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        부사성의 강화와 부사화

        이숙의(Lee Suk-eui) 어문연구학회 2016 어문연구 Vol.88 No.-

        본고는 ‘부사화’라는 용어의 근본 개념에 충실하며 그동안 부사화로 다뤄진 어휘들이 진정다른품사에서부사로품사가전성되어사용된다고밖에볼수없는것인지에대하여 숙고해 보고자 하였다. 즉 그간 부사화 되었다고 본 어휘들이 타 품사범주에서 부사의 범주로 유입된 것인지, 아니면 원래 부사였을 가능성은 없었던 것인지에 대해 살펴보고자하였다. 여기에서는 부사화 되었다고 보는 어휘들 중 일부가 다른 품사에서 부사로 바뀐것이 아니라 원래부터 부사였을 가능성이 있다는 관점에서 부사화와 부사성 강화를 대조적으로 설명하고자 하였다. 이와 관련하여 먼저 품사분류에 관한 연속적 접근 방식을 통해 명사와 부사 범주 경계의중첩가능성을제시한다. 또두범주의문법적속성을동시에지닌어휘가상황에따라 부각되는문법적속성에의해두범주중하나에속할수있음을기술하고자하였다. 이는 기존의 품사통용에 관한 설명과 유사하다. 그러나 속성의 부각과 활성화를 통해 설명하고자 하였다는 점이 기존의 품사통용에 관한 논의와는 다르다. 그간 단어 형성 관점에서 다뤄졌던 어휘의 품사전성에 관한 논의에 대해 인지언어학적 관점을 도입하여 어근의 부사성 강화를 부사화와 구분함으로써 부사형성에 관한 새로운시각으로 접근하고자하였다. 어근이가진여러문법적 특질의활성화에따른품사성의 부각으로 동일 형태의 다품사성을 설명하는 것은 그간 품사전성이나 통용이라는 개념으로 설명하기 어려웠던 문제를 해결하는 데 새로운 시각을 제시한다는 점에서 의의가 있다. This paper is about ‘the adverbial reinforcement' and ‘the adverbalization'. It tried to investigate some words that were covered as a result of adverbalization for a long time. Especially, topic of this paper began with distinction between adverbalization and adverbial reinforcement. This paper focused on the view of adverbial reinforcement. At the view point of cognitive linguistics and fuzzy grammar theory, word class(category of the part of speech) depends on the other word class. Most categories share the part of intersection. From the concept of ‘continuum approach' of cognitive semantics, boundary of the word class is fuzzy. Moreover each constituents(words) of same class don't have same qualification. Some words are placed on the center of class but some words are placed on the boundary of class. Some of predicative nouns which is referred to Sino-Korean words shows to strong conversion tendency, a word could belong to multi classes. These kinds of predicative nouns are studied as a perspective of adverbalization. However, root of predicative nouns have not only grammatical features of noun but also have features of determiner and adverb. In this paper, the phenomenon that the root of predicative noun which is used as a adverb was not taken as a case of adverbalization, but it was described as the adverbial reinforcement. Until now, the word class(category of the part of speech) was from the point of formation of word. This paper applies the word class(category of the part of speech) at the view point of cognitive linguistics and fuzzy grammar theory. With this new perspective, this paper explains the phenomenon that the root of predicative noun was not taken as a case of adverbalization, but it was described as the adverbial reinforcements. For many years, it had difficulty explaining many parts of speech with the word class(category of the part of speech) and commonly used concepts. This paper is meaningful because it gives new perspective of explaining those concepts in the view point of cognitive linguistics and fuzzy grammar theory.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        국어 용언의 품사 분류에 관한 인지적 접근

