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해수에 적응된 송사리 (Orizias latipes)아가미 염소세포의 아포토시스
강화선,문영화,한지원,김한화,Kang, Wha-Sun,Moon, Young-Wha,Han, Ji-Won,Kim, Han-Hwa 한국현미경학회 1996 Applied microscopy Vol.26 No.3
Ultrastructural changes of chloride cells in the gill from seawater-adapted killifish (Orizias latipes) were studied with a transmission electronmicroscope. Chloride cells contain many mitochondria and specifically developed tubular systems. Apical pits, formed by several neighboring chloride cells, were exposed to the environment. Degeneration and death of the chloride cells by apoptosis occurred more frequently than by necrosis. Apoptotic chloride cells shrank, became to apoptotic bodies, and eventually were phagocytosed and digested by the microphages around them. We conclude that apoptosis plays an important role in increased cellular turnover of chloride cells for the osmoregulation caused by changes in salinity of the environment.
생쥐 망막에서 콜린성 무축삭세포의 분포 양상 및 연접회로에 대한 연구
강화선,천명훈,Kang, Wha-Sun,Chun, Myung-Hoon 한국현미경학회 2004 Applied microscopy Vol.34 No.4
생쥐의 망막에서 아세틸콜린의 합성효소인 choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)에 대한 항체를 이용한 면역세포화학법으로 콜린성 무축삭세포를 동정하고 분포양상을 조사하였다. 콜린성 무축삭세포는 망막에서 세포체의 위치에 따라서 두 종류로 구분된다. 즉 속핵층에 세포체가 위치하고 세포돌기는 속얼기층의 a 아층판에 위치하는 세포와 세포체가 신경절세포층에 위치하면서 세포돌기는 b 아층판에 위치하는 세포이다. GABA 항체를 이용한 이중 면역염색 결과 모든 콜린성 무축삭세포가 GABA에 대한 염색반응성을 나타내었다. 전자현미경 관찰 결과 콜린성 무축삭세포의 연접회로가 속얼기층에서 관찰되었다. 콜린성 무축삭세포는 두극세포와 가장 많은 수입연접을 형성하고 있었으며, 이 외에 콜린성 무축삭세포와 염색되지 않은 무축삭세포와의 연접도 관찰되었다. 콜린성 무축삭세포의 수출연접의 주요 대상은 신경절세포로 속얼기층의 b 아층판에서 더 빈번하게 관찰되었다. 이러한 연구결과로 생쥐 망막의 콜린성 무축삭세포도 다른 종류의 포유류와 매우 유사한 특징을 가지고 있으며, 방향선택성 신경절세포로 신호가 전달되는 과정에서 중요한 역할을 할 것으로 생각된다. We investigated the morphology, distribution and synaptic connectivity of cholinergic neurons in the mouse retina by immunocytochemistry, using antisera against choline acetyltransferase (ChAT). ChAT-immunoreactive amacrine cells fall into two groups according to the localization of their somas in the retina: one is situated in the inner nuclear layer (INL), near the border of the inner plexiform layer (IPL), and the other is displaced in the ganglion cell layer (GCL). The dendrites of amacrine cells from the INL ramify in sublamina a and that of the displaced amacrine cells ramify in sublamina b of the IPL. Double labeling with an antisera against ChAT and r-aminobutyric acid (GABA) demonstrated that these labeled cells formed a subpopulation of GABAergic amacrine cells. The synaptic connectivity of ChAT-immunoreactive amacrine cells was identified in the IPL by electron microscopy. The most frequent synaptic input of ChAT-labeled amacrine cells was from bipolar cells in both sublaminae a and b of the IPL, followed by labeled amacrine cells and unlabeled amacrine cells. Their primary output targets were onto ganglion cells in both sublaminae a and b and output onto ganglion cells was more frequently observed in sublamina b of the IPL. Our results suggest that cholinergic amacrine cells in the mouse retina are very similar to their counter parts in other mammals, and they can attribute a major role in the pathway feeding into directionally selective ganglion cells.
