・‘tsuwamono (兵)’・‘shiko no mitate (醜の御楯)’, representing soldiers in the military songs of the Meiji era was originated from recognition of succession to Waka by Shoichi Toyama, creator of the new style poetry and Meiji military songs. During the Meiji era, such metaphors principally implied ‘Emperor System ・ Ideology' were mainly used as ‘language codes requesting for resolution and duty of dedication・death (= Japanese nationalism) which were expressed through 'feudal sovereign and subject relations and return to the feudal samurai spirit・morality. The remarkable difference between the Meiji and Showa period is that the metaphor and vocabulary such as ‘yushi(勇士)’, ‘washi(鷲)’, ‘waka washi(若鷲)’ and ‘shiko no mitate(醜の御楯)’ emerged. These imply ‘the military system・organization and ideology’ of Konoe - Tojo - Koiso cabinet which pushed the political slogan such as ‘Nation and National mobilization’, ‘100 million honorable death’, ‘100 million kamikaze attacks.’ It can be said that those expressions have played a role as ‘language codes for seeking resolve and obligation of kamikaze attack ・ suicide bombing like ‘washi(鷲)’ and ‘waka washi(若鷲).’

      • KCI등재

        JLPT N1・2・3 외래어의 STEAM・트라이링구얼 교수 학습 : AI・디지털 리터러시 툴의 활용

        이유희 한국일어일문학회 2023 日語日文學硏究 Vol.125 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to suggest text-miming, AI, and digital literacy teaching and learning that can be used in Japanese language education and Micro Degree(MD) courses as a way to respond to the university student’s competency conditions and needs and as a method for education to strengthen language and engineering capabilities in the era of the 4th industrial revolution in which AI and digital literacy skills are essential. The specific results are as follows. First, keywords were extracted by the frequency analysis of foreign language-Katakana in JLPT(Japanese-Language Proficiency Test) past test questions through Python coding by text mining technique. 84 words in N1, 109 words in N2, and 69 words in N3 were extracted as a result of the keyword analysis of Katakana and its synonyms appeared from 1990 to 2021. Second, data visualization of Seaborn and Word Cloud by Python coding was presented focusing on extracted keywords to strengthen AI literacy capabilities. Also, data visualization was conducted by using a Business Intelligence (BI) solution–Tableau as an alternative method for non-IT major students to develop data analysis and job performance skills. In addition, visualization chart creation training was presented by using the Word Cloud of the User Local Text Mining site for Natural Language Processing(NLP) analysis such as keywords, parts of speech, frequency of appearance, and colocation, etc. Third, the effective three-language word learning of Katakana and English (foreign language) was visually presented for trilingual and digital literacy learning focusing on keywords by utilizing digital literacy tools such as Quizlet and Wordwall. 本研究においては、デジタル・AIリテラシー能力が必須とされる第4次産業革命時代において、学習者の能力条件やニーズに応え、言語・工学の能力強化のため日本語大学教育及びマイクロディグリー(MD)のような融合過程で活用可能なテキストマイミング・AI・デジタルリテラシー教授学習の方法を提案した。具体的な結果は以下の通りである。 第一に、JLPT既出問題の外来語-カタカナ及びカタカナの類義語(1990~2021)を対象に、テキストマイニング技術により頻度分析した結果、N1は84個、N2は109個、N3は69個のキーワードが抽出された。第二に、AIリテラシー能力強化のため、PythonコーディングによるSeaborn及びWord Cloudの視覚化作業を提示した。また、データ分析と業務遂行能力を育成するIT非専攻者向け教育として、ビジネスインテリジェンス(BI)ソリューション-Tableauを用いてデータ可視化作業を行った。さらに、UserLocalサイトのWord Cloudを活用して、単語や品詞、出現頻度、共起語などの自然言語処理分析のための可視化チャート作成を展開した。第三に、トライリンガル・デジタルリテラシー学習のため、QuizletやWordwallなどのツールを用いて抽出したカタカナキーワードを中心に、英語・類義語の効果的な3カ国語単語学習をビジュアル提示した。