        이숙의(Suk-eui, Lee) 어문연구학회 2012 어문연구 Vol.72 No.-

        본고에서는 ‘늙다’와 ‘모자라다’와 같은 품사 경계가 모호한 어휘에 대한 인지 언어학적 의미 해석을 시도하고, 연속적 접근(continuum approach)관점에서의 품사 분류 방법을 논의한다. 따라서 동작 동사와 상태동사의 범주 경계 모호성에 관한 인지적 접근 방법을 통한 품사 분류 관점의 도입을 제안하였다. 구체적 기술을 위한 논의로, 4장에서는 ‘가다, 늙다, 모자라다, 젊다’의 어휘의미와 상표지의 결합 관계에 대해 중점적으로 기술하였다. 이를 통해 연속적 접근방법을 이용하여 범주의 경계에 있는 모호한 어휘의 품사 적용에 대한 타당한 설명을 하고자 시도하였다. 동사와 형용사의 범주에 속하는 구성요소들 사이에는 정도나 등급의 차이가 있는 여러 유형이 있다는 인지언어학적 전제 아래, 과정의미가 없고 시간성과 무관한 어휘라도 탄도체와 지표의 일치에 대한 과정적 인식과 같은 해석이 가능하다면 동사범주에 속한다고 보았다. 본고의 의의는 형태, 의미, 기능의 세 가지 기준에 의한 이분법적 분류만으로는 납득하기 어려운 어휘에 대해 인지적 차원의 연속적 접근 관점으로 품사의 적용에 대한 새로운 해석 방법을 제안한다는 것에 있다. 여기에서는 두 범주에 속하는 네 가지 유형의 어휘에 관한 논의에만 한정하였으나, 상황에 따라 동사와 형용사로 통용이 가능한 다른 유형의 어휘에 관한 의미 분석이나 다른 품사 범주의 경계에 놓인 어휘에 관한 연구의 연장된 논의가 필요하다. The purpose of this paper is examining a predicate class of Korean from cognitive linguistical viewpoint. In prescriptive grammar of Korean, predicate category is divided into two parts, verb and adjective class. Some predicate has properties both verb and adjective at the same time, it is difficult to decide their parts of speech, such as ‘늙-, 모자라-’. Focus of here is on the explaining why a word belongs to the verb or adjective class by analyzing cognitive meaning. For example, ‘모자라-’ does not relate to [process] and [time], but it isn’t an adjective. To categorization, the continuum approach is more useful than the dichotomy approach. The subjects of the analysis are four words. ‘가-’, ‘젊-’ are typical examples of each class, ‘늙-’, ‘모자라-’ are the marginal examples. ‘가-’ is belong to the verb class; this is obvious fact, because the lexical meaning has [process] and related to [time], so it is natural the stem of ‘가-’ can combine with ‘-ㄴ/는-’, ‘-고 있다’ and ‘-어 가다’. However, ‘늙-’ is little different case. [Process] meaning of ‘늙-’ is abstract, but it is related to [time], because the movement of the traject is abstract and the domain of landmark is unclear. From movement of traject, although movement of traject is invisible, ‘늙-’ can combine with ‘-ㄴ/는-’, ‘-고 있다’ and ‘-어 가다’. ‘모자라-’ doesn’t relate to [process] and [time], means [state]. It has no movement of traject in schema. But landmark has standard point. It is a kind of destination (or directing points) where traject proceed to reach. A gap between traject and landmark area relate to change of “degree of lack”, so it become more similar to verb. ‘젊-’ means [state] and [non-time], also there is no standard point inside landmark as ‘모자라-’. A a gap of area between traject and landmark does not relate to change of “degree of young”. In this respect ‘젊-’ is obviously different with ‘모자라-’, and then it can not combine with present or progressive marker.

      • KCI등재

        초대형 선박용 차세대 컨테이너 크레인의 설계기준

        이숙재(SUK-JAE LEE),홍금식(KEUM-SHIK HONG) 한국해양공학회 2004 韓國海洋工學會誌 Vol.18 No.6

        In this paper, the design criteria of future container crane for megaships are investigated. The current loading/unloading capacity of a typical container crane, roughly 30 moves/hr, is too low to meet the requirements of future super containerships, which are expected over 15,000 TEU. After examining the transition of containerships through the years and studying the research trend in developed countries, the specifications of the container crane that can meet a 15,000 TEU containership are proposed. The structure, trolley and hoist mechanism, outreach, backreach, capacity, speeds, durability, and stability of the future container crane are described.

