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      • 서울市內 一部病院 利用 婦人들의 人工流産 實態調査

        金初江 梨花女子大學校 韓國生活科學硏究院 1980 韓國生活科學硏究院 論叢 Vol.25 No.-

        인공유산은 인공임신중절, 소파술, 유산술 등으로 불리우며, 임신되어 성정하는 태아를 인위적인 시술로서 일시에 모체 외로 배출시키는 일련의 과정이다. 이는 특히 1960년대 이후 더욱 증대하는 근자에는 15~49세의 가임여성 1인당 약 1회의 인공유산을 경험하였고, 이러한 경험은 1973년 모자보건법 발효 이후 더욱 합법적인 시술로 확대되어 이로 인한 많은 문제 중 특히 모체건강에 미치는 영향이 지대하다. 이에 일부 병, 의원을 이용하여 유산술 이후 만 24~72시간내 시술병원에 사후관리를 받고자 내원하는 부인 중 440명을 임의 선정하여 79년 5월 28일 부터 동년 10우러 31일까지 만 5개월 2일간 조사 연구하여 얻은 결과를 각각 부호화하여 집계, 검증한 후 천공부터 일절 이대전산실에 의뢰하여 콤퓨터 처리하여 얻은 결론은 본 논문의 결론에 제시하였다. To perform this study effectively, we randomly sampled out 440 eligible women who neces-sitated to take aftercare within 24-72 hours after they took their induced abortion. For the period of 5 months and 2 adys-ranging May 28, 1979through Oct, 31. The question-aire poll was computerized for analysis. The resultant findings are as follow: 1) Among the respondents ages, late 20s and early 30s those who have 61.4% of all and school education higher than sunior high school, 54% and 22.5% of them have their jobs. 2) The average marital age indicated 23.94 years of age, and the duration of mariage 9.57 years on the average, and 4.87 times of pregnancy per capita have been experienced. A woman has 2.05 children, including 1.04 sons and 1.05 daughter's, and the average birth interval among their children shows 2.12 years of age. 3) The average pregnancy wastage gives 2.82 children of which 89% were caused by induced abprtion. 4) As for as the motivation of induced abortion is concerned, 78.2% of them do not intent to have any more child, of which 18% are involved in marriageable pregnancy. 5) Complication was accompanied by their induced abortion by 30.5%. 6) Repeated induced abortion is experienced by 39.1% pf wjocj re[regmamcy of 47.6% ad-vanted by not taking action in one of family planning methodology after the induced abor-tion. 7) Where as 82.5% of them view that the induced abortion is harmful to maternal health, 90.0% express a negative response that there is nothing but taking an induced abortion when they unintentional pregnancy.

      • 建康敎育 敎科科程 順位決定 爲한 建康興味 調査

        金初江 梨花女子大學校 韓國生活科學硏究院 1984 韓國生活科學硏究院 論叢 Vol.33 No.-

        한나라의 흥망은 그나라 젊은이들에게 달려있고 젊은이들의 심·신건강이 국가의 장래를 좌우한다. 健康과 疾病은 生命이 存續하는 한 함께 共存하는 生存이요 生活問題로 提供으로 解決됨은 극히 一部일뿐 管理가 第一 重要하다. 그중에서도 self care가 모든 질병치료의 85%를 차지한다. 管理란 그 內容 全部가 知識이요 이 知識의 傳達이 敎育科程이다. 그러므로 健康에 관한 保健敎育은 學文中心으로 分化된 敎育보다는 門題中心의 內容으로 하여 解決하되 與味充足이 問題解決의 지름길이 되므로 保健學敎材의 各章 또는 偏을 題目으로하여 한 題目의 內容을 7個項目으로 構成한 총 91個項目의 設問紙를 道具로 本大學에 在學中인 1學年 1,140名(28.94%), 3學年 531名(32.84%) 총 1,545名(30.98%)을 對象으로 1982年 4月 20日부터 同年 6月5日까지 事前訓練된 調査員을 通한 現地配付 및 수거法에 의한 間接調査를 試圖하여 얻은 資料를 Data general社의 MV 8000 Computor을 利用하여 各 項目마다 獨立邊數의 頻度分布를 計算하여 標準偏差와 有意性檢證을 하되 모두 5% Alpha 수준을 採擇하여 얻은 結果는 論文의 結論과 같다. The aim of this survey is to reserch for more efficient way of health educ-ation class development which is learner-centered and to determine the priority order of curricula. For this survey prepared the questionaire paper which was consisted of 91 items and 13 chapters. The subject of this survey was the random-sample of 1545 freshmen and junior students in Ewha Women's University and the period was from April 20, 1982 to June 5, 1982. The result of this survey was as following: 1. For the health interests between the major parties, they had the statisti-cally significant differences in their arithematic means(P<0.05). For the contents of the health interests was Health control, Maternal and Child health, and Family planning were high-ranking and Health Administration, Disease Control, and Epidemiology were low-ranking. 2. The health interests between grades were similar to those between major parties (P<0.05). 3. For the health interests between departments of Physics, Clothing and Taxtiles, and Chemicals were high-ranking and the departments of German Language and Literature, Mathematics, and Piano were low-ranking but the differences between them were little (P<0.05).

      • KCI등재

        가족형태 및 개인 특성이 부부간의 친화도에 미치는 영향

        김초강 韓國保健敎育學會 1994 보건교육건강증진학회지 Vol.11 No.2

        The husband-wife Marital on Sastisfaction is the important influence factor for stable home, family happiness and family management. As for the marital on satisfaction degree between husband-wife about 7,081 who have spouse and can married woman, the satisfaction degree was low, due to home economy state, education level difference from spouse, husband's job, arranged marriage based on parents advice, case that husband is the eldest son, case of wives who have job, conflict and dissatisfaction. In case that they trust and idealize mutually and wives have religion, their satisfaction degree was good.