코 안 $ZnSO_4$ 점적으로 손상된 마우스 후각 상피세포의 재생에 대한 형태학적 연구
강화선,문영화,Kang, Wha-Sun,Moon, Young-Wha 한국현미경학회 2007 Applied microscopy Vol.37 No.4
마우스의 코 안으로 5% $ZnSO_4$용액을 점적하는 것이 코중격 후각상피에 미치는 영향과, 그 이후 후각수용세포가 재생되는 과정을 주사전자현미경과 투과전자현미경을 사용하여 형태학적으로 조사하였고, 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 5% $ZnSO_4$용액을 점적한 후 6시간에서 24시간 사이에 코중격 후각상피층은 일부의 기저세포들을 제외하고는 완전하게 탈락되었다. 2. $ZnSO_4$처리 후 3일군에서는 코중격 후각상피세포들 중 부분적으로 남아 있던 기저세포들의 세포분열로 형성된 새로운 후각상피세포들로 후각상피층은 2층으로 나타났다. 또한 새롭게 형성된 후각상피세포들의 상부 세포막에는 미세응모가 돌출되었다. 3. 5% $ZnSO_4$용액을 점적하고 5일이 경과된 코중격 후각수용세포들에서는 다수의 중심소체와 기저소체가 관찰되었고, 상부 세포막에는 미세응모들 사이에 섬모들이 줄지어 나타났다. 또한 새롭게 형성된 코중격 후각수용세포들에서 처음으로 후각소포의 초기 형태가 나타났으며, 1주가 경과된 후각상피층에는 전형적인 형태의 후각소포를 관찰할 수 있었다. 4. 5% $ZnSO_4$용액 점적 후 2주가 경과된 경우, 성숙한 형태의 후각소포를 가지고 있는 후각수용세포가 관찰되었다. 이와 같은 결과는 5% $ZnSO_4$용액의 처리가 마우스 코중격의 후각상피층을 완전하게 박리시킬 수 있으므로 포유류 신경조직의 재생연구를 위해 유용한 실험적 모델임을 뒷받침한다, 또한 새롭게 재생되는 후각수용세포의 상부 세포막이 처음에는 미세응모로 표면적을 넓히고, 시간이 경과함에 따라 일렬로 배열된 섬모들로 대치되며, 그 후 섬모를 포함한 상부세포막이 부분적으로 돌출하고, 마지막으로 전형적인 후각소포로 발달한다. The morphological effects of intranasal zinc sulfate(5% solution) irrigation on the mouse olfactory epithelium and the regeneration process of olfactory receptor cells following nasal irrigation were studied with scanning and transmission electron microscope. The results were as follows: 1. The septal epithelium except some basal cells was wholly detached from the basement membrane, during the first 6 to 24 hours after 5% zinc sulfate irrigation. 2. 3 days after $ZnSO_4$ treatment, two layered septal epithelium was formed from basal cells. And microvilli were observed in the apical epithelium of newly formed olfactory epithelial cells. 3. 5 days after treatment, a lot of centrosomes and basal bodies were observed in the olfactory receptor cells, and cilia were lined up between microvilli on the apical membrane of olfactory receptor cells. And immature olfactory knob was first observed in the newly formed olfactory receptor cells. Mature olfactory knob was observed 1 week after treatment. 4. There are very many mature olfactory knobs in the olfactory receptor cells 2 weeks after intranasal zinc sulfate irrigation. These results support that treatment with 5% zinc sulfate is a good experimental model for the regeneration of mammalian nervous tissues because this method could thoroughly detach the septal epithelium. During the regeneration of olfactory receptor cells, the surface membrane of the olfactory receptor cells widen the surface with the microvilli. Then cilia, which arranged in a line, substituted for the microvilli. The part of the surface membrane with cilia protruded and finally formed the olfactory vesicle.
가톨릭대학교 의과대학 의예과 교육과정 개발 및 편성 사례
유동미,강화선,Yoo, Dong-Mi,Kang, Wha Sun 연세대학교 의과대학 2017 의학교육논단 Vol.19 No.3
Premed education in the college of medicine at the Catholic University of Korea aims to promote student creativity and excellence in accordance with the mission of the college: to have a sense of calling, leadership, and competency. The Catholic Medical College premed curriculum includes 75 credits which are composed of 65 credits for required courses and 10 credits for elective courses. It consists of courses in basic science, medical science, liberal arts and humanities (premedical OMNIBUS). It also involves community programs in 'Vision and Mission,' 'Leadership Training,' and 'Academic Conference.' In addition, students are allowed self-directed choice of their courses and learning for one quarter.
유동미,강화선,Dong-Mi Yoo,Wha Sun Kang 연세대학교 의과대학 2024 의학교육논단 Vol.26 No.1
This study examines a systematic and effective approach to career guidance in medical education, with a particular focus on the 6-year integrated career guidance education framework implemented at the College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea. Based on the "New SLICE" educational development principles, this framework comprehensively addresses the needs of medical students in career planning and development. It is structured into three phases: understanding yourself, exploring options, and choosing a specialty. The first phase, understanding yourself, helps students to recognize their strengths, weaknesses, aptitudes, and potentials, thereby setting the direction for future career choices. This phase includes various psychological tests and Self-Development and Portfolio courses. The second phase, exploring options, enables students to engage in related activities such as research and practical training, providing direct and indirect experiences across various fields. This phase offers courses including Medical Field Experience, Career Guidance through the Learning Community & Advisory Professors, and Student Participation in Professor Research Projects. The final phase, choosing a specialty, involves students making decisions based on in-depth self-assessment and exploration of majors, with a capstone project being a significant component. Maximizing the efficiency of career decision-making requires integration between the basic medical curriculum and postgraduate education. Including the period up to residency entrance in the framework is necessary for effective career guidance education.
