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      • KCI등재

        水原 古索洞 舊石器時代 遺蹟의 一考

        박동실(Park, Dong-Sill) 백산학회 2007 白山學報 Vol.- No.77

        Gosaek-dong Site was located at the southwest of Suwon City. This paleolithic site was excavated by Kyonggi University museum, 2005. The site placed on the south hillside of low mountain(40.2m). Before excavation, this site was used as a agricultural field. In this paper, I try to discuss about the specific characteristics of late paleolithic artifacts uncovered at Gosaek-dong site. First, the excavation of paleolithic artifacts was for the first time in Suwon City region. Before this excavation, paleolithic artifacts such as stone axes, polyhedrals, scrapers, etc, were collected on the surface survey from Osan Gambaesan site in Hwasung City and Daeyami site in Gunpo City. Second, Gosaek-dong site has five soil layers. Among these layers, cultural layer for paleolithic is belonged to second layer in which stone artifacts were included. Just under the cultural layer, wedge shape structures formed at the Ice Age were appeared on the wall of trench. Third, artifacts uncovered are polyhedrals, scrapers, picks, stone cores, and lots of flakes. Although the amounts of artifacts are not so much excavated, from this cultural assemblages we may understand about the making process of stone tools for hunting activities. Finally, the chronology of the site is not clear because of the fact that not only amount of artifacts was rare, but also any evidences for aging the site was uncovered. Nevertheless, we can assume that this site was occupied by human at the late of Upper Paleolithic period, because artifacts excavated in the site is very similar with those of Sam-ri site in Gwangjoo City, Hopyung-dong site in Namyangjoo City, and Gambaesan site in Hwasung City.

      • KCI등재

        동중서(董仲舒)의 예론(禮論)

        박동인 ( Dong In Park ) 퇴계학연구원 2010 退溪學報 Vol.127 No.-

        이글의 목적은 董仲舒의 禮論을 탐구하는 것이다. 왜냐하면 동중서의 예론은 漢代 禮法觀의 범형을 구축한 그의 禮主法輔(=德主刑輔)의 구조를 이해하거나 그의 禮治시스템을 이해하는데 매우 중요한 주제임에도 불구하고 국내·외의 연구가 아직 미진한 상태이기 때문이다. 동중서 예론은 대체로 두 부분으로 정리할 수 있다. 즉 첫째는 이전 유가를 계승·인습한 부분인데, 이것은 예의 발생연원이나 등급질서에 따라 다르게 규정된 예의제도 및 그의 예론의 두 축인 文質論이다. 그리고 둘째는 문질론 중 동기강조부분과 그의 봉건등급질서구축부분이다. 이상을 통해서 우리는 동중서가 동기를 강조함으로써 진나라 이후 지속된 嚴刑峻法風土를 일신시켜 유가의 德治·禮治構造로 전환하고자 했을 뿐만 아니라, 그 이후 法 해석의 준거인 原心定罪를 산출함으로써 당시 法 적용의 풍토를 변화시키고자 했음을 알 수 있었다. 그리고 사회·정치적인 등급질서를 자연법칙인 陰陽으로 정당화시킴으로써 다시는 전국시대와 같은 혼란이나 漢初의 반란사건을 되풀이하지 않게 하며, 또 이른바 천자-신하-백성이라는 봉건등급질서와 三綱의 구조를 구축함으로써 사회 안정망을 확보하고자 했다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 그는 그래야 당시의 시대적 요청인 황제절대권과 중앙집권 및 사회의 안정을 이루어 漢제국의 長治久安이 가능할 것이라 여겼다. The goal of this article is to study Dong Zhong-Shu`s theory of rites. Despite the fact that study on Dong Zhong-Shu`s theory of rites are matter of importance in understanding not only his theory of rule of rites[禮治] but also the system of his "rites as the main and the laws as the subsidy[禮主法輔]," (or "virtue as the main and punishment as the subsidy[德主刑輔]" which constructed the model[範型] of Han dynasty` standpoint on rites and laws, studies on this subject have in much deficiency among both domestic and international scholars. Generally, Dong Zhong-Shu`s theory of rites can be arranged in two parts. The first part succeeds the traditional Confucianism: the origin of rites[禮], system of rites[禮儀制度] according to the system of hierarchy[等級制度], and his theory of wenzhi[文質論] as which are the two axis of his theory of rites. The second part is his emphasis on "motive" from his theory of wenzhi and his construction of "feudal hierarchical order[封建等級秩序]." Through the facts mentioned above, we could know that Dong Zhong-Shu, by emphasizing motive, not only tried to switch over toward Confucian rule of virtue and rule of rites from the culture of "severe punishment and harsh laws[嚴刑峻法]" which had been prevalent since Qin(秦) dynasty, but also tried to change the application of laws by arguing "sentence of guilt based on (one`s) heart[原心定罪]" which became the authority cited for interpreting laws after him. Furthermore, by justifying the social and political hierarchial order through the simile of natural order of yin and yang he wanted to make sure that the likes of chaos during the Warring States(475-221 B.C) period or repeated attempts of treason into the early Han would never happen again. Also we could know that by constructing a feudal heirarchical order of emperor-subject-people and the structure of three basic human relations(between sovereign and subject, father and son, husband and wife), Dong Zhong-Shu tried to secure a safety network of society. He thought that by doing so, he could achieve the absolute authority of the emperor, centralization of government, and a stability of society, so as to prolong the reign of Han dynasty.

