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      • KCI등재

        디자인 대학원 작품논문 표절방지를 위한 교육 체계 및 콘텐츠 개발

        김지인(Kim, Ji In),박혜신(Park, Hye Sin),서인숙(Seo, Ihn Sook) 한국디지털디자인협의회 2015 디지털디자인학연구 Vol.15 No.3

        연구윤리에 대한 인식이 높아지면서 연구윤리 교육이 확산추세에 있다. 그러나 현재의 연구윤리 교육은 단발성 특강형의 교육 중심으로 실행되고 있으며, 학과 특성에 적합한 교육 체계가 미비하다는 점에서 한계를 가지고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 디자인 석사학위 과정에 있는 학생의 논문 지도에 있어 표절을 미연에 방지할 수 있는 연구윤리 교육체계를 구축하되 특히 예술계에서만 존재하는 작품논문이라는 형식에 적합한 교육체계를 구축하기 위한 목적으로 이루어졌다. 연구는 디자인학부 석사학위 과정학생 10명을 대상으로 총 17개월 걸친 참여관찰을 통해 이루어졌으며 연구윤리 교육 콘텐츠의 제작, 교육 및 자료수집, 교육 결과의 피드백 및 기존 콘텐츠의 수정보완, 수정 보완 된 콘텐츠를 적용한 연구 시행, 결과 분석 총 5단계에 걸쳐 단계적으로 이루어졌다. 각각의 단계에서는 교육을 통한 콘텐츠 활용도 검증, 심층면접을 통한 연구 결과의 학계검증, 연구윤리 교육 참여자들의 논문 작성 및 표절률 검사라는 객관적 검증 장치를 두었다. 연구 과정에서 학술연구윤리 교육 콘텐츠, 디자인 연구윤리 교육 콘텐츠 두 종류의 교육 콘텐츠가 개발되었으며 논문리스트 작성노트, 디자인 연구노트, 인용연습노트 총 3개의 활용 콘텐츠가 개발되었다. 결과적으로 연구주제의 구체화 과정에서 논문리스트 작성노트를 활용한 논문 주제 독창성 검증, 논문 텍스트 작성 과정에서 인용노트 활용을 통한 인용 관련 표절여부 검증 및 디자인 연구노트 활용을 통한 작품 표절여부 검증, 최종적으로 카피검사 시스템 활용을 통한 정량적 표절률 검사의 3단계에 걸친 작품논문의 표절 예방 검증 교육체계가 구축되었다. With the growing awareness of research ethics, the education for it is being disseminated. However, it is having a limitation given that the current education of research ethics is centered on special lectures in short-term period, and department-specific educational system is lack. In respect of teaching students about thesis in graduate school, this study aims to establish an educational system to prevent plagiarism in advance, matching the environment where there is thesis portfolio for graduation only in art school. The research has been conducted with ten graduate school students in design department for 17 months in total through participatory observation, and is consisted of five stages: making educational contents of research ethics, collecting data, giving feedback of the education and evaluating or revising existing contents, conducting a research after applying the correction, and analyzing the result. We put objective verification tools at each stage such as verification of contents utilization through education, academic verification of the research result through in-depth interview, and inspection of thesis portfolio production and plagiarism rate by educational participants in research ethics. In the process of the research, educational contents of academic research and design research ethics were developed and three kinds of utilization contents, thesis list-writing note, design research note, and reference note, were made. As a result, it has become to set up three phases of plagiarism prevention measures: verifying creativity of thesis subject by utilizing thesis list-writing note in the embodiment process, verifying plagiarism relating to reference and artwork by utilizing reference note and design research note in the process of making thesis artwork, and verifying quantitatively through copy inspection system.

      • KCI등재

        뇨 성분에서의 염소 소독부산물 생성 특성

        서인숙(In Sook Seo),손희종(Hee Jong Son),안욱성(Wook Sung Ahn),유선재(Sun Jae You),배상대(Sang Dae Bae) 大韓環境工學會 2008 대한환경공학회지 Vol.30 No.3