      • KCI등재

        『우란분경(盂蘭盆經)』의 성립과 우란분재(盂蘭盆齋)

        이숙현 ( Lee Suk-hyeon ) 충남대학교 유학연구소 2018 儒學硏究 Vol.44 No.-

        『우란분경』은 현재 원전이 존재하지 않고, 유교의 효사상(孝思想)과 도교의 삼원사상(三元思想)이 습합되어 중국에서 만들어진 위경(僞經)으로 분류된다. 그러나, 『마하바라타(Mahabharata)』와 『Petavatthu(餓鬼事經)』에 추선회향(追善回向)의 개념이 등장하고 있고, 효(孝) 사상 또한 초기경전에서 나타나고 있음을 근거로 『우란분경』의 형성 과정 속에서 인도의 고대 문헌과 초기경전이 중요한 모티브가 되었다고 추측된다. 한편 필자는, 지승(智昇)의 『개원석교록(開元釋敎錄)』, 석법경(釋法經)의 『중경목록(衆經目錄)』, 종밀(宗密)의 『불설우란분경소(佛說盂蘭盆經疎)』등에서는 『우란분경(盂蘭盆經)』과 『봉분경(奉盆經)』을 동본이역(同本異譯)으로 기술하고 있다는 점에 주목하여 그 내용을 비교해 보았다. 그 결과 몇 가지의 차이점이 발견되었는데, 그것은 조상천도에 미치는 승려의 위신력(威神力)이 승려 개개인의 위신력에서 승려 계층 전체의 위신력으로 확대되었다는 점과 선대의 조상 뿐만 아니라 생존해 계신 부모님에 대한 효를 강조하는 점이 추가 되었다는 것이다. 이러한 사실로 유추해 보건대, 『봉분경』의 내용을 바탕으로 위의 차이점들을 새롭게 추가하여 『우란분경』이 형성되었다고 판단된다. 동아시아 주요 불교문화권 국가들의 우란분재 연원과 설행모습의 비교 분석은 조상천도 위주로 시행되었던 한국의 우란분재를 『우란분경』의 핵심 내용인 효를 실천하고 승보를 공양하는 본연의 모습을 되살리는 단초가 되었다. 끝으로 미래의 한국 사회에서 우란분재가 바람직한 모습으로 활발히 전승되기 위한 방안으로 첫째, 자자일의 대중화, 둘째, 어버이에 대한 효도 실천, 셋째, 어려운 이웃 돕기, 넷째, 승보 공양의 전통 되살리기 등을 제시하였다. Ullambana Sutra or Yulanpenjin(盂蘭盆經) is considered as a Chinese apocryphal since there is no Sanskrit extant and it shows thoughts of Confucianism and Taoism. It is known from Mahabharata and Petavatthu that in ancient India memorial services were held for their suffering ancestors. Ullambana Sutra was edited in China with the motive of this ancient Indic idea in combination with Confucian filial duty and Taoistic Sanyuansixiang(三元思想). Ullambana Ritual based on Ullambana Sutra was observed with enthusiasm, meeting the political purpose of Chinese royal family and the needs of Chinese society with filial duty and ancestor worship, and the sutra was circulated in popularity. In this study, I compared Ullambana Sutra and Fengpenjing which are from the same sanskrit original but different translations according to Kaiyuan shijialu(開元釋敎錄), Zhongjing mulu(衆經目錄), and Foshuo Yulanpenjingshu(佛說盂蘭盆經疎). As a result, two major differences were found: the monk’s power of prestige influencing ancestor relocation was expanded from the individual level to the whole class of priesthood; the filial duty toward the living parents was added to that of the deceased ancestors. Based on these facts, I assume Ullambana Sutra was edited adding these developments to the base of Fengpenjing. Then, I investigated the origin and the current features of Ullambana Rituals in major Southeast Asian countries and China. In conclusion, I suggest the active succession of Ullambana Ritual since it will bring many desirable features in the future Korean society: fulfilling one’s filial duty to the parents, helping neighbors in need, and revitalizing tradition of offerings to the Jewel of Sangha.