      • KCI등재


        朴東鎬(Park Dong-Ho) 대한일어일문학회 2021 일어일문학 Vol.92 No.-

        재일조선인 2세 영화감독 박수남은 다수의 다큐멘터리 영화 제작을 통해 조선인군부와 위안부피해자의 증언을 기록하여 왔다. 조선인 전쟁피해자들의 ‘한(恨)’을 기록한 그녀의 영화는 식민지배 역사의 실태를 파악·이해할 수 있는 귀중한 사료이다. 최근 일본에서는 그녀의 영화가 지닌 영화·사료적 가치를 재조명하는 움직임이 조금씩 나타나고 있다. 하지만 정작 그녀의 조국인 한국에서는 그 존재조차 잘 알려져 있지 않으며, 재일조선인 영화연구에서도 본격적인 연구대상이 되지 못하고 있다. 본 연구는 박수남 영화연구의 일환으로 오키나와전투에 강제 동원된 조선인군부와 위안부피해자의 증언을 기록한 영화 〈아리랑のうた-オキナワからの証言〉과 〈ぬちがふぅ(命果報)-玉砕場からの証言〉에 주목하여, 그녀가 조선인 전쟁피해자들의 전쟁 기억을 어떻게 기록하고 있는지를 벤야민(Walter Benjamin)의 역사 구성 원리를 토대로 살펴보았다. 특히 벤야민이 자신의 역사관을 현실화하는 방법으로 중요시하였던 ‘몽타주’ 개념에 초점을 두어 박수남의 영화가 일본/일본인의 ‘피해’와 ‘희생’으로 요약되는 전후 일본의 자국중심주의적 전사(戰史)에 새로운 해석의 가능성을 제시하고 있음을 밝혀 보고자 하였다. The second-generation Zainichi film director Park Soo-nam has produced a number of documentary films which contain testimonies of Korean military laborers and comfort women. Her movies have recorded the unique ‘Han’ sentiment of Korean war victims, and are invaluable historical records allowing a better understanding of the realities of Japan’s colonial rule. Recently, there are moves to shed a new light on her movies’ historical value in Japan. Ironically, Park Soo-nam is hardly known as a film director in her homeland, Korea, and her works have yet to become a subject of research on Zainichi film. This paper, as a part of research on Park Soo-nam’s films, studies how she has recorded war memories of Korean war victims, largely by drawing on the constitutive principles of Walter Benjamin’s view of history. This study focuses on her movies 〈Song of Arirang-voices from Okinawa〉 and 〈Nuchigafu-Life is a Treasure “Gyokusai” Stories in the Battle of Okinawa〉, which record testimonies of forcibly mobilized comfort women and Korean military laborers sent to Okinawa. It pays particular attention to the concept of “montage,” which Benjamin valued realize his view of history. and thus tries to determine that Park Soo-nam’s movies suggest possibly a new interpretation of the postwar Japanese self-centric war history, which can be summarized as the suffering and sacrifice on the part of Japan/Japanese population.

