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      • KCI등재

        노인 게이트볼 동호회와 Goffman의 상호작용 의례

        박선영(Park, Seon-Young),임수원(Lim, Soo-Woen),이혁기(Lee, Hyuck-Gi) 한국사회체육학회 2015 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.62

        The purpose of this research is to investigate ritual order and the self-image of elderly gate ball club which is based on the interaction ritual point of view suggested in depth by Goffman. The case study, was adopted to research it. 10 study participants have been selected in the “K gate ball club” who were living in D-city using the purposeful sampling which is one of the nonprobability sampling methods. Collection of research was carried out through partícipant observátion, interview and related data collection. Analysis of text have carried into effect with the collected data. Here are some of the details. First, The ritual order that appears to the elderly gate ball club can be understood as physical order, structural order and emotional order. First of all, physical order in the club is shown to the fee payment and possessing equipment. A structural order appears to order of the flag bearer, order of athletic performance by their own ability and the position in the game. Emotional order was separated by long-term resources related to former job before a retirement and mutual respect for each other. This official or implicit ritual order was being reproduced through mutual respect among the club members. Second, The complex self image of the club member reformed by this can be followed as self image of ‘learning’ : I can do it., self image of ‘the youth’ : I am still young., ‘self-reliant’ image : I am a self-reliant person., and self image of ‘independence’.