        7종의 뇨 성분에서의 염소 소독부산물 생성 특성을 조사한 결과, kynurenine, indole 및 uracil에서 단위 DOC당 염소 소독부산물 생성능이 비교적 높게 나타났다. Kynurenine, indole 및 uracil에 대해 Br- 첨가 유무에 따른 THMs/DOC를 조사한 결과, Kynurenine은 Br-를 첨가하지 않은 경우, THMs/DOC가 86.9 μg/mg으로 나타났으며, Br-를 첨가하였을 경우는 THMs/DOC는 100.8 μg/mg으로 Br-를 첨가하지 않은 경우보다 높게 나타나고 있다. Indole의 경우도 Br-를 첨가하지 않은 경우 보다 Br-을 첨가한 경우에 THMs/DOC가 6.58 μg/mg에서 31.4 μg/mg 정도로 높아지는 것으로 조사되었다. 또한, HAAs/DOC를 조사한 결과에서도 kynurenine에서 가장 높은 생성능을 보이고 있으며, 다음으로 uracil과 indole 순으로 조사되었다. 특히, THMs의 경우와는 반대로 kynurenine과 indole에서 Br-이 첨가된 경우 HAAs/DOC가 현저히 감소되는 것으로 나타나고 있다. Br-를 첨가하지 않은 경우에 kynurenine과 indole에서는 생성된 HAAs의 대부분을 TCAA가 차지하고 있는 것으로 나타났으나, uracil의 경우는 DCAA의 생성능이 높은 것으로 나타났다. Br- 첨가 유무에 따른 HANs/DOC를 조사한 결과에서는 kynurenine에서의 생성능이 가장 높았고, 대부분이 DCAN으로 나타났으며, Uracil의 경우에는 염소처리에 의해 HAN은 생성되지 않았다. 또한, CH/DOC 조사결과에서는 kynurenine과 indole에서는 낮은 생성능을 보인 반면, uracil의 경우 CH/DOC가 Br-를 첨가하지 않은 시료에서는 1,270 μg/mg, Br-를 첨가한 시료에서는 1,027 μg/mg으로 나타나 매우 높은 반응성을 나타내고 있다. Kynurenine, indole 및 uracil에 대해 Br- 첨가 유무에 따른 THMs과 HAAs 생성능 변화를 살펴본 결과, kynurenine과 indole의 경우는 Br-가 첨가되었을 경우 THMs/DOC가 높아지는 것으로 나타나고 있다. Kynurenine은 Br-가 첨가되었을 경우 THMs/DOC가 큰 폭으로 증가한 것이라기보다는 HAAs/DOC가 감소되어 Br- 첨가에 따라 THMs/DOC가 큰 것으로 나타났으며, indole의 경우는 kynurenine과는 반대로 THMs/DOC가 증가하여 나타난 결과이다. This study was conducted to analyze and determine the formation potential of chlorination DBPs from seven urinary compounds with or without Br-. Three of seven components were kynurenine, indole and uracil that were relatively shown high the formation potential of chlorination DBPs concentrations. The reported results of THMs/DOC with or without Br- in kynurenine showed that THMs/DOC was detected 86.9 μg/mg when Br- was not added, and THMs/DOC was detected 100.8 μg/mg when Br- was presented. In indole, THMs/DOC was increased from 6.58 μg/mg to 31.4 μg/mg when Br- was added. Moreover, among them, the highest, second- highest and third-highest HAAs/DOC were shown in kynurenine, uracil and indole respectively. Specially, HAAs/DOC was significantly deceased in kynurenine and indole when Br- was presented. This was a totally different phenomenon for THMs/DOC. TCAA was dominated in HAAs for kynurenine and indole, and DCAA was also dominated in HAAs for uracil. The highest formation of HANs/ DOC was shown in kynurenine whether or not Br- presented, and DCAN was predominant in HANs. HANs was not formed by chlorination in uracil. In addition, the formation of CH/DOC was relatively low in kynurenine and indole. The formation of CH/DOC was specially high(1,270 μg/mg) in uracil when Br- was not added. The formation of CH/DOC was 1,027 μg/mg in uracil when Br- was added. The formations of THMs and HAAs were also investigated in kynurenine, indole and uracil when Br- was presented or not. The formation of THMs/DOC was higher in kynurenine and indole when Br- was presented. The formation of HAAs/DOC was reduced in kynurenine when Br- was added. The result could be attributed to higher formation of THMs/DOC in kynurenine when Br- was added. The formation of HAAs/DOC was also reduced in indole when Br- was added. To the contrary, this result was not attributed to higher formation of THMs/DOC in indole when Br- was added.

      • 어린이놀이터 바닥재 오염도 평가 연구

        서인숙(In Sook SEO),김종보(Jong Bo KIM),김태현(Tae Hyun KIM),김은아(Eun Ah KIM),한현수(Hyun Soo HAN),안욱성(Wook Sung AHN),이명규(Myung Gyu LEE),유선재(Sun Jae YOU) 한국생태공학회 2012 한국생태공학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        This study was performed to measure pH, heavy metals, volatile organic compounds(VOCs) and parasites and to evaluate the pollution level in sands and rubber flooring materials of children’s playgrounds. The samples of sands and rubber flooring materials were collected from 45 and 15 different sampling sites in Gyeonggi-do respectively. pH in sands ranged from 6.4 to 7.4. Average concentrations of heavy metals in sands were Cd 0.705 mg/kg, Hg 0.011 mg/kg, As 2.467 mg/kg, Pb 9.814 mg/kg, Cu 3.633 mg/kg, Ni 9.601 mg/kg and Zn 23.445 mg/kg. Cr6+ and parasites in sands were not detected. All the average concentrations were found to be lower than the standard of soil pollution. VOCs in sands and rubber flooring materials were not detected. Average concentrations of heavy metals in rubber flooring materials were Zn 16,978.13 mg/kg, Cu 159.90 mg/kg, Pb 90.51 mg/kg, Ni 6.47 mg/kg, As 4.50 mg/kg, Cd 1.91 mg/kg, Cr6+ 0.57 mg/kg, Hg 0.44 mg/kg. The average SPS(soil pollution score) was 42.9 and the SPC(Soil Pollution Class) was 1st grade. Therefore soil quality of most of children’s playgrounds investigated indicated healthy state.