      • KCI등재

        3 차 의료기관 외래진료에 있어 One Stop service 도입의 효과

        이숙연(Suk Yeon Lee),장성구(Sung Goo Chang) 한국병원경영학회 2001 병원경영학회지 Vol.6 No.2

        This study has been conducted, on the reservation of specific examinations during seven months starting from June 1999 and ending December as the GroupⅠ for these of one stop service and as the GroupⅡ for those of existing direct reservation made by patients or patrons, to understand the differences between the two groups. The survey was extended to the patients visiting specific departments of K hospital with sample sizes of 154 for the GroupⅠ and 155 for the GroupⅡ. The findings of the survey are as follows : First, as the general characteristics of the sample, male patients account for 67% of the total and female patients 33%, with the former twice as large as the latter. The average age of the patients is 51, indicating relatively high level. By the geographical area of residence, metropolitan area is 80.7% and the other area 19.3%, showing most of the patients are from metropolitan area. The general characteristics do not have statistical significance between the GroupⅠ and the GroupⅡ(p>0.05). Second, regarding the ratio by the number of examinations, the GroupⅠ shows 37.0% for one examination and 63.0% for two examinations, while the GroupⅡ indicates 30.3%% for one examination and 69.7% for two examinations. The populations by the number of examinations do not have statistical difference between the two Groups (p>0.05). Third, regarding the time required for the reservation of examinations by the number of examinations, the GroupⅠ shows 9.8 minutes for one examination and 19.8 minutes for two examinations, with the average of 16.1 minutes. The GroupⅡ indicates 19 minutes for one examinations and 25.7 minutes for two examinations, with the average of 23.7 minutes. Though the time required for the reservation by the number of examinations do not have statistical significance, the time required for the GroupⅠ was shortened. Fourth, regarding the time required for the reservation of examinations by the age rage of patients, the GroupⅠ shows 21.7 minutes for 70-79 years of age, 17.5 minutes for 60-69 years of age, and 15.2 minutes for 30-39 years of age. The GroupⅡ indicates 27.2 minutes for 70-79 years of age, 26.3 minutes for 60-69 years of age, 24.4 minutes for 50-59 years of age, and 22.4 minutes for 30-39 years of age. The time required for the reservation gets longer as the age range moves up, and has statistical significance (p<0.05). Fifth, regarding the ratio by the range of time of required for reservation , the GroupⅠ shows 41.6% for 11-20 minutes, and 38.3% for 1-10 minutes, while the GroupⅡ indicates 43.9% for 11-20 minutes, 29% for 21-30 minutes, and 14.2% for 31-40 minutes. Statistical significance is revealed (p=0.001). Sixth, concerning the length of movement course by the number of examinations, the GroupⅠ shows 37 meters regardless of the number of examinations. The GroupⅡ indicates an average of 199 meters for one examination and 189 meters for two examinations, with the difference 151 meters between the Groups, and representing statistical significance (p=0.001). Based on the above findings, one-stop service contributes to the reduction of both the time and the movement course and therefore is considered to be beneficial to the patients, and the improve the efficiency of the hospitals in terms of the space and the time.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 의미역 인식을 위한 서술성 명사의 자동처리 연구

        이숙의(Lee, Suk-eui),임수종(Lim, Soo-jong) 한국어학회 2018 한국어학 Vol.80 No.-

        This paper proposed a method of semantic recognition to improve the extraction of correct answers of the Q&A system through machine learning. For this purpose, the semantic recognition method is described based on the distribution of predicative nouns. Predicative noun vocabularies and sentences were collected from Wikipedia documents. The predicative nouns are typed by analyzing the environment in which the predicative nouns appear in sentences. This paper proposes a semantic recognition method of predicative nouns to which rules can be applied. In Chapter 2, previous studies on predicative nouns were reviewed. Chapter 3 explains how predicative nouns are distributed. In this paper, every predicative nouns that can not be processed by rules are excluded, therefore, the predicative nouns noun forms combined with the case marker ‘의’ were excluded. In Chapter 4, we extracted 728 sentences composed of 10,575 words from Wikipedia. A semantic analysis engine tool of ETRI was used and presented a predicative nouns noun that can be handled semantic recognition language.