      • EPB(Electric Parking Brake) 작동음질 개선에 관한 연구

        박동철(Dong Chul Park),홍석관(Seok Kwan Hong),조기창(Ki Chang Jo) 한국소음진동공학회 2012 한국소음진동공학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2012 No.4

        Customers want to have more convenient and comfortable vehicle. Motor-on-caliper EPB(Electrical Parking Brake) System is one of the new systems for customer’s convenience. It is applied for Midsize vehicle for reducing weight/price compared to cable puller type EPB. In this paper we studied sound quality improvement of motor-on-caliper EPB system. We developed the sound quality index and suggested the interior sound quality target value. To meet the target value cascading target was also suggested. EPB motor vibration level & sound radiation level, vibroacoustic transfer function level from EPB to interior was defined. To find out effective way of sound quality improvement and find cascading target, TPA(Transfer Path Analysis) was carried out

      • KCI등재

        정현(鄭玄) 삼례주(三禮注)의 예학정신과 그 정치적 의미

        박동인 ( Dong In Park ) 충남대학교 유학연구소 2016 儒學硏究 Vol.35 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 와타나베 요시히로의 주장, 즉 정현의 경학은 ‘漢을 대신할 새로운 천하의 규범을 준비하였다’라고 한 것에 의문을 품고, 그것은 오히려 劉漢 정권의 정당성을 보다 공고하게 하기 위해 구성된 것임을 주장하는 것이다. 필자가 그 증거로 제시한 것은 鄭玄 三禮注의 예학정신(예학관)이다. 연구결과 정현의 三禮注가 지향하는 4가지 대표적인 예학정신은 모두 봉건등급질서 강화라는 목적에 귀결되고 있었다. ‘구별(別)’은 당연히 상하를 구별하는 계급적 논리를 가지고 있으니 금방 그러한 측면을 드러내는 것이고, ‘혐의 피하기’도 사실 아랫사람이 윗사람에게 오해를 받을 수 있는 소지를 차단하는 것이 주라는 측면에서 보면 이것도 등급질서와 연결된 것이라 할 수 있다. 그리고 공경과 겸양의 경우도 결국 사회·국가적인 존장자를 높이고 공경하면서 자신을 낮추는 것을 주된 것으로 하는 것이니 봉건질서를 공고하게 하는데 유용한 논리라 할 수 있다. 이렇게 보면 정현의 경학과 三禮注는 당시의 체제를 강화시키고자 하는 강한 정치적성향을 가지고 있다고 평가할 수 있다. 정현이 ‘禮와 그 예학정신’만이 東漢末의 누란지 세를 해결할 수 있는 가장 좋은 해법이라고 판단하고 그것을 강화하고자 한 것 자체가 그의 정치적 지향성을 드러내는 것이기 때문이다. 또 정현이 六天說과 感生帝說을 주장함으로써 유한 정권의 정당성을 보장해주고자 한 것도 마찬가지이다. 유한 정권이 受命帝인 五天帝의 精氣(=靈氣)에 감응하여 태어난 선조에 의해 건국되었다는 논리 그 자체가 그 정권의 층차적 구별성을 옹호하는 논리이기 때문이다. 따라서 정현의 경학과 三禮注는 누란지세의 위기에 처한 東漢末의 정국을 타개하기 위해 구축된 논리라 할 수 있다. The purpose of this study is to get second thoughts about the assertion of Yoshihiro WATANABE, that is, Zheng Xuan’s the study of Confucian classics is ‘to prepare a new system to replace Han dynasty by a new force or empire’, I want to argue that Zheng Xuan’s the study of Confucian classics was rather made up as aim to further strengthenthe justification of Han dynasty. The evidence which was the writer of this article presented is ‘the mind of lixue of Zheng Xuan’s San Li Zhu.’ According to this study, we was known that the mind of lixue of four typical kinds which was Zheng Xuan’s San Li Zhu oriented, was all concluded to the purpose of the feudal grade order(fengjian dengji zhixu)’s reinforcement. For example, the ‘distinction’(別: bie) reveal soon it’s true character. Because it have originally a classical reason of distinction of social standing. About the ‘evasion of suspicion’, we can also say that it concern with the feudal grade order(fengjian dengji zhixu). Because it has as its object block off misunderstanding which is a underling infringe on a elder``s rights. And about the reverence and modesty, we can also say that it finally concern with useful logic for tighten the feudal grade order(fengjian dengji zhixu). Because they aim that not only make the social and national venerable elder high, but also make me low. So I think that Zheng Xuan’s the study of Confucian classics and his San Li Zhu have powerful political orientation which has highly motivated to strengthen in those days of Dong-Han dynasty system. Because it reveal his powerful political orientation that Zheng Xuan judge only solution that a proprieties and the mind of lixue can rescue a most dangerous situation the late Dong-Han, and make greater efforts to strengthen them. And as Zheng Xuan claims Liu-Tian-Shuo(六天說) and Gan-Sheng-Di-Shuo(感生帝說), it is the same to strengthen the justification of Liu Han dynasty. Because itself the fact that Liu Han dynasty were formed by ancestors who was induced the vital force of Shou Ming Di(受命帝), that is Wu Tian Di(五天帝), is to protect a greater distinction of Liu Han dynasty. Therefore we can assert that Zheng Xuan’s the study of Confucian classics and his San Li Zhu is a constructional theory to rescue a most dangerous situation the late Dong-Han.