      • KCI등재

        근대계몽기 여성교육용 독본과 가치 혼재 양상

        박선영 ( Seon Young Park ) 한국현대문예비평학회 2013 한국문예비평연구 Vol.- No.42

        본 논문은 근대계몽기의 대표적인 여성용 교과서인『초등여학독본(初等女學讀本)』(1908)을 대상으로 20세기 초 여성교육 교재에 나타난가치혼재 양상을 살펴보았다. 이 책은 1권 1책의 초등여학교 1학년용 한문·국문 교육용 책자이다. 저자는 이원긍이고 발행자는 변영중이며 민간에서 사용했으리라 추정된다. ‘독본’이라는 제목에서 알 수 있듯 읽기와 쓰기 학습용 교과서의 특성과 수신규범의 학습내용이 결합되어 있다. 기본적인 체제는 명륜(明倫), 입교(立敎), 여행(女行), 전심(專心), 사부모(事父母), 사부(事夫), 사구고(事舅姑), 화자매(和姉妹)의 전 8장 51 과이다. 구성의 특징을 보면 각 장 아래 묶인 여러 과들은 본문을 포괄하는 제목 아래 비슷한 내용을 반복 학습하도록 되어 내용습득의 효율성을 고려하고 있다. 주제와 내용의 연계성을 고려한 편제는 대단원을 설정하고 그 아래 소단원을 둔 현재의 교과서 구성처럼 체계적이다. 전권에 걸쳐 한문 문장을 세로로 쓰고 현토하였으며 그 좌측에 세로쓰기의 순국문 번역을 병기해 놓았다. 한문으로 된 원문을 앞에 제시하고 본문에 대한 국문 해석을 달아 놓은 형식은 한문과 국문의 동시 교차 학습에 도움을 준다. 대체로 ‘주 한글 종 한문’ 방식으로 쓰여 한글을 주로 사용하는 여성들에게 ‘국한문의 리터러시(Literacy)’ 능력을 획득하게 할목적을 갖는다. 내용의 특징으로는 조선조 여성교육을 위해 널리 쓰인 소혜황후의 『내훈(內訓)』과 유사하여 전통적인 가족관계 내에서의 가족질서 존중, 겸양, 예절, 순종 등을 여성의 기본적인 덕목으로 내세운다. 그러나 남녀의 권리가 같다는 점이나 여성의 독립성, 또는 학문의 필요성을 역설하고 있어 여성의 교육과 계몽을 통해 국가위기 상황을 타개하려는 20세기 초반의 가치관이 뚜렷하다. 한편 당시 유행하던 현모양처 담론에 따라 가정 내 여성의 역할이 남성의 역할만큼 중요하다고 강조하고 여성의 역할수행에 따라 가정의 화목과 국가의 초석이 마련된다고 역설한다. 본서의 내용을 통해 당시 여성교육이 지향하고자 했던 목표와 내용, 자기수행의 구체적인 측면을 알 수 있다. 『초등여학독본』은 새로운 평등사상과 새로운 이념, 가족관계에 있어서 새로운 인식을 반영하고 있으면서 다른 한편으로는 기존의 전통적 관념과 규범을 견지하는 등 매우 다층적 성격을 드러낸다. 본서는 신구가치관의 혼재와 윤리 기준의 혼란 속에서 점차 한걸음씩 앞으로 나아가던 개화기 신교육 운동의 일면을 보여준다. This study set out to investigate the patterns of mixed values in teaching materials for women during the modern enlightenment period with『Cho-Deung Yeohak Dokbon』(1908), a textbook for women in the early 20th century. The one-volume Chinese writing textbook for girls in the first grade in elementary school was written by Lee, Won-keoung and published by Beon, Young-joong. It is estimated to have been used among civilians. As the word "Dokbon" in the title indicates, the textbook is a combination of the features unique to textbooks for both reading and writing study and the learning content of moral training norms. It consists of eight chapters and 51 sections. As for organizational characteristics, several sections in each chapter are organized in a way to promote the repeated study of similar contents under the same title, which reflects the author`s consideration of efficiency of content acquirement. The original texts in Chinese are accompanied by interpretations in Korean, which format helps with cross-study between Chinese and Korean. The "principal Korean, auxiliary Chinese" format was intended to help women, who usually used Hangul, obtain "literacy both in Korean and Chinese." As for content characteristics, the textbook is very similar to『Nae-hun』, which used to be widely used for women`s education during Joseon, presenting respect for the family order, humility, courtesy, and obedience within the traditional family relationships as the basic virtues for women. At the same time, the textbook puts an emphasis on equality between man and woman, independence of women, and need for study, thus clearly demonstrating the values of the early 20th century to overcome the national crises through the educational enlightenment of women. The parts stressing equality between man and woman and the social roles of women are supported by the Christian ideology. The textbook also teaches that when women play their proper roles, they can contribute to the harmony of the family and the foundation of the nation according to the discourse of a wise mother and good wife in vogue those days.『Cho-Deung Yeohak Dokbon』illustrates an aspect of New Educational Movement, which made gradual progress in the mixed presence of old and new values and the confusion of social ethics, during the enlightenment period.

      • KCI등재

        환경변화에 따른 꺽지 ( Coreoperca herzi ) 젖산수소이탈효소 동위효소의 적응상

        박선영,염정주 ( Seon Young Park,Jung Joo Yum ) 한국환경생물학회 1995 환경생물 : 환경생물학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        Lactate dehydrogenase(EC Lactate dehydrogenase: LDH) in the tissues of Coreoperca herzi was studied on the expression of Ldh-A, B, and C by environmental factors according to the seasonal changes. The water temperature varied from 1 to 24 1, the pH range was 5.6 to 9.0. and the level of dissolved oxygen was 8.4 to 17.5㎎/ℓ. The activity of LDH had the differences in tissues. It showed higher activity in skeletal muscle and heart and lower activity in kidney, eye. brain, and liver. The relative activity of subunit A and B was affected by the pH range and the level of dissolved oxygen. It was showed that the kind of subunits had the difference on the tissue specificity. The relative activity of homotetrameric isozymes was higher than that of heterotetramers in each tissue. The relative activity of heterotetrameric isozymes was followed A_2B_2, A_3B, and AB_3 isozymes. The LDH AB_3 isozyme was absent in heart, liver, and brain tissues in spite of changes in environmental factors. The activity of LDH C_4 isozyme was lower than subunit A and B and it was especially lower level in a spawning season. The degree of inhibition of LDH by 10mM pyruvate was measured high level. The LDH isozymes were changed with the environmental changes, but if they were adapted to environmental situation they may maintain the metabolic states.

