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      • 蔚山文化藝術會館의 效率的인 運營方案에 관한 硏究

        이귀 蔚山大學校 政策大學院 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        지식과 정보의 시대라고 일컫는 21세기에 문화예술은 중요한 분야로 대두되고 있다. 우리나라는 1970년대에 문화예술분야의 중요성을 인식하고 문화예술진흥법을 제정하였고, 1980년대에는 서울을 중심으로 국립중앙극장 등 문화공간을 건립하였다. 그러나 그 동안의 개발정책에서 정치와 경제·문화 등 사회의 모든 분야는 중앙집권적으로 서울을 중심으로 발전하였고 지방에서는 문화예술은 물론 전 분야에서 낙후성을 면치 못하였고, 특히, 문화예술분야는 주요정책에서도 소외되었다. 1988년 서울올림픽을 계기로 문화예술의 중요성을 새삼 인식하였고 국가와 지방간의 문화격차 해소를 위하여 지방의 문화공간 설립을 추진하게 되었다. 이때 각시·도에 설립된 문화공간으로서 '○○문예회관'이나 '○○문화예술회관'이라는 명칭을 부여한 문화공간은 다중집합시설이 부족하였던 대부분의 지방자치단체에서 주요행사와 문화공간 등 다목적적 용도의 공립시설로써 지방공무원법과 예산회계법을 적용받는 시의 사업소 형태로서 운영되어왔다. 우리나라의 최대 경제위기인 IMF 이후, 공공운영기관에 대한 경영효율성과 경쟁력에 대한 관심이 높아졌고, 문화예술회관도 운영의 효율성을 향상하고 인력구조적인 측면에서 대두되는 문제점을 해결하기 위한 방안으로서 재단법인화 등의 방안들이 검토되고 있는 실정이다. 이 논문에서는 울산문화예술회관의 운영현황에 대한 문제점을 분석하고 효율적인 운영방안을 모색하였다. 본 논문은 효율적인 운영방안을 모색하기 위하여 국립중앙극장, 정동극장, 그리고 경기도문화예술회관의 운영과 조직구조, 재정규모, 공연현황 등을 비교·검토하였다. 울산시민의 문화수요를 검토하였고 2001년 울산문화예술회관에서 처음 실시한 '울산시민 문화수요 구조분석을 위한 울산시민 설문조사'자료를 이용하여 운영체계와 인력구조 및 예산 및 공연기획 등 운영실태를 중심으로 분석하고 효율적인 운영방안을 제시하였다. 울산문화예술회관이 시민들이 쉽게 다가갈 수 없는 공간으로 인식된 것은 관료적이고 비효율적인 운영체제의 문제와 비전문가로 구성되어 신축적이고 탄력적인 운영이 되지 못했기 때문이다. 문화예술회관이 시민의 문화적 기능을 수용하고 열린 공간의 역할을 발휘하는 문화시설로서의 기능을 수행하기 위하여는 운영체제의 개편과 전문가 영입으로 조직원의 의식개혁과 미래지향적인 운영 목표를 설정하고 실천해야 하며 경영마인드를 도입하여야 한다. 관객에 대한 최대의 서비스제공과 이를 통한 관객확보는 이용이 편리한 시설로의 개선 또는 확충에서 시작하여야 하며 수지개선에 대한 방안도 강구하여야한다. 또한 직접 찾아가는 공연기획 등으로 시립예술단에 대한 꾸준한 이미지홍보도 필요하다. 기타 활성화 방안으로서 회관회원과 교향악단의 단체별 회원제도의 관리에서도 회원에 대한 다양한 혜택부여 방안을 마련하고 야외공연장을 상설화하여 지역예술인들의 이용율을 높여서 지역예술인과의 만남과 유대강화를 위한 방안도 제시하였다. 울산문화예술회관이 지금까지 시민에게 외면당하고 세금을 낭비하는 시설로 비난받는 대상이 아니라 지역인과 지역예술인들에게 양질의 문화예술서비스를 제공하는 공공 문화시설로서의 역할 재정립을 위한 활성화 방안들이 성공을 거두기 위해서는 지역의 문화예술정책의 결정권한을 가진 지도층과 문화예술·언론관계자 및 담당공무원은 지역문화예술을 사랑하고 발전시켜야 한다는 사명감을 가지고 적극 참여할 때 제대로 된 평가가 이루어지며 성공적인 결과를 가져올 수 있을 것이다. The importance of culture and art has been rediscovered in the 21st century, the age of knowledge and information. Korean government recognized the significance of these fields in the 1970's and established the Culture and Art Promotion Act. Cultural facilities like the National Theater of Korea were built through the 80's mainly in Seoul metropolitan area. Seoul has been in the center of economic development policies and developed in all areas of administration, economy and culture while other regions were rather neglected, especially in the fields of culture and art. As the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games again reminded the importance of culture and art, related authorities put out various plans to expand local cultural facilities to narrow the cultural gap between Seoul and other regions. This is when many facilities in the name of XX-Culture Center or XX-Culture Hall were built in local cities to be utilized for multi-purpose by both local governing bodies and civil organizations. Operation of these facilities was subject to the Local Civil Service Act and the Budget Account Act as municipal facilities. Since the National Economic Crisis in 1997, more focused on the public organizations' operational efficiency and competitiveness. In line with this trend, there are suggestions to turn the culture & art center to a foundation in order to enhance its operational efficiency and resolve upcoming problems in personnel management. This study analyzed the operation of Ulsan Metropolitan City Culture & Art Center to seek for more efficient operation plans. As an effort to come up with better operation model, this study reviewed and compared the operation, structure, financial affairs and performance managements of the National Theater of Korea, Chongdong Theater and Kyunggido Culture & Art Center. It took advantage of the data of the 'Survey to Analyze Ulsan Citizens' Cultural Demand Structure' implemented by the Ulsan Metropolitan City Culture & Art Center in 2001 to examine the Ulsan citizens' cultural demand and to study the actual operations of the center such as personnel management, budgeting, performance planning and others. It is not convenient and easy for the citizens to get close to the center because of bureaucratic and inefficient operating system and the managements without professionalism. In order to make the center accommodate required cultural functions for the citizens and become an open home of culture of the city, it is necessary that the operating system shall be renovated and the operations must be handled by professionals who can set and carry out future-oriented operational objectives with positive mind. Optimal service for the visitors to attract more visitors must start from the improvement of facilities for more convenient use while continually devising appropriate plans to improve its financial structure. Continuous publicity activities for the municipal Art Trope using more positive methods shall also be implemented. Furthermore, the study suggested various membership benefit programs even under the consolidated membership management of the center and the municipal symphony orchestra members. It also suggested the all-the-year-round operation of outdoor performance hall to create a place where local artists and citizens can easily get together. Ulsan Metropolitan City Culture & Art Center shall no longer be turned away by the citizens and no longer be the pain in the city's neck that only waste its budget. In order to successfully implement various plans to make the center a home of local culture and art, it is required that the local culture & art policy-making authorities and officials in related sectors shall take more positive attitude and have the sense of duty to uplift the region's culture and art quality.