      • KCI등재

        유치원과 방문학습지 교사의 직무만족도 연구

        이숙연(Lee Suk-Yeon),서영숙(Suh Young-Sook),황은숙(Hwang Eun-Soog) 한국유아교육·보육복지학회 2005 유아교육·보육복지연구 Vol.9 No.2

          The purpose of this study was to examine job satisfaction of preschool teachers and those who visit houses to teach infants in relation to Maslow"s need hierarchy theory, motivation theory. And this study examined if there was any difference in job satisfactions according to reachers" background variables to find out the desire having the most effect on job satisfaction, to let teachers know what meaning their job had, and to present basic data for their positive perspective of teaching activities.<BR>  This study was conducted with 302 incumbent preschool teachers and those who visit houses to teach infants and revised and supplemented the job satisfaction test used in prior studies into the questionnaire composed of 44 questions of the equable seale, 13questions for preschool teachers, and 16 for those who visit horses to teach infants to examine general properties, with Cronbach , the reliability coefficient, of.73,.84,.74,.83,.65, and .72.<BR>  To compare job satisfactions of preschool teachers and those who visit houses to teach infants, t-test was performed on the average of job satisfactions of the two groups. And t-test, One-way ;ANOVA, Duncan"s Multiple Range Test were conducted to examine the difference in job satisfactions by teachers" background variables.<BR>  The results of this study can be summarized as follows :<BR>  First, there was a significant difference according to the area in job satisfactions between preschool teachers and those who visit houses to teach infants : the former showed high job satisfaction than the latter in the social needs and self-realization needs : both of the groups had job dissatisfaction in the physiological needs and safety needs.<BR>  Second, according to background variables, high job satisfaction of both groups was related to married group, major in preschool education, older teachers, more academic career, more teaching years, more income, less number of member children, and the group with more training.   본 연구는 유치원 교사와 방문학습지 교사의 직무만족도를 동기부여 이론인 Maslow의 욕구단계와 관련하여 교사의 사회인구 통계학적 배경변인에 따라 직무만족도에 차이가 있는지를 조사하고, 직무만족도에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 욕구가 무엇이며, 교사로 하여금 자신이 하고 있는 일에 대한 의미부여와 교수 활동에 관한 어떤 관점을 확고히 하는데 도움을 주기 위한 기초 자료를 제시하는 것이다. 유치원 교사의 직무만족도 연구에서 밝혀진 결과를 보면 유치원 교사는 사회적 욕구와 자아실현 욕구에서 방문교사보다 높은 직무만족도를 보였고, 두 집단 모두 안전의 욕구와 생리적 욕구에서는 만족도가 낮게 나타났지만, 존경의 욕구에서는 가장 높은 직무만족도를 나타냈다. 배경원인별 직무만족도는 기혼인 교사, 유아교육 전공자, 연령이 많을수록, 학력이 높을수록, 근무 년 수가 많을수록, 수입이 많을수록, 담당 아동 수가 적을수록 직무만족 도가 높은 것으로 나타났다.<BR>  이러한 결과를 볼 때 욕구단계별 직무만족은 교사의 배경 원인에 따라 보면 차이를 보이는 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        문어 텍스트와 구어 텍스트의 담화 표지와 텍스트 구조 비교 연구

        이숙의(Suk-eui Lee),김진수(Jin-soo Kim) 어문연구학회 2008 어문연구 Vol.56 No.-

        This study is focused on the comparative analyzing between the literary expression and the oral expression, but those two texts belongs to same prototype. One of the research material of this study is Oakdanchoonjeon which is a Korean classical novel, the other is a Lee Hyunryong and Kim Jinhoi which is an oral narration of Oakdanchoonjeon. Firstly discourse markers of two texts were compared. Most of cohesive devices in Oakdanchoonjeon are grammatical, logical and semantical binders. However, in Lee Hyunryong and Kim Jinhoi, pragmatical and internal binders are remarkable, like "ah, in-ja, mak". Secondly, each text structure was analyzed and compared. On the case of literal text, it was focused on the success story of Lee Hyunryong. On the contrary, in the oral text, it was focused on the love story between Oakdanchoon and Lee Hyunryong. It shows that a text structure of oral text can be changed by speaker"s focusing, narrative place and time. Also discourse markers are related to the episodes, it functioned as a cohesive device between episodes. Especially, using discourse markers was remarkable in oral text.

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