      • 원로과학기술자의 증언 2-박동길박사편

        박동,Park, Dong-Gil 한국과학기술단체총연합회 1979 과학과 기술 Vol.12 No.3

        과학자가 되려면 다른 학문에 비해 어렵고 특히 기초과학연구를 하는 과학자의 경우는 더욱 어려운 공부를 계속하여야 한다. 그러나 이것은 과학자 스스로 택한 고난의 길이기에 이들은 한결같이 과학자가 된 것을 만족하게 생각하고 있다. 과학자가 되기위해 험난한 인생의 가시밭길을 무수히 헤치고 살아온 박동길박사. 박동길박사는 약관 20세에 도일, 과학자가 되기 위해 살을 여의는 듯한 고생을 무릅쓰고 오직 학업에만 열중했다. 박동길박사가 과학기술에 관심을 갖고 지금까지 걸어온 배경과 지질학을 연구하게 된 동기를 알아보는데는 까마득한 박박사의 어린시절로 돌아가야 할 것 같다. 이래서 본지는 이번호부터 박동길박사를 모셨다. <편집자주>

      • KCI등재

        박정희 시대의 정치와 언어

        박동천( Park, Dong-chun) 호남대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2008 인문사회과학연구 Vol.19 No.-

        본 논문은 박정희가 언어를 사용한 방식이 그의 권력 행사와 어떤 관계가 있었는지, 나아가 한국 사회에 어떤 유산을 남겼는지를 검토하려는 시도이다. 그가 즐겨 사용했던 구호들은 조국 근대화, 민족주의, 지도자와 민주주의, 동원의 언어와 위기의식으로 요약되는데, 특히 민족, 민주 등의 단어에 그가 부여한 의미는 매우 독특하게 주관적이어서 통상적인 의미로부터 멀리 떨어져 있거나 심지어 모순을 일으키는 경우도 적지 않다. 그러나 박정희 자신의 내면에서는 경제성장을 통한 국난극복이라는 지상과제에 도움이 되기만 한다면 단어의 의미나 논리적 모순은 언제든 권력을 통해 억압될 수 있는 것이었다. 아울러 그는 장기간의 집권을 통해서 자신이 독점적으로 창출한 언어의 의미를 통상적 의미의 일부로 편입시키기까지 했다. 박정희의 언어는 국난기를 빌미로 정당화될 수 있었던 것이지만, 그렇기 때문에 국난이 극복되는 순간부터 해체의 필요성이 절실하게 부각되는 아이러니를 안고 있다. 진실에 대한 감수성 위축, 정치적 문법의 균열, 위기 프레임 등은 박정희 시대가 남긴 유산으로서, 풍요로운 사회의 문턱에 서있는 한국 사회가 극복해야 할 과제에 해당한다. This paper is an attempt to examines what role Park Chung-hee's political language playeds in his exercising towards his exercise of power. His political language can be represented by slogans that are used to mobilize people through appeals to industrialization, modernization, nationalism, ""democracy"" under strong leadership, and national crisis. But what he meant by nationalism and democracy was so idiosyncratic in view of the meanings of the terms that were in general had been generally in use among the Korean people that many opponents found his use of language hypocritical. Yet in his own cognitive structure, the correct meaning of words or logical consistency were (Ed- alternatively ""the correct meaning of words and logical consistency were"") matters that could be repressed with power as long as economic development to overcome national crisis was to be achieved improved in the meantime. Moreover, the meanings in which he used the terms such as like nation and democracy came by frequent usages to be incorporated find themselves among the diverse elements that which would constitute the terms' legitimate meaning in general. As Park's language was to be justified as a means overcoming national crisis, so was to be dissolved after the crisis is over. Korean society inherited The the contraction of truth-sensitivity, the grammatical cleavage of political language, and the crisis-driven frame of reference are what the Korean Society inherited from Park's political language and these aspects of political language have to be dealt has to deal with from now on.

