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      • Guilford의 知能構造模型에 의한 多面的 知能檢査의 開發 및 妥當化 硏究 : 學習能力構因을 中心으로

        김재숙 淑明女子大學校 1994 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purposes of the present study were fourfold. First, the study attempted to formulated a conceptual framework concerning the multifaceted intelligence with Korean subjects, and also to identified and measured the multifaceted intelligence based on its conceptual framework. Second, the major purpose of the study was aimed at establishing the construct validity regarding the instrument of assessing the multifaceted intelligence. Third, this study was verified the differences in multifaceted intelligence between middle school students and high school students. Finally, the multifaceted intelligence test was normed based on a sample of middle school students and high school students. For these, a theoretical approach to the conception of multifaceted intelligence was made on the point of view of Guilford. The measuring model of multifaceted intelligence designed on three criteria of theoretical search, experiential approach, and Korean subjects. As the result of that, such 11 variables as EFU(Evaluation of Figural Unit), EFC(Evaluation of Figural Class), CMU(Cognition of seMantic Unit), CMS(Cognition of seMantic System), ESS(Evaluation of Symbolic System), NSS (coNvergent production of Symbolic System), CFT(Cognition of Figural System), CFT(Cognition of Figural Transformation), DSR(Divergent production of Symbolic Relation), NSI(coNvergent production of Symbolic Implication), and NFU (coNvergent production of Figural Unit)were regarded as the measurement variables, and the scale of multifaceted intelligence had been set up. The scale was consisted of 11 variables, which included 189 items from Meeker's SOI-LA test. The pilot test to analyze these 189 items were administered to 64 students(35 middle school students and 29 high school students). The items of the scale were selected through the two following criteria: 1) items whose item responses were 100% and 2) negative items in an item-total correlation were deleted. As the result of deleting some items by those criteria, the scale consisted of 11 factors including 138 items. Reliability of this scale was .5781∼.9142 on Cronbach-α and .9346∼.9752 on interrater reliability, so it could be inferred that this scale was proved to be valid. The confirmary test procedures had larger sampling than the pilot test procedures in order to increase the possibility of generalization by increasing the validation of the pilot test procedures. Subjects for this procedures were 306 students(199 middle school students and 107 high school students). The statistical treatments were measures of item difficulty index, item discrimination index, Cronbach-α, interrater reliability, factor analysis, ANOVA, and percentile score. The results of the study were as follows: 1) the indices of item difficulty of the test ranged from 8.73 to 93.56. It was indicated that 44 items had more than 80.00 indices and 3 items had less than 20.00. The subtests of CMU, CFS, and NSI had more item difficulty than the other tests. 2) the indices of item discrimination of the test ranged from .037 to .823. The number of test items having less than .20 indices was 10. They are mostly the items of CMU, CFS, and CFT. 3) reliability coefficients of the 9 subtests ranged from .5231 to. 9236, and interrater reliability coefficients of the two subtests(DSR, NFU) ranged from .9482 to .9735. So the possibility of generalization was confirmed. 4) in factor analysis, most items except 8 items were more than .20 of factor loading. It showed that all of the 11 subtests hypothesized to load on the scale were confirmed. 5) the result of the verification for the averages between middle school students and high school students, it resulted that 10 subtests revealed remarkable difference, on the other hand only the EFC contained little difference between them. These results indicated that the multifaceted intelligence scale designed in this study was an valid tool to confirm multifaceted intelligence.