      • 우리나라 토양 중 바륨 및 크롬의 존재형태

        이명규(Myung Gyu LEE),김선택(Sun teak KIM),김현구(Hyun Goo KIM),안욱성(Wook Sung AHN),최기인(Ki In CHOI),최철호(Zel Ho CHOI),구상만(Sang Man Koo),서인숙(In Sook SEO) 한국생태공학회 2014 한국생태공학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        This study was performed to investigate background levels of barium (Ba), chromium (Cr) in Korean geological units. Also, the BCR sequential extraction method was conducted to identify chemical distribution of those compounds in Korean geological units and the simple bioavailability extraction test (SBET) was conducted to evaluate bioaccessibility. The soil samples taken from 17 sites were analyzed to survey background levels. The average concentrations and ranges for metals are as follows; Ba: 74.20 (23.25 ~ 171.28), Cr: 26.48 (6.74 ~ 75.89) mg/kg. The BCR sequential extraction method was conducted to identify chemical distributional existence of 2 elements of soils from each geological unit. Cr in soils mainly exist as residual form. However, in case of Ba, ion exchangeble and reducible form were relatively high compared with other metals. SBET bioaccessibility of metals were in the order of Ba (47.6%), Cr (0.8%). The results of speciations, and bioaccessibilities of metals in this study can be used to provide a fundamental data to set soil pollution standards and to evaluate the soil contamination level.

      • KCI등재

        이창동 영화 탐구

        서인숙(In-sook Seo) 한국콘텐츠학회 2013 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.13 No.9

        이 논문은 〈초록물고기〉, 〈박하사탕〉, 〈오아시스〉을 중심으로 이창동의 영화세계를 탐구하려고 한다. 〈초록물고기〉, 〈박하사탕〉, 〈오아시스〉, 세 작품 모두 사회현실에 역동적으로 반응하는 인물의 내면세계를 영화의 중심에 놓으면서 주인공과의 감정적 동일화를 통한 연민을 기반으로 정서적, 감성적 유대감을 촉발시킨다는 공통점을 지닌다. 이때 〈초록물고기〉와 〈박하사탕〉은 주인공의 내면묘사에 있어서 객관적 리얼리티에 충실한 사실성과 함께 리얼리즘에서 이탈하는 과잉의 비극성을 보인다. 〈오아시스.〉는 주관적 내면을 형상화하는데 있어서 환상성이 교차하며 현실과 환상이 뒤섞인다. 이러한 탐구 과정에는 인물의 내면을 매개로하는 리얼리즘적 비판정신, 리얼리즘 양식에 균열을 가하는 탈-리얼리즘 기법, 그리고 정신분석학적 측면에서의 스크린의 환상작용을 토대로 논의 될 것이다. This paper will study on the films of Chang-dong Lee, focused on 〈Green Fish〉, 〈Peppermint Candy〉, 〈Oasis〉.These films concentrate on the internal mind of hero and heroine who react actively to social reality around their environment. Also these films share another common thing which retain to strong emotional tie with spectator, based on the sympathy through the identification of hero. 〈Green Fish〉, 〈 Peppermint Candy〉 〈Oasis〉 represent to the mixture of realism and de-realism.. Specially 〈Oasis〉 shows the mixture of the realism and fantasy. This Quest for the films of Chang-dong Lee will include discussion of a critical attitude from realism, discussion of de-realism factors, and study of screen fantasy from the respective of psychoanalysis.