      • 生産環境의 變化에 따른 原價 및 管理會計시스템에 관한 硏究

        이귀 朝鮮大學校 大學院 1991 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        This study was attempted to offer an information that would give a reference to the policy planner of accounting to present a necessary data and coordination scheme, through an examination of cost and Management accounting on the radically change of manufacturing environment. For this implementation, new manufacturing environment,, cost - management. accounting system and current costing standards were examined through the literatures, and problems of management accounting were came out. in particular performance evaluation system, indirect manufacturing cost and cost allocation, standard cost accounting system and variance analysis, pricing system, capital budgeting, variable costing system, absorption costing system and job order cost accounting system. And also, matching strategy in the respect of management accounting was presented. The basic information title as results of this study were follow, ① Performance evaluation system plan ② The necessity of new definition of cost ③ Standard cost system and variance analysis plan ④ The necessity of new cost allocation ⑤ Cost management step plan ⑥ The plan of individual cost and management accounting system ⑦ The importance and control of indirect manufacturing cost ⑧ Investment evaluation method And, two difficulties were presumed as follow, ① If accounting practioners accept the contents of the new change of manufacturing environment, it will take a long time because of fixed traditional accounting method. ② Though the new cost accounting standards is revised, the accomplishment may be very difficult because of the lack of the knowledge on new method.