      • KCI등재

        김구용 시의 입체성-시집『頌 百 八』을 중심으로

        박선영(Park Seon-Young) 한국비평문학회 2004 批評文學 Vol.- No.18

        The object of this thesis is to analyze the thinking system in Kim gu-young's poetry, because the analysis of an ontologic world cognition on which his poetry is based is the operation to make clear the aesthetic substance and the inevitability of conclusion that Kim gu-young's poetry naturally follows that the content and form is hard to make out. For that purpose, this thesis examined carefully Kim gu-young's poetry world in three parts, flux and repetition, transition and creation of meaning, virtuality and actuality.<br/> First, Kim gu-young's poetry grasps the field of virtuality which molds the being and world, and then extends the range of intuition to the whole universal field. The visible and invisible being panicles which were discharged into the real world from the field of virtuality form substantial knots repeating creation and variation, take on a meaning. A motive that makes beings go through the field of virtuality to the field of reality is a built-in power in itself. The fundamental power makes it go against homogeneous tendency in the field of virtuality. The discharged beings meet and get inter-wound with one another in the context of reality accidently. These knots which get tangled with the familiar context arc incorporated into culture system after taking a sensible meaning. But Kim gu-young's poetry is clever at perceiving the knots which is hard to understand in the usual context. From this aspect we can explain the reason why the contrary beings in his poetry often get themselves across one another. Kim gu-young gives shape to the beings which is belong to virtuality by connecting them to realistic context. Though they are mysterious knots in the context of reality, they hold the same base in the dimension of virtuality.<br/> In the mean time, the affection which is symbolized by "a interpreting stone", "precious hands" makes the translation and transmission between different beings possible. To Kim gu-young the very field of virtuality in which all possibility including feeling, unconsciousness, imagination, desire ete Hows dynamically is the overwhelming reality that is the foundation of real world. Surfaces of the meaning which expose the individual world intersect each other in many folds through different viewpoints. The maximum of solidity in Kim gu-young's poetry is caused by the intersection. This distinctive feature also makes a sympathetic zone between modern arts which try to destroy representation system and unusual organization in a special way.<br/> In this manner. Kim gu-young's poetry laid down a new rules of composition which go far toward ex rending the area of Korean modern poetry more widely by expanding individual experiences in an usual dimension to an inexhaustible possibility.