      • KCI등재

        일부 대학생의 치과위생사 직업의 전문성 이미지 만족도에 영향을 미치는 요인

        이유희,윤나나 한국구강보건과학회 2022 한국구강보건과학회지 Vol.10 No.4

        Objectives: This study is to examine factors influencing the satisfaction of some college students' professional image of dental hygienists, to provide basic data for establishing a desirable it. Methods: This study conducted an online survey of 160 university students from Daegu, Gyeongnam, and Seoul, from August to October, 2020. Results: The image recognition of dental hygienists was the highest at 4.28±0.77 for 'dental hygienists respond in a friendly', the lowest at 3.21±0.93 for 'Do you think dental hygienists have high social status'. The general factor affecting satisfaction with the professional image of dental hygienists was gender(p=0.044), the dental-related characteristic factor was oral health education experience(p=0.010). Conclusions: Efforts are required to improve the professional image of dental hygienists.

      • 양자화레벨의 변화에 따른 역전파알고리즘

        이유희,이병호 漢陽大學校 工學技術硏究所 1999 工學技術論文集 Vol.8 No.1

        본 논문은 다층퍼셉트론에서의 양자화 기법의 효과를 연구 하였다. 양자화 기법은 performance를 다소 감소하지만 연결강도치를 효과적으로 압축할수 있기 때문에 실용성이 증가되고 실제 VLSI 설계시 회로의 단순화와 비용등을 줄일 수 있다. 또한 양자화 기법 사용시 가장 중요한 요소인 양자화 레벨을 조사하여 주어진 네트워크에서 적절한 레벨을 구하였고 제안한 방법의 효용성을 입증하기 위하여 여러 가지 함수 발생기에 적용하고 각각의 경우의 양자화 레벨을 조사하여 양자화 레벨의 변화시 생기는 결과의 차이를 고찰하였다. In this paper, we propose a quantization method for training multilayer perceptron networks. Although the quantization method may tend to slightly deteriorate the performance, it may reduce a chip size for hardware implementation and cost in application. The loaming method used here is equal to the backpropagation learning method used in multilayer perceptrons. In our method, we investigate the regurred number of bits and approximate the weight vector for each perceptron. In addition, the proposed method employs a network structure that consists of two hidden layers. Due to the two hidden layers, it may require many computations. However, experimental results show that we can achieve satisfactory results. We apply various functions to our network to show the validity of the proposed network. Network variations due to quantization levels are also investigated.

      • KCI등재

        일부지역 교정치과 종사자의 감염관리 실태와 감염관리 수행도, 중요도와의 관련성

        이유희,이소영 한국구강보건과학회 2022 한국구강보건과학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        Objectives: This study was conducted to understand the infection control level of orthodontics, a special department among dental treatment departments and to check its correlation with performance and importance of it. Methods: As for the research period, a self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted from June through September 2018, and the results of the final analysis of 124 copies showed. Results: Factors affecting the performance of the infection control, putting on gloves in simple medical treatment(p=0.031) and discarding masks (p=0.025) were significant, and of the factors affecting the importance of the infection control, putting on gloves in the main medical treatment (p=0.017), discarding masks (p=0.043), and infection control education (p=0.019) were significant. Conclusions: Putting on personal protective equipment and conducting infection control education served as important factors for infection control., and since, it is necessary to establish a medical environment in which orthodontic clinic workers.