      • 피부미용직무에서 멘토링 기능 및 역량이 멘토에 대한 신뢰와 관계만족, 이직의도에 미치는 영향

        김재숙 동신대학교 사회개발대학원 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        최근 몇 년 전부터 멘토링은 공공기관, 학교, 기업 등 다양한 분야에서 인적관리를 위하여 멘토링 제도를 다양하게 활용하고 있다. 멘토링은 상급자가 하급자에게 제공하는 지도, 격려, 후원 등의 일련의 과정으로 경험이 풍부하고 유능한 멘토가 연하의 동료나 후배에게 업무에 관한 문제를 해결할 수 있도록 도움을 줌으로써 이직 방지, 경력개발 등 인적 자원을 확보할 목적으로 시행되고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 대부분 인적자원의 서비스로 조직되어 있는 피부미용사를 대상으로 멘토링 기능과 멘토 역량이 멘토에 대한 신뢰 및 관계만족에 미치는 영향을 검증하고, 멘토 신뢰와 관계만족이 이직의도에 미치는 영향을 실증적으로 검증하고자 총 312부의설문지를 배포하고 최종 300부를 분석하였으며 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 멘토링 기능이 멘토 신뢰 및 관계 만족에 미치는 영향을 검증한 결과 멘토링 기능 중 심리사회적 기능과 역할모형에 대해 인지적 신뢰 및 행동적 신뢰에 모두 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으나, 정서적 신뢰는 심리사회적 기능에만 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 심리사회적 기능(β=.489, t값=8.992, p<.001) 및 역할모형 기능(β=.198, t값=3.422, p<.01)이 멘토 관계만족에 긍정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 멘토 역량이 멘토 신뢰 및 관계만족도에 미치는 영향을 검증한 결과 멘토의 역량은 인지적 신뢰(β=.562, t값=11.724, p<.001) 및 정서적 신뢰(β=.340, t값=6.236, p<.001), 행동적 신뢰(β=.308, t값=7.408, p<.001), 멘토와의 관계만족(β=.394, t값=7.408, p<.001) 모두에 긍정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 멘토 신뢰가 관계 만족 및 이직의도에 미치는 영향을 검증한 결과 멘토의 신뢰차원인 인지적 신뢰(β=.140, t값=2.406, p<.05), 정서적 신뢰(β=.359, t값=6.361, p<.001), 행동적 신뢰(β=.194, t값=3.464, p<.001) 모두 관계만족에 긍정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 이직의도는 인지적 신뢰(β=-.167, t값=-2.382, p<.05)만이 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 멘토 관계만족(β=-.163, t값=-2.259, p<.05)이 높을수록 멘티의 이직의도가 낮아지는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 멘토와 멘티의 유사성 정도 고/저 집단 간의 차이를 검증한 결과 멘토와 멘티의 유사성이 높을수록 멘토링의 심리적 기능과 역할기능, 멘토역량, 정서적 신뢰, 행동적 신뢰, 관계만족도, 이직의도에서 더 높은 평균을 나타내 차이를 보였다. 따라서 피부미용업에서의 멘토링 기능은 멘토의 신뢰, 관계만족 및 이직의도에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타남에 따라 적극적인 프로그램운영의 도입을 권장하고자 한다.