      • KCI등재

        김구용 시에 나타난 근대 공간성 연구

        박선영(Park, Seon-young) 가천대학교 아시아문화연구소 2013 아시아문화연구 Vol.29 No.-

        김구용 시인은 산업 자본주의를 바탕으로 작동한 대한민국 사회의 근대성 원리를 서사적 시 형식과 공간표상에 의해 효과적으로 상징화하였다. 특히 『시(詩)』에 수록된 수편의 산문시는 한국전쟁 이후 1950년대 후반, 재건과 성장에 박차를 가하던 서울 공간을 표상한다. 본 논의에서는 ?불협화음의 꽃 2?, ?꿈의 이상?, ?소인? 등 『시(詩)』에 수록된 산문시를 분석하여 당시 서울을 구획해 가던 근대 이데올로기와 그 문학적 반영을 근대 도시 공간이라는 층위에서 밝히고자 하였다. 50년대 후반의 서울은 2~30년대의 경성 혹은 산업화가 완료된 90년대 후반기의 서울과 사뭇 다른 공간 규범 아래 놓여 있었다. 한국 전쟁은 대한민국 전체에 정치 문화적 변화와 물리적 파괴를 가해 구성원들의 일상을 급격히 해체했다. 이러한 충격은 서울의 ‘공간 구조’와 ‘장소성’ 뿐 아니라 구성원의 내면과 생활방식에 커다란 영향을 끼쳤다. 50년대 서울을 배경으로 한『시(詩)』는 전후 폐허 위에 적용된 공간구성 방식을 주체 내면의 풍경으로 환치시켜 드러낸다. 대상 작품들은 ‘나’와 여러 주변 인물이 등장하며 사건발생에 따라 시간 흐름과 공간 변화가 뚜렷하다는 서사적 특징을 갖고 있다. 중요한 포인트에서 사건을 이끌고 전환하는 서사적 요소들은 정제된 시 형식에서 표현하기 어려운 강한 공간성을 만들어낸다. 『시(詩)』의 작품들은 도시와 도시적 삶을 형성하고 움직이는 중요 원리가 근대성의 규범이며, 인간 실존과 세계관 또한 공간 구획에 영향 받음을 보여준다. 인식의 파편성이 지각의 파편성으로 이어지는 지각 구성 방식은 농업 공동체 파괴, 탈향과 전쟁, 근대화의 엄청난 속도감을 겪어내던 당시 서울시민들의 보편적 지각 방식과, 익명성을 즐기지만 한편으로 불안에 휩쓸리도록 만드는 구성원들의 공간경험을 묘사한다. The poet Kim Gu-young effectively symbolized the modernity principles of the Korean society based on industrial capitalism with narrative poetic forms and spatial representation. Especially the prose poems in his Poetry represent the space of Seoul that gave spurts to reconstruction and growth in the latter half of the 1950s after the end of the Korean War. This study set out to analyze some of his prose poems such as The Flowers of Dissonance 2, The Ideal of Dreams, and A Postmark and investigate the modern ideology that divided Seoul those days and its literary reflection in a layer called modern urban space. In the Poetry, spatial representations were divided into 1) the psychoneurosis space of confusion and destruction, 2) the alienation space of prostitution and imprisonment, and 3) the space of hybridity and exchange of equivalents to demonstrate the dynamic relations between the dominant authority of spatialization and existence in the 1950s. In the Poetry, the poet transposes the spatial organization method applied to the ruins after war with the landscape inside the subject. The works of the Poetry show that the important principles of creating and moving cities and urban life are the norms of modernity and that human existence and world views are influenced by space partition. The arrangement principles of modern space projected in the Poetry clearly reconstruct and show the close relations among history, culture, and physical elements.

      • KCI등재후보

        단백질 / 계면활성제 혼합계에서 기포안정성에 대한 계면조성과 분자확산

        박선영(Seon Young Park),김명수(Myung Soo Kim),정노희(Noh Hee Jeong),남기대(Ki Dae Nam) 한국유화학회 2000 한국응용과학기술학회지 Vol.17 No.3

        A conductimetric study of foam formed from mixture of the protein, β-lactoglobulin, and the nonioinc surfactant, SML, revealed that their stability was reduced at concentrations of SML in the range 3~10mM. The interaction of SML with β-lactoglobulin was investigated by fluorimetry and a dissociation constant of 0.2μM was calculated for the complex. Surface tension studies confirmed the presence of interaction between the two components and provided evidence for the progressive displacement of β-lactogloblin from the air/water interface with increasing SML concentration. Experiments using air-suspended microscopic thin liquid films revealed transitions in the chainage characteristics and thickness of the film at SML concentrations below that which resulted in destabilization of the foam. However, measurements of surface mobility of fluorescent-labeled β-lactoglobulin by a photobleaching method identified that a transition to a mobile system occurred at a SML concentration which correlated with the onset of instability in the disperse phase. The results would indicate that maintenance of the viscoelastic properties of the surface is paramount importance in determining the stability of interfaces comprising mixtures of protein and surfactant.