      • KCI등재

        정현(鄭玄)의 삼례주(三禮注)와 그 유가철학의 구조

        박동인 ( Dong In Park ) 성균관대학교 대동문화연구원 2016 大東文化硏究 Vol.94 No.-

        본 논문의 목적은 정현의 三禮注가 담고 있는 그의 유가철학의 구조를 찾는 것이다. 그리고 그와 동시에 그의 유가철학이 그러한 구조를 갖는 사회.정치적 의미를 찾는 것이다. 본 논문의 애초의 출발점은 ‘학자들의 정현에 대한 다양한 평가를 어떻게 이해해야 할 것인가’ 라는 문제의식 때문이었다. 이를 해결하기 위해 필자가 주목한 것은 정현 경학의 지향인 ‘공자의 元意(=原義)’ 회복과 전복직전의 東漢末에 대한 정현의 시대인식이었다. 연구 결과 필자는 다음과 같은 사실을 알게 되었다. 즉 정현이 ‘공자의 원의’ 회복이라는 슬로건을 내건 이유는 다름이 아니라 그렇게 하여 당시의 금.고문 경학의 문제점, 즉 家法과 師法의 단점인 번쇄하고도 견강부회한 경전주석 풍토를 극복하여 유학을 일신하지 않으면 누란지세에 처한 동한말의 정국을 타파할 수 없다고 판단했기 때문이었다. 그리고 정현은 이러한 작업을 통해 봉건등급질서를 사회.정치적인 계급질서뿐만 아니라 향리와 가정에서도 작동되도록 하고자 했다. 황제와 존장 및 부권과 남편의 권위를 확보함으로써 동한말의 정국을 타파하고자 한 것이다. 이런 측면에서 그의 三禮注와 유가철학은 철저하게 정치적 목적을 지향하고 있다고 평가할 수 있다. The purpose of this study is to find Zheng-xuan``s the structure of Confucian philosophy through Zheng-xuan``s San Li Zhu. And at the same time it is to find socio-political implication which is Zheng-xuan``s Confucian philosophy have such structure. A starting point of this study is because of a critical mind that How will understand ``an evaluation of a variety of scholars of scholars about Zheng-xuan.`` To solve this, what writer have seen up is recovery of ``the original sense of Confucius`` what Zheng-xuan’s the study of Confucian classics aimed at and Zheng-xuan``s awareness of time about the late Dong-Han dynasty of just before the rollover. According to this study, the writer get to know such facts as follows. That is, the reason which is Zheng-xuan declare slogan of ``recovery of the original sense of Confucius``, for no other reason than, is because it concluded that if Confucianism of Dong-Han dynasty don``t fix and renew the problem of New-Text and Old-Text Scholarships at the time, that is, the complicated and farfetched tendency of analysis of scripture which was shortcomings of Jia-Fa(家法) and Shi-Fa(師法), the political situation of the late Dong-Han dynasty which was in a most dangerous situation can not be overcome. And through these activities, Zheng-xuan desire to that feudal class order can be operated not only in socio-political class hierarchy, but also in native village and each family. Zheng-xuan desire to get over the political situation of the late Dong-Han dynasty as secure the emperor``s absolute authority, the elder``s authority, paternal authority and marital authority. in this respect, we can assess that Zheng-xuan``s San-Li-Zhu and its Confucian philosophy aim for political end exhaustively.

      • KCI등재

        기능경기대회 헤어디자인 직종 스타일의 미용현장 활용

        박동은(Dong eun Park),고경숙(Kyoung sook Ko) 한국인체미용예술학회 2017 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.18 No.4

        This study was performed among 430 beauty salon workers in Chungcheongnam-do. A total of 427 questionnaires were collected and used for final analysis. For the analysis of the collected data, frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis one-way ANOVA were carried out, using SPSS 20.0. For post-hoc analysis, Duncan’s test was performed. Based on the styles from the National Skills Competition, the styles which are useful in practice were designed. Three styles were created per design, and were examined by 10 professional hairdressers who have been in the hairstyling profession for more than two decades. Then, the most similar design was chosen. According to analysis of the use of fashion haircuts in practice, a significant difference was observed in all categories. In particular, ‘attractiveness’ was the highest. In an analysis of dry waves as well, a statistically significant difference was found in all categories, with ‘attractiveness’ being the highest. According to the analysis of fashion long hair down, a significant difference was also detected in all categories. Specifically, ‘attractiveness’ and ‘extroversion’ were the highest. Therefore, it appears that if the hairstyles from the National Skills Competition are analyzed and redesigned properly, diverse and useful hairstyles could be designed in practice as well.