      • 監査受任料 決定要因에 관한 硏究

        이귀 朝鮮大學校 大學院 1995 국내박사

        RANK : 1839

        The purpose of this study is to test what is the factors that influence to audit-fee decision. For this empirical test, 254 manufacturing firms that have kept as listed companies in KSEC from 1993 to 1994 are used as samples, and linear probability model of OLS is adopted to find the effect of accounting influence to the sample firms' audit-fee, and the logit model is used to classify some firms which would increase or decrease the fee using this model on the study. Estimates on logit model are derived from the sample of 1993 fiscal year, and the sample of 1994 fiscal year is used as a hold-out sample to test classification power of the model. A dependent variable in the study is Increase or Decrease of audit-fee which is compared with prior fiscal year. Independent variables for the study are total assets, earnings increasing rate, firm's own structure, and debt ratio. The results of empirical test are as follows, 1) For Hypothesis 1, which is that total assets as a firm size would influence to the change of audit-fee, is not rejected in significant level 0.1. 2) In case of Hypothesis 2, the audit-fee of agent-type would increase The sign of estimate of own greater than owner-type's, is not rejected, too. structure to the audit-fee is nagative. 3) Hypothesis 3 is that audit-fee would increases as debt ratios increase. It is rejected at significant level (0.12) with positive sign of estimate. But, the significance is not confirmed in this case. 4) It is not found that the earnings increase rate which is used as a supplementary variable induced the result of correlation analysis influence to the increase or decrease to audit-fee. The limitations of this study are 1) that the definitions of accounting variables are tested indeterminately under the situation of no prior researches on audit-fee decision in Korea, 2) and that hardness of data collection of realized audit-fee amounts makes to use binary response model on this study.

      • 중국 칠현금 Original Sound 구현을 위한 디지털 녹음 방식 연구

        이귀 전북대학교 대학원 2024 국내박사

        RANK : 1839

        The seven-stringed harp, with a rich history spanning over 3000 years, holds the distinction of being one of the world's oldest plucked instruments. Evolving from various ancient legends attributing its creation to figures such as Fuxi(伏羲), Shennong(神 農), and Shun(舜), it was formally referred to as the "seven-stringed harp" only in the early 20th century. Regrettably, the essence of this ancient cultural heritage is gradually fading in modern Chinese society. This academic paper aims to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the seven- stringed harp's sound characteristics, promoting a holistic understanding of its heritage and development. Through a synthesis of academic, technical, and cultural historical perspectives, the study delves into elements such as wood, shape, and structure, with a specific focus on the unique stringing and playing techniques. The theoretical structure and performance techniques of seven-stringed harp music are emphasized, highlighting its distinctiveness in the field of musicology. Tracing the historical evolution of recording technology from analog to digital, the paper underscores the advantages of digital recording in audio quality, post-production flexibility, and high-resolution audio adoption. Utilizing multichannel recording to capture the spatial characteristics of sound sources, the study explores the mechanisms of seven-stringed harp sound production, including resonance peaks and harmonic structures, using modern spectral analysis tools to unveil the tonal lineage structure. Drawing inspiration from renowned pieces such as "Flowing Water" and "Guangling Melody," the paper offers a comprehensive interpretation of seven-stringed harp's cultural history, facilitating a profound understanding of its place in traditional culture and contemporary societal trends. It analyzes how music compositions blend traditional elements with modern expressive forms to encourage innovation in seven-stringed harp music. The research also explores the cultural responsibility and emotional expression embodied by contemporary performers. Inspired by interdisciplinary analysis, the paper discusses the creation and development of seven-stringed harp music, exploring the balance between traditional heritage and contemporary interpretation. This approach ensures the continuity and renewal of music while paving the way for innovative paths that combine traditional elements with modern expressive forms, fostering the diversified development of seven-stringed harp music. Simultaneously, it provides a deeper appreciation and understanding for a broad audience.