      • KCI등재후보

        새로운 조성을 갖는 글루카민 유도체의 합성 및 계면성

        박선영(Seon Young Park),김명수,정환경(Hwan Kyeong Jeong),남기대(Ki Dae Nam) 한국유화학회 2000 한국응용과학기술학회지 Vol.17 No.3

        The synthesis of N-methyl glucamine was performed in two step reaction. The first step involves the amination between methylamine and glucose in methane. The N-methyl glucamine was obtained by the reduction of using Ni catalyst under the high pressure. The second step was glucamide anionic derivatives synthesis from N-methyl glucamine, maleic anhydride, lauryl alcohol and laurylamine by Schotten Banmann reaction respectively. Their molecular structures of N-methyl glucamine and glucamide (EG-MAS and AC-MAS) were investigated by IR and H-NMR. Basic physical properties and biodegradability of there glucamide anionic surfactant was investigated. The range of cmc values determined by measurements of surface tention was 10^-5~10^-4mol/l and the surface tension of the aqueous solution revealed in the range 28~30 dyne/cm and their biodegradability was very good in the pH 5~10.

      • KCI등재

        이형(異形)과 착종(錯綜), 근대 주택문화와 잡지 담론

        박선영 ( Park Seon-young ) 한국현대문예비평학회 2021 한국문예비평연구 Vol.- No.72

        본 연구의 목적은 근대 형성기에 발행된 잡지 내 주택담론에서 혼종성을 추출하고 그 이행과정을 맥락화하여 해당 담론이 주거생활 전이의 추동력임을 증명하는 동시에 당대 공간실천 양상을 구체화하는 것이다. 본 연구는 관련 텍스트를 분석하고 담론과 수사의 상호작용, 구성과 배치, 사(史)적 관계를 드러내기 위해 도시학과 주거론, 매체론, 문학사회학을 연구방법론으로 사용하였다. 근대 이후 대도시와 개항장을 중심으로 선교사와 외교관, 일본인이 자국 건축문화를 조선에 들여온다. 잡지는 의양풍, 화양절충식, 한양절충식 주거문화에 대한 대중의 호기심과 동경을 충족시키기 위해 정책소개, 논설, 탐방, 기고문, 설문, 대담, 좌담, 광고 등 다양한 코너를 마련하였다. 당시 주택문화는 서양 스타일, 일본적 근대성 등을 혼합해 현재인의 심상지리를 뛰어넘는 비 균질성을 생산하였다. 문화주의를 표방한 가족중심 담론은 과학적 위생관, 생활 합리화, 일 세대주의를 강조하며 전통과 차별화된 혼성감각을 개발하였다. 대중잡지는 주택의 이형과 착종 생산과정에서 지식인과 담론 그리고 독자가 상호작용하며 형성한 갈등과 수용 양상을 확인시켜 주었다. 자료를 수사적 차원에서 해석하고 내재성 원리에 입각해 정립한 본 연구는 주택담론 관련 제 주체의 욕망과 특성을 포착해 한국문학과 주거문화 등 연관 분야 근대성 논의에 새로운 측면을 정초할 것이라 기대한다. The purpose of this study is to extract hybridity from housing discussions published in modern magazines, contextualize the transition process, prove that the discussion is the driving force of housing transition, and embody the spatial practice of the time. In this study, urbanism, residentialism, media theory and literary sociology are used as research methods to illustrate the interaction, composition and arrangement of discourse and rhetoric. Since modern times, missionaries, diplomats, and Japanese have introduced their architectural culture to Korea, mainly in large cities and open ports. In order to satisfy the public's curiosity and longing for Uiyang-style, Hwayang-style and Hanyang-style residential culture, the magazine has set up various sections such as policy introduction, commentary, exploration, contribution, questionnaire, conversation, and advertising. At that time, housing culture was a mixture of Western style and Japanese modernity, producing non-homogeneity beyond human mental geography. The family-centered discussion, which advocates culturalism, emphasizes scientific hygiene, rationalization of life, and one-generationism, and develops a hybrid sense different from tradition. Popular magazines confirm the differences and acceptance of housing, discussions with intellectuals during the production process, and interaction between readers. This study, which is based on the principle of intrinsicity by interpreting the data from a rhetorical point of view, is expected to understand the desires and characteristics of the subjects involved in housing discussion.

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