      • 독자반응이론에 의한 동시지도가 유아의 동시감상 및 짓기에 미치는 영향

        김재숙 德成女子大學校 大學院 2002 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구의 목적은 교사의 동시 지도전략이 유아의 동시에 대한 감상 반응 유형과 짓기에 미치는 영향을 알아보는 것이다. 연구 목적에 따른 연구문제는 다음과 같다. 1. 교사의 정보추출적 동시지도 전략, 구체적 심미적 동시지도 전략, 구성적 심미적 동시지도 전략은 유아들의 동시감상 반응에 영향을 미칠 것인가? 1-1 동시에 대한 유아의 반응은 세 가지 동시지도 전략에 따라 차이를 보이는가? 1-2 동시에 대한 유아의 반응은 세 가지 동시지도 전략에 따라 어떤 변화과정을 보이는가? 2. 교사의 세 가지 동시지도 전략은 유아의 동시 짓기의 하위요소인 문학적 요소사용, 시적 언어사용, 구조에 영향을 미칠 것인가? 2-1 유아가 지은 동시는 세 가지 동시지도 전략에 따라 문학적 요소 사용에 차이를 보이는가? 2-2 유아가 지은 동시는 세 가지 동시지도 전략에 따라 감각적 이미지, 비유적 이미지, 시어, 운율과 같은 시적 언어 사용에서 차이를 보이는가? 2-3 유아가 지은 동시는 세 가지 동시지도 전략에 따라 내용, 형식, 유기적 관계와 같은 구조에서 차이를 보이는가? 연구의 대상은 안양에 위치한 H, E, S 유치원의 만 5세 유아 100명이다. 각 동시지도 전략에 따라 각 집단별로 10회의 동시수업을 진행하였다. 유아들의 동시 수업 1, 4, 7, 10회를 실시한 후 개별 변접을 통해 감상반응을 수집하였고, 매 수업 후에는 유아들에게 동시짓기를 유도하여 유아의 동시를 수집, 분석하였다. 수집된 자료는 집단별 반응유형의 차이를 알아보기 위하여 χ² 검증을 하였고, 유아들이 지은 동시의 문학적 구성요소의 차이를 알아보기 위하여 반복 측정 분산분석과 일원변량 분산분석을 사용하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 구성적 심미적 동시지도 전략과 구체적 심미적 지도전략 집단의 유아들이 정보추출적 지도 전략집단의 유아들보다 통계적으로 유의한 심미적 반응유형을 보였다. 2. 구성적 심미적 지도 전략과 구체적 심미적 지도전략은 유아들의 반응유형을 정보추출적 반응이나 초점이 불분명한 반응에서 심미적 반응 유형으로 변화시켰다. 3. 구성적 심미적 동시지도 전략은 유아들이 짓는 동시의 문학적 요소를 증가시켰다. 4. 구성적 심미적 동시지도 전략은 구체적 심미적 동시지도 전략과 정보추출적 동시지도 전략보다 유아들의 시적 언어사용을 증진 시켰다. 5. 구성적 심미적 동시지도 전략은 구체적 심미적 동시지도 전략과 정보추출적 동시지도 전략보다 유아들의 시적 구조를 향상시켰다. 위의 연구결과는 세 가지 동시 지도 전략 중 구성적 심미적 동시지도 전략이 유아의 동시에 대한 심미적 감상반응 유형과 짓기에서의 문학적 요소의 사용을 증진시키는데 가장 효과적이었음을 나타내 준다. This study investigated the effects of poetry instruction based on reader-response theory on children's response to poetry and writing poetry To guide the investigation, the following questions were proposed: 1. To investigate the influence of three patterns of teaching on children's responses to poetry. 1-1. Are there any significant differences in response-type to poetry among an efferent approach group, a mere aesthetic approach group and a constructive aesthetic approach group? 1-2. Are there any significant differences in the pattern of change in response-types among the three groups? 2. To investigate the influence of three patterns of teaching on children's poetry writing. 2-1. Are there any significant differences in the quality of children's poetry among the three groups? 2-2. Are there any significant differences in the poetic language of children's poetry among the three groups? 2-3. Are there any significant differences in the poetic structure of children's poetry among the three groups? The subjects in this study were one hundred five year old children from three kindergartens in the AnYang area. To analyze children's types of responses the researcher had an individual interview with each child to collect his or her responses to the poetry after the first, fourth, seventh and tenth sessions. After each poetry lesson, the teacher induced the children to write poetry and then collected it in orders to analyze literary elements. Chi-square was used for children's type of responses and ANOVA was used for analyzing children's poetry The results are as follows : 1. There were statistically more significant differences in the aesthetic responses of the constructive aesthetic group and the mere aesthetic group than in those of the efferent group. 2. The constructive and mere aesthetic approach transferred children's response-types into aesthetic responses. 3. The constructive aesthetic approach significantly affected children's poetry writing. 4. The constructive aesthetic approach affected the use of poetic language in writing poetry significantly more than other approaches. 5. The constructive aesthetic approach significantly affected the use of poetic structure in writing poetry significantly more than other approaches. The results of this research serve to illustrate that the effects of the constructive aesthetic approach on children's aesthetic responses and poetry writing are greater than the effects of the two others approaches.