      • KCI등재

        한국과 일본의 국가(国歌) 비교 연구

        이유희 한국일어일문학회 2018 日語日文學硏究 Vol.107 No.2

        The national anthem of Korea began with Sing National Anthem Campaign by Seo Jae-pil. Since "the National Anthem of the Korean Empire" (1902) was created at the behest of Emperor Kojong, it has transformed into its current form, going through the national anthem with the lyrics by Yun Chi-ho(1907) that took the melody of “Auld Lang Syne” and the national anthem composed by Ahn Ea-tai(1935). As a song sung to overcome the crisis caused by the aggressions from the world powers and inspire nationalism, the national anthem of Korea served as the mechanism of the national independence movement. Issues with it are the emerging argument for revising the national anthem, citing the pro-Japanese actions by the lyricist and the composer, and its insufficient legitimacy and symbolism for the nation. In its philosophy and culture, the national anthem implies the idea of the celestial divinity in the Korean tradition that has hailed from the time immemorial and is further tinctured with the Confucianism that carries the loyal patriotism from the Joseon period. And the Christianism came to be embedded in the national anthem in the late years of the Joseon period, when the lyricist’s religious orientation was reflected in the national anthem as the spreading independence movement was centered on the Christian church. In a nutshell, the national anthem of Korea represented the change in the country’s philosophical and cultural character that followed the religious and philosophical paradigm shift, which is understood as being based on the fatherhood in the monotheism. In Japan, "the first version of Kimigayo" (1870) was created as suggested by John William Fenton, a visiting British military band leader. It was revised into "the second version of Kimigayo" composed by Hiromori Hayashi with some rearrangement by Franz Eckert. The passage of a related law in 1999 recognized it as the official national anthem of Japan. The national anthem of Japan, which was the tool for integrating the Emperor with people, also served as a device for enlightenment through modern civilization which advocated the ideology of Leave Asia, Enter Europe with a view to establishing the modern state of Meiji. It faces the criticism that it is a praise of the emperor and that it is an aggressionist national anthem which was used as a frame for colonialist rule during the wars of aggression. Furthermore, it is harassed by the issues with the composition and rearrangement of the music itself. Culturally and philosophically, the worldview presented in the national anthem of Japan is antipoetic to that revealed in the Korean counterpart, in that it peculiarly bases itself on the waka culture, animism as the philosophical origin of Shintoism, and the motherhood which governs the birth of life in nature and the existence and the continuity of spirits and souls. 「国を愛する」という意味の韓国の国歌「愛国歌」は、徐載弼による「愛国歌制定・斉唱運動」をきっかけに作られた歌として、高宗皇帝の勅で、韓国初の国歌「大韓帝国愛国歌」(1902年)が制定されて以来、「Auld Lang Syne」の旋律を借用した「尹致昊作詞の愛国歌」(1907年)-「安益泰作曲の愛国歌」(1935年)へと変化し、現在に至っている。 韓国国歌は、東西列強の侵略の危機を克服し、「自主独立国としての国権を確立」するため作られ、ナショナリズムを鼓吹するための歌として、「自主独立運動のメカニズム」としての役割を果たした。問題点としては、作詞·作曲家の親日論が巻き起こるに従い、国歌改訂問題の浮上や国歌正統性と象徴性の是非などの議論を重ねてきたということである。思想・文化的には、古来からの韓国固有の「天神思想」を含意しており、朝鮮時代の忠君愛国精神を受け継いだ「儒教思想」のエッセンスが散見される。また、朝鮮時代末期、教会を中心とした独立運動の拡散と共に、作詞家の宗教観が国歌に反映されることにより、「キリスト教思想」が内在化された。韓国の国歌はいわば、儒教社会からキリスト教社会への「宗教・思想のパラダイム転換」→「国歌の思想・文化的特殊性の変化」=唯一神の「父性原理(思想)」をもとにしていると説明できる。 他方、日本の国歌「君が代」は「天皇の国家(時代)」という意味として、英国歩兵隊の軍楽長フェントンが外交儀礼のための国歌制定の必要性を提案することにより、「近代化された文明国家としての天皇制国家の権威」を確保するため作られた。1870年に初の国歌「第一君が代」が作られて以来、1888年にはエッケルト編曲・林広守作曲の「第二君が代」が制定・配布され、1999年に正式に法制化された。 日本の国歌は、「天皇と国民の統合・結束」と「和洋折衷のツール」として和歌が利用され、明治近代国家樹立のための「脱亜入欧と東西合体」のイデオロギーを標榜した「近代文明開花」の役割を担当した。問題点としては、天皇を崇敬し治世を賛美する歌、侵略戦争による東アジア諸国の植民地統治のツールとしての役割、東洋と西洋の不調和による音楽自体の作曲·編曲上の是非、そして、君が代起立斉唱を巡る教育界の反発に直面してきたということが挙げられる。 思想・文化的特徴としては、「和歌文化」を始めとし、神道の思想的根幹である「アニミズム」が投影されているが、このような世界観は、自然における生命の誕生と永続性、精霊・魂の存在などを司る「母性原理(思想)」の特殊性をベースとしていると言えよう。

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