      • 『辨證錄』卷之二의 中風, 痹證, 心痛, 脇痛, 頭痛, 腹痛, 腰痛에 對한 硏究

        이귀 원광대학교 일반대학원 2010 국내박사

        RANK : 1823

        陳士鐸은 淸代 初期 醫學家로서, 字는 ‘敬之’, 號는 ‘遠公’, 別號는 ‘朱華子’, 自號는 ‘大雅堂主人’이다. 그의 生卒年月은 자세히 詳考할 수 없으며, 正史에도 記載되어 있지 않다. 嘉廉 八年 『山陰縣志』의 記錄에 의하면 80歲에 卒하였으며, 『辨證錄·凡例』에 스스로 “내 나이 60을 넘어 精神이 흐려져 두 스승께서 나에게 傳授하신 말씀을 부끄럽게도 잘 기억하지 못하여 辯論하신 것을 잊을까 걱정스럽다. 혹 未備한 점이 많지만 뜻을 함께 하는 사람들이 나에게 가르침을 주기를 바란다.”고 하였는데, 두 스승이 陳士鐸에게 傳授한 時期는 『自序』에 따르면 康熙丁酉 가을로서 西紀 1687年이다. 이로부터 60년을 거슬러 올라가면 明 天啓七年 즉, 西紀 1627年이 된다. 만약 『凡例』의 말이 믿을만한 것이라면 陳士鐸의 生卒年代는 대략 1627年에서 1707年 사이이다. 현재 남아있는 그의 著書로는 『石室秘錄』, 『辨證奇聞』, 『辨證錄』, 『本草新編』, 『外經微言』, 『辨證玉函』, 『洞天奧旨』, 『脈訣闡微』, 『辨證冰鑑』이 있는데, 이 가운데 『辨證奇聞』, 『辨證錄』, 『辨證冰鑑』은 이름만 다를 뿐 같은 책으로 여겨진다. 『辨證冰鑑』이 光緖年間에 가장 늦게 나왔는데 그 내용이 『辨證錄』과 완전히 같아서 나중에 전해진 책을 改名한 것으로 여겨진다. 『辨證奇聞』과 『辨證錄』은 文字에 있어서 차이는 있으나 內容의 構造는 같고, 『辨證錄』의 自序에 『辨證奇聞』의 명칭이 나오는 것으로 미루어 보면, 『辨證奇聞』이 『辨證錄』보다 먼저 나온 것으로 보인다. 『辨證錄』은 14卷으로 구성되어 있으며, 內容에 있어서 內科, 外科, 小兒, 婦人 등을 傷寒, 中寒, 中風 등 126門 700餘證으로 나누었고, 모든 證마다 症狀, 病因, 治法, 處方, 處方構成, 服用法, 預後에 대하여 詳細히 서술하였다. 『辨證錄·自序』에 “지금 사람들이 모두 아는 것은 辨別할 필요가 없고, 古人들이 이미 말한 것은 辨別할 필요가 없다. 반드시 지금 사람들이 감히 말하지 못하는 것과 古人들이 미쳐 言及하지 못한 것을 辨別하여 陳述하여야 한다.(今人所共知者 不必辨也 古人所已言者 不必辨也 必取今人之所不敢言 與古人之所未及言者 而暢辨之)”고 하였는데, 이러한 점은 原文에 “누가 알았으랴!(誰知)”, “∼을 알지 못하였다.(不知)”하는 식으로 말한 것으로 잘 나타나 있다. 이로 보면, 『辨證錄』은 以前의 辨證에서 言及되지 않은 새로운 내용을 담아 辨證의 內容을 더욱 발전시킨 것으로 평가된다. 또한 敍述함에 있어 論理가 뚜렷하여 알기 쉽고, 症狀의 分析이 간단하면서도 適切하며, 用藥에 있어서도 君臣佐使에 바탕을 두고서 立方하여 後世에 臨床價値가 있는 것으로 여겨서 後代의 臨床에서 活用하고 있다. 國內에서 盧瑛均이 『辨證奇聞』(1999), 『本草秘錄』(2002), 『洞天奧旨』(2002)을 國譯하고, 임태형의 『洞天奧旨』에 관한 연구(2003년, 원광대학교)와 정동혁의 『脈訣闡微』에 관한 연구(2007, 원광대학교), 최종필의 진사탁의 命門說에 대한 연구(2006, 대전대학교), 박기태의 진사탁의 생애와 의학저작에 관한 연구(2004, 대전대학교), 이병직의 진사탁의 장부오행이론과 임상운용에 관한 연구(2004, 대전대학교)가 있어 陳士鐸의 醫學思想을 살필 수 있으나, 以前의 辨證과 다른 독특한 내용을 담고 있는 『辨證錄』에 관하여는 연구가 없었다. 이에 『辨證錄』을 선택하고 그 중 中風門, 痹證門, 心痛門, 脇痛門, 頭痛門, 腹痛門, 腰痛門을 說明하고 있는 卷二의 原文에 懸吐와 字句解를 하고, 國譯을 하여 陳士鐸의 以前과 다른 새로운 辨證에 관한 내용에 이해하는데 도움이 되고자 본 硏究를 하였다. 󰡔Byun Jeung Rok(辨證錄)󰡕 is composed of 14 volumes. In relation to the contents, it is organized into 126 gates(門) and 700 remaining syndromes(餘證) where internal medicine, external medicine, pediatrics, gynecology(內科ㆍ外科ㆍ小兒ㆍ婦人), etc. are divided into sub-sections of cold damage, cold stroke, wind stroke(傷寒ㆍ中寒ㆍ中風), etc. For every syndrome, the symptom, cause of disease, method of treatment, prescription, construction of prescription, instruction of medicine and prognosis.