      • KCI등재

        『백호통의』의 유가철학과 그 정치적 의미

        박동인(Park, Dong-in) 한국양명학회 2016 陽明學 Vol.0 No.44

        이 글의 목적은 東漢章帝가 처한 시대상황에 초점을 맞추어 『백호통의』의 유가철학을 재구성하는 것이다. 그리하여 장제에 의해 개최된 백호관회의와 그 결과물인 『백호통의』의 유가철학이 강한 정치적 목적을 지닌 회의요, 텍스트임을 주장하는 것이다. 그 연구결과 다음과 같은 몇 가지 결과를 발견했다. 우선 장제는 광무제가 남긴 문제, 즉 그가 東漢을 건국하는 과정에서 도움을 주었던 지방호족세력들을 중앙의 고관이나 제후 및 열후로 봉하면서 발생한 문제를 해결하기 위해 백호관회의를 개최하고『백호통의』를 출간했다는 것이다. 장제때는 이들은 물론이고 이들과 결탁한 지방호족들이 백성들의 토지를 강제로 겸병함으로 수많은 유민을 양산시켰다. 그리고 이들 유민을 그들의 장원에 下戶(소작인)나 노예로 수용함으로써 국고수입을 줄이고, 또 이들 유민들의 몫을 대신하는 백성들의 고통도 가중시켰다. 그들의 장원은 국가의 견제를 받지 않은 치외법권 지역이었기 때문이다. 따라서 장제는 이 문제를 해결하기 위해 천자와 백성들을 직접 연결시켜 황제를 중심으로 한 일원화된 봉건통치시스템을 구축하고자 했다. 이를 가능케 하기 위해 장제는 왕권신수설과 그 정당화를 시도했고, 또 重民을 강조했다. 그리고 예법관계를 통해 백성들이 죄에 빠지지 않도록 경계하기도 하고, 또 그들을 권면하여 계급상승의 의지도 고취시켰다. 그래야 자작농으로서 천자의 통치하에 있게 될 것이기 때문이다. 그리고 최종적으로는 三綱六紀를 통해 천자로부터 일반백성들에 이르기까지 일원화된 봉건윤리 강상을 구축함으로써 봉건등급질서를 견고하게 하고자 했다. 그래야 천자에 의한 백성의 개별 · 인신적 지배가 가능하게 되어 한나라의 長治久安을 담보할 수 있기 때문이다. The purpose of this study is to reconstitute the Confucian philosophy of Bái Hǔ Tōng Yì as focusing on age conditions which the Zhāng-dì emperor of East Han dynasty lives. So the conference of bái hǔ guān which was opened by the Zhāng-dì emperor and the Confucian philosophy of Bái Hǔ Tōng Yì as the result will claiming to find belong to the meeting and text with a strong political purposes. The study found following some results. First of all, the Zhāng-dì emperor held the conference of Bái Hǔ Guān and published Bái Hǔ Tōng Yì to solve the problem which the Guāng-wǔ-dì emperor left behind. That is, from Guāng-wǔ-dì emperor had appointed a powerful families who helped him during the founding countries as the high government officials and feudal lords and so on, the following problems occurred. That is, at age conditions which the Zhāng-dì emperor lives, they and colluding with them forced annexation of land of the peoples, which is the only means of subsistence of the peoples. As a result, they happens a lot of the drones. And they embrace those drones as a tenant farmers and slave in a manor of powerful families. So they not only caused the loss of tax, but also was further aggravated the suffering of those people as replace those drones’s taxes. Because their manor of powerful families was area of extraterritorial jurisdiction which the country can’t controll. Therefore, to solve this problem, the Zhāng-dì emperor attempted to construct unified governance system focusing on the emperors as the Emperor and people connect directly. To make this possible, the Zhāng-dì emperor had tried to Divine right of kings and its justification, also had emphasized a careful attention to people. And through relationship between rite and law, the Zhāng-dì emperor had taught that people were not committed a crime, and had imbued them with the intention of the rising class as urge them advice. So because peoples would be under the Emperor’s rule as a landed farmer. And finally the Zhāng-dì emperor wants to make firmly the feudal class order as construct unified moral principles of the feudal ethics to cover all from the emperor to ordinary people through the three basic principles in human relations(三綱) and the six small ethical principles in human relations(六紀) governance system focusing on the emperors as the Emperor and people connect directly. So it may be possible Individual human dominance about peoples by the Emperor. As a result, because can govern East Han dynasty for a long time.

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