      • 서울市內 女高生의 健康興味 調査

        金初江 梨花女子大學校 韓國生活科學硏究院 1982 韓國生活科學硏究院 論叢 Vol.30 No.-

        건강이란 생명의 원천이요, 의·식·주 이전의 생활요소이다. 잃은 건강을 되찾기 위한 질병치료에 앞서 일정한 건강수준을 유지하며 한걸음 더 나아가 보다 더 적극적인 행복한 삶을 창조하기에 전혀 부족함이 없는 건강향상이 근래 보건학의 목표이다. 그러므로 보건학이란 자연과학과 사회과학을 기초로 한 응용과학이므로 인간의 태도와 행위를 건강생활로 바꾸어 주기 위한 교육에 자연과학 내용을 바탕으로 건강지식을 제공하고 사회과학적인 이론을 바탕으로 학습자에게 설득력 있게 받아드리도록 유도하는 내용이 건강교육이다. 원래 인구집단의 건강향상을 목표로한 보건이란 보건봉사, 법규 그리고 교육으로 크게 분류되며 그중에서 제일 중요한 것이 교육이다. 건강에 관한 행위와 행동변화가 목표인 건강교육은 습득과정을 통해서만 가능하므로 성장중의 학습자들에게 필요불가결한 요소라는 점은 재론할 여지가 없다. 그러나 우리나라의 경우 대부분 체육 가정 생물 및 교련과목의 일부로 여러 사람에 의해 산발적으로 다루어져 내용의 획일성도 적고 용어의 통일성도 적어 생활신천에 근거 있는 교육내용이 되지 못하고 있는 실정이다. 흥미란 수준이자 알고싶은 욕구 이므로 건강에 관한 흥미결과가 교육내용으로 과정속에 포함되어 교육되어질때 보다 효과가 크리라 사려되어 교육과정은 같으나 교육환경이 다소 다른 주·야간 여고생을 중심으로 본 건강흥미 내용은 결과 및 결론과 같다. The purpose of the study was to determine the main points of health education programe which caused on health interests. The questionaries were given 655 students three high school in Seoul, and these were carefully surveyed. ① The most of students pointed out health interest which was the factor of growth and development, health maintenance and promotion among the several items. ② The study should low interest which was the items o heath appraisal, preventive disease and health control.

      • 出産力이 長期 母性健康에 미치는 影響에 관한 考察

        金初江 梨花女子大學校 韓國生活科學硏究院 1989 韓國生活科學硏究院 論叢 Vol.43 No.-

        全國을 對象으로한 標本調査를 基礎로 長期的인 出産力이 母性건강에 미치는 影響에 관한 연구결과 얻은 결론은 다음과 같다. 1. 15∼64세 기혼부인 3,013명을 대상으로본 지각건강상태는 총 응답부인의 29%가 건강하지 못하다고 하였고 이 결과는 거주지역, 교육수준 및 자녀수에 따라 유의한 차이를 제시 하였으며 도시 지역 거주자 및 고학력자 그리고 소수자녀를 출산한 경우에서 건강평점이 높았다. 2. 출산수에 따라 만성상병율에 현저한 차이가 있었다. 3. 출산수에 따른 지각건강평점에서 연령을 통제하고본 결과 일괄성있는 유의한 차이가 있었다. 따라서 다산의 결과는 장기적인 차원에서 부인들의 건강을 나쁘게 한다. 4. 인공임신중절경험율은 전 응답부인의 30%이었고 이중 후유증 경험부인 23%는 자녀수 및 연령이 많을수록 높았다. 결과 出産과 母性健康은 임신 및 출산 과정에서 건강위험 뿐만 아니라 이러한 빈도의 증가는 장기적인 차원에서도 모성건강에 영향을 미치므로 소산의 권장은 모성의 건강유지를 위해 유익함을 제시할 수 있다. The purpose of this study was to investigate how the birth rate influences the long-term maternal health. The data were obtained from a sample survey of married subjects who are 15 to 64 years of age. The sample was comprised of 3,013 married women. Findings from the study support the following conclusions. 1. There was a significant difference, according to the personal demographic variables(educational attainment, living arrangements, number of children, etc.). That is, a higher educated and a less experience of birth indicated a higher scores of health condition. 2. With regard to the number of children, there is an eminent difference in terms of a chronic disease. 3. Controlling age, there was a considerable difference between the fertility rate and the perceived health conditions. Accordingly, the impact of fecundity made the maternal health worse in terms of long periods. 4. It was found that 30% of the subject had induced abortion experiences and 23% of them went through sequelae. In other words, the more they have children and the more they are old, the more negative experiences they have. Therefore, the findings of the study lend this investigator a significant implication. For maintaining better health of married women, it may be very important to keep the low fertility rate.

      • 地域 Service開發을 爲한 基礎調査硏究 (新村 一部地域 中心)

        金初江,梁順玉 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1982 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.40 No.-

        This study was conducted from April through December 1980 to analyze the problems of an urban community area by utilizing direct observation and interview methods. The purpose of the study was to provide a community assessment for planning as required by the community welfare program. The main fordings of the research are as follows! 1) The environmental setting of the survey consists area was different from that of the residents because this area places of entertainment colleges, and dense traffic routes. 2) The E University community center was too far from the residential area for people to use the facilities. 3) The age distribution of the population was found to be: preschool(9.6%) adolescent (18.8%), adults(57.9%), and the aged(5.3%). 4) There was a noticeably economic distinction between the residents in lowland areas from those who lived upland.

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