(症狀ㆍ病因ㆍ治法ㆍ處方ㆍ處方構成ㆍ服用法ㆍ預後) were explained thoroughly. This study, as an inquiry of the second volume, deals with wind stroke(中風), impediment disease(痹證), heart pain(心痛), side pain(脇痛), headache(頭痛), abdominal pain(腹痛), lumbago(腰痛) It was written very logically so it is easy to understand. The analysis of the symptoms are brief and appropriate. Also, in the usage of the medicine, the sovereign, minister, assistant and courier(君臣佐使) method was used as the basis for the prescriptions. Therefore, it is considered to have significant clinical value for future generations and is thus being applied by them.

      • Aaron Copland와 John Duke 가곡의 창작표현에 대한 비교연구

        이귀 상명여자대학교 대학원 1994 국내석사

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        The Significance of this dissertation is to analyze that how two composers, Aaron Copland and John Duke express differently with the same poem 「Heart! we will forget him」 by Emily Dickinson. In consequence of this study, we can realize the differences between copland's and Duke's work as follows. The rhythm and accompaniment are expressed contrasty and the climaxes situated are also different in their works. The over all expression to the song is also very different. Copland composed in slow tempo. On the other hand, Duke did in quick tempo. Copland used simple rhythm on the contrary Duke used various rhythm. In view of relations between text of the song and melody their works have only commoners. It is same usage of a high key and rhythm division where two composers would like to stress. As a result, we cannot draw a conclusion which composer expresses properly with the poem by Dickinson. But it is true that the differences of two composer's style would be understood first by singers, and they would he the singer will express successfully the song. But it is true that singers can express the song successfully after understanding about two composer's style and making good use of their differences.

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