의예과 학생들의 리더십 교육 후 자기리더십과 자기효능감의 변화
유동미,강화선,Yoo, Dong-Mi,Kang, Wha Sun 연세대학교 의과대학 2016 의학교육논단 Vol.18 No.2
The purpose of this study was to elucidate to what extent the goals of the leadership training program implemented in a medical college were achieved. Study subjects consisted of 74 first-year premedical students at the College of Medicine of The Catholic University of Korea. All participants completed two questionnaires: an 18-item self-leadership questionnaire asking self-expectation, rehearsal, goal setting, self-rewards, self-judgment and constructive thinking, and a 28-item self-efficacy questionnaire asking preference toward difficult work, efficacy of self-control, and confidence before and after the leadership training program. Students also competed a program satisfaction survey after the program. The collected data were analyzed with a paired t-test, descriptive statistics by IBM SPSS ver. 20.0 (IBM Co., Armonk, NY, USA). Students' overall satisfaction with the program scored 4.06 out of 5. The scores of self-leadership and self-efficacy increased after the leadership training program except for 'confidence' in self-efficacy. The results indicate that an intensive leadership program in a short period of time could help to enhance social competencies such as communication skills, empathy, self-reflection, and teamwork of premedical students.
문영화,강화선,Moon, Young-Wha,Kang, Wha-Sun 한국현미경학회 2003 Applied microscopy Vol.33 No.4
스트레스는 교감신경계와 부신을 활성화시킨다. 본 연구에서는 고염식이가 흰 생쥐의 부신수질에 미치는 영향을 tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) 면역염색법과 투과 전자현미경을 이용한 미세구조적 관찰로 규명하였다. 1. 부신수질의 TH 면역반응은 고염식이 후 증가하였으며 특히 고염식이를 4주간 시행한 경우보다 4일간 시행한 흰 생쥐에서 더 강하게 관찰되었다. 2. TH 면역반응은 부신수질을 구성하는 세포들 중 노르아드레날린 세포의 세포질과 과립들에서 주로 나타났다. 3. 고염식이를 시행한 흰 생쥐 부신수질의 노르아드레날린 세포에서는 세포질 내에 비어있는 공간들, 분비과립이 팽대되어 과립 내 물질이 한 쪽으로 치우친 형태 및 손상된 미토콘드리아등의 특징들이 관찰되었다. 이와 같은 결과는 고염식이가 스트레스를 유발하는 요인이 될 수 있음을 시사해준다. Exposure to stressful stimuli is known to activate the peripheral sympathetic nervous system and the adrenal gland. In this study, we evaluated the effects of high-salt diet on the mouse adrenal medulla using the tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunohistochemistry and the transmission electron microscopic observation. Immunoreactivity for TH was increased after high-salt diet. Especially, the TH immunoreactivity was stronger in 4 days high-salt diet mouse than that of 4 weeks. TH immunoreactivity was mainly present in the cytoplasm and granules of the noradrenaline cells. After high-salt diet, the noradrenaline cells exhibited the ultrastructural alterations consisting of areas of empty cytoplasm, expanded granules, and some damaged mitochondria. These results suggest that high-salt diet may be a factor of stressful stimuli on the mouse.
인문사회의학 교육과정에서 사회봉사체험실습 프로그램에 대한 학생 인식
김평만,김수정,강화선,Kim, Pyeong Man,Kim, Soo Jung,Kang, Wha Sun 연세대학교 의과대학 2015 의학교육논단 Vol.17 No.3
Medical education can provide students with an opportunity to encounter marginalized communities and motivate them to become involved with the needs of disadvantaged people. The College of Medicine of The Catholic University of Korea includes a social service program in the medical humanities and social sciences curriculum. The course has lectures on social welfare, human rights, and social service, as well as four days of social service in 'Flower Village,' which is a Catholic social welfare institution. This study analyzes the satisfaction, feedback, and reflection papers of students who completed the social service program and provides an educational model for the medical humanities and social sciences. Students' satisfaction with the program was scored at 4.23 out of 5. A qualitative study of students' reflection papers derived 7 key phrases, among which 'nature and practice of social service,' 'holistic understanding of humans,' 'empathy and communication,' and 'social responsibility' are identified as goals of this program and 'happiness,' 'respect for human life,' and 'compassion' are good indicators of students' compassionate participation. Encounters with marginalized communities within the medical curriculum allows students to serve people with social difficulties and work for the improvement of their living conditions. Students learn to approach social needs with concern and empathy and seek ways to contribute to those communities.
김평만(Kim, Pyeong Man),강화선(Kang, Wha Sun),김수정(Kim, Soo Jung),이윤동(Lee, Yoon Dong),이인석(Lee, In Suk) 한국서비스경영학회 2018 서비스경영학회지 Vol.19 No.4
This paper introduces ’Sotongyea Chang’ which has been developed at A Hospital (hereafter referred as AH) from 2011 as interprofessionalism program. ‘Sotongyea Chang’ is the project that aims to acknowledge the unique values of AH and implement its mission and goals as a truly healing community through improved communication among various professionals. Its TFT was composed of various professionals and aimed to develop educational modules and train internal instructors. As a result of an interprofessional collaboration, identified the mission and goals of AH(values and ethics), confirm AH’s mission as healing community through communication (communication), specify roles and responsibilities of each professionals(roles and responsibilities), and develop educational modules through on-site practical examples of each professionals(team and teamwork). Educational modules were developed for two years, and 85 educational sessions were provided to various professionals who has worked for more than 5 years. Interprofessional education should have proper assessment tools and a feedback system in order to be improved and led to interprofessional collaborative practice.