      • 편마비 환자의 등척성 체간 신전 근력 평가

        김재숙 대구대학교 재활과학대학원 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This study was aimed to evaluate isometric trunk extension strength in hemiplegic patients(55.2±10.2 years of age) and to compare with that of normal subjects(54.6±10.3 years of age) and also to find whether a relationship exists between trunk extension strength in hemiplegic patients and functional independence. We evaluated isometric trunk extension strength(0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72°) in 25 normal subjects and 15 hemiplegic patients by MedX(Ocala, FL). Mean isometric trunk extension strength values were 135.6 ft-lbs, 175.6 ft-lbs, 204.4 ft-lbs, 221.9 ft-lbs, 231.2 ft-lbs, 246.8 ft-lbs, 259.7 ft-lbs in normal subjects group and 91.2 ft-lbs, 120.7 ft-lbs, 142.3 ft-lbs, 156.4 ft-lbs, 173.5 ft-lbs, 184.1 ft-lbs, 195.3 ft-lbs in hemiplegic patients group. The results of this study were as following 1. The values of isometric trunk extension strength had a descending linear correlation pattern from trunk flexion angle to extension angle, trunk extension strength in hemiplegic patients was significantly lower than that of normal subjects. (p〈 0.05) 2. The value of trunk extention strenght was not correlated to functional independence in patients by FIM . (p>0.05)

      • Digital문학의 ICT 활용 방안 연구

        김재숙 중부대학교 교육대학원 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Today's Information Age is driven by a state-of-the-art cybermedia called the Internet. And it's widely said that the media put literature at stake. The new Net generation that is heavily reliant on that network in everyday life no longer read novels a lot, unlike the existing and past generations. Accordingly, it's required to provide motivation to the N- generation students and take advantage of PCs in order to enhance their self-directed learning capabilities. Specifically, Web-based teaching/ learning model is called for, which could enable students to find relevant web sites, reconstruct scattered materials and eventually have better self-directed learning capabilities. The purpose of this study was to utilize ICT for digital literature in an effort to intensify reading and writing education suitable for the N generation. Digital literature is growing in cyberspace created by a combination of computer and communication, and that should develop into a new literary genre that is popular and of literary value at the same time. Digital literature readers are the fearful N generation that has been growing in digital era and will be the mainstay of future society. Literature should contain thoughts and philosophy, but the fact that nobody could precisely predict the success or failure of literature should be taken into account, and writers and readers should join forces in enhancing and updating literature. ICT-powered digital literature education refers to integrating ICT into the curricula to attain the objectives of education. Every service supplied by ICT makes it easier for learners to achieve common learning objectives. By searching the Internet, they could obtain every information and data on a specific theme or assignment. And they can use e-mail, message board, chat room or discussion board to share communication with other students, teachers and specialists, exchange information and submit their assignment output. In a short period of time, the mysterious effect of ICT is rather likely to result in having learners lose interest. Therefore, it's officially recommended that ICT-using time make up 10 or more percent of the entire teaching time, and in order to make it work as intended, it's attempted in this study to seek ways of taking advantage of ICT for digital literature education and to delve into what type of new paradigm the 7th national curricula pursued. The findings of this study were as follows: Students could be encouraged to be creative as much as possible and have better problem-solving skills when they experience study aids that are appropriate at their own level. And teachers would face less pressure about instruction by being provided ICT-powered teaching/learning materials over the Internet. Second, utilizing various types of literary materials suitable for each student would empower him or her to have interest in learning and be more interactive in class. Learners could find materials suitable for their ability and interest on their own over the Internet, and their learning motivation and achievements would gradually be greater. Third, the development of instructional models for different subjects and utilization of various learning materials would improve instruction in quality. Learners would have a closer relationship with teachers and put confidence in school by studying through school hompage. They would get accustomed to online individualized learning and better adjust themselves to the pre-industrial society. It cannot be denied that the improvement of teaching/learning method largely depends on individual teacher variables, but there should be various types of supports for teachers to come up with more authentic and successful teaching methods.

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