      • KCI등재

        악취 Sampling Bag의 황 화합물질 안정성 연구

        최윤호 ( Yun-ho Choi ),이종길 ( Jong-gil Yi ),장은아 ( Eun-ah Jang ),김종보 ( Jong-bo Kim ),서인숙 ( In-sook Seo ),배용수 ( Yong-soo Bae ),김태화 ( Tae-hwa Kim ),김종수 ( Jong-su Kim ) 한국환경분석학회 2017 환경분석과 독성보건 Vol.20 No.3

        In this study, stability of 4 sulfur compounds (H<sub>2</sub>S, CH<sub>3</sub>SH, DMS, and DMDS) was investigated for up to 96 h (at 6, 12, 24, 48, 72, and 96 h time points). For these experiments, each sulfur standard was prepared at 10 nmol/mol in a 10 L sampling bag (Teldlar bag). To investigate the stability of the sulfur compounds, regression analysis was applied to the data obtained by the concentration reduction over time at the 95% confidence level. According to regression analysis, the concentration of sulfur compounds in 48 h had statistically significant difference (P-value < 0.05) from stability of 4 sulfur compounds (H<sub>2</sub>S, CH<sub>3</sub>SH, DMS, and DMDS). The results also indicated that the heavy sulfur compounds (DMS and DMDS) tend to show more rapid concentration reduction than lighter sulfur compounds (H<sub>2</sub>S and CH<sub>3</sub>SH). This study can be used to improve the reliability of analysis by judging quantitative concentrations of sulfur compounds when controlling odor-polluted areas.

      • KCI등재

        여성 섹슈얼리티에 담긴 정치적 의미에 대한 재 고찰

        서인숙(In Sook Seo) 한국영화학회 2002 영화연구 Vol.- No.19

        This thesis will rewrite and reconsider the thesis, "Political Meaning of Woman Sexuality" which I has written for Korean Film Critic journal in 1998. For this, I analyse again very specifically the discourse of narrative and the visual style of film, ''women's Supper" directed by Sang-soo Im. At the same time, I will discuss the view of other Korean women film critics about this film and offer a critical view toward other women film critiques. Through this analysis, I will try to discover woman's identity and woman's dicourse about female sexuality from this film. Psychoanalysis and Foucault's theory will offer the basis supporting for my analysis of this film.

      • KCI등재

        임권택 감독의 영화스타일 연구

        서인숙 ( In Sook Seo ) 한국드라마학회 2011 드라마연구 Vol.- No.34

        This thesis will focus on the discussion about the cinematic style and form of Im Kwon-taek who is estimated as a representative Korean film director because of his national cinematic characteristics. Accordingly, this is about what kind of visual style Im director chooses, narrating in Korean tradition and circumstance. The academic study on the stylistic characteristics of Im` films have been dealt with much less than that of the his film narrative. Its not exaggerating to say that the study on Im` film style have never been dealt seriously by academic scholar. So Im` film style will be compared with other film directors such as Misoguchi Gengy, Hou Shaociowen, Teodor Angelopulos, who are very famous directors as longtake stylists far from Hollywood classical style. This approach will figure out the similarities and differences of Im` film style with those of the other directors. This study will help to understand whether the Korean film style is possible or not through the discuss about the cinematic style of Im director. 이 논문에서는 한국적이고 민족적이라고 평가 받는 임 감독 영화의 스타일적 양식과 특성에 대해 집중적으로 논의하려고 한다. 한국적 전통과 소재를 서사화하는데 있어서 어떠한 시각적 양식을 임 감독은 채택하고 있는지가 논의의 중심 대상이 될 것이다. 임 감독 영화의 한국적 내러티브에 대한 관심과 집중에 비해 그의 스타일적 양식에 대한 탐구와 진지한 성찰이 상대적으로 소홀히 다루어진 측면이 있다. 다른 감독들과는 차별화되는 임 감독 고유의 영화 스타일이 존재하는지, 있다면 그 스타일적 특성은 무엇인지, 그리고 이것이 과연 한국적 영화스타일로 평가될 수 있는지가 탐구의 대상이다. 더불어 서구에서 개발된 영화 미학이 임 감독의 영화에는 어떤 모습으로 투영되어 있는지, 그리고 아시아권이나 동구권처럼 비-할리우드 지역의 감독들의 영화 미학과는 어떤 유사성과 차별성을 지니는지 등을 검토할 것이다. 이러한 검토는 임 감독 고유의 시각적 스타일뿐만 아니라 한국적 영화 스일에 대한 진지한 성찰의 기회가 될 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        영화교육 및 교직과정 연구

        서인숙(Seo In Sook) 한국영화학회 2004 영화연구 Vol.0 No.24

        This study deals with film education at elementary/middle/high school and film educator course for film education managed by film department of university. This year is the first year beginning for film education at elementary/middle/high school. So this thesis focuses on basic concepts for purpose and characteristics of film education and furthermore educational effect of film education for the kids and teenagers through this year. Besides this, it studies and researches not only the present situation but also problem for the course of film educator in film department of university. The main problem for film educator course is that prospective film educator should learn both of theatre and film major. To solve problem involved with film educator course must be separation of theater and film, Without separation of theatre and film course, it is possibility that several ilm educators cannot be credible as a capable film teacher.

      • KCI등재후보

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